Discussão:Life And Death Are Inherent To Each Other

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 18h12min de 9 de janeiro de 2011 por Alive (discussão | contribs) (Comment provided by Alive - via ArticleComments extension)

Hawaiian 20:25, 21 September 2009 (UTC)Life in this material world is an opportunity for the living person to gather the much needed experiences, feelings, compassion and knowledge for his/her spirit to evolve/develop, along with the "interconnections" being establish by such attributes amongst the Conscious and Sub-conscious via the 6th and very seldom 7th senses....which in turn also "interconnects' with all the previous personalities of pass re-incarnations of that particular person.

Thus, as a living individual, each stands on a "podium" of sorts, the interface between the non-material and material realms of Creational energy, a balance between the positive and negative forces that shape how his/her world for the better or worst accordingly to Creational Laws...that also applies to those in other realms that have "interconnectivity" to these beings.

Therefore one should take the opportunity to fully enhance their life with attributes that promote Creational harmony/balance....then fear of Death is no longer an issue...for the it is then a much needed rest....to continue.

Hawaiian 22:57, 28 January 2010 (UTC)“With Death all knowledge and all assets/abilities as well as all potentials - which were accumulated by the personality through thoughts and feelings as well as by actions and emotions and so on - are thus stored and definitively deposited in the memory banks/storage banks,”

There appears to be a translation change from the (Sep 21 2009) in which “possibilities” was changed to “potentials”. That being the case will have huge ramifications to consider regarding the Plejaren’s mission towards Earth humans and correcting the Uncreational interferences responsible for such degenerations and stagnation of numerous spiritual forms being “short circuited” from their true “potentials”.

By combining this concept (or in this case, “inter-connections” to the below statement, hopefully one will logically determine what the term “equational potentials” are about. I’ve tried to explain this on several occasions, but have only recently connected the “missing” parts until now.

“Even if the human commits suicide, she/he does not possess any power over it, for by the self killing (suicide) she/he avoids only the real time, which is fixed by Death.”

Suicide, as described by BEAM means to “short circuit” the time frame in which Death was scheduled. Thus one can conclude that the manipulation of the ageing gene also constitutes “suicide” by the Creator Overlords. A deliberate Uncreational violation to deny the ancestors of Earth humans to this day the necessary life cycle of 350-450 years. Earth humans and their spirit forms are denied “exponentially 3-4 life times” of the necessary evolutionary experience and knowledge to evolve.

Therefore, their “equational potentials” have been short circuited and condemned as “suicidal” humans. However, there here lies a dilemma for those higher evolved beings, they can either assist through logical reasoning, or be faced with the risk one day soon that someone may find the “key” to their “equational potentials” and wreak havoc in both the material and non-material realms of existence.

One has to consider the various re-incarnations of each individual and also the various hybrid races as each are interconnected via the memory banks and 6th/7th senses. A very potent force indeed

Alive said ...

"Therefore committing suicide becomes a fact of destruction and of cowardly escape from life and from the perception of the responsibility, facing life and vis-à-vis to/facing death."

How about self-euthanasia done by a heavily wounded man who knows he will be dead in an hour? He commits suicide to stop the tormenting pain. Does not it show his responsibility of taking care of himself?

---- M -- 17:01, 8 January 2011 (UTC)

Alive said ...

These are just my opinions:

- Alive and dead are the states of one's body, not one's spirit, since his spirit is always on.

- After the death of the body the spirit will hybernate, and after the reincarnation the spirit will be active again.

- The spirit is always on and always consumes Creation's energy, whether in hybernation time or in active time.

- I do not know what Creation's energy is and I want go to bed now.

---- M -- 18:37, 8 January 2011 (UTC)

Alive said ...

Life and death are the organic components of evolution. Ego perfects himself through many lives, through his experiences as various personalities with alternating thoughts and feelings, alternating pros and cons, alternating friends and foes, alternating loyalties and treacheries. Transition from one life to the next life can only happen if his spirit hybernates for awhile (several seconds, several days, several millenia, what have you). The transition can only happen through a death. In death time (hybernation time) his spirit refreshes itself and prepares itself to return to material realm, so the Ego could continue his effort to perfect himself. Ego needs many deaths as much as he needs many lives. It is no wonder that he cherishes his deaths as bright as he cherishes his lives.

---- M -- 04:24, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

Alive said ...

It just accrossed my mind some minutes ago. If in this year (2011) Gilgamesh would be dead on this planet at the age of 50,000, his spirit would be in hybernation state for about 75,000 years. His new personality would be born in the year 77,011 when many things have been better on Earth. If his new personality could access his personal storage, which contains fantastic informations from his previous life, he could become a king again while he is still a teenager. He is a lucky monster.

---- M -- 17:02, 9 January 2011 (UTC)

Alive said ...

My second thought. Gilgamesh's new personality, who will be a non-shapeshifter Earth human, would find it very difficult to understand the informations he gets from his storage because the informations were stored while he was living as an extraterrestrial shapeshifter. He could get some mental images of his kingship in the past life but could not understand them well and use them for his advantages. His chance to become a king again is not big.

---- M -- 18:12, 9 January 2011 (UTC)