Contact Report 249

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 18h31min de 5 de outubro de 2007 por Jamesm (discussão | contribs) (→‎Introduction)
This is an authorised and official translation of FIGU material. It has been approved for this website by Jamesm


This contact report is translated from volume 7 of the Contact Reports

  • Contact Reports volume: 7
  • Page number(s): Unknown
  • Date/time of contact: Monday, June 13th, 1994, 11:36 p.m.
  • Translator(s): Unknown
  • Date of original translation: Unknown
  • Corrections and improvements made: N/A
  • Contact person: Ptaah


A talk between Ptaah and Billy. Topics covered include extraterrestrial visitors, meditation, the BSE and CJD, disease, fraudulent extraterrestrial contactees, overpopulation, medical technological advances, historical religious murders, cattle mutilation and human abductions by extraterrestrials.

Contact Report 249 Translation


Hello, Eduard, my friend.


And hello to you too. — I am delighted to see you.



My first question refers once again to UFO sightings and so-called abductions by extraterrestrials: Can you tell me how many alien races currently fly to and from Earth and perform research here, or are active in some other way?


For many years now the same three different races have been active here. Our posture towards them has been to monitor their movements without interfering in their deeds, actions and activities; and for this reason they are unaware of our existence.


Do these three extraterrestrial races maintain any contact with people on Earth? Have they maintained any contact with ordinary people on Earth or to the military, etc.?


As I previously mentioned during one of our conversations, I am not permitted to give any official information about questions pertaining to official or military matters in regard to contacts with non-terrestrial human intelligences.


Ok then, what about ordinary terrestrials?


The three groups, that is, the alien races, maintain no contacts, with the exception of those required for examination purposes, at which time terrestrial humans, plants and animals are, or rather were, contacted for such tests and examinations. However, this does not mean that the mass hysteria and mass psychoses by everyone who claims to have been abducted and examined by alien beings - even who claims to have been abducted and examined by alien beings — even impregnated — all stem from such experiences. Truthfully, only very few cases occasionally occur around the globe, and they cannot really be classified as actual contacts in the manner you and we have them, though. As far as we are concerned, except for your case, there exist no other contacts, not even in a telepathic form. The contacts we maintain with people on Earth are of a purely impulse-telepathic nature. For this reason, the contactees are unaware of the contact; they assume their accomplishments result strictly from their own initiative. Truthfully though, the information relating to their achievements, items produced, and other matters, is generated by us and instilled into the individuals through impulsetelepathy, and in every case their consciousness is unaware of this fact. They definitely have no idea that such information, etc., is instilled in them through impulse-telepathy.


So you do not call it an actual contact but a contact for examination when terrestrials are placed on board extraterrestrial flying machines and scrutinized by extraterrestrial human intelligences for analytical purposes. Hans and I have coined the term "examination contact" for this. Could I use the expression for this process?


In fact, this expression you have invented is really excellent. Examination contact. The wording softens the barb of a falsehood that human beings from Earth are abducted by extraterrestrials. The truth is that the aliens, the exterhumanoids, see nothing wrong with the examination contact; they regard it not as an abduction but only as the humane means of accomplishing their studies, through which they gather new knowledge and other facts.


What about those repeated UFO sightings all over the world. They cannot all be real, can they?


That is correct, but we have discussed this situation many times previously. Only a smallpercentage are actual sightings; the remainder are based on sensory deception, charlatanry, fraud, lies, and deceit, to name but a few.


What is behind this: Quetzal and Semjase explained to me once that Dan Fry, an American, actually did have contact with extraterrestrials. He is said to have taken photos as well, but he later destroyed them; somebody made forgeries of them and attributed them to Fry. This is supposed to be the reason why none of Dan Fry's real photos of alien flying objects exist any longer. Even the story about the origin of the extraterrestrials and their accounts was apparently thoroughly distorted. This is what Quetzal told me, but it never appeared in any contact report.


That is exactly what happened.


