
Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 15h06min de 25 de agosto de 2010 por (discussão) (Comment provided by Benjamin Stevens - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Sirian <comments />

Hawaiian said ...


Do you delete the comments made by Drekx Omega? If yes, too bad, it could have served as a reminder to others he/she may have mislead and continued by others of such capacity. A "testament" or example to avoid being swayed away from Creational teachings.

It was an excellent exercise of fruitily and I would have loved to do a summary analysis in short order so that others on the fringe may have a direct exposure from the frauds who are out there in lala land, but can cause terrible damage to those not familiar to BEAM's mission.

Maybe it could be revised, taking out the abusive language and personal attacks and just concentrating on the topic at hand? Just my opinion.


--Hawaiian 22:33, 24 August 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Hawaiian I think the following line from Jmmanuel provide us with the answer to that suggestion:

It is better to let an unreasonable person walk on the path of misery than to bring confusion to one's own consciousness. Page 110 - The Talmud of Jmmanuel. I've recently been reading it again.

Drekx was bringing confusion to others with his lies and untruths and so we should not allow that to happen. By deleting the conversation others will not have a chance to become confused by him.

--Jamesm 22:56, 24 August 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

Before i discovered BEAM, I was looking at everything for information on UFO's and all related articles and topics. for some reason, when i saw pics of Billy, I stayed away from him for some reason and I am still unsure why. I found the Galactic Federation of Light and became pretty interested, wanted to know more so I searched out everything I could find. I must have listened to 4 months of that computer voice and at first I must admit I kinda believed it. I was whisked away with the thoughts of being "whisked away" so that I did not have worry about our past discretion's and we were going to be magically lifted into highly evolved states all at the same time, under the polar ice caps, in crystal chambers. soon all these "channeler's" begin to pop up constantly and the computer voice became less grammatically correct, the tone and verbiage was taking on a less serious tone and through the inevitable degradation of too many people trying to do it, just became too stupid to go along with. the ideas smack of other ideas, philosophies,etc. i explored Barbara Marciniak, she was trying to say that the " pleadians wanted women to dabble remnants of their menses in each corner of the property to strengthen some kind of spiritual bond or something totally ridiculous. I found George Green and he just sounded like Alex Jones all over again. I had my go with that guy and found him to be utterly not listenable. And finally ended up listening to everything R. Winters had on youtube. including the 150 part series on BEAM. when I finally went to the FIGU site, the first thing I saw was a list of all these people plus a bunch more that FIGU was warning against. I found that to be very interesting and since then as they say "the rest is history. I have found more than just information, but a steady, consistent, stream of deep knowledge, strong philosophy, and totally corroborative insight in regards to prophecy and prediction. I find myself applying these things to my everyday life and am met with good reaction from the world around me. I know that I will continue this exploration for the remainder of my days and hopefully be re-acquainted with this bountiful and generous organization in the next lives to come!! SALOME:)

--Zameen 22:57, 24 August 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Zameen thanks for that fairly detailed account of your evolution in separating the wheat from the chaff! Mine is similar, just the names change a little.

I'm not sure why I have always been interested in things extraterrestrial and the questions about my inner self but it has always been so. I used to be a daydreamer too but that might be because I'm a Pisces to some extent. I have read many books on UFOs over the last 15 years. Sheldon Nidle's book You Are Becoming A Galactic Human was probably one of the first. It was interesting back in 1994 approx and I also started reading his website updates on the progress of the photon belt. This included claims that when it hits Earth we were going to ascend into the 5th dimension and then they will land (the Galactic Fed of Light). Then we were going to be rejuvenated by their technology I think and become integrated with their society. All very desirable things to a young man of my disposition. These updates on his website got progressively repetitive and sillier until I saw through the illusion and deception. I also bought Barbara Marciniaks book but could not read past the first few chapters. It was simply not what I was looking for I think. The bit about menstrual blood also struck a big discordant note with me too.

Off I then went on a quest to find the real truth behind UFOs and also about my inner self. I read UFO books like Alien Liaison, Unearthly Disclosure and The UFO Encyclopaedia, and also books on reincarnation such as Life After Life. Gaiaguys have my thanks for telling me about the significance of Billy which resulted in me investigating Billy's writings very thoroughly and making this website what it is today. Of course there are many other contributors who also have my thanks. They know who they are. They should thank themselves silently :)

--Jamesm 23:33, 24 August 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

Jamesm and Zameen,

I was actually looking forward in engaging Drekx more, because in the end he/she was avoiding my questions which was probing his/her knowledge and trickles of contradictions/delusions started to appear.

I do admit, he/she knows quite a bit about BEAM, but is misguided in acknowledging the entire messages and "stuck" on religious dogmas, but who knows, maybe he/she would have a change of heart once we get to "massage" his/her brain a little more? But, you may be right in not letting (he/she quit) the posting sway others away from the truth.

