Genesis (the book)

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. Esta tradução contém erros devido às diferenças linguísticas intransponíveis entre o alemão e o inglês.
Antes de continuar a ler, leia este pré-requisito necessário à compreensão deste documento.

About this translation

Notification duties

Copyright licensing:

This work is licensed under a "Creative Commons Attribution License." You may reproduce the work, distribute and make it publicly available.

Under the following conditions:

You must give the name of the author and copyright holder in the manner determined by it. This work may not be used for commercial purposes. This work may not be edited or changed in it origin. Any translation has to be in attached its original language in order to avoid distortion, falsification and forgery, due to the author "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier. The author, "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, is ware about the falsifications which happens in the past millennia with all the prophets teachings and made out of it a God-cult-sectarian-religious doctrine, which lead humanity to the abyss of evil.

The problem is, the God-cult-religious followers can never grasp it and at the same time they would again try to falsify the truth and try to interweave it in their God-cult-sectarian religious book called holy sh*t scriptures to keep on indoctrinating their fellow human beings and vehemently try to proclaim it for themselves to keep the God-delusional-insanity upright. Well, this time the God-cult-sectarian religious proclaimer will fail with it. The Creation Genesis had also nothing in comparative with the creationism doctrine. Keep in mind that, in the recent time some chronic pathological liars spread to their believers informations that they have communication transmitting contact to spirit beings. Once one has kissed and embraced the effective truth and utilize it for him/herself, there one beginns to recognise the fraudulent with their intent, to say, to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The fact about the God-cult-sectarian religion is, in it many variations, it let you belittle your consciousness, your thinking thoughts and feelings, your personality, yourself as an inferior being.

To your own reasoning

Goblet of the Truth, page 587

577) Only if you follow the truth of all truth which is pre-given through the Creation and its laws and recommendations, will true love, freedom, harmony and true peace arise in you, because then everything disturbing, impeding and confusing falls away and is kept away.

578) You alone as human beings bring about everything, namely the good and the evil, the negative and positive, because you alone are responsible for all and everything, whatever you create in terms of thoughts and feelings as well as in terms of actions, deeds and all your activity.

579) You alone are the ones that bear the responsibility for the forming of your life, your life-conduct, your thinking-directions and determinations, so you yourselves have to make an effort for a right guidance and forming of your existence.

580) You alone bear the responsibility for your behaviour in every respect, so you are also responsible for your state of the righteousness and unrighteousness, of the conscientiousness and consciencelessness, of the fairness and unfairness as well as of the dignity and deference and of the dignitilessness and deferencelessness.

581) Consider thereby that in every good, progressive and evolutionary respect, you cannot force anything and nothing is given to you for free, but that instead you must willingly and consciously work hard for everything yourselves, and truly the work in acquiring all of the good and high values is rich in deprivation, because with regard to the real truth of all truth, what is recommended for the acquiring work, is hard and inexorable.

582) But truly, the creating of all the high values of the life and the following of the creational laws and recommendations is also worthwhile, because the reward is true love, freedom, harmony and peace as well as virtuousness, conscientiousness, righteousness, fairness and being-fair in true dignity and deference.

583) Therewith, all you human beings of Earth, opens up the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, and the ‹Teaching of the Prophets› as a comprehensive prophetic and true teaching book, that it may redound to the prosperousness of your consciousness-evolution and to your well-being of life, so that you do not continue to go forth in evolutionary consciousness-darkness and you no longer curse yourselves, but instead go towards the light of the truth of all truth and follow and fulfil the laws and recommendations of the Creation Universal Consciousness; and in this wise you shall do, so that true love, freedom, harmony and peace may come about in you yourselves and amongst your whole humankind and that you may free yourselves from your unrighteousness, consciencelessness, irresponsibility, unfairness, hatred, revenge and retaliation, murder, terror, war and from everything that is unfair, evil and ausgeartet which you have imposed upon yourselves as a curse since time immemorial.

Teaching of the true Prophets

Teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life

from Henoch (Enoch), Elia (Elijah), Jesaja (Isaiah), Jeremia (Jeremiah), Jmmanuel (Immanuel), Muhammad (Mohammed) and Billy (BEAM)

Further notification

This is an unorthorized and unofficial translation due to my own motivation whereby using the google translation, I take the full responsibility for any translation errors.

