Diferenças entre edições de "Thoughts about belief, the truth, and proving the authenticity of the Meier case"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Grammatical corrections, incomplete)
Linha 8: Linha 8:
It was this approach which enabled me and convinced me of the authenticity of the "Meier case". I never saw the metal alloys, nor did I ever see a real Plejaren person. However based on the information in the contact reports, the persons I met in Schmidrüti and its surroundings, convinced me of it's reallity. Also I had the pleasure of meeting Billy personally and I could not see anything suspicious or strange with him. During my travels around the world, I already saw many different persons, good ones and bad ones and can recall some experiences concerning fraud and treason etc. This was however not the case with Billy.
It was this approach which enabled me and convinced me of the authenticity of the "Meier case". I never saw the metal alloys, nor did I ever see a real Plejaren person. However based on the information in the contact reports, the persons I met in Schmidrüti and its surroundings, convinced me of it's reallity. Also I had the pleasure of meeting Billy personally and I could not see anything suspicious or strange with him. During my travels around the world, I already saw many different persons, good ones and bad ones and can recall some experiences concerning fraud and treason etc. This was however not the case with Billy.
If we only take the contact reports, we can see that there is enormous information inside about biology, chemistry, physics, geology, climatology, ecology in general and medicine, that only persons or even only scientists of these fields know and which were and still are not accessible to the majority of human beings. Here we are talking about things that were defined as theories first and then verified to be true by scientists. Here however to proof oneself the truth of the contact notes, one needs investigatory fewer and the will to go to the bottom of it. It is like the Plejaren would encourage us all to become scientists, like we have already been as kids.<ref>Deborah H (2006), Scientists show that children think like scientists, MIT news, http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2006/children.html</ref> This compassion, to really know and understand things got lost with the age by many, as they are too caught up in their daily duties and routine. To this comes the fact that many are overburdened with worries and constraints.As it was already discussed above that a thesis can be rejected, here also the plausible deniability comes into play, which has been smartly planed by the Plejaren. This plausible deniability and rejection of the case as truth/reality is most often done when not all pieces of the puzzle are put together and thus the "Thesis" of its reality can be denied and rejected. In my opinion this idea is brilliant, as it really only permits those, who are really interested in the case and thought many thoughts about it and connected the dots, to recognize its truth/reality. It is also brilliant because it is based on the own will and own tenacity of every person, to look into the material. It is the complete opposite of missionizing where persons come to one and say: "You have to believe it, my religion is the true religion." Or: "You are false, you are wrong, my opinion and my religion is the correct one, that is why you have also to rally to this belief". T
If we only take the contact reports, we can see that there is enormous information inside about biology, chemistry, physics, geology, climatology, ecology in general and medicine, that only persons or even only scientists of these fields know and which were and still are not accessible to the majority of human beings. Here we are talking about things that were defined as theories first and then verified to be true by scientists. However to proof oneself the truth of the contact notes, one needs investigatory fewer and the will to go to the bottom of it. It is like the Plejaren would encourage us all to become scientists, like we have already been as kids.<ref>Deborah H (2006), Scientists show that children think like scientists, MIT news, http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2006/children.html</ref> This compassion, to really know and understand things got lost with the age by many, as they are too caught up in their daily duties and routine. To this comes the fact that many are overburdened with worries and constraints.As it was already discussed above that a thesis can be rejected, here also the plausible deniability comes into play, which has been smartly planed by the Plejaren. This plausible deniability and rejection of the case as truth/reality is most often done when not all pieces of the puzzle are put together and thus the "Thesis" of its reality can be denied and rejected. In my opinion this idea is brilliant, as it really only permits those, who are really interested in the case and thought many thoughts about it and connected the dots, to recognize its truth/reality. It is also brilliant because it is based on the own will and own tenacity of every person, to look into the material. It is the complete opposite of missionizing where persons come to one and say: "You have to believe it, my religion is the true religion." Or: "You are false, you are wrong, my opinion and my religion is the correct one, that is why you have also to rally to this belief".  
his plausible deniability has the simple fuction of motivating persons to think harder and to go more and more into detail. This is not the only thing. Also Billy's books are full of knowledge concerning the inner self of human beings, how it works and how to best use these tools to lead a good and harmonious life. To me also his books showed to be true and hold lots of interesting thoughts and advices. An advice is no dictatorial rule which must be fullfilled. An advice, is a recommendation to someone based on own experience, common sense and thoughts. It is up the reciever to decide if she/he wants to accept or decline the recommendation. It is up to everyone to try them out and verify it's truthfullness and the reality of the immaterial world. If i could give an advice to someone, i would give the advice to become a scientist again.
This plausible deniability has the simple fuction of motivating persons to think harder and to go more and more into detail. This is not the only thing. Also Billy's books are full of knowledge concerning the inner self of human beings, how it works and how to best use these tools to lead a good and harmonious life. To me also his books showed to be true and hold lots of interesting thoughts and advices. An advice is no dictatorial rule which must be fullfilled. An advice, is a recommendation to someone based on own experience, common sense and thoughts. It is up to the reciever of the advice to decide if she/he wants to accept or decline the recommendation. It is up to everyone to try them out and verify it's truthfullness and the reality of the immaterial world. If i could give an advice to someone, i would give the advice to become a scientist again.

