
Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 17h12min de 23 de agosto de 2010 por Suv (discussão | contribs) (Comment provided by Suv - via ArticleComments extension)

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Drekx Omega said ...

The Sirians are highly evolved galactic Human beings, like the Plejaren and share genetic roots with them and Earth humans, that issue from the Lyra star system...

The Sirian Star system is comprised of nine stars of different classifications… Sirius B is where the Solar Logos is located we name “Akanowai” (place of the Great Blue Lodge.)

To name but a few actively engaged First Contact S&E Fleet Crew Sirian contacts:

Vashtar, Kalestra, Atura, Sandara & Mikala.

They all originate from Sirius B-4….that is planet “Samanet” which is the 4th planet in the Sirius B, 6-planet system…

This planet is slightly smaller than Earth and possesses one vast interlocked continent named “Sakara” (the soul of female creativity.) Surrounding the continent of Sakara is an ocean that makes up 18% of the planetary surface area…The oxygen content in the pristine atmosphere totals 36%, so is higher than the atmosphere on Earth…

Most Sirians live within the planet, but some have dwellings upon the surface as well… The Sirian sky maintains a constant purple hue… there are two natural moons, which are both larger than Earth’s moon. Commander Vashtar lives in the foothills of the majestic mountain range named “Shadota” (the many fingers of Heaven.)

Vashtar is a Sirian Ascended Master who has attained the rank of “IHWH,” which is the 7th cosmic degree….also known as “Jschwjsch” and pronounced; “ish wish.” He is a highly advanced galactic human, who stands over seven feet tall, perfectly proportioned, is well built, has an oblong head, with thick shoulder-length, golden blond hair….his eyes are blue and piercing, and he has thin lips and very “nordic” features…exuding great love and wisdom…combined with razor sharp intelligence… By Earth standards, he appears to be in his early twenties, but it rapidly dawns on anyone communicating with him that he is actually much older in terms of knowledge and wisdom… His actual age (for this incarnation) is 550 solar years. The average life-span for Sirians being 2000 years.

He wears either his Clan robes, which are royal purple, or he wears a special (IHWH) jump-suit, which is pale metallic blue, with gold insignia braid on each shoulder….unlike the standard Sirian white jump-suits, worn by his deputies and other officers… He has four wives and seven children… Earth had been under Plejaren spiritual juristriction for thousands of years and that cosmic “supervision” ended on April 24th 1994 (1 Muluc, 12 Kankin, 2 Caban) when the Sirians replaced the Plejaren in that official role….

Though unofficially, the Plejaren remain and continue their support work.. The former Plejaren Jschwjsch in effective responsibility for Earth was Ptah…and his role has been taken on by the Sirian Governing Council representative and Jschwjsch, Vashtar…now representing the Galactic Federation of Light, under the authority of Supreme Fleet Commander Atura..a past master of First Contact procedures, and I believe, more able than the Plejaren Federation at making the process work…

Sandara is Sirian and the chief organiser for the planned tours aboard the mothership, following First Contact. She was born in the hamlet of Bregge, on the Kearonet plateau, in the central highlands of Planet Samanet’s outer continent of Sakara….

If you may remember, Samanet is the 4th planet within the Sirius B star system… She has extensive duty experience with the S&E Fleet, and has been on duty for the last 20 earth years, aboard various ships in the Federation fleets…involved with First Contact. She stands at a perfectly proportioned 6′ 1″, which is the case with most Sirian women, who average six inches taller than Plejara…Strikingly good looking, by Earth standards, she has a proud and sometimes haughty poise, with distinguished aquilline nose, brown-green eyes, long thick straight golden hair and appears to be 18-years of age, by Earth standards, but is actually much older, and totals 192 years…The average age of Samanet Sirians being 2000 years of physical life.. She wears either the purple and gold dresses and gowns, favoured by her clan, or she wears the standard white jump-suit, while on duty….

