Diferenças entre edições de "Contact Reports"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Linha 87: Linha 87:
<big>Um Grande Obrigado! para todos os tradutorres e contribuidores envolvidos, parabéns!.</big>
<big>Um Grande Obrigado! para todos os tradutores e contribuidores envolvidos, parabéns!.</big>
The great resource of information on the website is the result of decades of international collaboration, cooperation, participation and working together. There are many additional, ongoing and other tasks besides translating with which we need voluntary help. See [[How can I help?]], [[Contributing Content]] and the article below ''Appeal to all responsible'', thank you.  
The great resource of information on the website is the result of decades of international collaboration, cooperation, participation and working together. There are many additional, ongoing and other tasks besides translating with which we need voluntary help. See [[How can I help?]], [[Contributing Content]] and the article below ''Appeal to all responsible'', thank you.  

Revisão das 12h26min de 21 de novembro de 2024

Nós estamos aqui apenas a fim de cumprir nossa missão, para prevenir a catástrofe e preparar-te para sua difícil atribuição como profeta. Para mais coisas, como ajudar na evolução e assim por diante, outras formas de vida de seu próprio universo são responsáveis, os quais inicialmente se autodenominarão Pleiadianos. Já há milênios, eles supervisionam a Terra e mantêm sob controle aquelas raças espaciais viajantes que desejam o mal para vocês, humanos da Terra, e querem obter o controle sobre a humanidade da Terra com o emprego de religião e todos seus relativos enganos, alucinações e truques pelos quais eles instigam os humanos da Terra com falsas promessas.

Asket, Fevereiro de 1953


Relatórios de Contato ou Notas de Contato são conversas, discussões, falas / bate-papos ou transcrições. Eles são contatos reais que aconteceram e ainda acontecem em todos os diferentes tipos de locais, algumas vezes até mudando de local no meio da conversa. Tópicos ou assuntos são diversos, variando amplamente, porém apresentados consistente e cronologicamente. A publicação é em alemão suíço, seja através do website da FIGU ou de livros impressos, os quais são posteriormente traduzidos para o inglês (e para o português agora) e após isso também adicionados a este website, e por isso nós emparelhamos as duas línguas e as apresentamos lado a lado para o leitor.

Eduard Meier se comunicou pela primeira vez com extraterrestres de 1942 a 1953 com Sfath, um senhor mais velho de Erra (Pleiades / Plejaren). Os contatos subsequentes ocorreram de 1953 a 1964 com Asket, uma mulher originária do Universo de DAL. Eduard desde 1975 até 3 de fevereiro de 2017, teve então 1704 contatos pessoais e 1294 contatos telepáticos [continue lendo]

... com extraterrestres Pleiadian/Plejaren/Plejadisch-plejarische e pessoas de contato dos membros federados; membros da sua Federação de outros mundos. Estes se tornaram os textos mais conhecidos mundialmente, divulgados, escrutinados e criticados após a invenção da internet. Ainda está em andamento e o plano é continuar no futuro próximo. Desses contatos, pelo menos 671 são apresentados como relatórios de contato que, se traduzidos do alemão para o inglês(e agora para o português) e já apresentados neste website, podem ser lidos abaixo.[2]

How It All Began

How It All Began: Explains how Eduard Meier's regular communications with extraterrestrials began in the very beginning.
Who is Billy Meier: Introduces Billy himself.
Why Billy Meier: Introduces a few of the reasons.
When do you live: Deals with those necessary preceding narratives.

Or reading Concentration might be more appropriate.

Características humanas

Os Plejaren e os membros da Federação são pessoas com corpos físicos que, na sua maior parte, é muito similar àquelas das pessoas da Terra. Existem algumas diferenças anatômicas que os membros mais amplos da Federação possuem. [continue lendo]

Sua expectativa média de vida é de cerca de 1000 anos. Seu planeta natal é tipicamente Erra, que é um planeta um pouco menor que a Terra e tem a população de aproximadamente 500 milhões. A população de toda a Federação é de aproximadamente cento e vinte mil milhões (120 bilhões em contagem curta)

As estrelas Pleiades / Plejares não são idênticas às Pleiades conhecidas por nós. Elas estão 80 anos-luz mais distantes do que o aglomerado estelar das sete irmãs que é visível da Terra à noite. Além do mais, é um sistema em uma estrutura-espaço-tempo diferente, isto é, completamente em outra dimensão

Eles são conscientes, isto é, mentalmente e tecnicamente, ou seja, em engenharia e tecnologia, muito à frente dos humanos da Terra.

Nós, terráqueos e os Pleiadianos/Plejaren, compartilhamos de uma ancestralidade comum, mas estamos em caminhos de desenvolvimento e Evolução da Consciência totalmente separados.

A situação levanta naturalmente todo o tipo de questões, a vasta maioria das quais foram respondidas de uma ou outra forma.

