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(What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive way for the third millennium…)
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[[Category:PLEASE DELETE THIS TRANSLATION AND USE OFFICIAL ONE - BARRETO asks it!!!!Prophecies and Predictions]]
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== '''What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive way for the third millennium… ''' ==
If you human beings of Earth do not turn to the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations in what is now the third millennium, if you do not turn to better and good things and do not follow the true rules of life as they exist in the creational laws and recommendations, then all evil events of all kinds will broaden in ever worsening succession. The creational-natural laws and recommendations are written in the ‹Goblet of Truth› and in the ‹spiritual teaching›, which is the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life›, which it is of vital importance to follow. However, if you human beings continue to fail to follow the creational laws and recommendations, evil and catastrophes of all kinds which have existed all over Earth for a long time will increase in future into much more evil excrescences.
And if you do not change for the better, for good and the best, all evil over the world will take a much worse form than it has done for decades and also does at present; and the coming events will be such as the world has never experienced up to the current time, nor lived, nor seen. A change for the better, for good and the best can only occur, however, if you human beings of Earth think and act rightly and rationally from now on and into the future, and this principally applies to your rulers and other mightful people who have to lead you as a people to the best and for goodness. This thinking and acting which is full of rationality is also demanded from every individual in your entire humanity as well as from you as such in your entirety. And success can only come about if your thoughts are rightly cared for and deeds are determined and performed rightly, indeed in accordance with the urgency of the necessity for change. However, if this change is not tackled and carried through, then it is unavoidable and inevitable that the prophecies will come true, as is the case with the predictions that are firm with regard to their fulfilment and which will certainly turn into an evil reality.
Overall in all things of your present existence as human beings of Earth, a change for the better, for good and the best is unavoidable if everything is still to develop ultimately into something of good worth after all. However, if this change is not started and carried through, then do not be surprised if nothing turns to the better, for good and the best, but the negative, bad and evil things are fulfilled, as has been prophetically stated although without being specifically called prophecies so that it is not possible for you to differentiate between prophecy and prediction for the important reason that not only individual factors are seized for change, but entirely everything of all circumstances. And this must be the case, because given a true effort, it is only possible to bring about the better, good and the best through an all-encompassing change, providing everything is taken into account extensively. Therefore, the following prophetic and predictive words are to be stated finally by me, ‹Billy›-‹BEAM›, as the last proclaimer in the line of seven of Nokodemion.
With the third millennium, you human beings of Earth have passed from the darkness of the last two millennia into the gloom of what is for you an impenetrable labyrinth of false modes of behaviour, and already in the twentieth century you have brought about all kinds of evil and are continuing to create and cultivate the same, which has brought disaster over you, nature and the planet to an incalculable extent and will continue to do so. Your greed for profit, you human beings of Earth, is continuing to abound more and more, and the people in power in your world are casting your populations of all states into ever deeper misery, making self-aggrandizing and megalomaniacal decisions over your heads and taking all the power of determination away from you as a people. Everything is a matter of might and money, and from now on everything will become worse in this regard, as will catastrophes of all kinds in nature, in the climate and amongst you human beings, caused by the breakneck speed of population growth which has become uncontrollable overpopulation. Everything is constantly and increasingly directed towards hierarchy, money, income, profit and gain as well as productivity due to the efforts of those who are greedy for profit and might, an attitude which is however spreading more and more amongst individual human beings and your entire peoples.
Therefore, you are becoming ever more indifferent to one another, more mistrustful of one another and increasingly emotionless, disinterested, indolent and obtuse in interpersonal relationships, which is causing simple human connections to be destroyed and entire families to be ruined. Under such unbearable circumstances, many amongst you will feel blazing anger rise up within you and will therefore torment other fellow human beings or even extract bloody revenge on them. However, trust amongst you human beings will vanish to an increasing extent, leading to ever worsening forms of jealousy and hatred arising in many of you, whether because of a difference of opinion or a different belief, because of money, goods and chattels or simply because the face, body, clothing or behaviour of the other person provokes you. Therefore, there will be increasing Gewalt amongst you, and not only because some people simply find it good and satisfying when they torment, beat, spit on, tread down or humiliate others, even accepting the death of those being tormented. And in the future, Gewalt, murder and deliberate as well as malicious and war-like destruction will prevail amongst you, something which will in its entirety also be carried into space near Earth, and in fact not only in particular when worlds close to Earth are settled by human beings of Earth.
You human beings of Earth increasingly want to seize the might of Creation for yourselves, and the longer this continues, the more you know no limits and imagine yourselves to be the highest and mightiest form of life on Earth and in the universe. However, vengeance will be extracted when all your doings turn sooner or later to your own harm, and as a result of which you fall into a deep abyss. The tall buildings that tower into the clouds as skyscrapers will collapse, the fields will lie in waste and therefore it will no longer be possible to bring in any harvests. And the longer this continues, the more you as individual human beings will make your own laws, in accordance with which you terrorise the environment and your fellow human beings, as is already the case in many places due to extremists, terrorists, young people, people full of hatred and consumed with a desire for revenge and people who are confused as well as autocrats who take it upon themselves to inflict punishments. Many of you will fall back into barbarity, and hunger will increasingly ravage the world because many natural foodstuffs are misused for purposes other than for food due to the greed for profit and might, take for example the biofuels used for powering machinery and engines. Lubricants will also be manufactured for these using foodstuffs, and these are only two of many examples with regard to the misuse of foodstuffs.
Climate change – caused by the overpopulation of your earthly humanity – will entail huge natural catastrophes which will become ever worse and also impinge on your own lives. As a result, in future ever more severe droughts and periods of cold weather as well as vast storms of all kinds, rain storms and fire storms brought forth by forest fires will scourge the entire Earth and bring about destructions full of Gewalt, as will also be the case due to an increase in earthquakes and undersea quakes, landslides, storm surges, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, floods and high tides. Therefore, in the course of the coming time, hundreds of thousands and even millions of you human beings will lose your lives, whilst others will not be able to withstand all the misery and will seek death at their own hands, others still will increasingly turn to drugs which have been partially legalised through the irrationality of those in power because they are too stupid to recognise the danger of drug addiction and its consequences, or because they themselves are profiting from the drug trade. Only very few people are troubled by the fact that this destroys the body, the psyche and even the life of the addicts, or by the fact that this means more and more murders and suicides take place as do rapes, criminal and unlawful deeds, and many of you people act like wild beasts, and this situation has existed for decades.
Therefore, criminality, crime and capital offences are increasing, as Gewalt is burgeoning unstoppably, indeed this is in relation to the increase in overpopulation. Gewalt-acts committed by young people are on the rise just as is their carrying and use of weapons of all kinds which they employ unscrupulously, resulting in the injury and even death of innocent people, as is also the case with extremist groups that carry out Gewalt-acts. Very many of you place less and less value on the physical and psychic integrity of people of your kind, as a result of which you harm your fellow human beings, injure them physically and psychically and you do not even shrink from killing and murdering them. By these means, the life of many of you will become truly catastrophic and hellish, and this will only come to an end when you are carried off by death.
However, this will not be sufficient in the future, because the addiction to pleasure and amusement as well as to holiday travel is increasing just as unstoppably and always entails an ever greater disaster, just as you men and women soon get divorced from one another and live apart, or if you come together frivolously and get married or live together in apparent friendship and companionship. And it will increasingly be the case that you as men and women embark on sexual relations with one another without getting to know one another more closely and, in wild passion, bring unwanted children into the world, who grow up without fathers and indeed never get to know their father. And, furthermore, in this way you will spread plagues such as AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis and other scourges, so that in this regard evil will spread from bed to bed and from person to person. Therefore in future, the sexuality that you human beings of Earth incorrectly believe to be true love will end up as an evil scourge. Good morality is increasingly becoming lost amongst you, as is righteousness, respect for life, love, decency and fairness.