On the surface of Samanet there are no cities, towns or villages, at all….as part of a deliberate policy to maintain the surface, primarily for the planetary guardianship purpose of ritual….so there are vast temple complexes, only, upon the surface, as well as hamlets and small dwellings. Most Sirians live within the planet, inner-Samanet, within the crystal cities of great splendor…which are grown, rather than built, in the conventional way… Some Sirians, within priestly clans, seek surface dwellings as well, in order to be at hand near the temples… There are individual dome-shaped houses, surrounded by beautiful gardens and occupied by individuals and their families… When common work and purpose compel a closer proximity for joint ritual, within clans, and between clans, then hamlets are set up to house a special “podlet,” which Sirians call “bhada,” which is a podlet consisting of a maximum of 64 individuals…. If there is a purpose that stipulates the neccessity to reside upon the planetary surface, then the bhada is housed within a hamlet of several dome-shaped dwellings in closer proximity, than normal.. Sandara was born in such a hamlet and it’s name was Bhada Bregge..”podlet of the temple bridge.”

This data was extracted from my article at this link:


--Drekx Omega 21:37, 22 August 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

The information provided by Drekx should be ignored as it is entirely false.

--Jamesm 01:00, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

I saw that hoax on youtube Drekx about the Guardian of Light Federation, don't fall for it. That's known as the special effects studio with proper lighting.:)

--Mark 01:12, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Sheila said ...

This is a perfect time to re-read contact report 233: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_233 Vashtar sounds way too much like Ashtar. So Drekx, take your vashtar and shove it up your ashtar.

--Sheila 01:51, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Drekx Omega said ...

In spite of similar names, Ashtar Sheran is not the same ET as the one I described...

Glad to get you guys thinking outside of your box, though...

Keep expanding your consciousness..you'll get there eventually...

--Drekx Omega 10:04, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Neckel said ...

Dear Drekx Omega,

Sorry for what i said to you concerning Hatonn, my mistake. :-/

But i am still not of your opinion and i do not think that a 5'th Dimension exists under the form that you write on your homepage. Because my studies in environmental sciences, which are still ongoing and my interest in nature, which is much older then my membership in FIGU, tell me that all is very simple in its construction.

No offence eather, if this is your opinion i wish you good luck on your further way.

We are not a religious "believer" bunch, even if some sometimes exagerate or tend to missionize, but if it makes you happy you can see us like that. I know who i am and what i want. ;)



--Neckel 13:42, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Drekx Omega said ...


No that is fine, my friend....please pursue your own path and I salute you....

One day a firm bridge will link objective science with metaphysics and then Earth culture will be richer for it...

Maybe the objectve scientist could think of the fairly sound postulation of "string theory" in order to at least open the door upon discovery of the higher planes of existance...?? A state of matter has been acknowledged to exist above gaseous and that would be plasma...so a start, as there are higher states still... :-)

Kind regards, Drekx

--Drekx Omega 15:17, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Sheila said ...

Hi Drekx, just two questions for you. Who did you get this information from and how did you receive it?

--Sheila 15:27, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Drekx Omega said ...


Do you mean how do I know what I know, with regards to plasma and gaseous states of matter, or my own point in evolution..which allows me to tap the memory banks of higher planes?? It is through myself that I recieve all data...but once one does this one attracts the interest of those who seek out the seekers...

I am not at liberty to divulge my point in evolution and how I know what I know, but I sincerely hope you can know what I know, as well, at some stage...!! :-)

Sorry if this sounds fasicious it is not intended to be...

--Drekx Omega 15:38, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Suv said ...

Drekx Omega, I thought you are a clever individual doing great job evoking curiosity about your site in this wiki and you are just one among thousands of frauds doing what you do and claiming what you are (with no proof and only a big-mouth). But just having visited your site, I think you are in need of medical attention. A dopamine suppressant would be excellent treatment for your paranoid schizophrenia variety at this stage. Waiting longer would make you responsive only to electroconvulsive therapy.

Others, are encouraged to read Contact Report 257.

--Suv 18:12, 23 August 2010 (BST)