Discussão:Petition For Controlled Birth Stop

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Revisão em 21h10min de 26 de dezembro de 2008 por Jamesm (discussão | contribs) (→‎Discussion)


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Jamesm 00:12, 20 December 2008 (UTC) This line is the first comment.

Phenix 06:44, 20 December 2008 (UTC) Great work, Kamerad James! And so timely! - praise and honor to Creation, indeed; the Peace Meditation shall be particularly neutral-positively charged this evening.

Looking forward to the insights of the forum and to the eventual definitive draft. My traditional Christmas and New Year Postcards and E-cards stand ready. I shall keep the text i submitted to you, that is:


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope...


Everything needs management, including ourselves and our number. Nothing is endless and requires rational use, including earth's resources. The shortages of clean water, food, minerals and other basic life' s items, pollution and the destruction of the environment are nowadays more obvious that never before. We, Humans, put too much stress on Earth. Our number is way too great.

Be aware of overpopulation and of the threat of overpopulation to our own well-being and the harmony of this planet. And ultimately to our survival as a species.

Take action, make a difference, help us!

Add your voice to our overpopulation awareness campaign and support our world wide birth control initiative.

Please, go to:


and sign our petition.

This petition will be sent to the world population awareness organization, other majors international organizations and to all responsible people of our world, who make decisions directly influencing our daily life. Let's shape a responsible future now. We owe that to our children and the children of our children. We owe it to Mother-Earth.

Thank you."

Kamerad James, other Kameraden, Your corrections(also regarding the language) and suggestions would be highly appreciated.



Jamesm 01:51, 21 December 2008 (UTC) I've made a major modification. I have inserted the main portion of http://us.figu.org/portal/SocialIssues/ACrusadeAgainstOverpopulation/tabid/102/Default.aspx above the Population Growth Charts, corrected the spelling so that it conforms to UK English and removed the previous section on Required Worldwide Measures (which was actually copied from http://us.figu.org/portal/SocialIssues/BirthRateCheck/tabid/104/Default.aspx ).

Jamesm 03:23, 21 December 2008 (UTC) I'm more satisfied with the petition now but I still need to read the entire thing! The length of it will put some people off but I think it is needed in order to present a full picture of the overpopulation problem.

Phenix 08:22, 21 December 2008 (UTC) Greetings, James, I hope you are doing just fine; thanks for your work.

The insertion - straight away, at the beginning of the petition - of the consequences of overpopulation, which people might feel and even experience in their daily life, and the strong underlining of the direct connection of the two, is a bright idea.

While working further on the 'backgroungs information' leading ultimately to the definitive version of the petition, i would suggest to leave the first draft of the petition open to discussion until December 24th, morning; and from there, to use that draft - with eventual corrections, additions, suggestions of the forum - as a provisory, 'work draft'.

This would be in order to make optimal use of the opportunities of Christmas and New Year to start the awareness campaign, through the traditional 'good wishes postcards, E-cards and letters'.

Looking forward to your assessment.

Salome, Adam.

Jamesm 12:31, 21 December 2008 (UTC) Yes good idea Phenix, let's leave it as it is now until the 24th to give people a chance to read it.

Phenix 13:26, 21 December 2008 (UTC) Thanks again, James.

Well, "alea iacta est!", i would say.

Salome, Phenix/Adam

Hawaiian 07:06, 23 December 2008 (UTC) Very disturbing numbers, seems like World Wars 1 and 2 had little effect in slowing down these numbers. Would be interesting to see which countries have the most impact on world population as it appears more developed nations tend to level off while poorer ones explode. If true, then maybe mandatory sterilizations should be geared toward those countries along with sterilizations of rapists, killers, pediphiles, drug addicts and other non-disciplined types of the more developed nations. Just wonder if some ET's can help us out by some technology to "zap" ones gonads, starting with the undesirables??? :)

The majority of Earth humans are just plain ignorant and currently not capable of adhering to these measures however logical it appears. They will continue to multiply like rabbits, so with a little "help" from our friends would certainly appear rational.