This book has not yet be translated into any language.

The book in it content structure, organized as follow:

  • The transmission parts
  • The transmission and it interpretative declaration parts

The book has 217 pages.

I will post the transmitted and it interpretative declaration parts only. The first part of it in the book beginns at page 9 to page 52 and relocated throughout the book with further transmitted and it interpretative declarations.

An Important Word Regarding the Translation of any book from "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

The rich and flexible vocabulary and structure of the German language makes it ideal for explaining and conveying any subject matter in all of its complexity, nuances and detail. No other language on Earth can match the German language in this regard. Therefore, the English language with its comparatively limited vocabulary, flexibility and structure is, as a language, a poor one and can never match the high value that is achieved with the German. Unfortunately the English language has a great many meaningless religious words for corresponding neutral German terms. There is also a lack of suitable forms of expression in English which means that the German forms must be expressed in a different wise by using synonyms in order to find an appropriate form of expression in English. As a result it is not possible to translate any book from "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier into English and convey everything that is in the original German text. The high value of this work can only be completely expressed and made comprehensible through the German language. The human beings of Earth shall strive to make the German language to the world language because it is the the most valuable of all languages that are in use on Earth.

Translation of Genesis

Front Cover

Genesis Front.jpg

English German

(Creation Genesis) Transmitted by the highly Spirit (collective)-Consciousness level PETALE (= The Crown of Creation) Received, interpreted and explained by "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier


(Schöpfungs-Genesis) Übermittelt durch die rein geistige Ebene der PETALE (= Die Krone der Schöpfung) Empfangen, ausgelegt und erklärt durch "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier

Part 1, page 9 to 52

Page 1 to 8 is only the transmitted text. I'll bold the transmitted text to be distinguishable from the interpretative declaration.

Transmitted date and time Wednesday, 17. December 1975 00.41 h - 02.59 h

English German
Creation Genesis

and interpretative declaration


Und Auslegende Erklärung

1. The Universe was enveloped in it invisible garment,

1. The universe was still not existent. 2. It was neither visible nor invisible, because it was not yet created. 3. <<It was wrapped in the invisible garment>>, in the non-existence. 4. It rested only as an idea from the Primordial(Ur)-Flame, of the Primordial(Ur)-Time, which is also called the Primordial(Ur)-Creation.

1. Das Universum war gehüllt in sein unsichtbares Gewand.

1. Das Universum war noch nicht existent. 2. Es war weder sichtbar noch unsichtbar, denn es war noch nicht erschaffen. 3. <<Es war gehüllt in sein unsichtbares Gewand>>, in die Nichtexistenz. 4. Es ruhte nur als Idee aus der Urflamme, des Urzeitlichen, was auch genannt wird die Urschöpfung.

2. created out of the Ur-Flame of the Ur-Time, the Ur-Creation.

5. The universe was only a created idea of the Ur-Creation, so thus still invisible and without physical (spatial) existence, indicating that, that the universe as a well thought idea in createdness existed, however still not realized was as created existence, so it is still not in a space dressed, therefore without spatial existence was.

2. erschaffen aus der Urflamme des Urzeitlichen, der Urschöpfung.

5. Das Universum war erst eine erschaffene Idee der Urschöpfung, so also noch unsichtbar und ohne räumliche Existenz, was besagt, dass das Universum wohl als Gedankenidee in Erschaffenheit existierte, jedoch noch nicht verwirklicht war als kreierte Existenz, so es sich noch nicht in einen raum kleidete, also ohne räumliche Existenz war.

3. Still was the universe only infinity in unending duration,

6. Since the idea that through the Ur-Flame / Ur-Creation an conceived universe only as an idea existed and still not as created existence created was, ruled also still no time, but only an endless duration without any limitation. 7. Time involves a space. 8. This however was not yet created, so just endless duration at rule was in position.

3. Noch war das Universum nur Endlosigkeit in unendlicher Dauer,

6. Da die Idee des durch die Urflamme/Urschöpfung erdachten Universums erst als Idee existierte und noch nicht als kreierte Existenz erschaffen war, herrschte auch noch keine Zeit, sondern nur eine endlose Dauer ohne jegliche Begrenzung. 7. Zeit bedingt einen Raum. 8. Dieser aber war noch nicht erschaffen, so nur endlose Dauer zu herrschen vermochte.

