Diferenças entre edições de "The Plejaren"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Linha 80: Linha 80:
The other two evidences requires decades of study, belief or conspiratorial compulsion; are the human genetics, we share ancestors with Plejaren and a final evidence is a bunch of cultural features, such as language, ancient bits, pieces and bobs.
The other two evidences requires decades of study, belief or conspiratorial compulsion; are the human genetics, we share ancestors with Plejaren and a final evidence is a bunch of cultural features, such as language, ancient bits, pieces and bobs.
1: Military aircraft tracking videos of UFOs (but no evidence it's Plejaren)
1: Military aircraft tracking videos of UFOs (but no evidence it's Plejaren)<br>
2: Share ancestors (big imagination folks)
2: Share ancestors (big imagination folks)<br>
3: Many small things such as language features and ancient relics (more likely from Earth)
3: Many small things such as language features and ancient relics (more likely from Earth)<br>
There is also a few other things such as testimony from FIGU, very little evidence, and that is real.
There is also a few other things such as testimony from FIGU, very little evidence, and that is real.
Linha 89: Linha 89:
[[File:Plejaren Alphabets.jpg|thumbnail|right]]
[[File:Plejaren Alphabets.jpg|thumbnail|right]]

Revisão das 07h36min de 13 de novembro de 2018

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Similar page Plejaren Federation.

Plejaren is the word and name that is used to refer to folks of the star system or star grouping (from Earths perspective) Plejares otherwise known as Plejara. Plejadisch and Plejarische in German. The humans who live there are in a time-shifted dimension which has nothing to do with the space in which we live in terms of naming regimen, it is purely an Earth designation. Plejaren may also occasionally be used to refer to the folks of the Plejaren Federation, which is where the word then looses certain values associated with that area of space. The word folk is used instead of people because it has a closer heredity with the German word volk, and because the word people in Sarat has a meaning similar to vertebrate scavenging behaviour which doesn't translate well.

Another interesting feature of the relationship is that most of the oldest books, stories and myths that can be found on Earth have been discovered to connect with them in some way or another, see Ageing.

If there is a major world changing event, invention or discovery, then the Plejaren are watching and reporting it to the wider Plejaren Federation too, and probably already watched it thousands of years ago (but not everything), as outlandishly preposterous and highly fictional as that may seem. To them just a couple of dozen generations ago Earth had a cataclysmic catastrophe, to us we don’t know what happened hundreds of generations ago because we have no records of it. The Earth human is a genetically modified human being in ways the Plejaren are not, despite sharing ancestors, our ageing genetics are different, effects the consciousness evolution development, so they monitor Earth.

The Plejaren

Bad translation which has not been modified. This information was retrieved from another source.

German text © FIGU 1996-2018, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti.
English translation from the original German text by Patrick McKnight and may contain errors - 7-Jul-2015
English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2018 source.

