Discussão:Contact Report 109
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Markvd said ...
Newinitiation said ...
Ptaah: Ptaah: 123. But of course. 123. Aber natürlich. 124. All equipment and the ship were completely eliminated by us. 124. Sämtliche Geräte und das Schiff wurden von uns total eliminiert. 125. As well as the buildings that were erected in the rooms. 125. So auch die in den Räumlichkeiten errichteten Bauten. 126. The rooms themselves were then filled with solid matter, namely with rock and other matter. 126. Die Räume selbst wurden anschliessend mit fester Materie, und zwar mit Felsgestein und sonstigem angefüllt. 127. This was done on the technological basis of the de- and re-materialization. 127. Das geschah auf der technischen Basis der Ent- und Rematerialisation. Billy: Billy: Then today, practically nothing points to the former existence of these things anymore? Dann weist heute praktisch nichts mehr auf die ehemalige Existenz dieser Dinge hin? Ptaah: Ptaah: 128. No, for it had to be. 128. Nein, denn es musste sein. Billy: Billy: I understand. But did you also fill in all the other corridors and rooms? Ich verstehe. Doch habt ihr auch alle anderen Gänge und Räume nach oben hin verschüttet? Ptaah: Ptaah: 129. No, we let these remain, of course. 129. Nein, diese liessen wir selbstverständlich bestehen. 130. Only everything that was necessary was destroyed.
This appears to be what colin andrews found in egypt's underground passageways
--Newinitiation 01:54, 22 October 2010 (BST)
Hawaiian 00:18, 23 October 2010 (UTC)Newinitiation, have you ever wondered why the Plejarens conducted such thorough elimination of the Giza former presence under the pyramid? Could it be to completely eradicate their negative "essence" which are similar to those found in the walls and items of church dwellings, thus preventing any types of "connections" being re-established by other evil forces including those previously Giza or their ancestors that died here on Earth?
I just wonder if it's related somewhat to what the Sirian commandos did to installations on Mars when they arrested the MIB? There are hints that allude to these assumptions in FIGU Special Bulletin 038 and scattered throughout other Contact Reports. Peace-Hawaiian
Guard that apple well Guido for many might try to find out if it has some special ET juice from it. I would put armed guards and a force field around it to make sure or just borrow Billy`s arsenal of gear to protect it. :)
--Markvd 01:17, 20 October 2010 (BST)