Well then, here's something regarding the pyramids: Someone who sells pyramids telephoned me recently. Of course I did not give him any details because of his line of work. But I also did not provide any details because pyramids are not as harmless as people on Earth generally think. It is a fact that copper is the only material which must be used for the meditation pyramids, because copper is capable of conducting electric energy, and does not generate those forces inside the pyramid that are dangerous, possibly even fatal, to human beings the way non-conductive materials do. Pyramids made from non-conductive material such as stone, man-made materials, glass, crystal and similar ones, all have a propensity within their interior that causes, at the correct location, cell tissue and other things to mummify and utensil cutting blades to change; living beings are killed by powerful forces that collect at the correct point due to the pyramid's shape. These powerful forces influence, change or kill anything located there. This does not happen with a conductive copper pyramid though. Depending on certain conditions, such as measurements, antenna and elevation, etc., some totally different, energizing forces develop within a copper pyramid. These forces then deflect the oscillations that strike the pyramid from the outside and develop into fatal forces. In order for this to happen, though, the copper pyramid must be completely enclosed and secured all the way around. For some time now a pyramid boom has been occurring in many countries and many types and sizes of pyramids are sold commercially. Isn't there a risk that dangerous things could result?


The things you mention have taken place for many years, so they are not just now beginning to occur. However, all the people who are, or were, harmed by such pyramids are not currently, nor will they ever be, aware that their ailments were caused by pyramids made from non-conductive materials.

Pyramids are truly not as harmless as people on Earth assume.


This is probably a problem that will continue to spread.


Yes, it probably will.


Here now is something personal: Basically, I wrote the instructions for meditation after I had learned them from Sfath and Asket. But even at a young age I wrote about meditation before I put everything into a final format and published it during the 70s. And it is exactly for these instructions to meditation, or the meditation book, respectively, that I was accused twice already of plagiarizing my written material from another book.


I am familiar with this absurd claim. The title of the book, which you are accused of plagiarizing, is Spiritual Training Through Attentiveness. You should not concern yourself with this preposterous defamation, for none of its points is based upon the truth, as you very well know. The truth is that Sfath, and you may not remember this anymore, had translated the Satipatthäna method into German for you from various Pali and Sanskrit texts; and Asket did the same in 1954. It is for this reason that you had in your possession two almost identical translations. In 1948, as an 11-year old boy in the fourth grade, you produced a dictated manuscript of 83 handwritten pages from Sfath's translation under the guidance of your teacher, Mr. Lehmann. This manuscript was done so well that your teacher mimeographed 200 copies and mailed them to several people; among them was Rahat Sanghanan, a monk, whom you met much later on in your life with Asket's help. He instructed you in a variety of subjects. His name as monk was Maha Chohan, which means the "Great Master". He, in turn, was the person responsible for producing several copies of your manuscript during that same year, 1948, and sent them to several of his peers. This resulted in the first printed version. In 1954 Asket provided you with a new translation, which you used to revise and produce your previous text on meditation.

Together with Asket, when she brought you to him, you offered your new version that same year to monk Rahat Sanghanan. Sanghanan deemed your work excellent, and again he made some copies of it and mailed them to his peers. Together with Swami Dharmawara, who is called Ananda Mahatma ("happy great soul"), you revised your work once again during a 3-month period in 1964, while staying in India at the Ashoka Ashram in Mehrauli. Swami Ramana Sarma translated it into English and had it printed up. Then he disseminated 2600 copies of this text; 2100 copies more than the monk Rahat Sanghanan previously printed in 1948. Therefore, from the time you initially produced your first work on meditation in 1948, your material provided the basis for many other books on meditation, but their individual authors were never mentioned, and no clarification was ever made that these sundry other works stemmed from your initial material. On the contrary, the individual authors always asserted that they had been the producers of the texts or books. Indeed, they even claimed they were the translators of the original text in the Pali and Sanskrit languages, although it really originated through Sfath and Asket's effort. Several individuals who claim to be authors speak neither Pali nor Sanskrit.


