Discussão:Human being of the Earth

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 13h33min de 22 de junho de 2010 por (discussão) (Comment provided by Childless - via ArticleComments extension)

Comments on Human being of the Earth <comments />

Frank said ...

What Billy is saying here is no more than what all of us know but dont practice.....this to me is just another distraction to DOING what I believe should be done. Talking a good game is just that! a good talk....everyone has this abillity.....next!

--Frank 23:14, 4 June 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

To Frank: So why DID you post anything here at all? get back to work! (just being frank.)

--Zameen 23:23, 4 June 2010 (BST)

Neckel said ...

.... only those that really understood behave after their knowledge..... "Wenn es in Fleisch und Blut übergeht"..... Honestly :) globally we do not much better behave than our ancestors the romans, or the european settlers that came to north/south america, in an ethical, moral and human way, only the methods changed and our doing is better covered and disguised and hided also because of our sophisticated media and entertainment industry..... therefore the majority only sees 30 % of what is really happening in the world. To say: "We know all this, but no one is practicing it." is only a cheap excuse with double meaning. For one we think we already know everything, but in reality we did not understand anything. Second one presumes that all the others know it but do not do anything, so why should i do something, because one alone can not do anything,..... what an illusion and a simple excuse to continue like before.

By the way, we are not only talking here but also living it. :)

OM Kanon 32 Vers 106. "Ueber wertlose Dinge macht der Mensch grossen Lärm und grosses Geschrei, über die Weisheit und Wahrheit und über das Wissen und die Liebe schweigt er, denn durch sine Dummheit erkennt er ihren grossen Wert nicht."


--Neckel 08:23, 6 June 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Quick translation of that quote:

"About worthless things the human makes big noise and big outcry; about the wisdom and truth and the knowledge and the love he's silent, because due to his stupidity he does not recognise their great value."

--Sanjin 18:33, 6 June 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

I know when I first read the contact reports I was a bit skeptical as well Frank. I thought what the hell are they doing about any of these problems. I think everybody that reads something can interpret it in a different way. I presume that your meaning of "DOING" is for Billy and his Plejaren friends to fix all our wrongs. Correct me if I'm wrong. I read many times Billy ask his Plejaren friends to try and intervene or if they could do something. It's like the people of today, they do something wrong and don't man up to it. If people would take responsibility rather than finding a bailout plan every time they do wrong, our world would be better. WE have to create and shape our own world. I find it rather laughable that we want to advance in technology and fly into space when our current living quarters has a lot of growing up to do.

--Mark 19:35, 6 June 2010 (BST)

Childless said ...

I recognized the problems of over population at a young age and detrimed that I would not produce any offspring. If even half the population would do this we as humans would be on the right path to saving our own existance. There are many children who are orphans and if one can not live without children this is a good choice to make.

--Childless 14:33, 22 June 2010 (BST)