True friendship, companionship, bonds and love are already hard to find, and are becoming more so, whilst freedom has long since become a charade and will remain so for a long time, as will peace. This is because actions are only predicated on what is currently popular – without any responsibility and entirely unscrupulously. Therefore, more and more parents are sexually abusing their own children, and abuse is taking place between siblings, as well as an increase in rapes between woman and man, woman and woman, man and man, whilst many ‹ecclesiastics› and educators, etc. are also sexually abusing those under their protection and more and more paedophiles are committing sexual crimes against children, as has already occurred in many cases. Just as immorality and sexual degeneracy have been propagated for years now in cinema and on television, this will continue in a much broader form in the future as well.
Whoever speaks and teaches the truth with regard to Creation and its laws and recommendations doesn't want to be listened to by you human beings of Earth for a long time, because your belief in all the false religions, sects, ideologies and various false philosophies as well as in politics keeps you imprisoned as if by steel claws. As a result, you will continue to allow these and the falsehoods of the false prophets to be spread by religious and sectarian ‹ecclesiastics›, around whom you cluster in blind belief, in obedience and listening to their lies saying that you should carry weapons in order to fight against those who are teaching the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations. And the false prophets and those of you who believe in them will speak about fairness, something which you however truly do not know, therefore you will commit murder in your delusion and fanaticism, as has already occurred in the case of religious and fanatical terrorists. Finally, there will no longer be any order amongst you human beings of Earth because vice and addictions, greed for might, jealousy, hatred, revenge and retribution are spreading everywhere, many amongst you are yielding to the urge to kill your fellow human beings, meaning that unbounded murder and destruction will take place more and more all over the world. Therefore, it will be as it has never before been, that you human beings will judge according to your blood and belief, that you as parents will cast out your own children and you as adults and young people will cast out the aged. And you will increasingly close your eyes to crimes that occur in your sight, to rapes of helpless and defenceless women, to sexual abuse of children as well as to evil and often fatal Gewalt-acts against your fellow human beings who are old, handicapped, weak and vulnerable. Increasingly, all kinds of human achievements will be deliberately and maliciously destroyed, plundered and robbed, deceitfulness will be practised and more and more lies and calumnies will prevail as well to your own advantage.
The greed for profit amongst those of you who control the use of foodstuffs, their planting and processing will lead to more and more hungry people joining the population of Earth, and it will be terrible to see the bones of the starving projecting through their skin, and how their wounds will fester, suppurate and be attacked by vermin. And it will become ever more terrible how many of you human beings will be driven, harried and killed like harmful game, whilst many others will flee and lose their lives in many ways during their flight. And yet, as is already the case today, the majority of you human beings of Earth will not pay any heed, because you turn your face away from the suffering of the refugees and do not do anything to enable them to live in their homeland, work and lead a life of dignity. Increasingly, you will only look after yourselves, and you will only be able to assuage your guilty conscience by giving small donations to the poor and suffering although your real motivation will be for everyone to think that you are a good person and you receive the small donations back many times over. Truly, the price of a human life is becoming ever cheaper, and more and more trafficking of human beings as slaves is going on, whether as slave workers, for prostitution, in the mercenaries or for organ trading, for the purpose of which healthy human beings amongst you are abducted, kidnapped, sold and slaughtered like livestock, to be robbed of your viscera, organs and body parts. And all of the people amongst you who are greedy for profit, you who conduct this sort of trafficking or are yourselves murderers, slaughterers and butchers of carcases, you will fight even over the blood of your murdered victims, just as you would over their skin and bones – and this has already become so commonplace at this time when the third millennium is opening, and therefore things will get very much worse in this way in the time to come. And human trafficking will not only be performed increasingly with adults, specifically with young women for the purposes of prostitution, but also with men for the purposes of slave work as well as with children who are put to work and sexually abused by paedophiles. And everything is becoming more and more commonplace in this form, just as the inviolability of your human dignity is being increasingly disregarded and forgotten. Therefore, it will be that you human beings of Earth will become increasingly brutalized, unscrupulous and will lapse further and further into savagery. Lying and deception will rule the world to an increasing extent, namely through the beggars amongst you just as much as through those of you who live as good citizens in normal and good prosperity, and this will be the case right up to you rich and ruling people.
Therefore, as never before in the history of earthly humanity, lying and deception as well as deceit, falseness and calumny as well as servitude through government will be held as the truth, and an ever greater calamity will be built upon it. And it will be increasingly the case that you people will be treated like animals for the slaughter, implanted with electronic data chips by means of which you will be controlled and robbed of freedom by authorities, public offices and governments, although in your ignorance you will think that you live as free people although you are in fact servants of the governments. In this way, public authorities, official bodies and those in government will rule over you in a way that has never happened before, meaning that you will no longer chart the course of your own fate in the collective, because this will be done by those who exercise total power and control over you. In this way, every one of you will be a servant and slave of authorities, public bodies and governments, or of those people in power and their vassals who possess power in this respect. Still, in the early part of the third millennium, there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity and rise up against these threatening future machinations of governments and the scientists and technicians who obey them, in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring. Overpopulation on Earth, it must be said again and again, will continue to rise due to the senselessness and the irresponsibility of your humanity of Earth.
However, this also happens due to the machinations of governments, their authorities and public bodies which promote offspring and act with equal levels of irresponsibility, as well as the sectarian stupidities of the Catholic church, which can indeed be called criminal and unlawful, or else those of the pope, clerics and priests who are misteaching the «Go forth and multiply» as a deceitful law of God. As a result, there will be ever more human beings who will have less and less space in which to live, and this space will become so small that you will end up by trampling one another to death. And you will move about more and more, spilling over the boundaries of your home country and leaving it, thereby dying, although very many of you will also travel the world aimlessly with the consequence that you will intermix and form liaisons more and more, leading to increasing numbers of families being torn apart and more and more mixed-race peoples arising, whilst pure peoples disappear to an increasing extent. As a result, however, you will become more and more foreign to one another, with the consequence that more and more hatred and enmities will arise, which will in turn lead to ever more conflicts between individuals and ultimately to death, manslaughter, criminality and wars with destructions full of Gewalt. Therefore, many of you will lapse into depravity, meaning that you will lose your own guidance, spread in all directions and go from one misfortune to the next. And as a result of the religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies that have lapsed into falseness and lying as well as deception and untruthfulness, you human beings of Earth are initially going even further astray and following the creational laws and recommendations even less, in order to live far from them and not to adhere to them. And indeed it will take a long time because this is the way that people act and you only want to guide your life according to your own laws, completely beyond the laws and recommendations as they have been given through the Creation that anchored everything in ancient times in the nature and the entire existence of the universe. In the way that you disregard and scorn the creational laws and recommendations, it will also be that you tread the natural guidance of nature into the ground to such an extent that women only continue to give birth to offspring whose sex has been determined in advance through selective precautions taken during conception, which will increasingly no longer be performed in a natural way, but artificially. It will also be the case and become the norm that in the case of natural conceptions, the embryo in the womb will be unscrupulously killed for no vital reason if its sex does not correspond to the wish of the mother or the father. In future time, it will be the case that very many of you human beings of Earth will think yourselves as Creation itself (in your religious, sectarian sense as God). The powerful ones of all kinds amongst you will seize ever more land and property and other belongings for themselves, including women, whom they will keep as prostitutes or as objects of prestige. Whereas the powerful ones amongst you will increasingly view the poor and weak as subhuman and as vermin, and will treat them accordingly, so that you who belong to this class will increasingly live in fear and the hatred in you will assume its most poisonous forms. However, all the items named here only represent the start, because in secret there is a mighty organisation of the governing class and powerful people as well as many of their obedient lackeys emerging from amongst your humanity, who are creating a secret order of darkness with their own evil laws and ordinances, who are bent on hatred for the poor and weak and against the economically imprisoned and all normal citizens.
