Discussão:Petition For Controlled Birth Stop

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 07h06min de 23 de dezembro de 2008 por Barbarian216 (discussão | contribs) (→‎Discussion)


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Jamesm 00:12, 20 December 2008 (UTC) This line is the first comment.

Phenix 06:44, 20 December 2008 (UTC) Great work, Kamerad James! And so timely! - praise and honor to Creation, indeed; the Peace Meditation shall be particularly neutral-positively charged this evening.

Looking forward to the insights of the forum and to the eventual definitive draft. My traditional Christmas and New Year Postcards and E-cards stand ready. I shall keep the text i submitted to you, that is:


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope...


Everything needs management, including ourselves and our number. Nothing is endless and requires rational use, including earth's resources. The shortages of clean water, food, minerals and other basic life' s items, pollution and the destruction of the environment are nowadays more obvious that never before. We, Humans, put too much stress on Earth. Our number is way too great.

Be aware of overpopulation and of the threat of overpopulation to our own well-being and the harmony of this planet. And ultimately to our survival as a species.

Take action, make a difference, help us!

Add your voice to our overpopulation awareness campaign and support our world wide birth control initiative.

Please, go to:


and sign our petition.

This petition will be sent to the world population awareness organization, other majors international organizations and to all responsible people of our world, who make decisions directly influencing our daily life. Let's shape a responsible future now. We owe that to our children and the children of our children. We owe it to Mother-Earth.

Thank you."

Kamerad James, other Kameraden, Your corrections(also regarding the language) and suggestions would be highly appreciated.



Jamesm 01:51, 21 December 2008 (UTC) I've made a major modification. I have inserted the main portion of http://us.figu.org/portal/SocialIssues/ACrusadeAgainstOverpopulation/tabid/102/Default.aspx above the Population Growth Charts, corrected the spelling so that it conforms to UK English and removed the previous section on Required Worldwide Measures (which was actually copied from http://us.figu.org/portal/SocialIssues/BirthRateCheck/tabid/104/Default.aspx ).

Jamesm 03:23, 21 December 2008 (UTC) I'm more satisfied with the petition now but I still need to read the entire thing! The length of it will put some people off but I think it is needed in order to present a full picture of the overpopulation problem.

Phenix 08:22, 21 December 2008 (UTC) Greetings, James, I hope you are doing just fine; thanks for your work.

The insertion - straight away, at the beginning of the petition - of the consequences of overpopulation, which people might feel and even experience in their daily life, and the strong underlining of the direct connection of the two, is a bright idea.

While working further on the 'backgroungs information' leading ultimately to the definitive version of the petition, i would suggest to leave the first draft of the petition open to discussion until December 24th, morning; and from there, to use that draft - with eventual corrections, additions, suggestions of the forum - as a provisory, 'work draft'.

This would be in order to make optimal use of the opportunities of Christmas and New Year to start the awareness campaign, through the traditional 'good wishes postcards, E-cards and letters'.

Looking forward to your assessment.

Salome, Adam.

Jamesm 12:31, 21 December 2008 (UTC) Yes good idea Phenix, let's leave it as it is now until the 24th to give people a chance to read it.

2#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; Thanks again, James.

Well, "alea iacta est!", i would say.

Salome, Phenix/Adam Hawaiian 07:06, 23 December 2008 (UTC) Very disturbing numbers, seems like World Wars 1 and 2 had little effect in slowing down these numbers. Would be interesting to see which countries have the most impact on world population as it appears more developed nations tend to level off while poorer ones explode. If true, then maybe mandatory sterilizations should be geared toward those countries along with sterilizations of rapists, killers, pediphiles, drug addicts and other non-disciplined types of the more developed nations. Just wonder if some ET's can help us out by some technology to "zap" ones gonads, starting with the undesirables??? :)

The majority of Earth humans are just plain ignorant and currently not capable of adhering to these measures however logical it appears. They will continue to multiply like rabbits, so with a little "help" from our friends would certainly appear rational.