Now, as far as being attracted to Billy's mission, it was more of a chance encounter while doing some research on UFO topics. I've experienced an incident over 15 years ago while suddenly having the urge to look outside the window around 2 AM.

There were about 5 or 6 shinning objects all equally spaced apart just motionless in the sky about 1 mile away. I just looked at it for about several minutes, then in my mind wanted to get a closer look, which it approached and stayed there, now right over the hills only about 100 meters, still all equally spaced apart, but now more defined and exactly the way Billy shows them in his pictures.

At this time, although not trained in telepathy, I tried to contact "it" and got an immediate response which I can only describe as something like being looked over "under a huge microscope", very odd feeling that scared the s%$t out of me.

Instantly all the objects started slowly moving to the right, which in my mind I brushed it off as being a illusion, but at that instant, these objects then moved in a sine way fashion, equally space intervals across the sky!

Also, when I was a 7 year old kid and late for baseball practice, I couldn't reach for my baseball bat which was in a big box. Tried, but couldn't reach it, out of frustration, that bat moved from the far corner and right into my hands!

Also, at times I get dreams of meeting people or experiencing things that in the future, it still happens, but now it's much more interactive, just like in real life sometimes. Actually had 3 separate dreams meeting Jesus Christ and his disciples, the last time I told him to F&^k off and join the creator overlords when he tried to put a crown on my head.

There are more incidents, which I don't want to talk about because it will get others in trouble. And that is why I currently read and study BEAM, but now I'm more interested in the spiritual application and one theory I'm working on called the "Equational Potentials", which I have forwarded to FIGU about 2 weeks ago and gotten no response???


--Hawaiian 00:24, 25 August 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

Drekx was one unique person I'll tell you that but felt had an uncomfortable aura about how DO worded and altered many things. I hope this person finds peace in there many lifetimes or youtube is in danger. :) j/k

--Mark 01:56, 25 August 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

you guys are pretty cool

--Zameen 04:31, 25 August 2010 (BST)

Dave said ...


I think your action was appropriate. This forum should not be a sounding board for those delusional thoughts. As you rightly said, it would bring confusion to others with lies and untruths. This forum should serve only to present new revelations and clarified existing Meier materials.

Very wise, by the way, in using the TJ to guide you.


--Dave 05:12, 25 August 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

could it be that the exchanges afforded to drekx here at this site served as the aforementioned need for more debate on this subject? perhaps this could help he/she in realizing certain truths delusion-ally withheld? or maybe the much needed exploration into our own REAL understanding of such an expansive subject. i have a lot to do!!

--Zameen 05:43, 25 August 2010 (BST)

Benjamin Stevens said ...

I have to agree with Hawaiian, in that it’s too bad that all of the comments made by Drekx Omega were completely deleted. In fact, it is extremely unfortunate. Thankfully, people can still read the discussion in the history section of the Talk:Taljda page, if they so desire.

Basically, here’s what the entire conversation boiled down to: Drekx Omega offered information that wasn’t found in the Meier material and that, in some parts, disagreed with it. While some were willing to inquire into why Drekx concludes what he does, others simply attacked him, for no other presented reason than that he was saying things that couldn’t be found anywhere in the Meier material. Then, in response to the fact that Drekx was saying things that couldn’t be found in the Meier material, he was forced into silence and designated as a false prophet.

I would like all who were actively involved in the discussion to consider a few things:

What would have a more positive impact on those who are new to the case and who are visiting a website in order to learn more about it:

1. While looking at a discussion on a particular page, they see that information which doesn’t agree with the Meier material is welcomed and that, nevertheless, logical and polite arguments are presented by those who disagree with such information. 2. While reading a discussion on a page, they see that information which doesn’t agree with the Meier material is baselessly attacked and then silenced into oblivion, for no other presented reason than that it doesn’t agree with the Meier material.

Also, what would be seen by those who are new to the case and who are seeing what is going on in point number 2 above? Would they see individuals - who harshly attack and silence anything that disagrees with them, for evidently no other reason then that they disagree with it - as those who are confident in their worldview and who are actively able to defend it, or would they see such individuals as those who rotely believe in anything that they know their teacher says and who are hopelessly threatened by anything that disagrees with what they know?

Finally, does the second set of individuals described above sound anything like the cult-followers of today?

I must say that I am very disappointed in the discussion that I observed over the past couple of days, and Drekx Omega, if you read this and it means anything to you, I apologize for the misconduct of the many individuals on that thread, who claim to own the truth for themselves. I applaud how you conducted yourself through it all and, by this, see that you are much wiser than those who attacked you.

--Benjamin Stevens 16:06, 25 August 2010 (BST)