And it is their desire to seize ever more power, more money and entire mastery over the whole Earth and your humanity for themselves, therefore it is spreading their evil supremacy over the world, supported by its obedient vassals of all kinds who are greedy for blood as well as profit. Even the powerful ones of the economy are feeling the might and obeying the evil laws of the dark order which is spreading its dangerous and fatal poison of hatred everywhere, into everything and against everyone who does not share the same opinion as the dark power. Therefore, you human beings of Earth are no longer active to any great extent, but take the path of idleness with an empty expression in your eyes, knowing not what you should do and where you should go, because you have nothing else to do that brings you joy and a good reward. And you human beings of Earth, both young and old, are the ones who can no longer set down any roots in your life, you wander, demoralized and hopeless, bereft of work and home, with the result that you fight yourselves in all things and you hate your present existence, to the extent of finally bringing it to an end yourself as has already been the case to an increasing extent since the twentieth century and will become ever more widespread in future. Therefore, with the third millennium, this time has already dawned in which these things have quickly found their beginning and will develop ever more rapidly the longer they persist.
As a result, the number of diseases and plagues is increasing, as is the number of illnesses that severely impair drinking water and bodies of water because of poisons of various kinds, as well as the air, soil and foodstuffs which grow on trees and bushes as well as in fields, woods, gardens and greenhouses. And still your efforts to counteract all the disasters are in vain, as are your attempts to put a brake on this development, because it is becoming greater and greater and more catastrophic with every day, indeed with every hour and every minute, standing in relation to the rapid increase in overpopulation. Therefore, you human beings of Earth want to resurrect all that has been destroyed so far because of your guilt and lack of rationality as well as irresponsibility, just as you want to keep what has remained whole, all your efforts in this direction are in vain because you do not come to the right conclusion in rationality. And the correct decision is plainly and simply that a global birth control must radically stop overpopulation and, in this way, your earthly humanity be reduced to an extent that is appropriate for the planet and for nature, in which case this extent has been defined in accordance with nature and the planet for the whole Earth at 529 million people.
Through your senselessness, you human beings of Earth, the rainforests are dying ever faster, resulting in extensive deserts being created at an ever increasing speed, whilst the glaciers and poles are melting resulting in increasing sea levels swallowing up valuable land, meaning that millions of you will be driven from your homes and your land which you used to be able to cultivate. Besides this, ever more powerful thunderstorms will rage, starting many fires and killing many of you as well your livestock, whilst ever more severe flash floods of water will fall from the clouds like veritable deluges destroying and flooding everything, and exacting many deaths. This will occur at the same as droughts parch the land in other places, destroying woods, villages, towns and your homes with vast fires. Through all this and due to the exhaust emissions from chimneys, factories and engines of all kinds which emit particulates and CO2, the air will be increasingly charged with smoke and poisonous emissions as well as with radioactivity, biotoxins and chemicals, resulting in many of you human beings becoming ill and dying. And furthermore, mighty earthquakes and undersea earthquakes will shake Earth, in ever-increasing magnitude, destroying entire cities and razing them to the ground, just like many other things will be destroyed that have been built through senselessness and will continue to be built although the prophetic and predictive warning has been spoken against them.
In this way, landslides and mudslides, etc. will bury homes and villages whilst in other places tectonic movements, underground mining, cavities and watercourses will rend Earth's surface asunder, causing homes and other buildings to sink into the ground. You human beings of Earth, however, choose not to learn from this because you are obstinate and do not want to hear the prophetic and predictive warnings. And in this stubbornness many impoverished and poor people as well as shady characters amongst you will increasingly degenerate, therefore the plunder will assume ever worsening forms, in particular wherever others of you human beings are in need, fleeing their homes and having to leave their property behind. Just like the sun is shining dangerously already at the beginning of the third millennium because the ozone layer around Earth has been seriously damaged and permeated, the sun will in future burn Earth even more and bring great harm to the entire world and all forms of life, including to you human beings who will increasingly suffer from skin cancer and severe eye complaints, etc. However, it is not only the sun that will bring great harm to your earthly humanity and the planet, but undersea volcanoes will cause great destruction and boil the waters of the seas leading to the death of very many more of the water-dwelling life forms that have not already been exterminated by you human beings.
During these submarine and also underground movements, forces will be unleashed that will cause certain continents or part of them to disappear under water. However, all of this contributes to the situation that you are like humiliated dogs in your deceptive belief in religions and sects, shivering in the error of your deluded beliefs that God is punishing the world for your misdeeds, although you do not recognize that everything bad and all the catastrophes have been and will be caused exclusively and solely through your own guilt, in which case the ever more rampant overpopulation represents the principal reason for all evil degeneracies. The sects that have arisen from all religions, ideologies and philosophies will in future become ever more greedy, sneaky, scrupulous and aggressive, at the same time misusing modern science and the Internet for their criminal and irresponsible purposes.
In this way, they are using everything that is criminal and unlawful, and even suicidal and murderous as well as terrorist machinations belong to the deceitful message of salvation by means of which new disciples and believers are led astray and made obedient. The religions, sects, ideologies and false philosophies disseminate like poisonous and dangerous viruses which adapt to their changing environment – and they tie their nets in an ever more perfidious way with regard to super-modern electronic soul-catching, using ever more modern means, continuously attracting more and more academics and other educated people amongst you and placing them under their spell. And a further disaster, that more and more academics and other highly educated people are being recruited as sect members is due to the fact that you attempt to satisfy your delusion through them, which consists in the cloning of animals and people in accordance with your notions and wishes because you want to have once again what you have lost and are losing through death.
And you are doing this whilst at the same time in free nature, in the air, the soil, on the ground and in the waters, you are exterminating species after species and breed after breed of life in an irresponsible way, irrespective of the flimsy reasons for doing this. In this way, you are raising yourselves up to the most evil of all evils while deluding yourself that you are good and Creation itself, which you completely fail to recognise due to your religious and sectarian delusions, and wrongly believe it to be a divinity. Ever more fear, poison and hopelessness will envelop you human beings of Earth, and even your children will be afflicted by this when they are set upon by their parents or slave traders, sexually abused, tortured, thrashed and sold. Therefore, however, fear, poison and hopelessness will also threaten the consciousness development of many of you, meaning that you will become apathetic and devoid of rationality. Indeed, there is nothing astonishing about this, because you human beings are being forced ever further away from the truth by false, misleading and irresponsible religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, as a result of which fewer and fewer of you will recognise the effective truth of creational laws and recommendations, and therefore ever fewer of you will follow them.
Therefore, the change to the better, for good and the best will take a long time because only when the bulk of your earthly humanity aspires for it will the great change come to the real learning of the real truth and for acting in this way. For the moment, however, you human beings of Earth believe yourselves to be God and do not know that this is only a figure of delusion invented by human beings which has nothing to do with the effective, all-embracing Creation or with the universal consciousness. And still for a long time you will not recognise that you are no more and no less than you were at your birth: small, a human being, unknowing and helpless without the effects of creational laws and recommendations.