Em agosto de 2018, havia 15 Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, consulte Estatísticas de Livros (livros encadernados em tamanho A4 com aprox. 500 páginas cada).

Fonte: http://www.figu.org/ch/ufologie/kontaktberichte/einfuehrung-kontakte

Discussed topics

Creation (supernatural) and its Creations (life), Universe Origin (big bang), Earth History (archaeology), Science (physics, mathematics, biology), Astronomy, Spirituality (philosophy), Reincarnation (consciousness evolution, human beings, life and death), Genetic Manipulation (including ancient), Earth Religions, Human Evolution (history and consciousness), Spiritual Science, Interplanetary Spaceflight (UFOs), Galactic Federation, Extraterrestrial Origins and Their Visits on Earth (throughout all history), Telepathy (and many other related capabilities which can be developed), Overpopulation on Earth, Environmental degradation, male-female relationships, cover-ups by governments, government agencies and the military, along with many other issues and trivia. All of which and many others have subject accumulation pages on this website if you use the search box in the top right or the Meier Encyclopedia.

Categorias de Relatórios de Contato

Art by Jim Nichols
Sunday 15th July 2007


Relatórios de Contato de Sfath
1942 até 1953.[3]
Sfath foi o primeiro professor de Billy, dos 5 anos (1942) a uma duração de 11 anos.


Relatórios de Contato de Asket
1953 até 1964 e então em 03/02/2004.[4]
Asket continuou então de Sfath instruindo Eduard dos 16 anos (1953) até seus 27.


Relatórios de Contato dos Pleiadianos/Plejaren
1975 até o presente,[5] com com muitos do pessoal da Federação Plejaren
A comunicação com todas as outras pessoas Plejaren começou quando Eduard tinha 38 anos (1975) e continuou até hoje.


Relatórios de Contato por Telepatia-Espírito / Especial
O Alto Conselho e :Categoria:Artigos por outros: Transmissão Especial do Alto Conselho, Transmissão Telepática de Arahat Athersata, Petale, Arahat Athersata, Prophetien und Voraussagen - Petale-Spirit messages

Estatísticas de Contato

Estatísticas de Contato contém detalhes dos membros Plejaren e outros do pessoal da Federação.
Estatísiticas de Livros contém detalhes sobre os livros que eles publicaram.


Um Grande Obrigado! para todos os tradutores e contribuidores envolvidos, parabéns!.

The great resource of information on the website is the result of decades of international collaboration, cooperation, participation and working together. There are many additional, ongoing and other tasks besides translating with which we need voluntary help. See How can I help?, Contributing Content and the article below Appeal to all responsible, thank you.

Appeal to all responsible
Source: http://www.figu.org/ch/verein/in-eigener-sache/uebersetzungen

The UFO concerns of 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) are but a small part of the tip of a vast iceberg hiding the doctrine of the truth of creation and its laws and commandments. BEAM's mission is to teach this doctrine of Earth humanity. All the knowledge and the whole truth are extremely extensive and of profound importance to every human being. Consequently everything has to be comprehensively recorded and made accessible to all people.

However, this requires a lot of work and also much needed capital investment, money, resource donation and voluntary labour. Therefore, the FIGU seeks those interested in the creative-natural truth, people who are willing to, free of charge, translate the writings and books of the 'Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften and Ufologie-Studien' FIGU, into a variety of languages. To find a number of publishers which donors can purvey translated works, being printed and therefore distributed.

The efforts in this regard must however go out exclusively by the respective interested persons, as the FIGU labourers are not financially capable and able to place themselves in such a situation and besides that it is also not their job.

With regard to the production of fonts and books as well as their printing and distribution, SSSC is solely responsible for the German-speaking area, while for other languages ​​and countries their own interests (language translation) must be found.

To translate the scriptures and books, it is necessary that both the German and the translation language are perfectly mastered and that the contents of the script and the book are thoroughly studied and understood, which requires a thorough study, at least in relation to the all-embracing doctrine of creative natural truth. [continue reading]

The textbooks may only be translated from the original German language into a foreign language, and when printing the works, the condition is stipulated that the German original text must be placed opposite the translation page. This is intended, on the one hand, to prevent distortions from appearing, and, on the other hand, to allow for constant monitoring on the basis of the original text. But this ensures a certainty that not distortions and new heresies arise, as unfortunately happened worldwide with various writings and their ideologies since time immemorial.

Translations from the original German text into other languages ​​can only be made if the translation languages ​​and the German language are perfectly mastered, as has already been explained, and if the material to be translated is understood in principle and can also be interpreted into the language to be translated. If all these requirements can be met, then please contact us if you are interested, either at the following address: FIGU, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti / Switzerland or via the Internet. After a detailed clarification of all necessary matters, the FIGU gladly provides a free copy of the typeface or book to which the translation interest applies. First and foremost, we aim for translations in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Dutch and Russian, but also in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Korean, Czech, Polish, Slovak and Chinese etc.