Phenix 08:21, 23 December 2008 (UTC) Good morning Hawaiian,

Thanks for your insight.

The global situation is indeed rather alarming, specially if one agrees that all is strongly connected:

Shortage of almost all first resources (drinking water, food, oil… other vital items) and the therefrom resulting poverty; inequality; hunger; spiritual stagnation; despair... and subsequently crime; massive immigration; economic migration and ecological refugees; 'hatred towards foreigners'; terrorism; wars... not to mention the destruction of the environment.

Earth needs to recover; the natural resources need also time to renew themselves. We are not allowing both. Alas.

Overpopulation is hence likely to become one of the most important and - perhaps - the most decisive questions and challenges in the coming times for the whole humanity, politicians and other decision makers in the first place.

So i thought that it would be wise and wishful to see this issue humanly and responsibly managed by 'progressive forces', in place of some 'right-wing' and similar parties and groups.

As for a possible solution, to answer to the second part of your contribution, the startingpoint and philosophy here are to equally address all countries and nations, that is that a worldwide rational birth control should be decided and equally implemented and enforced.

Help from our extraterrestrial friends. Considering the gravity, the urgency and indeed the complexity of the situation - as you rightly pointed it out - such a step would certainly be welcome.

I however do not think that they should "help us out by some technology to "zap" ones gonads, starting with the undesirables??? :-)" [:-)]

A spiritual and maybe logistical support shall be enough; we ourselves shall do the rest, responsibly and humanly.

There is actually a petition open, where the assistance of the Plejarens is asked, on the grounds of the earthly rules and laws of humanitarian intervention: http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/9474.html?1229127606 ; my post 165(member Phenix).

Your support would be highly appreciated.



@#126; @#126; @#125; @#126; Good morning, James, Hawaiian and all Kameraden,

We shall then proceed as we agreed.

A list of web addresses of organizations, ministries, organizations and other personalities - who could help our cause - is following.

I would suggest:

A/ to send Christmas and New Year postcards, as information about this petition, to organizations and ministries;

B/ to send Christmas and New Year postcards, with a call to join our awareness campaign by signing our petition, to individuals;

C/ to send each 100th or 200th signed petition to the abovementioned organizations - or any other number of signed petitions.


- UN and UN General Secretary, currently Mister Ban Ki-Moon: http://www.un.org/; http://www.un.org/sg/;

- World Population Organizations: http://www.wpf.org/nederlands ; http://worldpopulationbalance.org/; http://www.populationinstitute.org/

- World Population Awareness: http://www.overpopulation.org/; http://www.wpf.org/organisation)

- Ministries of Family and Population of all African Countries: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTAFRREGTOPGENDER/Resources/gov_contacts_3.pdf

- Ministry of Family and welfare Bangladesh: http://www.google.com/search?q=Ministry+of+population%2C+health+and+family+bangladesh&rls=com.microsoft:nl:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7SUNA

- Honduras: Ministry of Family and Population: http://www.paho.org/English/DD/AIS/cp_340.htm ; Department of Population Planning: http://www.popcouncil.org/slr/techassist.html

- Websites of Population Council worldwide: http://www.popcouncil.org/slr/techassist.html

- Online(Dutch) Address Encyclopedia of World' Population related Instances/Organizations: http://www.socialsecurity.fgov.be/nl/links/staten.htm


- Website of the Activist on Human Affairs, Leader of the Band U2, Mister Bono - with his Direct Contact Address: http://u2_inspire.tripod.com/

- Mister Nelson Mandela Foundation: http://www.nelsonmandela.org/index.php

- Most Reverend Desmond Tutu: http://www.whoswhosa.co.za/Pages/profilefull.aspx?IndID=1971

- The Earth Charter Initiative - already endorsed by FIGU: courtesy of member Phi_spiral(Bob): http://www.earthcharter.org/

- Population Action International (PAI): http://www.populationaction.org/

- Population Coalition: http://www.populationpress.org/

- Population Connection: http://www.zpg.org/

- The Population Institute: http://www.populationinstitute.org/

- Growth Is Madness: http://growthmadness.org/2006/12/24/the-not-so-elusive-population-environment-link/

- Optimum Population Trust: http://www.optimumpopulation.org/

- ..etc...