And since you do not yet recognise this fact, you believe yourself to be a divinity, to have might over life and death, and therefore you create, cultivate and cherish evil, wage wars, thirst for revenge, retribution and blood, you allow yourselves to be guided by jealousy and rage and, whenever the opportunity presents itself, you reach out for might, profit and material wealth. At the same time, you do not realise that you are destroying everything around you in your blind rage and thereby accepting the total destruction of the planet and all forms of life, together with yourselves, and you are unstoppably and vastly promoting this on the Earth through limitless cultivation of overpopulation. Therefore, it can be said of you human beings of Earth that you are stunted in your consciousness, in your rationality and in your intellect. On the other hand, however, you possess the forces of a giant in all your lack of intellect, in your irrationality, in your hatred, in your bellicosity and disharmony and also in your urge for revenge, retribution, addiction to war and rage as well as in your destructive compulsiveness. And in this way you are taking huge steps in your present existence and into the future of the third millennium, steps which are leading you completely astray so you do not know which path you now should follow, although you have filled your heads with all kinds of book learning which does not bring you any cognition with regard to life and Creation as well as its laws and recommendations.
Therefore you do not know why you are living and dying at all, because the world of Creation-conditioned growing and decay is as strange to you as the effective creational truth itself, so that you merely curse about your life in ignorance, then return to wailing and waving your arms like lunatics. You fanatics amongst the believers in religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies – many Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists as well as believers in their sects – you are continuously increasing in enmity with one another, you set about one another, practice terrorist acts and cut one another's throats, assassinate people with bombs and even wage war in your own families and ranks. In doing so, you are all caught up in your own religious and sectarian delusion, namely that your belief is the only right one and that you must defend it with human blood, whereas in fact you are far away from the real truth and do not know the creational laws and recommendations.
Therefore, thanks to your efforts, death makes progress everywhere, whilst you stand opposed to the effective creational truth with your doubts, and regard it as an evil might. In so doing, however, you will be excluded from human life and be without rights, those of you who have nothing else to sell for your delusion than your own life, which you throw away in suicidal acts. And you are cast out and expelled by all those who are not with you and who want peace, security and calm, in which case your threats and snarling will not bring you any benefit. Although you hear about the prophecies and predictions, in your religious and sectarian blindness you are, however, unable to recognize the effective truth, therefore you only vegetate in your own barbarity, and continue to spread death and destruction. And many amongst you human beings of Earth, you close your own eyes to this because you incorrectly believe that you are safe whilst, however, fear and suspicion gnaws away inside you and pursues you step by step, so that you have neither rest nor repose. Truly, it will take about another 800 years before you human beings of Earth finally wake up and until the majority of you slowly make an effort to give the creational truth and the laws of Creation and its recommendations their right. Only after this time will the ‹Goblet of Truth› or the ‹teaching of the true prophets› as well as the ‹spiritual teaching› and the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life› slowly begin to bear fruit. Only then will you human beings learn to establish good interpersonal and true personal relationships with one another, to understand one another and then finally live in truth, peace, love, freedom and harmony. Only then will it come about that your earthly humanity will become united, a oneness in which case the best language will be chosen from all the languages of all peoples in order to make this into a single and uniform global language, although all other languages of all peoples will be retained. And through this world language, every person will be able to understand the other, irrespective of which people he or she belongs to. And this will then be the time when you human beings of Earth will fly through the broad expanse of space in an effective way, creating new living spaces for yourselves. And this will be both on alien worlds in the depths of the universe, as well as in and under the waters of Earth, on the moon and in Earth orbit. And this will therefore also be the time that you human beings will become taller in general and achieve a very ripe age, communicating peacefully with one another, being friendly and helpful to one another. Also true and good knowledge will grow amongst you human beings, and you will gain and discover more and more and larger and larger secrets of life as well as the creational laws, secrets of the present existence and the universe.
From this, you will learn, understand and follow everything, growing ever more in line with the creational laws and recommendations, understanding, using, learning and following them. However, this is not the merit of you men, but of you women who take up the staff of leadership and of dignity and steer the situation of you human beings of Earth, because your womanly intelligence and your sense of love, peace, freedom, human dignity, equality and harmony are directed in this way and stop the affectations of you men with regard to war, Gewalt and many kinds of degeneracy. Therefore, after all the millennia of evil, degeneracy, Gewalt-acts, disharmony, lovelessness, lack of freedom and lack of peace, womanhood will radiate hope and happiness as well as the lightness of life in which now all dreams come true that are oriented towards true love, peace, freedom and harmony – and yet it will take a long time until then because the path out of barbarity and into the good future is a long and tortuous one. And yet you will find the regulation again, together with Earth, with your climate, nature, your woods and plants and the waters which will once again be pure and healthy, the desert areas that will once again be awakened into life, because everything will once again be directed in accordance with creational laws and recommendations and their fulfilment. And in this way, in the restored regulation, you will heal diseases and prevent plagues before they occur, and each of you will know how to help yourself as well as how to help your neighbours. The entire change to the better, for good and the best which you women of Earth will achieve, will also end the poverty of many of you human beings of Earth, because the wisdom and kindheartedness of women will mean that they will be cared for from now on in oy and true humanity, and there will no longer merely be a taking and demanding something back.
And therefore now each of you human beings will be there for your neighbours and also for other fellow human beings in good interpersonal relationships, therefore loneliness will no longer exist and you will recognise and accept one another as human beings without conceit with regard to belonging to a particular people, the colour of one's skin, one's opinion, language or the status of knowledge and education. Truly, all this goodness is so near to you if only you knew how to grasp it, understand and use it, which is something that you cannot yet do however, and therefore goodness is so near and yet so far from you because you first need to find the right path to it as has been laid down for you in the creational laws and recommendations that you can read and follow in free nature. You human beings of Earth, you are however mistakenly directed in your thoughts and feelings so that you will first have to suffer great damage and fall into chaos and catastrophes before you turn to the effective truth and follow it.
Therefore, you need an iron fist to guide you, and you can find this in the ‹Goblet of Truth›, in the ‹teaching of the prophets› and therefore also in the ‹spiritual teaching› which is the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life› as has been given over billions of years, brought forth by Nokodemion, carried to Earth from a far-off galaxy and taught by seven prophet personalities from his line of spirit-form. And this ‹teaching of the prophets›, teaches that you do not need to fear death because you have many lives, and therefore you will learn from the ‹Goblet of Truth› and the ‹spiritual teaching› or the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life› and become knowing in the things that go round life and death. And so you will also be knowing of the creational and natural laws and recommendations which teach you that your spirit will never cease to exist, but will continue to exist endlessly and ultimately will unite with Creation, the universal consciousness.
