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Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
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Thoughts about "Power" - What we think it is, and the illusion behind.
Thoughts about "Power" - What we think it is, and the illusion behind.
In our time, if one mentions people with "power" we think of big company bosses, head of states, millionaires and billionaires. With "power" we associate a lot of money and that we can do with the other fellow man what we want to do. With "power" we associate the kings of the old like Alexander, the Pharaos and others. With "power" also we associate security, a big house and servants, and pleasures of all sort. So to say we associate wealth and safety to the word "power". We think that merely this "power" will protect us from everything we do and don't do, that it relieves us from our actions and our responsibilities, that it exempts us from the creational law of cause and effect. You can see that materialism is linked very closely to this "Power".
In our time, if one mentions people with "power", we think of big company bosses, head of states, millionaires (billionaires). With the word "power" we associate a lot of money and that trough it, we can do with the other fellow man what we want to do. With it we associate the kings of the old like Alexander, the Pharaos and others. With it, we also associate security, a big mansion with servants or buttlers, and material pleasures of all sort, like food and drinking in abundance. In other words we associate wealth and safety to this word. We think that especially it will protect us from everything we do and don't do. Furthermore that it speeks us free from our actions, our responsibilities and we think that it puts us above the creational law of cause and effect. You can see that materialism is linked very closely to this kind of power. Also out of this illusion people developed a need for having this power and through it, being superior to other fellow humans in order to feel protected and safe.
Like it is however with everything material, it will vanish with time, because it is like that. Creation creates the new out of the old in an endless and always repeating spirale. If you think of this you will already get a first glimpse of what the "power" as we understand it is worth and is in reality - correct, an illusion. Also out of this illusion people developed a need for having this "power" and to stand above other fellow humans to feel protected, safe and of course to have wealth and savour all kinds of material pleasures.
However, never this "power" protected people from their own discontent, disharmony and restlessness. It never prevented before sicknesses, nor from death of cherished familly members, nor from the own death. It also doesen't protect if nature goes wild. It doesen't make a person invincible in the material sense. It never made a familly run better than an other one and it never provided real friends. It is rather the contrary, people are fighting for money in the own famillies and the so called "friends" stay only with you as long as you are profitable to them. "Power" always asks for more "Power" because around oneself, there are always other so called "powerful" people, and so one has to become more "powerful" to satisfy the criterias already mentionned above. "Power" asks for more "power" without end, it is like a mind of state of a drugged person, which inhibits the thinking and the senses in order to create real peace and harmony inside oneself. All the wealth and the so called "power" of this world is worth nothing, if you are not capable inside yourself to have a normal and evolutionary life. This means to collect as well good as bad experiences. Like Billy said, one has to go through hell to understand heaven, and the majority of these so called "powerful" people never really experienced hell because they come from a kind of new aristocracy.
However, this "power" has never protected people from their own discontent, disharmony and restlessness. In addition it never prevented from sicknesses, nor from death of cherished familly members, nor from the own death. Furthermore it doesen't protect oneself if nature goes wild. For example if earthquakes or tornados occur also big mansions will be damaged. It doesen't make a person invincible in the material sense. Furthermore it has never made a familly run better than other ones and it never provided real friends. It is rather the contrary. For example humans are fighting for money inside the own famillies, like you can see it even in normal famillies when they fight for the inheritance. Also the so called friends stay only with you as long as you are profitable to them. For example as long as you invite them  regularly to expensive bars, restaurants and events, they will be your friends, but behold if you stop that behaviour. If you are in trouble one day and you are threatened to lose your social status they will disappear faster than they came into your life.