English German
With the Pleiades visible from the Earth it is a matter of an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. With the naked eye from our planet with very good visibility approximately seven, of about 300, Pleiades stars can be seen, which themselves can be found in the center area. In entirety the picture shows a diameter of approximately seven light-years, with a distance from the Earth, which is to be calculated to be about 385 light-years. The Pleiades stars show a relatively young age, in accordance with Pleiadian-Plejaren information amounts to 62 million years. The stars are not circled by habitable planets, it follows therefore absolutely no suitability exists for bearing any life forms, however much of whatever formation, this will also always be. Therefore neither any plants or animals exist there, nor human beings or spirit-forms etc. The few existing planet forms right around some the Pleiades stars are to such an extent inhospitable, life-more hostile and themselves still half suns, like the mother stars themselves. The mother stars are called, blue stars, i.e. suns, which as said, everything is still very young and which also reach no high age, because they already after a brief duration again pass. Around the Pleiades stars are, still to be realized, the remainders of those gas clouds, from which they developed millions of years ago. The constellation bull/Taurus comprises of an enormous area, and it is one of those images in the starlit sky, which as one of the first the earth-human beings would look for with a name. The constellation reminds of one of the oldest domestic animals of the human beings, the cattle. For more than 5000 years this constellation has on the Earth had an entirely special significance, and indeed because of the spring equinoctial point, which was there to seek. In both the constellation of the bull as also of animals were venerated and worshiped in every well-known advanced culture before Jmmanuel. The constellation holds indeed the most well-known stars overall, as even the Pleiades, the Hyades and the Crab nebula, whereby indeed constellation name is a very dignified emphasis of this special sky region. Bei den von der Erde aus sichtbaren Plejaden handelt es sich um einen offenen Sternhaufen im Sternbild des Stieres. Von blossem Auge sind von unserem Planeten aus bei sehr guter Sicht ca. sieben der etwa 300 Plejadengestirne zu sehen, die sich im Zentrumbereich befinden. Gesamthaft weist das Bild einen Durchmesser von etwa sieben Lichtjahren auf, bei einer Entfernung von der Erde aus, die mit rund 385 Lichtjahren zu rechnen ist. Die Plejadengestirne weisen ein relativ junges Alter auf, das gemäss plejadisch-plejarischen Angaben 62 Millionen Jahre beträgt. Die Gestirne werden nicht von bewohnbaren Planeten umkreist, folglich also keinerlei Eignung zum Tragen irgendwelcher Lebensformen besteht, ganz egal welcher Form diese auch immer sein würden. Also existieren dort weder irgendwelche Pflanzen oder Tiere, noch Menschen oder Geistformen usw. Die wenigen vorhandenen Planetengebilde rund um einige der Plejadengestirne sind derart unwirtlich, lebensfeindlich und selbst noch halbe Sonnen, wie die Muttergestirne selbst. Die Muttergestirne sind heisse, blaue Sterne resp. Sonnen, die wie gesagt alle noch sehr jung sind und die auch kein hohes Alter erreichen, weil sie schon nach kurzer Dauer wieder vergehen werden. Um die Plejadengestirne sind noch die Reste jener Gaswolken zu erkennen, aus denen sie vor Millionen von Jahren entstanden sind. Das Sternbild Stier/Taurus selbst umfasst ein riesiges Gebiet, und es ist eines jener Bilder am Sternenhimmel, das als eines der ersten von den Erdenmenschen mit einem Namen versehen wurde. Das Sternbild erinnert an eines der ältesten Haustiere des Menschen, das Rind. Vor mehr als 5000 Jahren hatte dieses Sternbild auf der Erde eine ganz besondere Bedeutung, und zwar des Frühlingspunktes wegen, der dort zu suchen war. Sowohl das Sternbild als auch der Stier als Tier wurden nahezu in jeder bekannten Hochkultur vor der Zeitenwende verehrt und angebetet. Das Sternbild enthält wohl die bekanntesten Sterne überhaupt, wie eben die Plejaden, die Hyaden und den Crabnebel (Krebsnebel), wobei der Sternbildname wohl eine sehr würdige Hervorhebung dieser besonderen Himmelregion ist.
The primary star of the picture is Aldebaran, a giant at around 68 light-years distance, which has been classified as long-periodically more variable and about 36 times the diameter of our sun. The Crab Nebula exists as remnants of a star explosion, which was observed on earth 1054 n.J. (n.Chr - AD), which however had already taken place 4442 years ago, counted back from the year 1996. The Hyades exhibits an age of around 500 million years ago and are likewise uninhabitable stars, as are those of the Pleiades. Der Hauptstern des Bildes ist Aldebaran, ein Riese in rund 68 Lichtjahren Entfernung, der als langperiodisch Veränderlicher bezeichnet wird und etwa 36 mal den Durchmesser unserer Sonne aufweist. Der Crabnebel besteht als Überrest einer Sternexplosion, die auf der Erde anno 1054 n.Chr. beobachtet wurde, die jedoch bereits vor 4442 Jahren stattgefunden hat, zurückgerechnet vom Jahr 1996. Die Hyaden weisen ein Alter von rund 500 Millionen Jahren auf und sind also ebenfalls unbewohnbare Sterne, wie das die Plejaden sind.
The motion star cluster of the Pleiades in the central core moves itself with a speed of 144,000 kilometers per hour through outer space, which corresponds to a progressive movement of 40 kilometers per second. The silvery-blue diffuse gas- and material-nebulas surround practically all Pleiades stars and receive their light from stars lying behind, which then is reflected, which is why one speaks of the reflection nebulas. Der Bewegungssternhaufen der Plejaden im zentralen Kern bewegt sich mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 144 000 Stundenkilometern durch den Weltenraum, was einer Fortbewegung von 40 Kilometern pro Sekunde entspricht. Die silbrig-blauen diffusen Gas- und Materienebel umgeben praktisch alle Plejadengestirne und erhalten ihr Licht von dahinterliegenden Gestirnen, das dann reflektiert wird, weshalb man von einem Reflexionsnebel spricht.