Help the FIGU through your valued collaboration - if you are able and capable of doing so - to promote the spread of the creative-natural truth with its laws and commandments and to support <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier's and the FIGU mission, the They are both important ministries for the evolution of terrestrial humanity, so that true love, freedom, wisdom and harmony, as well as knowledge and peace, can slowly and surely unfold among the people of the earth.

A translation example (External) (German and some English)

And here is more important information. Unfortunately, we repeatedly find Billy's books and pamphlets to be illegally translated and distributed - especially on the Internet - that are full of mistakes and falsifications. Just recently (October 2002) we became aware of an illegal translation of the Talmud Jmmanuel into Norwegian, which was posted anonymously on the internet. With such usually well meant, but in the end dangerous and illegal (copyright!) Activities you harm the FIGU mission, because truth is mixed with untruth. Once again, this will mislead earthlings, as was the case with the blatant falsification of the Talmud Jmmanuel some 2000 years ago.

It should be repeated again: All translations must be made from the original German text, by appropriate professionals and with the written permission of the author (Billy / FIGU)!

We ask our friends to inform us when they discover translations of our scriptures somewhere so that we can investigate. In addition, everyone is advised to refer to the information on the websites of FIGU Switzerland and its study groups regarding translated texts and to observe the official links to other websites.

Thank you very much


The translation effort tends to be voluntary (few exceptions),[6] which unfortunately tends to often be forgotten, under-appreciated or is simply not known to new readers. It requires devotion and translation skill by individuals all over the world and developing the skills necessary to translate to a professional comprehensive standard takes time and dedication. Without this voluntary free of charge work effort, individuals in the English speaking world and Anglosphere,[7] as it is for the other languages, would have only poorly translated texts; we wish therefore to express our gratitude and appreciation to them, we are all very thankful to those few individuals who have put in that effort, thank you for all the work, time and effort.

The translations may contain errors (as indicated at the top of contact report pages) even though meticulous efforts have been made to remove all of them; which is why the original German book source text tends to be included side by side with the English translation where possible and available. The layout on this website and others of having original text beside the translation additionally lends itself well to individuals independently fathoming a meaning which may not have been successfully passed across and transferred over the language barrier or been understood by the translator, without necessarily having to embroil others and the original translators to obtain those meanings. The meaning behind those complicated sentences and paragraphs can be garnered independently.

Extract from Contact Report 487,[8] 3rd February, 2010.

According to all observations, examinations and analysis we (Plejaren) have come to the unanimous decision that henceforward you from the Mother Centre[9] shall not make any further translations, also not into the English language.
Gemäss allen Betrachtungen, Abklärungen und Analysen sind wir zum einstimmigen Beschluss gelangt, dass ihr künftighin von eurer Seite des Mutter-Centers aus keinerlei Übersetzungen mehr durchführen sollt, auch nicht in die englische Sprache.

It (English) doesn't correspond to a true language, but only to a halfway acceptable auxiliary world-language that was disseminated world-wide through dishonest machinations from the USA with the aid of British English and other languages, whereby the deeper sense is to turn the terrestrial peoples into English-speaking ones, by using this meagre means of communication.
Diese entspricht keiner eigentlichen Sprache, sondern nur einer halbwegs annehmbaren Welthilfssprache, die durch unlautere Machenschaften von den USA aus mit Zuhilfenahme des britischen Englisch und anderer Sprachen weltweit verbreitet wurde, wobei der tiefere Sinn darin liegt, die irdischen Völker mit diesem ärmlichen Verständigungsmittel englischsprachig zu machen.

See main page of http://www.billymeiertranslations.com/ for an explanation about translations into other languages and the reason the German language is included with the English (or any language it's translated into).

Nevertheless it's appreciated that it will continue to be read in English, the FIGU dictionary http://dict.figu.org/ has been established to help readers and translators choose the appropriate synonym and definition to use.

There has not been a broadcast media documentary production based on the information, by a German television company organisation, however.

Excerpts of the contact reports

External Links



  1. Image #1059, Photo Inventarium 2014
  2. http://www.figu.org/ch/ufologie/kontaktberichte/kontakt-statistik
  3. Sfath Contact Statistics
  4. Asket Contact Statistics
  5. Todas as outras pessoas Plejaren Contact Statistics
  6. Some of the books about Billy Meier written by some authors which have been sold and made a profit and have therefore contained translations which have been paid for, however the quality often of these translations have not been good because they have been translated by independents and have not utilised the resources of the FIGU dictionary and been printed before they have been checked by the community and perhaps rushed into print. So another way of saying that is that volunteers have then later had to rectify the mistakes in those translations regardless of how popular or profitable those books by those authors may have been.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglosphere
  8. Extract of CR487 on Benjamin Stevens website. Benjamin Stevens is an authorised translator
  9. Mother Centre refers to the FIGU in Switzerland, the SSSC, to distinguish it from the centres in other nations