What about the individual who wrote the book you mentioned earlier? Where did that person get the information on the instructions to meditation I had written?


You mean the Buddhist monk Nyanaponika. He obtained his wisdom about meditation from your initial text just as several others did. Furthermore, he and various other individuals also had access to Sfath and Asket's translations.


Yes, now that you mention all of these things I remember how everything happened during my school years. But it wasn't a dictation manuscript I had produced originally. It was an essay, from which Mr. Lehmann generated a much shorter dictation version for the whole class. It was my essay he copied and mailed out. The wise old man in India, Maha Chohan or, rather, Rahat Sanganan, did not receive this essay directly from teacher Lehmann, but from some monastery bigwig my teacher Lehmann knew and to whom he sent my text.


That may well be so, if you ...


Maha Chohan told me so himself.


Then it is correct.


I have a question here regarding BSE, the cattle madness, as this disease is called here in Switzerland. You explained once that basically sheep triggered this epidemic and then it was transmitted to cattle. This epidemic apparently can be transmitted to human beings along with all mammals.


This is correct.


With human beings it manifests itself as the so-called Kuru, which is called this way by the cannibals in Papua New Guinea, for instance, who devour their own kind and then become infected by their victims, provided they were previously infected with the disease. In other parts of the world this cattle madness epidemic is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Syndrome if humans are afflicted by it. But in spite of these facts physicians, veterinarians, politicians and others in charge, are still vehemently denying that this BSE epidemic, rather cattle madness, or scrapie as it is called with sheep, can be transmitted to human beings. They also deny that the epidemic can be transmitted to other mammals. This contradicts your explanations. What is the name of the other syndrome if other mammals are infected by it? I have forgotten the term.


You are talking about the Gerstmann-Sträussler-Syndrome. Every mammalian life form can be infected by it, and its source is scrapie or BSE, respectively. The epidemic can be either hereditary or transmitted through bloody saliva in the same way AIDS is transmitted, and through specific external contacts with items such as feces, blood and meat, as well as the ingestion of infected meat, etc. Whoever claims or questions that contamination from the BSE epidemic, i.e., the Creutzfeld-JakobSyndrome and Kuru, cannot be transmitted to humans, and that the Gerstmann-Sträussler-Syndrome cannot be traced back to BSE and scrapie with mammals, must be considered an irresponsible criminal and villain with contempt for human beings. We have 100 percent proof and absolute certainty, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the correlations and causes of the disease are based on the data about which I have just informed you. It is also worth mentioning that BSE pathogens cannot be destroyed simply by cooking the meat and other items, or by producing meatmeal. They can only be destroyed by high temperatures, as high as 700°C (1228°F), and possibly even up to 1000°C (1768°F), for previously mutated pathogens that have existed for some time now. The incubation period for the disease also varies and must be determined by the life form's resistance to it. This may vary from 3 months to 40 years, even 50. The higher the evolution of the life form, the longer the incubation period. Therefore, with human beings it can range from 40 to 50 years.


Could you possibly tell me the number of human beings on Earth who are already sick with this disease?


We were unable to determine this. For this reason, we must rely on estimates regarding some tens of thousands of infected people. Many of them will never become victims of the epidemic for they will die before they reach this point.


So they can consider themselves very lucky.