The home-stars and home-planets of the Pleiadian/Plejaren, which was already explained, lies not in or among the Pleiades stars, which can be seen from the Earth and itself therefore found in our space-time configuration, but rather they lie beyond these stars still 80 light-years further removed, therefore the distance from the Earth amounts to around 500 light-years. Die Heimatgestirne und Heimatplaneten der Plejadier/Plejaren, das wurde bereits erklärt, liegen nicht in oder bei den Plejadengestirnen, die von der Erde aus gesehen werden können und sich also in unserem Raum-Zeit-Gefüge befinden, sondern sie liegen jenseits dieser Gestirne noch weitere 80 Lichtjahre weiter entfernt, folglich die Distanz von der Erde aus runde 500 Lichtjahre beträgt.
In addition exist the Pleiadian-Plejaren home-stars and home-worlds in a dimension, which to our existence-plane lies around a fraction of a second space- and time-shifted into the future. In this other space-time plane exists a star cluster with different habitable planets, and indeed of that 10 in the number, from which of those four in the solar system Tayget are inhabited by human beings, which themselves as also their star cluster are referred to as Plejaren, i.e. Pleiades and Pleiadian, because they are settled nearby the Pleiades stars, which find themselves in our space-time configuration. This name designation includes them and all other Henok-line descendants of other constellations etc. and on certain planets with in their differently-dimensioned habitats. Then at least the stars are, i.e. suns in the star cluster of Plejaren called after the names of their suns, as this applies to the Pleiades stars in our dimension. On the Pleiades/Plejares of the space-time-shifted dimension of Pleiadians/Plejaren is the earth-similar planet called Erra, which is both the home-world of Semjase, Quetzal, Pleija and Ptaah as well as the actual administrative planet of the Pleiadian-Plejaren federation, of those are found allied in 6 thousand millions light-years distance. Zudem existieren die plejadisch-plejarischen Heimatgestirne und Heimatwelten in einer Dimension, die zu unserer Existenzebene um einen Sekundenbruchteil raum- und zeiverschoben in der Zukunft liegt. In dieser anderen Raum-Zeit-Ebene existiert ein Sternhaufen mit verschiedenen bewohnbaren Planeten, und zwar deren 10 an der Zahl, wovon deren vier im Sonnensystem Tayget von Menschen bewohnt werden, die sich als auch ihren Sternhaufen Plejaren nennen resp. Plejaden und Plejadier, weil sie unweit jener Plejadengestirne angesiedelt sind, die sich in unserem Raum-Zeit-Gefüge befinden. Diese Namensbenennung behalten sie als auch alle anderen Henoklinie-Abkömmlinge für andere Sternbilder usw. und für gewisse Planeten bei in ihren andersdimensionierten Lebensräumen. So sind zumindest die Sterne resp. Sonnen im Sternhaufen der Plejaren nach den Namen jener Sonnen benannt, wie dies für die Plejadengestirne in unserer Dimension zutrifft. Auf den Plejaden/Plejaren der raum-zeit-verschobenen Dimension der Plejadier/Plejaren wird der erdähnlichste Planet Erra genannt, der zugleich die Heimat von Semjase, Quetzal, Pleija und Ptaah ist sowie der eigentliche Verwaltungsplanet der Plejadisch-Plejarischen Föderation, deren Verbündete bis in 6 Milliarden Lichtjahren Entfernung zu finden sind.
Therefore the Pleiadians/Plejaren can find the way into our dimension, their farther ancestors created a so-called dimension gate around 52000 years ago in the Pleiades area of our dimension, which since then makes possible the dimension changes, depending on volition. In addition, this dimension gate is used as a channel of news transmission, whereby it is at any time possible for the Pleiadians/Plejaren, to maintain their communication between the two dimensions, without time delay, because their communication signals are conveyed on an artificial-technically made useful level of spiritual energy-sources, whereby practically no borders are placed on the transmission speed and a signal reaches a thousand millions light-years distance, in the instant that it is sent out. The same communication system exists for all federation members in other foreign dimensions as well as to Asket's people in the DAL universe and some different there living peoples, who are allied or friendly with Pleiadians/Plejaren. For this purpose likewise a dimension gate was created between the two sister universes, which found its existence likewise around 50,000 years ago. Damit die Plejadier/Plejaren in unsere Dimension hineinfinden können, wurde von ihren fernen Vorfahren vor rund 52000 Jahren in den Plejadengebieten unserer Dimension ein sogenanntes Dimensionentor erschaffen, das ihnen seither ermöglicht, je nach Belieben die Dimensionen zu wechseln. Dieses Dimensionentor wird aber auch als Nachrichtenübermittlungskanal benutzt, wodurch es den Plejadiern/Plejaren jederzeit möglich ist, zwischen den beiden Dimensionen ihre Kommunikation aufrechtzuerhalten, und zwar ohne Zeitverlust, weil ihre Kommunikationssignale auf einer künstlich-technisch nutzbar gemachten Ebene geistiger Energieträger übermittelt werden, wodurch der Übermittlungsgeschwindigkeit praktisch keine Grenzen gesetzt sind und ein Signal ein Milliarden Lichtjahre entferntes Ziel in dem Augenblick erreicht, in dem es ausgesandt wird. Das gleiche Kommunikationssystem existiert auch zu allen Föderationsangehörigen in anderen fremden Dimensionen sowie auch zu Askets Volk im DAL-Universum und einigen anderen dort lebenden Völkern, die mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren verbündet oder befreundet sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde zwischen den beiden Schwesteruniversen ebenfalls ein Dimensionentor erschaffen, das seine Existenz ebenfalls vor rund 50 000 Jahren fand.