Semjase Silver Star Center, 20 August 2008, 5:39 p.m. Billy
| style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | English || style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | German
| Please note: This is a Non-Official Translation and it may contain errors. Article faithfully translated into English language from German language by José Barreto Silva - Brazilian citizen - Brazil, Saturday, March 14th, 2009 16:18:58
| Bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass dies eine nicht offiziell anerkannte Übersetzung ist und Fehler enthalten kann. Originalgetreue Artikel Übersetzung in die englische Sprache aus der deutschen Sprache von José Barreto Silva Brasilianischer Bürger -Brasilien -Samstag, 14. März 2009 16:18:58 Uhr
| by ''Billy''
| von ''Billy''
| '''What is announced comprehensively for the Third Millennium prophetically and predictively'''
| '''Was für das Dritte Jahrtausend prophetisch und voraussagend umfassend kundzugeben ist'''
| If you human beings of the Earth do not turn to the truth of Creation and to its Laws and Recommendations in the present Third Millennium, if you do not change to the better and good and if you do not follow the real Rules of Life, as they exist in the creational laws and recommendations, then all the evil events of all kinds increases itself into continuously worse consequences.
| Wenn ihr Menschen der Erde euch nicht der Wahrheit der Schöpfung und ihren Gesetzen und Geboten zuwendet im nunmehrigen Dritten Jahrtausend, wenn ihr euch nicht wandelt zum Besseren und Guten und nicht die wahrlichen Regeln des Lebens befolgt, wie sie existieren in den schöpferischen Gesetzen und Geboten, dann weiten sich alle bösen Geschehen aller Art in stetig schlimmere Folgen.
| The creational-natural Laws and Recommendations are written in the "Kelch der Wahrheit" - ("Goblet of Truth") and in the "Spirit-Teachings", which are the "Lessons of the Truth", "Lessons of the Spirit", "Lessons of Life", whose observance (compliance) is from vital importance.
| Die schöpferisch-natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote sind geschrieben im <Kelch der Wahrheit> und in der <Geisteslehre>, die da ist die <Lehre der Wahrheit>, <Lehre des Geistes>, <Lehre des Lebens>, deren Befolgung von lebensnotwendiger Wichtigkeit ist.
| You human beings, however, still continue not to follow the creational lawfulness and recommendations, then in the future increases the evil which has being appearing since a fairly long time and also presently all over the Earth then in the future increases still the appearances of evil and disasters of all sorts outgrowing itself much more malignant.
| Folgt ihr Menschen jedoch weiterhin nicht den schöpferischen Gesetzmässigkeiten und Geboten, dann steigern sich künftig die schon seit geraumer Zeit und auch gegenwärtig auf der ganzen Erde in Erscheinung tretenden Übel und Katastrophen aller Art zu noch viel bösartigeren Auswüchsen.
| And if you are not changing for the better, for the good and best, then, all over the world all the evils emerge very much worse than these have appeared since decades, and also presently, and the coming events will be such, as the world until the present time still has never experienced it, has never lived and seen.
| Und wandelt ihr euch nicht zum Besseren, Guten und Besten, dann ergeben sich weltumfassend alle Übel sehr viel schlimmer, als diese seit Jahrzehnten und auch gegenwärtig in Erscheinung treten, und die kommenden Geschehen werden so sein, wie sie auf der Welt bis zur heutigen Zeit noch niemals erfahren, erlebt und gesehen worden sind.
| A change to the better, to the good and to the best can however only take place if through you human beings of the Earth the time to come becomes really and rationally intended and acted for, and, to be more precise, in the first place through your rulers and other mighty ones, which must lead you as human beings to the best things and goods. However, this reason bearing thinking and actions is also demanded individually from your entire humankind as also from yourself as an individual.
| Eine Änderung zum Besseren, Guten und Besten kann jedoch nur erfolgen, wenn durch euch Menschen der Erde künftighin richtig und vernünftig gedacht und gehandelt wird, und zwar in erster Linie durch eure Regierenden und sonstig Mächtigen, die euch als Volk zum Besten und Guten führen müssen. Dieses vernunftträchtige Denken und Handeln ist aber auch vom einzelnen eurer gesamten Menschheit wie auch von euch als solche gesamthaft gefordert.
| And only then, if your thoughts are correctly maintained and the actions correctly determined and are executed, and accordingly indeed, as it requires the urgency of the necessity with respect to the necessary change, a success can be given.
| Und nur dann, wenn eure Gedanken richtig gepflegt und die Handlungen richtig bestimmt und durchgeführt werden, und zwar demgemäss, wie das die Dringlichkeit der Notwendigkeit in bezug auf den erforderlichen Wandel fordert, kann ein Erfolg gegeben sein.
| If, however, this change is not tackled, and carried out, then it is absolutely imperative and inevitably that the prophecies are fulfiled, as this is the case with the predictions, which are certain with respect to their fulfilment and with certainty becomes an evil reality.
| Wird dieser Wandel aber nicht in Angriff genommen und durchgeführt, dann ist es unumgänglich und zwangsläufig, dass sich die Prophetien erfüllen, wie das bei den Voraussagen ist, die in bezug auf ihre Erfüllung feststehen und mit Sicherheit böse Wirklichkeit warden.
| A complete change in all the things of your existence as human beings of the Earth to the better, to the good and to the best is absolutely necessary, if nevertheless, in the end, everything shall still develop into a good value.
| Gesamthaft ist in allen Dingen eures Daseins als Menschen der Erde eine Wandlung zum Besseren, Guten und Besten unumgänglich, wenn sich alles letztlich doch noch zu einem guten Wert entwickeln soll.
| If, however, this change is not assumed and is not carried out, then do not be surprised about it, if nothing progresses to the better, to the good and to the best, but (instead) to the fulfilling of the negative, the worse and evil things, which are the mentioned prophecies, however, that is why they are not specifically marked as prophecies, which cannot be distinguished between prophecy and prediction, and, to be more precise, for the important reason that not only individual factors for the change are taken up but the totality of everything in all circumstances.
| Wird dieser Wandel aber nicht angenommen und nicht durchgeführt, dann wundert euch nicht darüber, wenn nichts zum Besseren, Guten und Besten gedeiht, sondern sich die negativen, schlechten und bösen Dinge erfüllen, die prophetisch genannt, jedoch darum nicht spezifisch als Prophetien gezeichnet werden, dass nicht unterschieden werden kann zwischen Prophetie und Voraussage, und zwar aus dem wichtigen Grund, dass nicht nur einzelne Faktoren zur Änderung aufgegriffen werden, sondern gesamthaft alles aller Umstände.
| And so this must be that way, because only a real effort through an all-comprehensive change for the better, for the good and can be best achieved, if namely, everything is taken into consideration extensively. Therefore is given the following propheticaly and predictingly, which for this purpose ultimately through me, &quot;Billy&quot; - BEAM, as last proclaimer from the sevenfold lineage of Nokodemion, is still to be said:
| Und das muss also darum so sein, weil bei einem wirklichen Bemühen nur durch einen allesumfassenden Wandel das Bessere, Gute und Beste herbeigeführt werden kann, wenn nämlich umfänglich alles berücksichtigt wird. Daher sei folgendes prophetisch und voraussagend angeführt, was dazu letztlich durch mich, <Billy>-BEAM, als letzter Künder aus der siebenfachen Linie des Nokodemion noch zu sagen ist:
| With the Third Millennium, you humankind of the Earth, are moving out from the darkness of the last two millennia and are entering into the darkness of an, for you, impenetrable labyrinth of wrong behaviours, in which, you already in the Twentieth Century, have created everything in viciousness, and continue creating and breeding, what you have brought to the Nature and to the Planet in incalculable disaster and continue to bring more.
| Mit dem Dritten Jahrtausend seid ihr Menschen der Erde aus der Dunkelheit der letzten zwei Jahrtausende in die Finsternis eines für euch undurchdringlichen Labyrinthes falscher Verhaltensweisen hineingetreten, wobei ihr bereits im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert alles an Bösartigkeiten erschaffen habt und weiterhin erschafft und heranzüchtet, was euch, der Natur und dem Planeten unübersehbares Unheil brachte und weiterhin bringt.
| Your greed for profit, you humankind of the Earth, gets more and more constantly increasing uncontrollably, and the powers-that-be of your world plunges your populations of all countries into increasingly deeper misery, and strike over your head high-handedly power bearing decisions and leaves you no power of decision as nation any more.