Okay - forget the question. I have another one about overpopulation: Isn't it conceivable that life itself is beginning to fight back because of the rising and spreading overpopulation, and that life will increasingly generate more epidemics and diseases to combat the escalating overpopulation? Isn't it true that the excessive proliferation by human beings makes their bodies and organs, as well as their entire immune system increasingly more vulnerable, feeble and deficient. The same even holds true for Man's consciousness. It follows then that allergies must grow in variety and frequency, with world pollution also playing a major role. Human beings are ever more lackadaisical and feeble in their responsibility, which extends all the way to total irresponsibility. This manifests itself also in the fact that criminals of all types are judged more falsely humane and are given more lenient punishment - they are often even allowed to go free. The thinking about and the search for the meaning of life is increasingly influenced by sectarian and religious idiots, abetting the expansion of sectarian fanaticism and total alienation to the world around us, etc., etc. Must this not result in nature and life ultimately raising a counterattack, that is, through epidemics and catastrophes of the elements, so that human beings are eradicated by the hundreds, possibly even billions? I still can remember that Quetzal and Semjase also spoke of something similar that once took place on other planets in former times.


That is correct: When humans on a planet proliferate excessively, nature and life autonomously interfere, which leads to the forced curbing of surplus life forms. Such a curbing and elimination of excess life forms, in this case human beings, ensues first and foremost through epidemics. However, the same thing also happens because life forms, human beings once again, become frail, if not to say incapable of living, due to their bodies, organs and immune system becoming then too weak.

Furthermore, nature and life also retaliate against excesses in human beings through catastrophes by way of the elements of nature, and other things.



But for the time being this madness the earthlings have incited will continue. If I only think of television, radio and the press that actually foster all ills by glorifying brutality and similar things through movies, books, the theater and the like. I would like to even include news reports and other sensationalistic broadcasts. The more the press, television and radio report on atrocities such as bloodshed and murder, assassinations, mass murders, torture, sectarian degeneration, wars, revolutions, rapes, drug addiction, alcoholism, addiction to legal drugs, capital crime, racism and xenophobia, extremism, neo-nazism, the Ku-Klux-Klan, capital punishment, etc., etc., the more copycats will appear.

They will model their own actions after these reports and events. Television, radio, newspaper reports, etc., which portray such degenerate events and acts, have the same effect as when somebody pours or dumps gasoline or explosives into a fire: The fire either bursts into gigantic flames or a monumental explosion ensues. The press, television and radio reports are produced solely for the sake of sensationalism. They should be prohibited - freedom of the press or not. In all cases such sensational reports are only a license to use force, crime, contempt and many similar exploits against humanity.

This also holds true for the so-called anti-war films and the endless repetitions of movies, books on non-fiction reports on the grisly events of World War II. These movies and books actually achieve the exact opposite response as that which they propagate. Instead of pondering and creating more peace, such films, books and similar items make human beings more aggressive through all of this continuous nonsense. They merely escalate the ills even further and with them the lust for rebellious behavior, the lust and intentions for killing, bloodshed and murder, torture, abuse, unmerciful force, crime, hatred, slave-trade, slavery, prostitution, abuse and murder of children, contempt for humanity, greed, envy, rape, sexual degeneration, evolution destruction, destruction of life, extermination, pain and sorrow, as well as all other atrocious ills — just as it was depicted in the movies or books, newspapers and periodicals, and in the manner it was described on radio, in movies or in the theater. All of this is even further escalated through movies on violence and horror to which many people become addicted. Their intelligence is not adequate enough to recognize that the rubbish and incredible danger of human brutalization and imbecility of the consciousness are the basis for all of this violence. It is endured, indeed, oftentimes even sanctioned, by those people of responsible positions in all governments, because they are too blind, stupid, uneducated and illogical if not to say moronic. For this reason they do not see and recognize the truth and resulting effects they bring about. Also, they foster all agony, pain and sorrow by diverting subsidies from tax monies for artists in the film, book and art industry, who frequently glorify brutality and every human excess ranging all the way to total contempt for humanity and destruction of life through their dubious and atrocious, nonsensical productions - which are always under the guise that their works are supposedly directed against destruction, degeneration and annihilation.


I can only say that, without a doubt, your words present the full truth and the reality of the situation.


