Discussão:Thoughts about "Power" - What we think it is, and the illusion behind.

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 09h55min de 23 de agosto de 2009 por Neckel (discussão | contribs)

Hawaiian 16:33, 12 August 2009 (UTC)Yes, Power has been associated with the ability to influence others in both positive and negative ways. However as stated in this article, people with power are often unhappy due to materialistic "endeavors" and unbalanced spiritual accomplishments.

In part, due to themselves and their associates living beyond the means of others who can only dream of such excessive materialistic behaviours. These individuals are often unsatisfied with their "accumulations" and "compete" with their peers for more insane "Power" in order to be "accepted" in this exclusive "members only" club of powerful society. Thus, while the rest of the world suffers from wealth and other things being concentrated by a few, they none-the-less still seek more power.

Like some drug addict, these power lustful individuals "need" more power to "satisfy" their insane habit because they don't know or have experienced what hardship is really about. They have no idea of appreciating the finer aspects of life found in simple things rather than extravigences. Therefore in the best interests of those in power, maybe it's best that they "experience" the hardships of others in order to "gain" the necessary experience and knowledge to better understand, then appreciate the finer things in life.

However, such "influences" can only be imparted by those who have a higher spiritual and indeed more power than these people, for their mindset are not disciplined enough to do it themselves, being as power lustful in the first place. So, therefore we have a delimna here, either way, doing nothing from those that have the power is the same as being involved by not doing nothing. Thus it is always true, those who are not part of the solution is part of the problem.

Neckel You are right, thats the principle of self responsibility......but one doesen't need to have a "higher spiritual" sense to do something against the problem,........ if so, you could hand over the responsibility of solving the problem to other fellow men again, we are all in the same mess and are equally responsible for everything. :)) - I actually wanted to say with the article that everyone can work this real kind of power (harmony, calm, inner strength) out by himself, by learning and learning and applying the learned features. - Salome

Are saying that those with a "higher spiritual" sense DO NOT have a responisbility to "assist" in bringing harmony for those oppressed by other "higher beings"? I think not, for Nokodemion has already laid the ground work of intervention from the Arahat spiritual level down to our physical material realm of existence. We can all agree that there are two energies of existence, the fine and coarse matter being "inter-connected or interfaced by intelligent beings, that being the case, then there are also two realms of responsibilities in order to maintain harmony and balance between the negative and positive forces, this being the malevolent verses the benevolent races.

Both of these "higher beings" have been constantly at odds with each other, unfortunately Earth humans being the center of the "battleground" in regards to spiritual evolution. Thus one can say that these beings are not at all innocent of being directly and indirectly responsible for much of the ills and degeneration still going on. For instance it is well documented that evil intelligences have been working to control, disrupt the current Peace Meditation process (men in black trying to have earth humans spiritually kill off world leaders) and of course we all know about the Giza intelligences.

Yes, currently there are some Earth humans that have re-incarnated spirits who share the opinions mentioned above during many episodes of conflicts between these malevolent and benevolent intelligences for times passed. These are the ones that be a driving force for the Plejarens should they consider being in alliance with, for they have the necessary experiences that span the entire episode from the time of the insane Creator overlords creation of manipulated DNA warriors, the former benevolent counter parts of the C.O., then turned malevolent for elevating themselves as gods and creating religions that still degenerate Earth humans...to the ones that destroyed Malona, Atlantis, MU and numerious distruction on Earth.

All these events happened at least over the time period it would have taken the originators to fulfill the necessary 40-60 million year evolution into the current spiritual development of the now High Council resides on. The question remains....if this is true...then violation of Creational laws are acceptable for spiritual evolution...if so, then it sets a dangerous presidence...that not intervening at the proper stage flies in direct contridiction to what Nokodemion has done!

That is the question these "higher" intelligences should at least ponder....meanwhile...Earth humans (re-incarnated spirits) have to take all the responsibilities exclusively and solve this problem ourselves, even though it may be destroyed by malovent forces currently in control of Earth?

Neckel What is for you a being with "a higher" intelligence and " higher spitritual sense" ? The Plejarens and Billy gave us the material to do what we have to do and made us free from the Gizah intelligences as well as from the MIB. The core message is among others to take self responsibillity. You are right, in the past extraterrestrial humans did some bad things to the earth humans and interfered with the evolution. But hey were humans, not beings with a higher spiritual sense like in the esoterics. Do you think the earth humans are innocent and therefore the higher evolved ones should do the work for us ? The europeans for example interfered also in the developpment/evolution of the africans and the native americans.... If i learned something from FIGU and Billy than that there is no, but absolutely no excuse not to take our self responsibillity. Of course those who have the knowledge should assist, what do you think Billy and the Plejaren are doing ? What do you think the people implicated in the mission are doing ? They are working and working for us, so that we all get this important information so that everyone can become free. We are all on the same evolutional level with very small/tiny differences. They give us the knowledge to react appropriately and not to hand the action over to others again. Earth will not be destroyed by "others", it will be destroyed by us if we don't react and change to the better. Thats my opinion, but I accept your opinion too. - Salome