| Eure Profitgier, ihr Menschen der Erde, nimmt laufend mehr und mehr überhand, und die Machthaber eurer Welt eure Bevölkerungen aller Staaten in immer tieferes Elend, treffen über euren Kopf hinweg selbstherrliche und machtgeschwängerte Entscheidungen und lassen euch als Volk keine Macht der Bestimmung mehr.
| Everything revolves itself only around power and money, and from now on everything concerning this will just still worsen, as well as the disasters of all kinds in the Nature, in the environment and among you humankind, and to be more precise through the rapidly rising and becoming uncontrollable overpopulation.
| Alles dreht sich nur noch um Macht und Geld, und fortan wird sich diesbezüglich alles ebenso noch verschlimmern wie auch die Katastrophen aller Art in der Natur, am Klima und unter euch Menschen, und zwar durch die rasant steigende und unkontrollierbar gewordene Überbevölkerung.
| All turns steadily more towards hierarchy, money, earnings, profit and gains as well as on profitability by the profit and power-hungry ones, which spreads itself, however, also more and more in you individual human being and in your whole nations.
| Alles richtet sich stetig mehr auf Hierarchie, Geld, Einkünfte, Profit und Gewinn sowie auf Rentabilität durch die Profit-und Machtgierigen aus, was sich aber auch mehr und mehr in euch einzelnen Menschen und in euren ganzen Völkern ausbreitet.
| Because of that you become more and more indifferent, more mistrustful among one another and with respect to the interpersonal relationships increasingly apathetical, uninterested, sluggish and dull, through which destroying the simple human connections and ruining also whole families.
| Dadurch werdet ihr gegeneinander immer gleichgültiger, untereinander misstrauischer und in bezug auf die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen zunehmend teilnahmsloser, desinteressierter, träger und stumpfer, wodurch einfache menschliche Verbindungen zerstört und auch ganze Familien zugrundegerichtet werden.
| Many among you will let such unbearable situations of blazing rage rise up inside yourselves and therefore pester other fellow men or even practice bloody revenge against them.
| Viele unter euch werden in solchen unerträglichen Situationen lodernde Wut in sich hochsteigen lassen und andere Mitmenschen deswegen drangsalieren oder an ihnen gar blutige Rache üben.
| But, also the trust will dwindle more and more among you human beings, with which also more and more worse forms of jealousy and hate rises up in many of you, be it because of another opinion or another faith, because of money, because of possessions and belongings, or simply because of the look, the body, the clothings, or because of the behaviour of the other annoys.
| Es wird aber auch das Vertrauen unter euch Menschen immer mehr dahinschwinden, wobei auch immer schlimmere Formen von Eifersucht und Hass in vielen von euch hochsteigen, sei es infolge einer anderen Meinung oder eines anderen Glaubens, wegen Geld, Hab und Gut, oder weil einfach das Gesicht, der Körper, die Kleidung oder das Benehmen des anderen dazu reizt.
| So violence more and more will rule among you, and indeed, also only because to one and others simply believe as good and satisfactory to oppress, to beat, to spit at, to kick/step over or to humiliate others, in which even the death of the tormented ones is accepted.
| So wird unter euch immer mehr Gewalt herrschen, und zwar auch nur darum, weil die einen und andern es einfach als gut und befriedigend finden, andere zu drangsalieren, zu schlagen, zu bespucken, zu treten oder zu demütigen, wobei gar der Tod der Gequälten in Kauf genommen wird.
| And the violence will prevail also more increasingly in the future amongst you, the killings and wantonness as well as the belligerent malicious destruction, which overall will be carried out also into the outer space of the Earth, and indeed not only particularly in it then when the celestial bodies near the Earth are settled/populated by the human beings of the Earth. More and more you humankind of the Earth want to seize/snatch the Power of Creation onto yourselves, in what you no longer know any borders for it and you imagine yourselves as the highest power of the life, of the Earth and of the Universe.
| Und es herrschen künftig unter euch auch vermehrt die Gewalt, das Morden und das mutwillige sowie böswillige und kriegerische Zerstören, was gesamthaft auch in den erdnahen Weltenraum hinausgetragen werden wird, und zwar nicht nur besonders dann, wenn erdnahe Weltenkörper von Menschen der Erde besiedelt werden. Immer mehr wollt ihr Menschen der Erde die Macht der Schöpfung an euch reissen, worin ihr je länger je mehr keine Grenzen kennt und euch als höchste Macht des Lebens, der Erde und des Universums wähnt.
| But, that will take revenge, because all your actions change sooner or later into your own damage, consequently you will fall into a deep abyss. The high constructions, which tower up as skyscrapers into the sky, collapse in themselves, while the fields lie fallow and the harvests/crops therefore cannot be brought forth any more.
| Doch das wird sich rächen, denn all euer Tun wandelt sich früher oder später zu eurem eigenen Schaden, folglich ihr in einen tiefen Abgrund stürzen werdet. Die hohen Bauten, die als Wolkenkratzer in den Himmel ragen, stürzen in sich zusammen, während die Felder brachliegen und daher keine Ernten mehr eingebracht warden können.
| And the longer you make your own laws the more it will be, that you terrorize the environment and the fellow men in accordance with these laws, as it already is the case in many places through extremists, terrorists, teenagers, full of hatred ones, vindictives and bewildered as well as high-handed ones, which take the punishment with their own hands.
| Und je länger je mehr wird es sein, dass ihr als einzelne Menschen euch eigene Gesetze macht, denen gemäss ihr die Umwelt und die Mitmenschen terrorisiert, wie es bereits vielerorts der Fall ist durch Extremisten, Terroristen, Jugendliche, Hassvolle, Rachsüchtige und Verwirrte sowie Selbstherrliche, die das Strafeausüben selbst in die Hand nehmen.
| Many of you fall back into Barbarism, and more and more hunger will rule the world, because many natural foods are misused through profit and power-hungry ones for other purposes than to the food, as for biofuels, for the drive of machines and engines. Also lubricant were produced with food for that, and these are only two purposes among many with respect to the misuse of foodstuff.
| Viele von euch fallen zurück ins Barbarentum, und immer mehr Hunger wird die Welt regieren, weil viele natürliche Nahrungsmittel durch Profit-und Machtgierige für andere Zwecke als zur Nahrung missbraucht werden, wie für Biotreibstoffe, für den Antrieb von Maschinen und Motoren. Auch Schmiermittel warden dafür mit Nahrungsmitteln hergestellt, und das sind nur zwei Zwekke unter vielen in bezug auf den Nahrungsmittelmissbrauch.
| The climate change -caused by the overpopulation of your earthly humankind -brings with it enormous/dreadful natural catastrophes which steadily increases and intervene also in the life of you yourselves.
| Die Klimaveränderung - durch die Überbevölkerung eurer irdischen Menschheit hervorgerufen - bringt ungeheure Naturkatastrophen mit sich, die sich stetig steigern und auch ins Leben von euch selbst eingreifen.
| Thus, in the future, increasingly greater droughts and sudden onsets of cold weather, as well as enormous storms of all kinds, rainstorms, and forest fires caused through fire storms stretching all over the whole Earth bringing enormous destructions, just like this also will be by the intensification of earthquakes and seaquakes, through rockfalls, tidal waves, tsunamis and by volcanic eruptions, inundations and high-tidal floods.
| So werden künftig immer grössere Dürren und Kälteeinbrüche sowie ungeheure Stürme aller Art, Regenunwetter und durch Waldbrände hervorgerufene Feuerstürme über die ganze Erde ziehen und gewaltige Zerstörungen bringen, wie dies auch sein wird durch die Steigerung der Erd­und Seebeben, durch Bergstürze, Flutwellen, Tsunamis und durch Vulkanausbrüche, Überschwemmungen und Hochwasser.