Do we and the Plejaren have a common ancestry?

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

The Plejaren claim common ancestry with some of the Earth humans in terms of reincarnation and in Spirit Teaching terms, namely long ago a world in what we've today designated the Lyra-Vega star system. This means that the ancestral link is from before they migrated to the Plejares, and thus before we came to the Sol system, and that we were generally, on about the same spiritual level and of the same age in spirit?
Q: What are the primary factors that have contributed to their evolutionary advancements?

ANSWER: Hi Lonnie,

They made a greater effort than we. Besides that they made peace among themselves about 50,000 years ago, which means they haven't had wars and conflicts since then.

In contrast, we on Earth are still fighting and killing each other, and on top of that Earth more than once has had its civilization have to start from the ashes again and again.[1]

See Atlantis

Do the Plejaren have the capability to grow a third set of teeth?

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

Do [Plejaren] change their teeth more than one time? Or they just like Earth human beings changing the teeth only once when they are young?

ANSWER: Hi Hampton Chiu,

A funny, close, personal and intimate question.

They change only once as it is here on Earth. However they would utilise the technical means to grow a third generation of teeth were the need to arise. However since their teeth are in good health the need doesn't.

Note: Billy once tasted their teeth-cleaning fluids and remarked that it tasted similar to one of our chewing-gum or bubble-gum flavours. Apparently it tasted delicious, was somewhat sour, and that you could get addicted to the flavour of it, he said.[2]

Evidence Plejaren exist

For Earth humans generally and officially the evidence is limited to a series of occasions where they have allowed various military airforce jet pilots to track and follow their ships intentionally and deliberately, however as the military are not honest with their employers the citizens and everything is silenced, that cannot be taken as evidence either, videos are classified for most of the military airborne units which were given the opportunity, however some nations have published them.

The other two evidences requires decades of study, belief or conspiratorial compulsion; are the human genetics, we share ancestors with Plejaren and a final evidence is a bunch of cultural features, such as language, ancient bits, pieces and bobs.

1: Military aircraft tracking videos of UFOs (but no evidence it's Plejaren)
2: Share ancestors (big imagination folks)
3: Many small things such as language features and ancient relics (more likely from Earth)

There is also a few other things such as testimony from FIGU, very little evidence, and that is real.


Plejaren Alphabets.jpg
  • There is some overlap between Plejaren Federation languages and Earth languages. For this reason this section is a to and fro; a back-and-forth pendulum, between reference to Plejaren and Earth designated information.

  • Sarat; The single uniform language (lingua franca/common language) spoken over the entire planet of Erra is called Sarat.
  • Kosan; They can also speak a common language with other races and peoples from other planets that belong to the their federation. The language is called Kosan and is considered an inter-cosmic language that has even extended beyond the borders of our galaxy.
  • Regarding learning Sarat or Kosan.
The Sarat (Plejaren) alphabet is useless with out a dictionary.
We (Earth researchers) don't know the proper spoken sound of the Sarat letters and words to put together complete sentences.

FIGU Forum comment. General summary translation
This information came with a disclaimer that these language groupings are only broad classifications and nothing fine grained.

