Contact Report 055

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. Esta tradução contém erros devido às diferenças linguísticas intransponíveis entre o alemão e o inglês.
Antes de continuar a ler, leia este pré-requisito necessário à compreensão deste documento.
"A lady from the stars" by Jim Nichols


  • Date of contact: Monday 14th June 1976 10:37am
  • Translator: Unknown


Semjase describes the human being Quetzalcoatl and the location of Greater and Small Atlantis and Mu.

This is an extract of the contact report. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.

Contact Report 55 Translation


There was put to me the question, who was Quetzalcoatl? And is Quetzal identical to him?[1]


174/I can answer the second question by "no", nor do any of Quetzal's forefathers belong to Quetzalcoatl. 175/Quetzalcoatl had been, in Earth terms, a very high officer or a high supervisor of an extraterrestrial group, which was active in the region you today call Egypt. 176/But he was very knowledgeable and wise, and thus was often assigned special missions, of which one brought him to South America, where he became venerated as a god by the Aztecs. 177/Since he owned a small ship this impression of the Aztec people was strengthened, but not by his intention. 178/When he first met together with another commissioner, a certain Huitzilopochtli, he changed his conduct. 179/Huitzilopochtli was one of the leading intelligences of Gizeh, and he exercised a bloody scarification-government over the Aztecs. 180/He was insatiable in this respect, and demanded human blood as sacrifice, while Quetzalcoatl was against such. 181/In this way an evil enmity rose between them, and each of them tried to gather the government above the nations.

182/By wicked deceit and deceptive machinations Huitzilopochtil succeeded in expelling Quetzalcoatl, in consequence of which this one fled and returned to Egypt.


This should be sufficient for this question. Can you tell me now, where exactly lay Atlantis?


183/For a long time already I have wanted to report on that. 184/Atlantis was divided into two governments. 185/Greater-Atlantis was situated between the separated continents of America/South America and Europe/Africa, while the smaller Atlantis was in then in the Santorini region. 186/Greater-Atlantis was damaged by war activities with the inhabitants of Mu, which was in the place of the Chinese Gobi desert, and sank into the sea.7 187/But Mu was also destroyed and ceased to exist, in consequence of which only the subterranean town of Agarta remained alive. 188/Small-Atlantis was destroyed around 6,000 years later...


By this you have answered a further question for me, which is for this Mu, namely where it was placed. Now this only leaves the question what Mu actually was.


196/Mu had been a land, and sometimes the capital of that. 197/Mu was a country like all others, but extraterrestrials had built the town at the surface as well as the subterranean town of Agarta, of which each was governed by a man and a woman. 198/Neither the land nor the towns were of special importance, except that they had been constructed by extraterrestrials from the Lyra-System, and were colonized, and also were destroyed again.

This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. Esta tradução contém erros devido às diferenças linguísticas intransponíveis entre o alemão e o inglês.
Antes de continuar a ler, leia este pré-requisito necessário à compreensão deste documento.


  • Contact Reports Volume / Issue: 2 (Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2) pp. 206, 207
  • Contact Reports Band / Block: 2 (Semjase-Bericht Gespr�ch Erlebnisse Block 2) pp. TBC
  • Date/time of contact: Monday, June 14, 1976, 10.37 a.m.
  • Translator(s): Bill / Google Translate
  • Date of original translation: Sep 26, 2019
  • Corrections and improvements made: N/A
  • Contact person(s): Semjase


This is a segment of contact report 55 in which Semjase explains that Earth, too, is a living being that evolves