Thanks again. What do you think of this: Because of overpopulation, which is rampant on Earth now, there also exists rampant cruelty to animals that is especially caused by animal factories, animal transports and animal slaughters. In these factories the animals are brutally force-fed and kept under conditions that defy description. Just as with the transportation of animals, they suffer unbelievable torment, injuries and a horrible death, and their psyche is completely destroyed. Some people actually reject the idea that animals possess a psyche, although the opposite is the case. Even in the slaughtering process animals must suffer the pains of hell. This occurs daily to countless millions of animals such as pigs, chickens, geese, rabbits, various types of cattle, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, turkeys and camels; indeed, even to crocodiles, turtles, birds, ostriches, kangaroos, fish and crustaceans, etc., etc. The steadily escalating human overpopulation continues to increase the need for animal meat products that will continue to escalate ad infinitum. The oceans will be depleted of fish and one species after another will become extinct. Arable land will be increasingly destroyed, therefore, and forests cut down and razed as well; the environment and nature will be destroyed while the Earth's resources will be totally exploited; faunal life will be abused, mistreated, tortured and annihilated. This is a unequaled, monstrous condition. One could wheep thinking about what will happen. And all this is the result of the criminal increase in earthlings' procreation, and the fostering of their terrestrial population to the point where suffering, misery and excesses of every type generate screaming contempt against humanity and life.


Of course, your every word is correct and, naturally, I agree with your opinions, for they are based on actual facts.


Isn't it true also that the closer people live together in villages and cities, the more susceptible to diseases they become because of overpopulation? Isn't it true that they have increasingly less resistance to disease and that, at the same time, they become more and more insensitive and uncaring toward each other, their total surroundings, life and nature?


This is also true.


Naturally - it couldn't be any other way. What do you think of this, or what is behind it: In America, where else, there is a young woman running around who claims to be Venusian, a woman from planet Venus, where people live under domes.


We are well aware of this person with the name Omnec Onec, as she calls herself. Her claims are utter nonsense, of course, and merely fraudulent, if not to say hallucinatory, schemes.


Exactly, that is what the lady calls herself, Omnec Onec. She is a crazy woman who lies and cheats and defrauds her gullible, foolish followers every chance she gets.




One more time, I have something regarding overpopulation. It is just a statement that must be finally mentioned aloud: Through the continuous growth of mankind's population, increasingly more arable land worldwide is built upon. This means that more and more open country disappears and is destroyed and, inevitably, along with it the roaming grounds of wild animals.




Tell me something, my friend, is it possible that a radio wristwatch can generate disorders? I have such a wristwatch as you know, and I wore it continuously up until 2 months ago. Once I started wearing this timepiece, I regularly had such strong pains in the back of my hand that I could no longer even write. Two months ago these pains even radiated up my entire lower and upper arm, into the shoulder and the throat right behind the right ear, where it caused headaches as well. Although I faithfully applied and massaged medications against rheumatism, the pains remained and even got worse from day to day. Then, as I began pondering the cause for these pains, which obviously were due to an inflammation, it suddenly hit me that perhaps my radio wristwatch was the cause of it all because of the radio waves. What do you make of this?


I am certain that your thoughts led you to the correct conclusion. All devices dependent upon radio waves which are worn near, or on, the body are extremely harmful to a person's health. Under certain circumstances they can even be destructive to the body or its organs, indeed dangerous to the person's life. Even a radio wristwatch is sufficient to cause this harm, as you yourself have experienced.

Such time pieces, or telephones and cordless radio systems, are not advisable; in fact they are very dangerous if not secured and screened to the point where the radio waves cannot harm the human body. Radio waves are electro-magnetic waves, or rather electro-magnetic oscillations, that are dangerous to all life should they strike it at too high a rate. This danger applies not only to radio waves, but also to high tension wires, electric generators and transformers. The physical harm caused by such waves, or rather oscillations that manifest themselves with Man and animal, can be of a purely physical or conscious nature. Anything, from eczemas and allergies to cancer, destruction of the psyche and total imbecility, is possible.