According to the Plejaren, the first protolanguage on Earth was called BRO. This developed over time to GLOS and went on to be known as GLOSIA. Finally, the original BRO protolanguage after going through several modifications became known as JSBRON and JSBRONA. BRO was the original earth language from which all earth language developed. BRO underwent modification and was greatly enhanced by the 7 old Lyren languages, already highly developed. These seven Lyren languages enriched BRO and produced a host of earth languages:

1) WESTAN - All African languages
2) TRJDJN - All Indian languages as well as languages of the southern and central hemisphere Islanders.
3) ARJN - All Germanic, Indo-European, Latin and English, Celtic etc.
4) HEBRJN - Assyrian, Arabic, Hebrew, Babylonian, Aramaic languages.
5) KJDAN - Chinese and Japanese.
6) BAMAR - Australian, Ottoman and Middle Eastern languages.
7) SUMAN - Minoan (from which ancient Greek was founded), Atlantean, Sumerian, etc.[3][4]

There are contact reports that deal with this that have not yet been translated.

How is Billy Meier's degenerated extraterrestrial story, solvent?

It explains away a number of key discrepancies and gaps in what the academics have discovered (so far). The story is very simple and the majority of academics are aware of the ancient extraterrestrial theory, but tend to laugh at it because it's outlandishly sensational to them, despite most of them having grown up with religious ideas. Academics need to earn a living and so they like to pick away at what entertains their religious funders etc. The story of our history probably won't be fully understood until much later, probably long after science recognises we're a genetically modified human being, see Ageing. This means you'll find the truth in bizarre places in the world in mystery books by controversial authors etc and on the internet and certainly not at a university or in a government etc. until long into the future. We already know the truth in those circles.

Language in the Contact Reports and other texts

Contact Report 471

Our main language leads back to the old Arjn language, from which on Earth the old German languages have come forth, and from which the German in use today developed, through which everything can be expressed just as precisely as in our language.

We can, therefore, translate your works precisely into our languages.

Contact Report 004

12. Just like human beings on Earth, we also have to learn a language.

13. Yet this is much easier for us and presents less trouble.

14. We possess all Earth languages that were ever spoken in ancient times or are currently used.

15. That is to say, we have detailed recordings of them in the most diverse formats.

16. Language training courses, as you would call them, were compiled from them.

17. This work is performed by language scientists and machines similar to what you call computers.

18. Further machines of a similar type serve to transmit the desired language and instil it in us.

19. This means we are connected to such a machine or apparatus, which then transmits the desired language.

20. This occurs during a machine-induced, hypnotic-like state.

21. In this way, the definitions and meanings of the language become implanted and registered.

22. This process takes 21 days.

23. Then we require another 9–10 days in order to also speak the language correctly.

24. This means that we must practice its correct application and pronunciation with the help of machines and the language scientists.

25. In this manner it takes us about 30 to 31 days to learn a language.

26. People on Earth are already operating in a similar fashion by using tape recorders in their language courses, particularly at so-called language institutes.

27. This is already the first step toward constructing and using apparatuses and machines such as ours.

28. In various parts of the world, work is being done on such computers.

What is written and printed in some of the Books and Booklets

Interwoven in all of Billy's German texts is a CODE. This code is fully effective only when every word of the text is in its correct place, and written free of errors from beginning to end.
The code elicits impulses from the spiritual realm (Akashic Records) which then touch the reader and begin to become active from within. This process is subconscious. The same result is obtained when someone reads the German text, even though that person may not master the German language. It matters little whether the text is read silently or aloud, or whether one-person reads it to another.
The German language originated from the old Lyrian and has the same amount of characters per word, e.g., Salome = Friede (Peace),Urda = Erde (Earth) because Billy is not completely fluent in any other language spoken on earth, he finds it impossible to incorporate the code into the translations.
One has to take into account also that many words in German do not exist in other languages, resulting in translations that reproduce only in part the meaning of the German original. For these reasons each translation of Billy's texts into a foreign language will have the original German text attached."

"An Interview With A UFO Contactee" Page 51/11

Every human being's thoughts, articulations, feeings or emotions, stirrings, impulses and the like, are deposited in the Akashic Records, the storage area in a terrestrial hyperspace.
Anyone who can generate the frequencies identical to those of the deposited information with his or her thoughts, consciousness or some technology, will also be able to summon these frequencies.
This implies that information that belongs to living individuals, even those who are dead, may be retrieved from the stored records as long as the person finds the specific frequencies of the other individuals. It is even conceivable that a form of logical communication can be initiated with stored impulses and information in the Akashic Records.