Kameraden, I would suggest also to begin sending the first draft of the petition - the first, pretty short one - and to keep working ont the current petition(with background information), to which we would redirect interested people for eventual 'further readings'.

Here is also a site, where one has the possibility to send Christmas and New Year postcards in more than 8 languages. We just need to add a short call to join our campaign:


Looking forward to your idea, suggestions and ...actions!



@#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; Greetings to you, James, to Hawaiian and to all the others,

We shall then begin.

If you don't mind, i will address the 7 first organizations and instances from our list, plus mister Mandela and reverend Desmond Tutu.

Succcess and Salome,


@#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; INFORMATION:

Two of the models we use:

A/ To organizations in general:


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

May the upcoming days of celebration bring you love, health, inspiration, hope, success and joy!

I wish the year 2009 will see the realization of all your dearest dreams. May peace and harmonious progress be on Earth!

Thanks, Sirs, for your work, care and commitment for Mankind.


Your help is needed.

As we all know, everything needs management, care and sound policy; including ourselves and our number. Nothing is endless and everything requires rational use; including earth resources. The shortages of clean water, food, minerals and other basic life' s items; pollution and the destruction of the environment are nowadays more obvious that never before. We, Humans, put too much stress on Earth and are greatly responsible for the current state of affairs, for all is indeed strongly connected:

Shortage of almost all first resources (drinking water, food, oil… other vital items) and the therefrom resulting poverty; inequality; hunger; spiritual stagnation; despair... and subsequently crime; massive immigration; economic migration and ecological refugees; 'hatred towards foreigners'; terrorism; wars... not to mention the destruction of the environment.

Earth needs to recover; natural resources need also time to renew themselves. We are not allowing both. Alas. Overpopulation is hence likely to become one of the most important and - perhaps - the most decisive questions and challenges in the coming times for the whole humanity, politicians and other decision makers in the first place.

Sirs, please, be aware of overpopulation and of the threat of overpopulation to our own well-being and the harmony of this planet. And ultimately to our survival as a species.

Take action, make a difference, help us! Add your voice to our overpopulation awareness campaign and support our world wide birth control initiative.

Please, go to:


and sign our petition - it shall be launched shortly.

This petition will be sent to the World Population Awareness Organization, The Earth Charter Initiative( http://www.earthcharter.org/) , other major international organizations dealing with development and population and to all responsible citizens of our world, including yourselves and your noble organization, who make decisions directly influencing our daily life.

Let's shape a responsible future now. We owe that to our children and to the children of our children. We owe it to Mother-Earth.

Thank you.

Adam Izak-Sunna; Student. The Netherlands."

B/ To individuals and organizations i maintain personal/study/professional contacts with:

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

May the upcoming days of celebration bring you love, health, inspiration, hope, success and joy!

I wish the year 2009 will see the realization of all your dearest dreams.

Friends, Comrades,

I do have a concern.

We all know that all is connected. Everything needs management; ourselves and our number are not and can not be an exception. Nothing is endless and all requires rational use, care and maintenance, including earth's resources. The shortages of clean water, food, minerals and other basic life's items, pollution and the destruction of the environment are nowadays more obvious that never before. We, Humans, and the ways we go about life, put too much stress on Earth.

Earth needs to recover; natural resources need also time to renew themselves. We do not allow both.

Allow me please to share some personal experience and thoughts.