Furthermore, all species of plants, insects and micro organisms right down to microbes and others are affected by disease and destruction if they are subjected to the aforementioned conditions. Some degree of damage is sustained in every case, although it may not always be immediately recognized. The genuine cause of such health damage, as a rule, is not recognized and, therefore, is attributed to other, unrelated causes. However, prior to any damage becoming apparent, and due to these dangerous electro-magnetic influences, a person's magnetic sense of orientation is upset and possibly even destroyed soon after. This magnetic sense, inherent to human beings, animals and insects, has already been largely destroyed within Man on Earth. For decades now he has been under the steady, greatly enhanced influence of artificial electro-magnetic waves, or rather oscillations, which greatly exceed the normal, planet-related measurements and are generated by Man's own thoughtlessness. As a consequence, he is now, and has been for some time, incapable of applying and relying on his magnetic sense. Hence, he can no longer recognize, grasp and perceive many items and events in nature in the manner that animals are able to, although their magnetic sense is increasingly harmed also through the irresponsibility of mankind on Earth. Birds and animals, for instance, are guided by their magnetic sense during their annual migrations or flights from one region to another when they frequently traverse many thousands of kilometers. The longer they are exposed to this electromagnetism, the more the magnetic sense of orientation of these migratory animals and birds is upset and causes their death for many of them. Whales, for instance, lose their orientation and become stranded somewhere on river banks or in the rivers, where they die a terrible death; a situation that is increasingly becoming more common even for other aquatic wildlife forms. With increasing frequency, herds of many wild animals are losing their sense of orientation because their magnetic sense is upset. This causes them to flee and plunge, panic-stricken, over cliffs and crevasses to their death, etc. Thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, as well as other great calamities of nature's elements also produce increased magnetic waves or oscillations. Animals and birds sense these increased electro-magnetic oscillations and behave accordingly. They flee or seek sanctuary elsewhere.

The same also applies to Man, and will continue to, for as long as his magnetic sense is unimpaired. Unfortunately, terrestrial Man lost the use of this capability a long time ago. The loss can be traced back to his spinelessness, which began very early in his development and continues to advance even now, for he increasingly withdraws from a coexistence with nature and Creation's laws and directives. As a result, he continues to unlearn many of the things he previously learned.


But how can this be reconciled with the technological and medical progress human beings are making? I am speaking here of genetic technology, for instance, as well as genetic therapy, genetic medicine, genetic adjustments and genetic manipulations and so forth. As part of this progress, I would include also the creation of a bionic man, clones and human-genetic modifications, even though many of these items are still in their early stages of development.


An immutable law states that progress cannot be stopped regardless of all the degeneration and destruction. At some point along the way, stagnation will occur; but progress will continue until that time and then taper off very slowly.


Yet all of the things I mentioned before will continue to be developed or may be even newly discovered and augmented until perfection, so to speak, or the highest possible status has been achieved. This will occur in spite of all obstructions and bans, concerns and the screeching of some individuals who wish to obstruct progress, particularly however the sectarians and government agencies.

According to them, all of this is against nature and all ethics, and it is blasphemous beyond compare - which is total nonsense, of course. In my opinion, and judging from everything I have learned from you people, the entire development related to genetic sciences, gene manipulation, genetic modifications, genetic interference, genetic transformations, genetic medicine, gene technology as a whole, cannot be stopped. After all, it is an inevitable result of evolution. Therefore, the whole genetic technology will make its breakthrough in spite of some opposition. In fact, for the time being, breakthroughs won't be repressed in any sector of life, even though, some day, it may come into play. In the future, Man will create genetically manipulated clones and artificial humans, such as androids, who will be equipped with a half-machine, half-bionic body and an artificial, biological brain. This will be done in the same way that human beings are genetically modified. Doubtless to say, humans will soon live very much longer, possibly even for centuries, through genetic manipulations and influences. Likewise, genetic modifications will be performed on animals, plants, food items, medicine and so forth. This development truly cannot be repressed, although many sectarians, pseudo-humanists, pseudo-seers and thinkers continue to rebel against it today, as they stupidly holler against this progress and invent laws to prohibit it. Such laws are wrong even today, and individuals who fight for them are acting irresponsibly.