Contact Report 241

144. ... already from the earliest time, it was recognised that the languages of the New Age would no longer allow themselves to be coded in the required form, it was therefore determined, at that time, that the mission of the New Age would be fulfilled through the German language and must be carried forth worldwide, whereby also your mother language, Swiss German, must play a noteworthy role.

145. A language that Sfath also perfectly mastered, as you know, and which he happily made use of if he was together with you.

146. Often he also spoke Swiss German with us, only half in fun, because none of us could understand this language.

147. Before the setting of the determination 13,500 years ago, it was already recognised that one day the High German language of the New Age must exist on the Earth, which alone would offer all possibilities of a perfect and all-expressive and all-explaining language.

148. And so it has also come about:

149. The German language is the only one of the Earth peoples that can fully extensively clarify and explain the comprehensive teachings of the spirit to the full extent with all required words and terms and word-combinations, as is possible in no other language of the Earth peoples.

150. The High German language is also the only language of the Earth peoples that can be coded according to the determination, as is applicable to your texts and books and other works written by you which stand in direct or indirect connection with the fulfilment of the mission.

Contact Report 002

10. You (Billy) really hardly lag behind us at all if we disregard what you call book or school learning.

11. As you yourself always say, this type of knowledge is not of great importance, but only spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom are the decisive ones, as you have already recognized long ago.

English Language
Contact Report 241

I was always very grieved to have to wade through the English translations and determine that many words and terms simply were always false and would not actually correspond to what was expressed in the original German text.
153. Many of our linguists also say the same or similar.
154 There are indeed those among them who express themselves in strong language like, "this English language has primitive means of understanding" and so forth.

Plejaren words.
Variously sourced from either Billy Meier texts or from the FIGU forum which has sourced from Billy Meier texts.

"mata" - eye
"granisa" - grandmother
"gross-rama" - great-spacer (large ship)
"arimo" - stop, halt, cease, hold on or hold up
"odur" - hour
"musal" - day
"asar" - month (13 in a year on Erra)
"elo" - demi, partial or semi
"Kosan" - intergalactic dialect
"Jschrjsch" - JSCHRJSCH is another spelling (and/or pronounciation) for JSHRJSH.
"Jschwjsch" - (or JHWH/IHWH) a human being that has attained the evolutionary level of a King of Wisdom (Earth term for this is "God", which has erroneously been attributed to Creation itself over the years).
"Urda" - German: Erde - Earth
"Salome" - Peace in Love and Wisdom
"jaunes" - rogue, the implication of the word is not to insinuate a scoundrel but as to refer to one who is wise with people; one who holds back excesses of information, stealthy in the ways of human nature.
"krall" - A grouping of homes on a property. The word sounds like the North American old west English word "corral" which is another word for a ranch, or a part of a ranch.

Contact Report 009

147. Semjasa called his son "Adam", which was a word in his language which meant "Earth human being".

Samtee Language
It has not been checked whether Samtee is the same as Sarat or Kosan. This information was retrieved from another source. See image below.

German text © FIGU 1996-2018, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti.
English translation from the original German text by Patrick McKnight and may contain errors - 7-Jul-2015
English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2018 source.

English German
On the home-planets of the Pleiadians / Plejaren, a unified language is spoken which is called Sarat. Other languages exist, naturally, as is also the case with different dialects etc. Therefore in order to make oneself understandable throughout the entire federation, a so-called universal-, i.e. federation-language was created, the so-called Samtee. This language is learned by every Pleiadian / Plejaren from childhood as a secondary native language. Both of these languages are supplementarily learned on top of the native language of the individual nation/group/territory. According to Ptaah's explanation the total number of theses native languages spoken within the federation is 127,603. Auf den Heimatplaneten der Plejadier/Plejaren wird eine einheitliche Sprache gesprochen, die Sarat genannt wird. Weitere Sprachen existieren natürlich, wie auch verschiedene Dialekte. Um sich in der gesamten Föderation verständlich zu machen, wurde eine sogenannte Universal- resp. Föderationssprache geschaffen, das sogenannte Samtee. Diese Sprache wird von jedem Plejadier/Plejaren bereits von Kindheit an als zweite Muttersprache erlernt. Diese beiden Sprachen werden nebst der eigentlichen Muttersprache des jeweiligen Volkes erlernt, wobei nach Ptaahs Erklärung sich die Gesamtzahl der in der Föderation gesprochenen Sprachen auf 127 603 beläuft.