To describe what real power is in my opinion i will tell you an old metaphor: In the house of an old samurai there suddenly appeared a big, strong and tenacious rat (big like a small dog). He couldn't chase the rat so he decided to ask the cats from the neighborhood to kill the rat. First there was a fast, intelligent black cat who tried to get rid of the rat. Unfortenately the rat was stronger and chased the cat. Second there came a huge tiger cat with huge muscles and big teeth, but also with a certain intelligence. Unfortunately again the rat was stronger and chased the cat. So the samurai had to think of another cat. Therefore he asked a "Manekineko", a "Beckoning cat" to help him. The cat looked simple, a little fat and not fast at all. It presented herself to the rat and introduced herself in a relax manner. The rat astonished of this non aggressive attitude, led down it's defence posture. The "Beckonning cat" could then win over the rat whithout problem. In the same evening all the other cat's asked him: "How did you do that?" - The Manekineko answered: "Techniques are useless. If you act in a naturel, detached way, you will have no ennemies in this world. But don't overestimate me, before there was a cat in my neighborhood, which i could not even be able to hold a candle to."
"Power" always asks for more "power" because there are always other powerful people around oneself, and because of that one has to become more powerful to satisfy the criterias already mentionned above. "Power" asks for more "power" without end and it attracts people with similar goals and similar thinking. People who are stick to power are in a state of mind of a drugged person, which inhibits free thinking and the senses in order to create real peace and harmony inside oneself. Like it is however with everything material, it will vanish with time, because it is like that. Creation creates the new out of the old in an endless and always repeating spirale. This also applies to humans, so they get older and maybe one day they become sick or they die with a high age. All material things lose their importance if one is in front of the door to the other world. The only things that matter at that moment are the small and nice things and experiences one had in life. For when you think of this, you already get a first glimpse of what the "power" as we understand it is worth and is in reality - correct, an illusion. All the wealth and the so called power of this world is worthless, if you want to have a normal and evolutional life inside yourself, because it doesen't give you any advantage in reality. To evoluate you need bad and good days, as well as bad and good experiences, which is normally happening in everyone's life. Like Billy said, one has to go through hell to understand heaven, and the majority of these so called powerful people never really experienced hell because they come from a kind of new aristocracy.
From this it should be clear that "real power" is a state of mind. To get a glimpse of real power i also suggest to read the text from Mariann Uehlinger "I always remain relaxed" and the "Goblet of Truth" from <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM). Real power means being without fear, to be in harmony with oneself and the environment. It means respect, reverence for the fellow man and love, because these attributes are closely connected to fearlessness. Only if one knows that one is a part of it all, one starts to understand that we have nothing to fear, and therefore need no so called "power" to protect ourselves.
To describe what real power or might is in my opinion i will tell you an old metaphor: In the house of an old samurai there suddenly appeared a big, strong and tenacious rat (big like a small dog). He couldn't chase the rat so he decided to ask the cats from the neighborhood to kill the rat. First there was a fast, intelligent black cat who tried to get rid of the rat. Unfortenately the rat was stronger and chased the cat. Second there came a huge tiger cat with huge muscles and big teeth, but also with a certain intelligence. Unfortunately again the rat was stronger and chased the cat. So the samurai had to think of another cat. Therefore he asked an old cat from the neighbour town to help him. The cat looked simple, a little fat and not fast at all. It presented herself to the rat and introduced herself in a relax manner. The rat astonished of this non aggressive attitude, led down it's defence posture. The cat could then win over the rat whithout problem. In the same evening all the other cat's asked it: "How did you do that?" - The old cat answered: "Techniques are useless. If you act in a naturel, detached way, you will have no ennemies in this world. But don't overestimate me, before there was a cat in my neighborhood, which i could not even be able to hold a candle to."
From this it should be clear that real power or might is a state of mind. To get a glimpse of real might i also suggest to read the text from Mariann Uehlinger "I always remain relaxed" and the "Goblet of Truth" from <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM). Real power means being without fear, to be in harmony with oneself and the environment. It means respect, reverence for the fellow man and love, because in my opinion these attributes are closely connected to fearlessness. Only if one knows that one is a part of it all, one starts to understand that we have nothing to fear, and therefore we don't need this so called power, like we understand it, to protect ourselves.
Here is the point of divergence: We have to let loose from the "power" like we understand it to gain "real power".
Here is the point of divergence: We have to let loose from the "power" like we understand it to gain "real power".
Linha 18: Linha 19:
Weis Nicolas
Weis Nicolas
Note: This text was written independently and reflects only the authors view which is not necessarily the truth. The author still has a lot to learn ;)