I do believe that the number of Human Beings currently on Earth indicates a state of overpopulation, specially in the specific context of the current mode of production - or should i rather say, 'exploitation' of this Planet and its resources - that is, this wild, aggressive Capitalism driven by greed alone. Were the goods, other life sustaining commodities, the product we ourselves produce or gain directly from Earth, responsibly and honestly managed; if our aims in this existence were spiritually more elevated(instead of the sole accumulation of money and other material items), there would certainly be no question of overpopulation the way it is now; for Mother-Earth is able to and is willing to take care of her Children - and does still do so. But in the current structure, our number puts lots of stress of Earth and its resources, for everyone wants still more and more and, as we all know, there are no limits to the 'accumulation fever' and greed has by definition no boundaries. Besides, Humans are not the only inhabitants of this Planet. There are other Life Forms having the same rights to be and to develop; Life Forms which are as necessary and dear to Earth as we, Humans, are: Flora, Fauna.

We are building factories and other human production facilities on lands, which should normally be reserved to agriculture, to the flora and fauna; we are destroying forests, polluting water and air... Flora and Fauna are being incessantly persecuted by us. I read recently in a scientific paper(i do alas not recall the name) and i saw more recently on 'Discovery Channel-Science', that honey bees are disappearing in horrifying huge numbers and sorts(and we all know the great role they play for the balance of our eco-system); the ice is dramatically melting(due in part to human irresponsible activities, like the tests of atomic and nuclear bombs underground and in the atmosphere!!!)... A couple of months ago, two ice-bears swam the whole way to the west coast(fjords) of Iceland, hungry and in despair, for there is no more ice they could live on. People used guns to kill!

We bear a lot of guilt here. Let's try to repair some of it; let's make amend for some of it. Before it is indeed too late.

Please be aware of overpopulation and of the threat of overpopulation to our own well-being and to the harmony of this planet. And ultimately to our survival as a species.

Take action, make a difference, help us - help Mankind! Please do take the lead; advocate and promote a worldwide rational birth control.

Add your voice to our overpopulation awareness campaign and support our Worldwide Birth Control Initiative.

Please go to:


And sign our petition - it shall be launched shortly.

This petition will be forwarded to the World population Awareness organization, the Earth Charter Initiative, ( http://www.earthcharter.org/), other major international organizations dealing with development and population and to all responsible citizens of this world, who make decisions directly affecting our daily life.

Let' s shape a responsible future now. We owe that to our children and to the children of our children. We owe that to Mother-Earth.

Thank you."

Here we go, Gentlemen:

Thank you for your inquiry.‏ From: inquiries (inquiries@un.org) Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 8:57:59 PM To: Izak-Sunna Adam (aepsilonm@hotmail.com)

Greetings from the Public Inquiries Team.

Thank you for your message which has been received at United Nations Headquarters in New York. We invite you to visit our website where you will find information about the work of the Organization. The following address will take you to a webpage with answers to frequently asked questions, factsheets and other public information material:


So far, so gut, thus.

Salome, Phenix/Adam.

@#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; Greetings!

Here is my report of the day:

I addressed the following organizations and instances:

1- wpf.org/nl; 2- World population Balance; 3- population Institute; 4- Population Action International; 5- People and planet.net; 6- population Council; 7- Frontiers in Reproductivity and health; 8-Canadian International Agency; 9- Ministry of Labor and Home Affairs of Botswana; 10- Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Entrainment of Madagascar; 11- Ministry of Gender and Community Services of Malawi; 12- Ministry of Women's Rights, Child, Development and Family Welfare of Mauritius; 13- Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion of Rwanda; 14- Ministry of Women Affairs and Child Welfare of Namibia; 15- Ministry of Women and Family Affairs(Office of President) of South Africa; 15- Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs of Sierra Leone; 16- Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children of Tanzania; 17- Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development of Uganda; 18- Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare of Zambia.

I shall address Mister Mandela and reverend Desmond Tutu before going to bed.

Tomorrow i will take on all French speaking countries of the World - starting with African countries.