(FOM Note: They're all bilingual but usually multilingual, with two or three mother tongues/mother languages i.e taught from childhood. 1: The local language to their geographical birth, probably steeped in heritage. 2: a world language and/or. 3: a federation language, so the worlds in the federation can work together. It's a system which allows the preservation of local history and cultural identity while allowing them to have a shared identity too)

Picture of Samtee source.



Bad translation which has been modified slightly to make sense, corrections ends in the sentence before "The rule is thereby however that, which the individual human beings and peoples". This information was retrieved from another source.

German text © FIGU 1996-2018, Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, CH-8495 Schmidrüti.
English translation from the original German text by Patrick McKnight and may contain errors - 7-Jul-2015
English translation © Creational Truth 2011-2018 source.

English German
With Pleiadians / Plejaren and their allies of the federation, there is only a single state organization and a single government. It functions as a purveyor and intermediary power-order, in terms of the implementation of guidance given by the 'High Council'. This 'High Council' is not resident on a federation planet, but instead resides on a world of their own, approximately 2.2 million light-years away in the Andromeda-Region. The majority of these advisory individuals are half-spirit We-form (partially transparent). These half-spirit-forms of the 'High Council' have enormous knowledge and an appropriate essence of wisdom available to them. Which is why they were selected by the Pleiadians / Plejaren and their allies of the federation. There is an overall population of 127 thousand-million of these human beings, who offer the very highest form of guidance. Bei den Plejadiern/Plejaren sowie bei all ihren Verbündeten der Föderation existiert nur ein einziges Staatsgebilde und eine einzige Regierung, die als Ordnungs- und Ausführungskraft dessen fungiert, was der Hohe Rat als Ratgebung erteilt. Dieser Hohe Rat ist nicht auf einem Föderationsplaneten beheimatet, sondern lebt als Halbgeist-Wirform im ca. 2,2 Millionen Lichtjahre entfernten Andromeda-Gebiet. Die Halbgeistformen des Hohen Rates verfügen über ein enormes Wissen und über die entsprechende Weisheit, weshalb sie von den Plejadiern/Plejaren und ihren Verbündeten der Föderation mit einer Gesamtpopulation von 127 Milliarden Menschen als oberste Ratgebungsform ausgesucht wurde.
As the designation 'High Council' stipulates, they give only the most high-value pieces of advice and what's more give absolutely no commands. The pieces of advice which are relayed through the local Ischwisch, are then communicated to the assigned groups of folks and their governments, which is then subsequently submitted to the individual folks themselves down the chain. It is for them to individually and to freely decide the pieces of advice to live by and it's according to one's own choosing whether to follow it or not (end of corrections). The rule is thereby however that, which the individual human beings and peoples fully all around follow the pieces of advice of the 'High Council', in cognition of which, that these are high-value guidelines. This certainly presupposes, that the human beings are far evolved to such an extent, that they have learned and realized all creational-natural laws and recommendations and also like-mindedly live these. A fact, that for the present on the Earth still no realization can be found, because here still only through human laws and recommendations, decrees, regulations and determinations etc. can the order be preserved upright, therefore such a form of government as with Pleiadians/Plejaren and their allies for the earth-human being is still utopian and illusory. Und wie die Bezeichnung Hoher Rat schon darlegt, erteilt dieser nur äusserst hochwertige Ratschläge und keinerlei Befehle, wobei die Ratschläge durch die Ischwischs den jeweiligen Völkerregierungen mitgeteilt werden, welche dann alles den einzelnen Völkern unterbreiten, denen es freigestellt ist, die Ratschläge nach eigenem Ermessen zu befolgen oder nicht. Die Regel ist dabei jedoch die, dass die einzelnen Menschen und Völker die Ratschläge des Hohen Rates vollumfänglich befolgen, in der Erkenntnis dessen, dass diese hochwertige Leitfäden sind. Dies setzt allerdings voraus, dass die Menschen derart weit evolutioniert sind, dass sie alle schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote erlernt und erfasst haben und auch getreu diesen leben. Eine Tatsache, die vorderhand auf der Erde noch keineVerwirklichung finden kann, weil hier immer noch nur durch menschliche Gesetze und Gebote, Erlasse, Vorschriften und Bestimmungen usw. die Ordnung aufrecht erhalten werden kann, folglich eine solche Regierungsform wie bei den Plejadiern/Plejaren und ihren Verbündeten für den Erdenmenschen noch utopisch und illusorisch ist.
There are no parties and politicians in the sense of that of the earth-human beings, but rather only 2800 spiritual guides per planet, who form the central planet government and who stand in connection with the 'High Council' and also maintain contacts and tasks with peoples and governments of other worlds, who but also further 28,000 spiritual guides over all activities etc. as well as inform about the guidance of the 'High Council', who pass on their knowledge and their information in turn to a great number of further spiritual guides, who then directly stand in contact with the people and those inform, tutor and care for, etc. These themselves strive with all means available to them for utilization means also for this reason, to guarantee the spiritual and consciousness-based development of the human beings, whereby themselves practically in every case a whole people settles down approximately into the same evolution-level, whereby no more glaring evolutionary differences are given, as this is the case on the earth. This guarantees also, that the aforementioned form of government through the guidance of the 'High Council' overall effectively can be realized, without that cross-fighting and such things stepping into appearance, because everyone usually accepts and follows the guidance of the 'High Council' as a high advice, through their own decision. Parteien und Politiker im Sinne der Erdenmenschen gibt es nicht, sondern nur 2800 Geistführer pro Planet, welche die zentrale Planetenregierung bilden und die mit dem Hohen Rat in Verbindung stehen und auch Kontakte und Aufgaben mit Völkern und Regierungen anderer Welten pflegen, die aber auch weitere 28 000 Geistführer über alle Tätigkeiten usw. sowie über die Ratgebungen des Hohen Rates unterrichten, welche ihr Wissen und ihre Informationen wiederum weitergeben an eine grosse Anzahl weiterer Geistführer, die dann direkt mit dem Volke in Kontakt stehen und dieses unterrichten, belehren und betreuen usw. Diese bemühen sich mit allen ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln auch darum, die geistige und bewusstseinsmässige Fortentwicklung der Menschen zu gewährleisten, wodurch sich jeweils praktisch ein ganzes Volk annähernd in die gleiche Evolutionsstufe einpendelt, wodurch keine krassen Evolutionsunterschiede mehr gegeben sind, wie dies auf der Erde der Fall ist. Dies gewährleistet auch, dass die vorgenannte Regierungsform durch die Ratgebung des Hohen Rates überhaupt wirksam durchgeführt werden kann, ohne dass Querschlägereien und dergleichen in Erscheinung treten, weil alle in der Regel die Ratgebungen des Hohen Rates als hohen Rat akzeptieren und durch eigene Entscheidung befolgen.


