Contact Report 214

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 16h49min de 3 de maio de 2009 por Jamesm (discussão | contribs)
Esta é uma tradução não oficial mas autorizada de uma publicação da FIGU.
N.B. Esta tradução contém erros devido às diferenças linguísticas intransponíveis entre o alemão e o inglês.
Antes de continuar a ler, leia este pré-requisito necessário à compreensão deste documento.


  • Contact Reports volume: 5
  • Page number(s): p252
  • Date/time of contact: Tuesday, February 3rd, 1987, 2:39PM
  • Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg
  • Date of original translation: December 2005
  • Corrections and improvements made: N/A
  • Contact person: Quetzal


Billy and Quetzal discuss the future of space telescopes, the continuing significant levels of unemployment and economic disintegration and the recovery of such in 2003 and 2006.

This is just a small excerpt of the entire contact.

Contact Report 214 Translation

An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift

We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of have been given permission by Billy Meier ( to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors.

Please read this explanatory word about our translations.

English German
Billy Billy
Then I want to know, what would be developed by the Terrestrial astronomers and scientists as a further consequence of the Hubble telescope, in regard to further surpassing the coming … and as you said once, and about 1990 …. telescope positioned in Earth orbit? Dann möchte ich wissen, was als weitere Folge des Hubble- Teleskops von den irdischen Astronomen und Wissenschaftlern usw. entwickelt werden wird, das in bezug auf das kommende, und wie du einmal sagtest, und etwa 1990 in eine Erdumlaufbahn gesetzte Teleskop bei weitem übertrifft?
Quetzal Quetzal
200. Yet first a similar, even better telescope would be built that would be stationed on the Earth. 200. Erst wird noch ein ähnliches, jedoch besseres Teleskop gebaut werden, das auf der Erde stationiert sein wird.
201. However, in the new millennium the plans and developments will go further, whereby then the so-called interferometer* will be developed. 201. Im neuen Jahrtausend jedoch gehen die Pläne und Entwicklungen dann weiter, wobei dann das sogenannte Interferometer entwickelt werden wird.
Billy Billy
But how will the further situation develop in the world regarding industry and unemployment. Wie wird sich aber die weitere Lage der Welt in bezug auf die Wirtschaft und Arbeitslosigkeit entwickeln.
You have earlier spoken about unemployment and industrial disintegration which should draw far into the third millennium, whereby improvement and therefore positive change will first come about after the years 2003 respectively 2006 and partly even later. Ihr habt früher von der Arbeitslosigkeit und dem Wirtschaftszerfall gesprochen, die sich bis weit ins dritte Jahrtausend hineinziehen sollen, wobei erst nach den Jahren 2003 resp. 2006 und teilweise noch später Besserungen und also positive Änderungen eintreten sollen.
Do these negative forecasts apply further? Gilt diese negative Prognose weiterhin?
Quetzal Quetzal
207. Unfortunately yes, because through maladministration in all areas and branches of industry as well as in the governments and all their administration, unfit responsible ones carry unemployment far into the new millennium, as new looks into the future have established. 207. Leider ja, denn durch Misswirtschaft in allen Wirtschaftsbereichen und Wirtschaftsbranchen sowie in den Regierungen und allen deren Verwaltungen wird durch unfähige Verantwortliche die Arbeitslosigkeit, wie neue Vorausschauen ergeben haben, weit ins neue Jahrtausend hineingetragen.

Translator's Notes

  • The above conversation took place on Billy's 50th birthday.
