Discussão:What is really going to happen in the year 2012?

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 08h14min de 1 de maio de 2010 por Psonnenh (discussão | contribs) (Comment provided by Psonnenh - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on What is really going to happen in the year 2012? <comments />

robert said ...

well i am hope this not giong to happening on years of 12-21-21 well never giong to happening at all . that also false i am hope we will see sochi 2014 and barzil summer 2016 games this is not giong to happening

--robert 22:59, 13 March 2010 (UTC)

john said ...

It is unfortunate that many well meaning people do not realize how there negativity are affecting the world as they are adding to the problem not solving it by allowing fear to run there lives and they try to prove there feelings by trying to convince there friends of this as truth. We have alot to learn!!

--john 15:35, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

zameen said ...

i find it more possible of the mock space invasion than anything else.

--zameen 20:32, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

Psonnenh said ...

I understand pleiadians can't disclosure the future, in order to no afect our living experience in earth,. But why only expose global warming (details), making us feel bad (and we should), but if the "may" events, (Solar waves, polar shifting, and black colousal efects) is not in our hands to avoid their destruction power. I mean , anyway big life loses will happen with or without global warming.

--Psonnenh 09:14, 1 May 2010 (BST)