See Pleiadian

In the earlier years 1970's to early 2000's, they were referring to themselves as Pleiadian as a narrowing mechanism in order they say, to achieve both an exposure and enclosure for those perhaps disingenuous individuals who in those earlier years sought to paint and tarnish the information with a thick rich fantasy coating and glaze of disinformation. It was a simpler exercise than it may on the face of it appear, to create that separation, despite being some decades in the making. Pleiades is a well known catchphrase and buzzword for the cluster of stars in the nights sky and pleiadians would needless to say be a popular way of referring to them. To discover the word Plejaren and the other terms, a deeper reading into the information was necessary. This ensured the individuals were not just making stuff up and were actually reading the information and understanding it, from there the possibility has arisen for a world wide community who have been able to carefully study the explanations without being disturbed and have really learnt something. The separation is still however dependant upon individuals wanting the truth and always will be.

Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • We are all on Earth fundamentally incompatible with the Plejaren and the Plejaren Federation members. They have a fundamentally different ideology, mentality and temperament for life and outlook, that we could not possibly compare to our own. They age roughly ten to twelve times slower than we do, or we age ten to twelve times more rapidly than is characteristic of a typical advanced civilization. The ageing differential is the fundamental and essential fact. The resulting longer life expectancy causes thus every stage of their life to proportionately be far longer in duration for them, with therefore allows for a much longer development, and learning terms.
  • They know most of everything there is to know about real life and reality. Knowing about us and our world, much more than we ourselves know.
  • Keridwena was the sister of Ptaahs grandfather Ezekeel[5] and was not an Jschrjsch. Keridwena is or is not NinianeTBC[6] who later became known as Nimue and later still the Lady of the Lake which we know today.

Further Reading