Fighting against progress is only appropriate when there are actions against Creational laws through genetic manipulations, as is the case when life is destroyed or propelled toward degeneration in behavior, actions or living. Genetic technology makes possible freedom from suffering and illness. It also brings innumerable advantages, relief and an immeasurable progress that is capable of preventing any further increase in overpopulation. It causes much suffering and misery to disappear as long as this development is accorded the required space and necessary understanding.


Your words are in total accord with my own views.


Many people concern themselves with this subject, but many others are of the silly and uneducated opinion that everything is pure fantasy. It has always been like this since olden days, which is the reason why Jules Verne and Leonardo da Vinci and many others have been defamed as charlatans and fantasists. The full truth is, however, that there is absolutely nothing that Man is capable of inventing, dreaming, thinking and fantasizing which cannot be realized. The reason is that Man cannot think, fantasize, dream or invent anything that cannot be manufactured, realized or produced, respectively. Anything Man thinks, invents, dreams or fantasizes, can be realized or effected, one way or another, technically or by way of the consciousness. Hence, there is nothing in the entire Universe that Man cannot effect or produce once he has invented, thought, fantasized or dreamed up something. The only things he cannot realize, produce or achieve are maniacal ideations, such as those religious manias or fanaticism or illusions for instance, that impair the consciousness of individuals afflicted with the mania as maniacal ideations and illusions.


You have expressed yourself very appropriately.



In one of our previous conversations you mentioned the number of dead who were murdered by Christianity throughout its existence up to December 31, 1992, through wars, church courts, fanaticism and other causes. You also mentioned the number of those people who were murdered by other religions over the past 3000 years. Here is my question: Does this number also include all of those victims who had been slaughtered through Judaism, roughly 3500 years ago?


Are you referring to the 1500 B.C. period?


Exactly, that is the time I mean.


One moment. I am not familiar with this data, I must retrieve it first ... Yes, here it is — over a period of 1000 years, counted back from 1500 B.C., a total of 19,463,000 people were brutally and inhumanely slaughtered by the forefathers of the Jews, the Hebrews and others.


19 million 463 thousand! That is an enormous number of people who suffered a forced death in only 1000 years through religious madness and racial obsession, fanaticism, church courts, commands of God, religious wars and judgments of God, along with other insanities. And all of this was perpetrated by a small group of single, megalomaniacal, degenerate people who had become obsessed with their faith. This number is almost identical to the people who had been killed by Christianity over nearly 2000 years. Yet, even today great numbers of people are murdered in religious mania and fanaticism - many of them in masses. Religions and religious sects are currently more powerful than ever before, although the opposite may seem true. Together with sciences, politics, crime, technology and the military, as well as each branch of the economy, religions are pulling everything into their powerful grip. Never before has any type of life form possessed so much power over the Earth as Man does today. And all of these people who represent and exert this earth-conquering power, the people who are in charge of all this, are so irresponsible that they never feel addressed or concerned. Everyone of them lives irresponsibly and without concern at the expense of their own, ours and all of humankind's descendants. Oftentimes these irresponsible people even carry famous names. Yet, many people who have famous names and titles, are simply major, irresponsible and vicious criminals. They don't give a hoot about the fact that the Universe, galaxies, Earth and every life form, nature, life itself and Man, are all the holy thought and holy work of Creation. These errant and guilty individuals not only deceive others but themselves as well; usually they think of themselves as being better, greater and shrewder than they actually are. They have never heard of the concept that, at all times, Man should view and comport himself merely as 'grand' as he truly is, according the motto: "Always admit to what you really are." These people want to be fawned over, and they only feel good about themselves when they are praised and adored, because they are addicted to praise and their own image. For this reason they cannot understand why they have no true friends, but only yes-men and parasites, who do not dare voice any criticism and are only concerned with their own well-being and food. None of them understands that someone who thoughtfully and justly criticizes another human being's actions, thoughts, feelings, lifestyle and opinion, among other things, is that person's true friend. He who praises but omits criticism is the worst enemy.