James, i will translate the definitive petition into French, Dutch, German(if needed) and Russian. I have a Kamerad, who could provide us with translations in Rumanian, Italian, Spanish and Portguese. I shall find someone for the translation in Swahili and Japanese - and will ask our Comrade Zhila-Creational for the translation in Farsi.

Maybe you could then open links for a choice of languages.


Could someone help us with the Chinese, Indian and Arabic translations?

It would be properly appreciated.



@#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; Greetings to all,


The petition has been savely delivered to mister Nelson Mandela(nmf@nelsonmandela.org) and to reverend Desmond Tutu(tammy.buhler@hiv-research.org.za and info@tutu.org).

We shall proceed today as planned.


Could you please post our very first petition draft( the short one) back and allow people to already eventually begin signing that petition by removing the warning 'Onder Construction: do not sign yet' on the page of the to-be-signed-petition: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Special:Petition ? - in the meanwhile we will continue working on the definitive petition( here:http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Petition_For_Controlled_Birth_Stop) and when we are through and satisfied, we would just post that definitive draft there, where it would be further submitted to signing.

Thanks and have a nice day.



Jamesm 00:07, 26 December 2008 (UTC) Phenix, I do not think that the original one is explanatory enough of the facts regarding overpopulation. Do you agree with that?

@#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; Guten Morgen Kameraden,

Merry Jmmanuel' Birthday, indeed!

I hope you have all celebrated this event in a good state of mind, spirit and body.


Thanks for your warm wishes; i am deeply touched. I shall shortly send you a word at your email address.

Now then.


To answer to your question, James, i say and willingly agree with you that the first draft was not perfect and needs some serious work - what you are now responsibly and generously doing.

What i meant, is to have right now a 'work draft' ready to be signed; for although it is very important to properly establish the direct connection between overpopulation and the current state of our societies and of the environment, i would assume that every person who, after receiving our 'Christmas and New Year Call', comes to this site is already fairly convinced of the necessity to take global, rational action against worldwide overpopulation.

We shall give to those people the possibility to sign the petition straight away - for the chance is also big some of them, despite their good will, would not come back a second time, when our petition is ready; people are nowadays so busy!

We could inform them ( via a link or a warning note ) that the petition is currently being perfected - we could add a couple of lines provisory completing that petition ( a sort of 'foretaste' of what is coming up ).

I also think that a fairly short petition would be better, for people are in general alas not very patient and long texts discourage them rather quickly - a link could redirect people to 'Further Readings'.

It would also be good, if the link to the place where the petition can factually be signed is very clearly indicated on the website.


Here is a model of 'Christmas and New Year Call' in French - in case some members have to deal with organizations and/or individuals using exclusively the French language:

"Mesdames et Messieurs,

Joyeux Noël; Bonne et heureuse Année!

Puissent ces jours de célébration vous apporter Amour, Santé, Inspiration, Espoir, Succès et beaucoup de Joie!

Je souhaite que l'année 2009 assure la réalisation des plus chers de vos rêves.

Que la Paix et un Progrès harmonieux soient sur terre!

Merci pour votre travail et votre engagement pour le bien-être des peuples du monde.

Vous avez inspiré et vous continuez à inspirer un bon nombre de nous!

Mesdames et Messieurs, Nous avons besoin de votre aide.

Comme nous le savons, tout a besoin de soin et d'une bonne gestion; y compris nous-mêmes et notre nombre.

Rien n'est sans fin et tout exige une utilisation sage et raisonnable; y compris les ressources naturelles.

Les pénuries d'eau propre, de nourriture, de minerais, de matières premières et autres produits de premier ordre; la pollution et la destruction de l'environnement...tout cela est de nos jours plus évident que jamais avant.