| Through this, in the course of the coming times, hundreds of thousands and even millions of you human beings will lose your lives, while others not coping with the whole misery search for the death personally, while in turn others are more and more turning themselves to the drugs, that will be partially legalised through the unreasonableness of the ruling ones, because these are too stupid in order to recognise the dangers of the drug addiction and its consequences, or because even they themselves profit through the traffic of drugs.
| Dadurch werden im Laufe der kommenden Zeiten Hunderttausende und gar Millionen von euch Menschen ihr Leben verlieren, während andere das ganze Elend nicht verkraften und eigenhändig den Tod suchen, während wiederum andere sich immer mehr den Drogen zuwenden, die teilweise durch die Unvernunft der Regierenden legalisiert werden, weil diese zu dumm sind, um die Gefahr der Drogensucht und deren Folgen zu erkennen, oder weil sie selbst durch den Drogenhandel profitieren.
| At the same time the body, the psyche and even the life of the addicts is destroyed, as also, that through that more and more murders and suicides as well as rapes, criminal and criminous actions are carried out and many of you behave yourselves as wild beasts, which just a very few will become furthermore, as it is already the case since decades
| Dass dabei der Körper, die Psyche und gar das Leben der Süchtigen zerstört wird, wie auch, dass dadurch immer mehr Morde und Selbstmorde sowie Vergewaltigungen, kriminelle und verbrecherische Handlungen geschehen und sich viele von euch Menschen wie wilde Bestien benehmen, das kümmert weiterhin ebenso nur sehr wenige, wie das schon seit Jahrzehnten der Fall ist.
| So the criminality, the crimes and capital crimes as well as the violence increase unstoppably further, and to be more precise in accordance with the relation to the increasing overpopulation. The acts of violence of the juvenile are increased just the same as their carriers and users of weapons of every kind, which they use unhesitatingly and hurt and even kill innocents with it, as this is also the case through violent extremist groups.
| So wachsen die Kriminalität, die Verbrechen und Kapitalverbrechen sowie die Gewalt unaufhaltsam weiter, und zwar gemäss der Relation zur steigenden Überbevölkerung. Die Gewalttätigkeit der Jugendlichen steigert sich ebenso wie deren Tragen und Benutzen von Waffen aller Art, die sie bedenkenlos einsetzen und damit Unschuldige verletzen und gar töten, wie das auch durch gewalttätige Extremgruppierungen der Fall ist.
| Many among you always put less and less value on the physical and mental integrity of the other human beings like yourselves through which you hurt your fellow men, physically and psychologically/emotionally and do not shy away at all to kill and to murder them.
| Sehr viele unter euch legen immer weniger Wert auf die körperliche und psychische Unversehrtheit Euresgleichen, wodurch ihr eure Mitmenschen harmt, körperlich und psychisch verletzt und gar davor nicht zurückschreckt, sie zu töten und zu morden.
| Because of this the life of many of you becomes into a true catastrophe and hell, which only then ends when you are (killed and) snatched away by death. Nevertheless, in the future, this will not be enough, because the obsession to pleasure and amusement as well as to holiday trips increases just as unstoppably and always brings ever greater evils with it, as also you soon mutually repudiate yourselves again as women and men and separate from each other, when you find yourselves frivolous/careless to each other and get married or you join together in an alleged friendship and comradeship.
| Dadurch wird das Leben vieler von euch zur wahren Katastrophe und Hölle, die erst dann endet, wenn ihr durch den Tod hinweggerafft werdet. Doch damit wird künftig nicht genug sein, denn die Sucht nach Genuss und Vergnügen sowie nach Urlaubsreisen steigert sich ebenso unaufhaltsam und bringt immer grössere Übel mit sich, wie auch ihr als Frauen und Männer euch gegenseitig bald wieder verstosst und voneinander trennt, wenn ihr leichtsinnig zueinanderfindet und heiratet oder ihr euch in angeblicher Freundschaft und Kameradschaft zusammentut.
| And it will be more and more that you as women and men together will sexually admit one another and without you knowing any detail of one another and while doing so in wild passion beget unwanted children, which grow up without father and never getting to know him. And furthermore you will spread epidemics in this way, like AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis and other plagues, so the evil in this respect spreads itself from bed to bed and from man to man. So in the future the sexuality, which you humankind of the Earth mistakenly imagine as true love, in the end will become into an evil scourge.
| Und es wird immer mehr sein, dass ihr als Frauen und Männer miteinander unkontrolliert und ohne dass ihr euch näher kennt, sexuell aufeinander einlasst und dabei in wilder Leidenschaft ungewollte Kinder zeugt, die ohne Vater aufwachsen und ihn niemals kennenlernen. Und weiterhin werdet ihr auf diese Art Seuchen verbreiten, wie AIDS, Syphilis, Tuberkulose und andere Geisseln, so sich das Böse in dieser Beziehung von Bett zu Bett und von Mensch zu Mensch ausbreitet.
| The good morality as also the honesty, the reverence for the life, for love, for the decency and for the justice disappears more and more among you. Real friendship, comradeship, alliances and love are already rare which still widens, and the freedom truly became already for a long time into a farce and still remains it for a long time, as also the peace. This, because it is only just dealt with according to it, does only just it, which is just popular without any responsibility and with a complete lack of conscience.
| Die gute Moral geht immer mehr verloren unter euch, wie auch die Rechtschaffenheit, die Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, die Liebe, der Anstand und die Gerechtigkeit. Wirkliche Freundschaft, Kameradschaft, Bündnisse und Liebe sind bereits Mangelware, die sich noch weitet, und die Freiheit ist wahrheitlich schon lange zur Farce geworden und bleibt es noch für lange Zeit, wie auch der Frieden. Das, weil nur noch danach gehandelt wird, nur noch das zu tun, was gerade beliebt ohne jegliche Verantwortung und völlig gewissenlos.
| So more and more the parents also abuse sexually their own children and the brothers and sisters abuse sexually amongst each other, as also the rapes between woman and man, woman and woman, man and man, while many "clergyman/priests" and pedagogues and so forth are abusing sexually their tutored ones just as more and more pedophiles assault children sexually, as this is already frequently usual. And just like the acts of indecency and the sexual degeneration now already for years publicly propagated in the cinemas and on television, this will also still expand very much further in this manner in the future.
| So missbrauchen auch immer mehr Eltern ihre eigenen Kinder und die Geschwister sich untereinander sexuell, wie auch Vergewaltigungen sich mehren zwischen Frau und Mann, Frau und Frau, Mann und Mann, während viele <Geistliche> und Pädagogen usw. ihre Schutzbefohlenen ebenso sexuell missbrauchen wie auch immer mehr Pädophile sich an Kindern sexuell vergehen, wie das schon vielfach üblich ist. Und so wie die Unzucht und die sexuelle Ausartung bereits jetzt schon seit Jahren über Kino und Fernsehen öffentlich propagiert wird, ist das auch zukünftig in dieser Weise noch sehr viel weiter ausweitend.
| Who speaks and teaches the truth with respect to Creation and its laws and recommendations, still for a long time will not be wanted to be heard by you humankind of the Earth, because your belief in all the false religions, sects, ideologies and various false philosophies as well as the politics holds you prisoners like with steel jaws.
