Discussão:Contact Report 038

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 08h28min de 13 de agosto de 2013 por Redtk21 (discussão | contribs) (Comment provided by Redtk21 - via ArticleComments extension)
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Comments on Contact Report 038

Redtk21 said ...

Once again a mistake/error or whatever it is... First it says kamogal 2 displaces his father and takes command, but then it's kamogal 1 who has command and ordered Aruseak...

Worse still event timeline says that kamogal 2 kills his son.

Look: "However, also Kamagol the First could not assert his position of power because, after he had created for himself a centre and a headquarters deep under the surface of the pyramids of Giza, he was overthrown and disempowered by his own son, KAMAGOL the Second."

There it says Kamagol 2 has the power...

"Kamagol the First now selected one of his cousins as the authority over a group of thousands of individuals which had a quite special mission to fulfill - or would have had."

So it should mean both Kamagol 1 and 2 have power or at least actively in control of a group...

--Redtk21 (talk), 10:28, 13 August 2013 (CEST)