Revisão das 20h57min de 27 de fevereiro de 2011

If one is confronted by the UFO case of Billy <Eduard Albert Meier>, regularly one hears the following: "Did you experience the same as Billy? If not you are forced to 'believe' what he is saying." To go more into detail lets try to focus on "Believing" and "Belief". In the dictionary and on Wikipedia the following is stated:

"Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true.[1] The concept of belief presumes a subject (the believer) and an object of belief (the proposition)." To believe thus means to hold a "proposition" or a "premise" to be true and to be thus reality. If we look at the "premise" we see that it is then based upon a " basic claim" which accepts or rejects other claims. Does this not sound familiar, if we look at the fights which happen between the different religions? It is not so much about the reality, but more about what had been said hundreds or thousands of years ago. Also in daily life, a simple claim can lead very fast to "belief". For example it would be easy to create a new sect based on any kind of claim. For example if someone claims: "I am enlightened and had contacts with light beings." This claim would be enough to become a premise for other claims, which would lead inevitably to a construct of surreal and unreal new claims and thoughts, which would become a belief to fellow human beings with the time, who are susceptible to this, or searching for the truth/reality, and cannot find the initial premise back anymore, which was based upon illusion or other negative factors.

However "belief" has the most often a bigger subjective note then an objective one and thus withdraws and alienates itself more and more from the truth/reality, because the own views fuelled by own experiences and other factors like egoism, "I am right"-ism etc., tend to overwrite and superimpose reality, instead of developing itself around it. There is a big discrepency between "knowledge" and "belief" which is stated in Wikipedia as the following: "In a notion derived from Plato's dialogue Theaetetus, philosophy has traditionally defined knowledge as "justified true belief". The relationship between belief and knowledge is that a belief is knowledge if the belief is true, and if the believer has a justification (reasonable and necessarily plausible assertions/evidence/guidance) for believing it is true." Those of you who are aquainted to science, or who are even scientists like me, see that right? Here we are approaching the philosophical theorems of a "Thesis". First a scientist has to postulate a thesis or a theory and then he has to verify it through experiments if it is true or not, or in other words, if it corresponds to the truth or reality or not and has finally to be rejected, or accepted as reality.

It was this approach which enabled me and convinced me of the authenticity of the "Meier case". I never saw the metal alloys, nor did I ever see a real Plejaren person. However based on the information in the contact reports, the persons I met in Schmidrüti and its surroundings, convinced me of it's reallity. Also I had the pleasure of meeting Billy personally and I could not see anything suspicious or strange with him. During my travels around the world, I already saw many different persons, good ones and bad ones and can recall some experiences concerning fraud and treason etc. This was however not the case with Billy.

If we only take the contact reports, we can see that there is enormous information inside about biology, chemistry, physics, geology, climatology, ecology in general and medicine, that only persons or even only scientists of these fields know and which were and still are not accessible to the majority of human beings. Here we are talking about things that were defined as theories first and then verified to be true by scientists. However to proof oneself the truth of the contact notes, one needs investigatory fewer and the will to go to the bottom of it. It is like the Plejaren would encourage us all to become scientists, like we have already been as kids.[2] This compassion, to really know and understand things got lost with the age by many, as they are too caught up in their daily duties and routine. To this comes the fact that many are overburdened with worries and constraints.As it was already discussed above that a thesis can be rejected, here also the plausible deniability comes into play, which has been smartly planed by the Plejaren. This plausible deniability and rejection of the case as truth/reality is most often done when not all pieces of the puzzle are put together and thus the "Thesis" of its reality can be denied and rejected. In my opinion this idea is brilliant, as it really only permits those, who are really interested in the case and thought many thoughts about it and connected the dots, to recognize its truth/reality. It is also brilliant because it is based on the own will and own tenacity of every person, to look into the material. It is the complete opposite of missionizing where persons come to one and say: "You have to believe it, my religion is the true religion." Or: "You are false, you are wrong, my opinion and my religion is the correct one, that is why you have also to rally to this belief". This plausible deniability has the simple fuction of motivating persons to think harder and to go more and more into detail. This is not the only thing. Also Billy's books are full of knowledge concerning the inner self of human beings, how it works and how to best use these tools to lead a good and harmonious life. To me also his books showed to be true and hold lots of interesting thoughts and advices. An advice is no dictatorial rule which must be fullfilled. An advice, is a recommendation to someone based on own experience, common sense and thoughts. It is up to the reciever of the advice to decide if she/he wants to accept or decline the recommendation. It is up to everyone to try them out and verify it's truthfullness and the reality of the immaterial world. If i could give an advice to someone, i would give the advice to become a scientist again.

Many Thanks for your attention and Salome

Weis Nicolas



  1. Schwitzgebel, Eric (2006), "Belief", in Zalta, Edward, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford, CA: The Metaphysics Research Lab, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/belief/, retrieved 2008-09-19 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belief
  2. Deborah H (2006), Scientists show that children think like scientists, MIT news, http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2006/children.html


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