May your words reach the ears of the guilty ones.


Well, even if they hear it, they will hardly concern themselves with it, simply because they are so self-righteous in their irresponsible behavior that they do not even feel addressed. — But now back once more to the purported abductions of earthlings by extraterrestrials: Particularly in North and South America, but lately also in Germany, such claims have repeatedly occurred. Attempts have been made in the past and present to prove the "truth" of the claims through hypnosis. If these claims were true, it would mean that, allegedly, more than 3.5 million human beings on Earth have had examination contacts, and many women, particularly in North and South America, purportedly were impregnated.

There are even some silly assertions that, as a result of these impregnations, children have been born who are half terrestrial and half extraterrestrial and are called hybrids.


This is so much incredible nonsense. First of all, very few examination contact incidents were recorded in recent years and, secondly, no impregnations of Earth females by extraterrestrial intelligences have occurred. These so-called hybrids, of which irrational newspaper and magazine editors report, are nothing more than freaks and mutations of a purely terrestrial nature. They can be traced back to genetic defects caused by the parents or some diverse, very harmful environmental influences.

Beyond the shadow of any doubt, however, I can confirm that, at the present time, no descendants live on Earth, or elsewhere on alien worlds, who were sired either with women from Earth and extraterrestrial men or extraterrestrial women and men from Earth. Anyone who claims otherwise is a despicable liar and defamer, be it Elisabeth Klarer or some other fools who currently state such things.

As a rule, even assertions made in a hypnotic state are mere lies and defamations, and are made either by the hypnotized individuals themselves or are thrust upon them by third parties, possibly even by the hypnotist. The claim that a person in a hypnotic state does not lie, cheat and, therefore, always speaks the truth, is simply not accurate. The fact is that in a hypnotic state a person can lie and cheat just as he or she can in a normal, non-hypnotized state. This fact is exploited by many people involved in UFO and purported abduction cases, among others. The individuals involved simply wish to bluster and make themselves appear important. Frequently the hypnotic state is even feigned, which is not difficult for human beings to do; this feigning cannot be detected and recognized by inexperienced hypnotists on Earth. In this make-believe hypnotic state anyone can lie and cheat just as he or she can do in true hypnosis.


So it is one big lie all around. — But then people also claim that animals, cattle for instance, are massacred in masses by the "nasty aliens".


This assertion as well is based upon some insane person's defamatory conjectures, along with deliberate lies and deceptions. If such massacred animals occur, as is the case particularly in the USA and South America, their deaths can be attributed to completely natural causes, namely to the felling, slashing and killing by birds of prey or predators. Various species of pests, some of them mutants, also play an important role.


You said three alien races have been on Earth for a number of years now. Do they also have stations here, in other words, are they present here all the time?


Just one of the three groups is stationed on Earth, while the other two groups only enter the Earth's space periodically, or for limited periods.


How often do new aliens come to Earth?


This varies greatly. In the past, and on only two occasions over a 100-year period, more than two groups of alien intelligences entered terrestrial space. Commonly, though, such incidents only occur intermittently. Therefore, many centuries may pass before another alien race will again reach Earth. Sometimes it may even take several thousands of years for such an event to occur.


This utter rubbish regarding UFOs and extraterrestrials that is talked about and disseminated everywhere on Earth, has spread like a boil, and now even true UFO sightings or observations are maligned and called fantasy and deception of the senses and so forth.


This is the way it is.


Did the three groups who fly to and from terrestrial space, other than your own, ever have real contacts with Earth inhabitants in former times?




But they did have examination contacts?


This applies to only two of the groups.


Well, that was actually my last official question ...

References and Further Reading