Nous, les humains, abusons de la générosité de la terre et nous sommes considérablement responsables de l' actuel déplorable état de nos sociétés et de la planète toute entière, car enfin tout est fortement relié: Pénurie de presque toutes les premières ressources (eau potable, nourriture, pétrole… d'autres articles essentiels) et pauvreté; de là en résultent inégalité, famine, stagnation spirituelle, désespoir… et plus tard crime, immigration massive, migration économique et réfugiés écologiques, conflits sociaux et ségrégation, racisme, terrorisme, guerres… sans compter la destruction totale de l'environnement.

La terre doit récupérer; les ressources naturelles ont également besoin de temps pour se renouveler.

Nous ne permettons plus ni l'un ni l'autre. Hélas.

Le surpeuplement peut par conséquent devenir l'une des questions cruciales, l' un des plus importants et - peut-être même - des plus décisifs défis pour l'humanité entière, les politiciens en premier lieu.

Nous vous prions de nous aider à favoriser plus de prise de conscience du surpeuplement et de la menace du surpeuplement pour notre bien-être propre, pour l' harmonie de cette planète, et donc en dernière instance pour notre survie en tant qu' espèces.

Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plait, ajouter votre voix respectée à notre campagne de sensibilisation sur le surpeuplement et soutenir notre initiative mondiale de contrôle des naissances?

La pétition est à:


Cette pétition sera envoyée aux Nations Unies, à l' Organisation pour la Conscience de la Population du Monde, à l' Initiative de la Charte de la Terre, à d' autres organismes internationaux importants traitant du développement et de la population et à tous les citoyens responsables, qui prennent des décisions influençant directement notre vie quotidienne.

Mesdames et Messieurs, veuillez, s'il vous plait préconiser, supporter et favoriser un contrôle rationnel des naissances à l'échelle mondiale.

Aidez-nous à bâtir un futur responsable maintenant. Nous devons cela à nos enfants et aux enfants de nos enfants.

Nous le devons à la Mère-Terre.


Adam Izak-Sunna. Les Pays Bas."

Ladies, Gentlemen,

Good luck!



@#126; @#126; @#126; @#126; Greetings to all!

I dedicated the first part of the day to national matters.

I have so far sent the 'Christmas and New Year Call' to the following instances and individuals:

- Newspapers: NRC Handelsblad(sort of 'Dutch Wall Street Journal'), Volkskrant; Tribune, Groene Amsterdammer, Groenlinks Magazine( of the Dutch Green Party), Vrij Nederland, Metro, Ode, Integrand, Metro( free newspaper, most read in The Netherlands);

- TV: NOS(the official, first Dutch TV station); the TV programs 'Zembla', 'netwerk'(dealing with social issues);

- Instances: the Dutch Ministry of People's Health; the Dutch Parlement and Politics Watchdog

- Individuals: Mister Ruud Lubbers(former Dutch Prime-Minister and UN Official, known for his engagement for global issues); mister Jan Pronk( former representative of the UN in Sudan and very active advocate of human rights, cooperation and harmonious development worldwide); Mister Freek de jong( entertainer, a symbol of social engagement in The netherlands) and Mister Herman van Veen( musician, human rights activist; some say he personally knows and has been since inspired by Herr Meier.)

Have a nice day.



PS: James, i take your warning about the length of the post into close consideration - i have aready removed a part of the response i received from the UN and my Dutch text. Thanks.

Jamesm 21:10, 26 December 2008 (UTC) Phenix the assumption that the majority of people will already arrive here with the knowledge that action against overpopulation is needed on Earth is a rather large one and therefore unjustified. There are no indications to support that assumption.

Secondly, it would of course be highly desirable to finalise the petition for the intended signatories first (everyone) before having it signed. Asking people to sign a draft of anything is rather like signing a cheque and then having the numbers changed afterwards, i.e. deceptive. There is an urgency to the preparation of the petition but we need to do it professionally if we want the desired response.

Thirdly your suggestion about the petition being too long and it would discourage people from signing it is a valid point. I agree that we need to move most of the text to a separate page and then direct people to that new page via a hyperlink. I shall make this change.

Here is the only other petition of the same subject that I have found on the internet : http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/reduce-world-population.html