Prophecies and Predictions

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 12h00min de 17 de novembro de 2017 por Daniel Leech (discussão | contribs)

"only now in the new millennium everything gets even worse, because nature will revolt even more mightily against your environment-destroying insanity and will reach a scale equal to the primeval times of the Earth."
Billy, May 2009


The prophecies and predictions partially originate from the mouth of extraterrestrials (Asket, from the DAL-Universe, Semjase from Erra/Plejades/Plejares), partially from transmissions from the highest-Spirit-form plane, (which is called PETALE-plane) and partially from Billy’s own calculations.

The source of each of these is indicated respectively, so it is always evident where these originate from.

There is a definition difference between Probability Calculations, Predictions and Prophecies which should first be understood.

List of texts containing
Prophecies, Predictions and/or Probability Calculations

Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • The things of the Future can (and must) only be influenced/prevented in the present (= now).[1]
  • When Quetzal made the translations of Predictions of the Prophet Jeremia he put the text into a form that would be close to the original, but also easily understandable for today’s readers. He did not want to insert a footnote because the normal reader is not interested in the four year birth date of the prophet of the new age disparity, but instead the normal readers wants to read the message itself and realize that Jmmanuel’s second successor will and was born in 1937, according to our present calendar. Regarding Quetzal’s extremely skilled translation abilities: To read the German version has been likened to a refreshing breeze blowing through ones brain. Its astonishing how it is even possible to explain details of the future within the remit of the limited range of words from the past for the today.[2]
  • Forgeting about a future event that has been predicted to you is not normal. But doing so helps one to lead a normal life. It prevents one from concentrating on things which cannot be avoided and will happen with certainty.[3]
  • Only shortly before the prophecy Billy recieved from Petale on the 30th of January[4] has been fulfilled. Will the recognition that electromagnetic radiation must be curbed immediately and the diesel and lead gasoline engines should be banned as soon as possible because they are really large culprits in the health of nature and humans.[5]
  • An eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in Italy signifies one of the last signs of the fact that a Third World War can no longer be prevented under any circumstances and that it will come in the foreseeable future thereafter. But that this is a prophecy and therefore doesnt have to be fulfilled, it would become null and void as a result of reasonable changes.[6]
  • Keridwena explored the future through a Vorausschauungen and later gave the information to Myrddin (Merlin)[7] who later called it prophecies.[8]
  • Sfath explored the future through a Vorausschauungen and later gave the information to Eduard (Billy)[9] who later called it prophecies.[10]
  • Ageing; to understand more one needs to identify the abnormality in the rate and speed on Earth; insufficient time to define the cognitions and unravel that Consciousness; and no three generations are the same despite falling in any one given century, everything changes every century. Despite life expectancy being at an all time high.
  • Overpopulation; to understand more one needs to identify and appreciate the scale of changes that are taking place on Earth at the global-level, which have never before. We're in a short transitional phase which began in the 20th century which will in subsequent centuries more properly unravel. We currently value human life quite highly because of that historical lead-in and as a legacy, which will change, among other changes. It means we will indeed, as the prophecies and predictions indicate, endeavour to populate the oceans, orbit and other worlds and this will unravel rapidly along with all other developments. If only our lives were slightly longer we would see and be able to appreciate a shocking buckle and mangle of changes and revolutions over a very short time; but this doesn't occur because the next generation has little awareness of the last, also see Ageing. We collectively forget events of the past very rapidly, even if these events are globally revolutionary events.

Further Reading


  4. Prophetien_und_Voraussagen_(Book)#Friday.2C_January_30.2C_1976.2C_21:05_PM – for Reference: Only short still is the duration of Scorpio, reigning in unrighteousness and malicious madness, soon he will be caught up by his just recompense, feels penetrating into him the evil death-tooth, when over the ocean the clouds bale together, slowly creating the great monsoon, while across the land his death-cry sounds, and the Scorpio ends his poisonous doings. The elephant stomps and trumpets aloud, because now the death-sting of Scorpio breaks, the reaper of life cuts up the stinging beast, which uselessly defending himself fights the last time. Burnt red is the land - in sun-embers, dried up, fruitless - for almost a year; now being drenched by a flood of tears, but now of government it is bare. So fate fulfilleth itself in a short time, when the peacock struts its feathers before the rain, who in the South at the ocean bay already lies waiting, to be coming then gives fulfilment to the word.
  5. Contact_Report_182_Part2
  6. Contact_Report_182_Part2
  7. Contact Report 471
  8. Contact Report 469
  9. Sfaths Vorausschauungen not yet translated:
  10. Warning to all the governments of Europe!