4. then still not was created by Creation the space.

9. To create a time, required it first a space, which from the Creation creating must be, then it was for this task awarded. 10. The Ur-Flame / Ur-Creation created only the idea of the existence of Creation, in it embedded the idea of the space / universe and the time, which the Creation, itself still not from it expectant existence knew, itself out of itself creating should. 11. Still but was just endless duration, timeless and Non-Being, because:

4. denn noch nicht war erschaffen durch die Schöpfung der Raum.

9. Um eine Zeit zu kreieren, bedurfte es erst eines Raumes, der von der Schöpfung erschaffen werden musste, denn ihr war diese Aufgabe zugesprochen. 10. Die Urflamme/Urschöpfung erschuf nur die Idee der Existenz der Schöpfung, in sie hineingelegt die Idee des Raumes/Universums und der Zeit, die die Schöpfung, die noch nichts von ihrer werdende Existenz wusste, selbst aus sich heraus kreieren sollte. 11. Noch aber war nur endlose Dauer, Zeitlose und Nicht-Sein, denn:

5. In it, in the endless duration, slumbered during seven great times of the Ur-Creation and in it protection the fetus of Creation,

12. It was still timeless, the endless duration without time and space. 13. It was only the yet not into existence born idea of the ​Ur-Creation. 14. It was the Nothingness, into which the​ Ur-Creation had laid it idea. 15. The idea was the fetus of the Creation, so therefore the idea-exemplary becoming of Creation in the least form, as probably already born, though still not in existence created idea. 16. The fetus Creation, the born idea, the seed, from which the Creation germinate and itself must unfold, still slumbered. 17. It was itself not conscious about. 18. And it slumbered during seven great-times of the Ur-Creation and under it fovour. 19. For the fetus the becoming (expectant) Creation were space and time still not existent, then still was for it only endless duration without any limitation. 20. So it slumbered heretofore within itself under the control of the Ur-Creation, which of a time and space for itself conscious was, and out of which the fetus of the Creation for the duration of the time from it own time-duration, namely seven great-times, to be granted. 21. So bid the Ur-Creation the Creation-fetus protection in the form, that the Ur-Creation up to now only as idea and seed created idea and that likewise idea-existing nothing in it own time enveloped, by which the Creation-fetus in whom granted space and the time and to evolutionizing in position to be, what is states with:

5. In ihr, in der endlose Dauer, schlummerte während sieben Grosszeiten der Urschöpfung und in ihrem Schutze der Fötus der Schöpfung,

12. Es war noch Zeitlose, die endlose dauer ohne Zeit und Raum. 13. Es war nur die noch nicht zur Existenz geborene Idee der Urschöpfung. 14. Es war das Nichts, in das die Urschöpfung ihre Idee gelegt hatte. 15. Die Idee war der Fötus der Schöpfung, so also das ideenhafte Werden der Schöpfung in kleinster Form, als wohl bereits geborene, jedoch noch nicht in Existenz erschaffene Idee. 16. Der Fötus der Schöpfung, die geborene Idee, der Samen, aus der die Schöpfung keimen und sich entfalten musste, schlummerte noch. 17. Sie war sich ihrer noch nicht bewusst. 18. Und sie schlummerte während sieben Grosszeiten der Urschöpfung und in ihrem Schutze. 19. Für den Fötus der werdenden Schöpfung waren Raum und Zeit noch nicht existent, denn noch war für sie nur endlose Dauer ohne jegliche Begrenzung. 20. So schlummerte sie also dahin unter der Kontrolle der Urschöpfung, die einer Zeit und eines Raumes sich bewusst war, und aus denen heraus sie den Fötus der Schöpfung für die Dauer der Zeit von ihr eigener Zeitdauer, nämlich sieben Grosszeiten, werden lies. 21. So bot sie dem Schöpfungsfötus Schutz in der Form, dass sie die bis anhin nur als Idee und Samen erschaffene Idee und das ebenso idee-existierende Nichts in ihre eigene Zeit hüllte, wodurch sich der Schöpfungsfötus in dem ihm zugegebenen Raum und der Zeit zu entfalten und zu evolutionieren vermochte, was besagt wird mit:

6. Itself unfolding and evolutionizing (evolving),

7. to become Creation in energy, might and BEING and henceforth to be called Creation Universal Consciousness or in a simply manner Creation.