Contact Report Translation

Ocultar InglêsOcultar Alemão

English German
Billy Well, but you now said that Earth is an evolving planet. In what relationship is it that? Billy Gut, du sagtest nun aber, dass die Erde ein evolutionierender Planet sei. In welcher Beziehung ist sie das?
Semjase 55. As you know, any form of life is subject to or is incumbent on constant change, a change from an evolutive point of view. 56. As now the earth itself embodies a form of life, it is subject to the same law of evolution, along with all its animating forms. 57. The natural evolutionary path of all life forms is universally uniform, and so is also any evolution on earth or with the earth itself, which is also assigned to a waking or slumbering period like any other life form. 58. But it is now the case that the earth, as a living and life-form-carrying planet, is not able to slumber in its entire mass, because this would destroy all forms of life. Semjase 55. Wie du weisst, unterliegt oder obliegt jegliche Lebensform einem steten Wandel, einem Wandel in evolutiver Hinsicht. 56. So nun die Erde selbst auch eine Lebensform verkörpert, ist sie dem gleichen Evolutionsgesetz eingeordnet, nebst allen den sie belebenden Formen. 57. Der natürliche Evolutionsweg aller Lebensformen ist gesamtuniversell einheitlich, so also auch jegliche Evolution auf der Erde oder mit der Erde selbst, die auch einer Wach- oder Schlummerperiode eingeordnet ist wie jegliche andere Lebensform. 58. Es ist aber nun so, dass die Erde als belebter und lebensformtragender Planet nicht in seiner ganzen Masse zu schlummern vermag, weil dadurch alle Lebensformen vernichtet würden.
59. Therefore, it lies in slumber only partially, that is by area. 60. This happens, because it, the Earth, together with extra-terrestrial influences, causes temperature and climate changes all over the planet or in large areas, which are then covered with very dense ice masses. 61. These then initiate the actual transformation, for through such a glaciation of large areas, all forms of life and the earthly regions have to adapt to the new conditions, so that they are slowly transformed into other external forms. 62. Animal, plant and human and also the planet itself go through a process of transformation that causes them evolve more highly, for evolution can never be changed into retrogressive forms, but always only forward, which means that a transformation is only ever to occur towards a the higher level, except when a decline occurs by destruction, etc.. 59. Daher legt sie sich nur teilweise, also gebietsweise, in Schlummer. 60. Dies geschieht dadurch, dass sie, die Erde, zusammen mit extraterrestrischen Einflüssen Temperaturenund Klimawechsel auf dem ganzen Planeten oder in grossen Gebieten hervorruft, die dann mit sehr dichten Eismassen bedeckt werden. 61. Diese lösen dann die eigentliche Umwandlung aus, denn durch eine solche Vereisung grosser Gebiete haben sich alle Lebensformen und die Erdgebiete den neuen Verhältnissen anzupassen, so sie sich also langsam umwandeln zu anderen äusseren Formen. 62. Tier, Pflanze und Mensch und auch der Planet selbst durchlaufen so einen Umwandlungsprozess, der sie höher evolutioniert, denn niemals vermag sich eine Evolution in rücklaufende Formen zu wandeln, sondern nur immer vorwärts, was also bedeutet, dass eine Umwandlung nur immer zum Höheren stattfinden kann, ausser wenn ein Rücklauf durch Zerstörung usw. erfolgt.
63. If, therefore, the Earth evolves normally, then only forward and higher, which means that, along with it, also the life forms develop higher in all their most diverse forms. 64. Through such a global evolution, plants, animals, and humans change into new and higher forms. 65. This means that e.g. a beautiful flower transforms into a more beautiful one and is refined, due to the evolutionary influences of the earth itself, whose evolution itself takes place through the small and large glacial periods. 66. As another example, an earth-animal may serve you, which is known to you as a mammoth through finds of remains, etc.: 67. This animal too, like all others, has also slowly changed to a higher form through the Earth's evolution, through the period of glaciation, in appearance as well as in its animal instinct-spirit form, as it has also happened with all other animal life forms, e.g. also with the dinosaurs. 63. Wenn sich daher die Erde normal evolutioniert, dann nur vorwärts und höher, wodurch mitlaufend sich also auch die Lebensformen höher entwickeln in allen ihren verschiedensten Formen. 64. Durch eine solche globale Evolution wandeln sich also die Pflanzen, Tiere und Menschen zu neuen und höheren Formen. 65. Das bedeutet, dass z.B. eine schöne Blume sich zu einer noch schöneren wandelt und veredelt wird, bedingt durch die Evolutionseinflüsse der Erde selbst, deren Evolution selbst eben durch die kleinen und grossen Glazialzeiten stattfindet. 66. Als anderes Beispiel möge dir ein Erdentier dienen, das euch durch Funde von Überbleibseln usw. als Mammut bekannt ist: 67. Auch dieses Tier, wie alle übrigen, hat sich durch die Erdevolution, durch die Glazialzeit, langsam zu einer höheren Form gewandelt, im Aussehen ebenso wie auch in seiner animalischen Instinkt-Geistform, so wie es auch mit allen andern tierischen Lebensformen geschehen ist, z.B. auch mit den Sauriern.
68. The mammoth, as it is called by you and us, lived in very early times, mainly in colder regions, which is why it was also very shaggy and, in its earliest primeval development, also had two differently attached large teeth, with one bent upwards and the other bent downwards, which was very useful for defence and the procurement of food. 69. Through the evolution of Earth, thus also through the Ice Ages, each species of these animal forms changed to a higher species, received a different external and animal appearance and instinctual intelligence capability. 70. Due to these new evolutive circumstances, it migrated to warmer areas to further evolve, but where it no longer lives on earth today, not even in a changed, higher form. 71. The last specimens of the other species, i.e. the mammoth, died out about 8000 years ago. 68. Das Mammut, wie es bei euch und uns genannt wird, lebte zu sehr frühen Zeiten vorwiegend in kälteren Gegenden, weswegen es auch sehr zottig behaart war und, in seiner frühesten Urentwicklung, auch zwei verschieden angebrachte Grosszähne hatte, wobei der eine nach oben und der andere nach unten gebogen war, was sehr dienlich war für die Verteidigung und Nahrungsbeschaffung. 69. Durch die Erdevolution, also auch durch die Eiszeiten, wandelte sich eine jede Gattung dieser Tierformen zu einer höheren Art, erhielt ein anderes äusseres und tiermässiges Aussehen und Instinkt-Intelligenzvermögen. 70. Durch diese neuen evolutiven Umstände wanderte es ab in wärmere Gegenden, um dort sich weiter zu evolutionieren, wo es aber heute nicht mehr auf der Erde lebt, auch nicht in gewandelter, höherer Form. 71. Die letzten Exemplare der anderen Artenrichtung, eben das Mammut, sind vor rund 8000 Jahren ausgestorben.
Billy You mean the elephant? Billy Du meinst den Elephanten?
Semjase 72. No, it is not the most distant descendant of an earliest species of mammoth. Semjase 72. Nein, er ist nicht der fernste gewandelte Nachfahre einer frühesten Art des Mammut.
Billy Gigantic, so it is through the evolution of the earth that plants and animals change into new, different looking life-forms. The basic principle of that was actually clear to me. How do you think biologists and zoologists would react if they were told that? They would have us shot as madmen. Semjase 73. They are still very alien to the truth. Billy Gigantisch, es wandeln sich also durch die Evolution der Erde Pflanzen und Tiere zu neuen andersaussehenden Lebensformen. Das war mir eigentlich in den Grundzügen klar. Was meinst du, wie sich die Biologen und Zoologen dagegen auflehnen, wenn man ihnen das sagen würde. Die würden uns als Wahnsinnige erschiessen lassen.
Billy Okay, unfortunately you're really right about that, they just want to know everything better and not be lectured.


  1. It should be noted that the names of Pleiadians given Meier for identification, are not the real names of those extraterrestrial humans, because their names, in their own language, simply are not pronouncable in articulated form.
