Discussão:Homosexuality - What is its Cause?

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 20h29min de 4 de setembro de 2010 por Barbarian216 (discussão | contribs) (Homosexual a State of Confusion)

Comments on Homosexuality - What is its Cause? <comments />

Sanjin said ...

The word sodomy was not translated here properly:

"In modern German, the word “Sodomie” has no connotation of anal or oral sex, and refers specifically to bestiality."


--Sanjin 02:19, 17 May 2010 (BST)

Beau Man said ...

Homosexuals can and many do choose to procreate. I am a parent of two children, conceived with women, raised in a loving household in mixed community - males and females of diverse orientations. Love is the basis of any successful relationship, with self, other, the planet and universe...

--Beau Man 23:28, 24 May 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

According to contact report 219, the priesthood is partially to blame because of cellibacy. You must release that tension or distorted volcanic eruptions occur such as homosexuality. Don't join the priesthood. All the priests should take a lie detector test. I think the Pope would have a very hard time defending a majority of his priests. Nuns must face the same dilemma, time to search for nuns that need to be freed from there tension. :)j/k

--Mark 00:00, 26 May 2010 (BST)

AS said ...

I'm a bit confused by the wording on this particular page.

Even if a male homosexual bond were of a loving and kind nature, and not out of lust or hedonism, it would be deemed unnatural?

As a bisexual male and follower of Billy Meier's work, this saddens me.

--AS 01:10, 1 August 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Hi AS.

It would only be unnatural for one of you to change your nature surgically to have the ability to bear children. I have talked with Mariann Uehlinger about this and this is what I have found out:

The word homo-sexuality in itself is a contradictory word because of the meaning of the word sexuality in the German language. Not sure if you understand it but here is the German Wikipedia page for this: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexualit%C3%A4t

Sexuality is defined in its strict biological sense as "the condition of (at least) two different reproductive types (sexes) of living creatures of the same kind who are capable to reproduce with the other type (sex)." -rough translation

That's why "Homo-Sexualität" is unnatural, but relationships and attraction and sexual union between two men and two women is a natural occurance.

Its really hard to explain it in English, because the German words Sexualität is not the same as sexuality, and also Geschlecht is not the same as gender.

For example Geschlechtsverkehr means sexual intercourse, but word for word it is "gender-intercourse". It's basically impossible to translate it without falsifying the meaning, because the words refer to different things and when one tries to explain something with the two words a different meaning comes out than was meant originally.

I hope this makes sense. :)

--Sanjin 19:09, 1 August 2010 (BST)

AS said ...

Thanks Sanjin.

The whole thing is still pretty vague to me, but I think I understand the basic idea now.

So, hypothetically, if we lived far in the future, and my male partner and I decided to try to make life artificially through some sort of technological means or something like that, that's what would be unnatural?

Unless I'm interpreting it completely wrong. Also, the future thing is just an example. I couldn't think of a better way of wording it.

Thank you.

--AS 21:20, 1 August 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

Homosexuality is confusion and chaotic at both the material and non-material realms which results in all cases except in rare cases between females, the extinction of such arrangements! There are cases where conception occurs between females due to some genetic influences, but I would assume it is not a natural way of conception and probably not a recommended method of ensuring the species will evolve properly or sustain its reproduction cycles.

It is not pro-creative because biologically speaking a human male which is positive and a human female which is negative are balanced once marriage or union is established, both are needed in order to Creationally evolve the material Beings to the next level of evolution until finally both merge in the Petale level.

Also, homosexuality causes confusion for the reincarnation process, experiences that contradict ones inherited or defined gender specific attributes be it male or female effects every living cell and thus determines in a sense, how the next personality "emerges" for the spirit within each individual.

The "feelings" between these individuals may be genuine and compassionate with sincere meanings, but I often wonder how it affects the former passed personalities that have evolved symetrically with its gender attributes in regards to the spirit in each? We know for a fact that personalities are keep separate in order to prevent confusion, but are not the stored experiences essential for the development of one's spirit because they are connected?

For example, if an embodied male (positive), now having female (negative) impulses, yet remain on the cellular level as male positive is rather, in my opinion (which is not set in stone, until otherwise proven likewise), rather not in harmony a contradiction of sorts, where this negative influences should be coming from a female gender specific source.

The same also applies for female-female (negative-negative) relationships, but that is my opinion and subject to open discussion.

--Hawaiian 22:47, 1 August 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Hawaiian, how did you come to the conclusion that homosexuality is confusion? I do not think that Creation was confused when it created it's natural laws which placed the prostate in human males there where it can be stimulated from anal intercourse.

I'm not advocating that there is no homosexuality which occurs due to confusion, which would be males that are naturally heterosexual, but develop a disposition to same-sex relationships due to degenerate thoughts. There are also cases which come from being sexually molested by the opposite sex which in turn makes the person develop a fear for the opposite sex.

--Sanjin 20:41, 4 September 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian 20:29, 4 September 2010 (UTC)Your statements regarding fear of the opposite sex due to abusive behavior falls outside of the main issue, but none-the-less could be delegated to sub-topic, which regardless is a result of degenerated Cause and Effect event. To continue this path of fear is still against creational laws of harmony between a physical male/female in order to maintain its evolutionary development. If not resolved in this life cycle, then perhaps in the next incarnation?

It is becoming a chore to verify my statements that I have posted to those that govern their responses with emotional rather than logical reasoning as the connections are derived utilizing the materials posted on this website. In which two are listed on the bottom and the 3rd requires one to extrapolate it logically using their minds to connect why in the material realms there is a separation between human males and females.

One has to logically reason from a point of view regarding energy flows, that males are generally positive in nature while females are negative. It is not to say females are negative, but the flow of energy completes the cycle between positive and negative otherwise the physical human race will cease to exist.

Thus, if one is a physical male and has sexual desires for another male, which by nature or creational laws an attribute “assigned” to a female, then therefore is it NOT a state of CONFUSION? I think on U-tube, Billy does attest to this notion?

http://futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Homosexuality_-_What_is_its_Cause%3F Degenerate sensory perceptions and self-created, anti-natural desires in perverse form, as well as inherent homophile selfishness, are interpreted as engendering a pseudo-homosexuality that is generated by one's own thoughts and fantasies, and which transgresses against the natural-creational laws and directives, and consequently constitutes an aberration. This form of homosexuality shows no relation whatsoever to the naturally occurring homosexuality that is against nature but genetically predetermined by nature. As a rule, the degenerate homosexuality, hence the pseudo-homosexuality that is self-created through thoughts and fantasies is paired with other self-generated sexual abnormalities and transgressions against the laws of nature, such as sodomy, masochism, sadism, and so forth. Homosexual men, by definition, cannot perform sexually procreative acts with one another. They can merely gratify themselves sexually, as is explained in the OM:

http://futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Erra#Relationships No men and women on Erra are homosexual or bisexual as this benign and natural genetic disorder has been eradicated through genetic manipulation.