Discussão:Concentration, Meditation, Sleep

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 12h43min de 16 de maio de 2010 por (discussão) (Comment provided by Ramirez - via ArticleComments extension)
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Ramirez said ...

"As a rule eight hours is the highest measure of all things concerning sleeping and lying in bed. More than that fosters laziness, aggression, moodiness, neglect of duty and disinterest etc. and moreover, it testifies to a weakness of character and virtuelessness."

That's a bit rough on persons who allow themselves more than 8 hours sack time plus also it's simply a reality that some need more sleep than others just like water intake. Moreover not accurate regarding moodiness & aggression .... without my beauty sleep those two unpleasant characteristics would definitely manifest whilst with sufficient rest (for me) they remain relatively absent.

Apart from that quite interesting that the state of mind before sleep heavily influences the content of dreams.

--Ramirez 13:43, 16 May 2010 (BST)