Revisão das 16h58min de 2 de agosto de 2009

Thoughts about "Power" - What we think it is, and the illusion behind.

In our time, if one mentions people with "power", we think of big company bosses, head of states, millionaires (billionaires). With the word "power" we associate a lot of money and that trough it, we can do with the other fellow man what we want to do. With it we associate the kings of the old like Alexander, the Pharaos and others. With it, we also associate security, a big mansion with servants or buttlers, and material pleasures of all sort, like food and drinking in abundance. In other words we associate wealth and safety to this word. We think that especially it will protect us from everything we do and don't do. Furthermore that it speeks us free from our actions, our responsibilities and we think that it puts us above the creational law of cause and effect. You can see that materialism is linked very closely to this kind of power. Also out of this illusion people developed a need for having this power and through it, being superior to other fellow humans in order to feel protected and safe.

However, this "power" has never protected people from their own discontent, disharmony and restlessness. In addition it never prevented from sicknesses, nor from death of cherished familly members, nor from the own death. Furthermore it doesen't protect oneself if nature goes wild. For example if earthquakes or tornados occur also big mansions will be damaged. It doesen't make a person invincible in the material sense. Furthermore it has never made a familly run better than other ones and it never provided real friends. It is rather the contrary. For example humans are fighting for money inside the own famillies, like you can see it even in normal famillies when they fight for the inheritance. Also the so called friends stay only with you as long as you are profitable to them. For example as long as you invite them regularly to expensive bars, restaurants and events, they will be your friends, but behold if you stop that behaviour. If you are in trouble one day and you are threatened to lose your social status they will disappear faster than they came into your life.

"Power" always asks for more "power" because there are always other powerful people around oneself, and because of that one has to become more powerful to satisfy the criterias already mentionned above. "Power" asks for more "power" without end and it attracts people with similar goals and similar thinking. People who are stick to power are in a state of mind of a drugged person, which inhibits free thinking and the senses in order to create real peace and harmony inside oneself. Like it is however with everything material, it will vanish with time, because it is like that. Creation creates the new out of the old in an endless and always repeating spirale. This also applies to humans, so they get older and maybe one day they become sick or they die with a high age. All material things lose their importance if one is in front of the door to the other world. The only things that matter at that moment are the small and nice things and experiences one had in life. For when you think of this, you already get a first glimpse of what the "power" as we understand it is worth and is in reality - correct, an illusion. All the wealth and the so called power of this world is worthless, if you want to have a normal and evolutional life inside yourself, because it doesen't give you any advantage in reality. To evoluate you need bad and good days, as well as bad and good experiences, which is normally happening in everyone's life. Like Billy said, one has to go through hell to understand heaven, and the majority of these so called powerful people never really experienced hell because they come from a kind of new aristocracy.

To describe what real power or might is in my opinion i will tell you an old metaphor: In the house of an old samurai there suddenly appeared a big, strong and tenacious rat (big like a small dog). He couldn't chase the rat so he decided to ask the cats from the neighborhood to kill the rat. First there was a fast, intelligent black cat who tried to get rid of the rat. Unfortenately the rat was stronger and chased the cat. Second there came a huge tiger cat with huge muscles and big teeth, but also with a certain intelligence. Unfortunately again the rat was stronger and chased the cat. So the samurai had to think of another cat. Therefore he asked an old cat from the neighbour town to help him. The cat looked simple, a little fat and not fast at all. It presented herself to the rat and introduced herself in a relax manner. The rat astonished of this non aggressive attitude, led down it's defence posture. The cat could then win over the rat whithout problem. In the same evening all the other cat's asked it: "How did you do that?" - The old cat answered: "Techniques are useless. If you act in a naturel, detached way, you will have no ennemies in this world. But don't overestimate me, before there was a cat in my neighborhood, which i could not even be able to hold a candle to."

From this it should be clear that real power or might is a state of mind. To get a glimpse of real might i also suggest to read the text from Mariann Uehlinger "I always remain relaxed" and the "Goblet of Truth" from <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM). Real power means being without fear, to be in harmony with oneself and the environment. It means respect, reverence for the fellow man and love, because in my opinion these attributes are closely connected to fearlessness. Only if one knows that one is a part of it all, one starts to understand that we have nothing to fear, and therefore we don't need this so called power, like we understand it, to protect ourselves.

Here is the point of divergence: We have to let loose from the "power" like we understand it to gain "real power".


1.08.2009 Weis Nicolas

Note: This text was written independently and reflects only the authors view which is not necessarily the truth. The author still has a lot to learn ;)