22. The Creation-fetus, the seed, slumbered still in unconscious, still but itself unfolding and evolutionizing (evolving). 23. The Creation, still fetus, germinated in itself, growing and becoming, whereby it forces unfolded and vivid became. 24. Still but was it only conceived (begotten) as idea of the Ur-Flame,

6. Sich entfaltend und evolutionierend,

7. um Schöpfung zu werden in Energie, Kraft und SEIN und fortan genannt zu werden als Schöpfung Universalbewusstsein oder in einfacher Weise Schöpfung.

22. Der Schöpfungsfötus, der Samen, schlummerte noch im Unbewussten, doch aber sich entfaltend und entwickelnd. 23. Die Schöpfung, noch Fötus, keimte in sich selbst, wachsend und werdend, wodurch sie Kräfte entfaltete und lebendig wurde. 24. Noch aber war sie erst gezeugt als Idee der Urflamme,

8. Still but was it only begotten (conceived) as idea of the Ur-Flame,

25. Even without any knowledge, without wisdom, love and power, then still was it only in itself undetected fetus, seed:

8. Noch aber war sie erst gezeugt als Idee der Urflamme,

25. Noch ohne jegliches Wissen, ohne Weisheit, Liebe und Kraft, denn noch war sie ja erst in sich selbst unerkannter Fötus, Samen:

9. unknowing and unwise.

10. Slumbering it laid in the womb of the delivering and the becoming (expectant) of the first seven great-times,

26. Still was neither time nor space, then space and time must first become. 27. The Ur-Creation itself laid out of it level it own time in the Nothing, in which the fetus of the becoming (expectant) Creation slumbered. 28. Thereby was the becoming Creation time devoted, so for it the endless duration a term became, to the time, that it becoming is still to it unknown devoted was: 29. Seven great-times after the time-existence of the Ur-Creation, from conception (procreation) to conscious birth. 30. Out of the non-existent must the Creation indeed itself created, in an endless duration, in which neither space nor time there was, because everything Nothing was. 31. The Nothing but must be through itself, the becoming Creation, to space and time created to become. 32. Since it could not even do this by itself, because it still the knowledge and the consciousness lacked of, gave the Ur-Creation it the time of seven great-times in attached. 33. Then with it becoming began for it the time, which synchronous with it evolutionization (evolvement) becoming was and to the finitiness of the endless duration.

9. unwissend und unweise.

10. Schlummernd lag sie im Schosse der gebärenden und werdenden ersten sieben Grosszeiten,

26. Noch war ja weder Zeit noch Raum, denn Raum und Zeit mussten erst werden. 27. Die Urschöpfung selbst legte aus ihrer Ebene ihre eigene Zeit in das Nichts, in dem der Fötus der werdenden Schöpfung schlummerte. 28. Dadurch wurde der werdenden Schöpfung Zeit zugetan, so für sie die endlose Dauer zum Begriff wurde, zur Zeit, die ihr werdend als ihr noch unbekanntes zugetan wurde: 29. Sieben Grosszeiten nach dem Zeitbestehen der Urschöpfung, von der Zeugung bis zur bewussten Geburt. 30. Aus dem Nichtexistenten musste sich die Schöpfung ja selbst erschaffen, in einer endlosen Dauer, in der es weder Raum noch Zeit gab, weil alles Nichts war. 31. Das Nichts aber musste durch sie, die werdende Schöpfung, zu Raum und Zeit kreiert werden. 32. Da sie dies aber noch nicht selbst zu tun vermochte, weil ihr noch das Wissen und das Bewusstsein fehlten, gab ihr die Urschöpfung die Zeit von sieben Grosszeiten bei. 33. Denn mit ihrem Werden begann für sie die Zeit, die gleichlaufend mit ihrer Evolutionierung werdend wurde und zur Begrenztheit der endlosen Dauer.