| Wer die Wahrheit in bezug auf die Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze und Gebote spricht und lehrt, will von euch Menschen der Erde noch lange nicht gehört werden, denn euer Glaube an all die falschen Religionen, Sekten, Ideologien und diversen falschen Philosophien sowie an die Politik hält euch wie mit stählernen Klauen gefangen.
| Consequently, you will allow this and the falsenesses of the false prophets to be spread furthermore by the religious and sectarian "clergymen/priests" around which you in blind belief are gathered, are enslaved by them and listen to their lies, that you shall carry weapons in order to fight with them against those which teach the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations.
| Folglich werdet ihr diese und die Falschheiten der falschen Propheten durch die religiösen und sektiererischen <Geistlichen> weiterhin verbreiten lassen, um die ihr euch im blinden Glauben versammelt, diesen hörig seid und deren Lügen lauscht, dass ihr Waffen tragen sollt, um damit gegen jene zu kämpfen, welche die Wahrheit der Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze und Gebote lehren.
| And the false prophets and you their believers will for this purpose speak of justice, which you, however, truly do not know, consequently you, in your delusion and fanaticism will kill, as this already is done by religious-fanatical terrorists. In the end there will be no more given order amongst you humankind of the Earth because the vices and addictions, the lust for power, the jealousy, the hate, the revenge and the retaliation spread themselves everywhere, many among you will render themselves to massacre your fellow men, so the boundlessness of the murdering and destructions will more and more make its arrival on the whole world.
| Und die falschen Propheten und ihr ihnen Gläubigen werdet dazu von Gerechtigkeit sprechen, die ihr jedoch wahrheitlich nicht kennt, folglich ihr in eurem Wahn und Fanatismus morden werdet, wie es bereits getan wird durch religiös-fanatische Terroristen. Letztlich wird es unter euch Menschen der Erde keine Ordnung mehr geben, weil sich die Laster und Süchte, die Machtgier, die Eifersucht, der Hass, die Rache und die Vergeltung allüberall ausbreiten, sich viele unter euch hergeben, eure Mitmenschen zu massakrieren, so die Grenzenlosigkeit des Mordens und Zerstörens auf der ganzen Welt immer mehr Einzug halten wird.
| Thus it will be as never before since time immemorial, that you judge other human beings according to his/hers blood and according to his/hers belief, that you, as parents, offend against your children and you as adults and young offend against the aged.
| So wird es sein wie nie zuvor seit alters her, dass ihr Menschen nach eurem Blut und Glauben richtet, dass ihr als Eltern eure Kinder und ihr als Erwachsene und Jugendliche die Alten verstosst.
| And more and more you will shut your eyes before crimes, which happen before your very eyes, before rapes with respect to helpless and defenceless women, as well as with respect to the malicious acts of violence which often proceed fatally against the aged, against the hindered, the weak and defenceless fellow human beings. More and more all sorts of human achievements are wilfully and maliciously destroyed, plundering and thefts are carried out as well as deceit is committed, as there will be also more and more lies and slanders for the own advantage.
| Und immer mehr werdet ihr eure Augen verschliessen vor Verbrechen, die vor eurem Blick geschehen, vor Vergewaltigungen in bezug auf hilflose und schutzlose Frauen, vor dem sexuellen Missbrauch in bezug auf Kinder sowie hinsichtlich bösartiger und oft tödlich verlaufender Gewalttaten gegen alte, behinderte, schwache und wehrlose Mitmenschen. Immer mehr werden mutwillig und böswillig allerlei menschliche Errungenschaften zerstört, Plünderungen durchgeführt und Diebstähle sowie Betrug begangen, wie auch zum eigenen Vorteil immer mehr Lügen und Verleumdungen herrschen werden.
| Through the obsession with profit of those among you, which have to decide over the foodstuffs as well as their cultivated areas and utilisation, more and more will populate the Earth with starving human beings, and it will become a dreadful sight to see, how the bones penetrate through the skin of the starving and how their wounds suppurate, smear and will be infested by vermin. And it will get ever more dreadful that many of you human beings will be expelled from your native countries to be hunted and killed as harmful wild animals, while many others flee and lose their lives in various manners on their flight.
| Durch die Profitsucht jener unter euch, welche über die Nahrungsmittel sowie deren Anpflanzung und Verwertung zu bestimmen haben, werden immer mehr hungernde Menschen die Erde bevölkern, und es wird schrecklich sein zu sehen, wie bei den Hungernden die Knochen durch die Haut dringen und wie ihre Wunden eitern, schmieren und von Ungeziefer befallen sein werden. Und es wird immer schrecklicher werden in bezug darauf, dass viele von euch Menschen von eurer Heimat vertrieben und wie schädliches Wild gejagt und getötet werdet, während viele andere fliehen und auf ihrer Flucht auf mancherlei Weise ihr Leben verlieren.
| But this way, as it is already today, the majority of you human beings of the Earth gives no attention to it, because you turn your faces away from the sufferings of the refugees, and do not undertake anything, so that these can live, work and lead a life in dignity in their native country. More and more you still only worry about you yourselves, and yet you only calm down your guilty consciences through this by giving cheap alms for the poors and sufferers, being, however, concerned thereby that your name as a good human beings is the talk of the town in all and every mouth and that the given alms gets back to you again umpteen times the amount given.
| Doch so, wie es schon heute ist, wird dem Gros von euch Menschen der Erde keine Beachtung geschenkt, weil ihr euer Gesicht vom Leid der Flüchtlinge abwendet und nichts unternehmt, damit diese in ihrer Heimat leben, arbeiten und ein Leben in Würde führen können. Immer mehr kümmert ihr euch nur noch um euch selbst, und ihr beruhigt euer schlechtes Gewissen nur noch dadurch, indem ihr billige Almosen für die Armen und Leidenden gebt, dabei jedoch darauf bedacht seid, dass euer Name als Gutmensch in aller Munde ist und ihr das gegebene Almosen zigfach wieder zurückerhaltet.
| Truly, the price for a human being's life becomes ever more inferior, and more constantly you humanity will be driven as slave trade, be it for the slave labour, for prostitution, for mercenary purposes or for the organ trade, which are robbed from you for those healthy people among you, kidnapped, sold and slaughtered like cattle are deprived of its entrails, organs and body parts.
| Wahrlich, der Preis für ein Menschenleben wird immer geringer, und stetig mehr wird mit euch Menschen als Sklaven Handel getrieben, sei es für Arbeitssklaverei, für Prostitution, für Söldnerzwecke oder für den Organhandel, für den unter euch gesunde Menschen geraubt, entführt, verkauft und wie Vieh geschlachtet und ihrer Eingeweide, Organe und Körperteile beraubt werden.
| And all the profit-greedy ones amongst you, that do business with that are even murderers, butchers and cannibalizers themselves they will even argue you over the blood of the murdered ones just the same as also about their skin and bones -and so that is already the usual thing in the beginning of the Third Millennium's times, and therefore it will be still very much worse in this manner in the coming times. And the slave trade is not only increased and practiced with adults, specifically with young women for the prostitution, but also is practiced with men for the purpose of slave labour, as is however also with children, which are forced to the work and are sexually abused by pedophiles.
| Und all die Profitgierigen unter euch, die ihr damit Handel treibt oder selbst Mörder, Schlächter und Ausschlächter seid, ihr werdet euch gar um das Blut der Ermordeten ebenso streiten wie auch um deren Haut und Knochen und das ist bereits so gang und gäbe zur Zeit des begonnenen Dritten Jahrtausends, und also wird es in kommender Zeit in dieser Weise noch sehr viel schlimmer werden. Und der Menschenhandel wird nicht nur vermehrt mit Erwachsenen betrieben, speziell mit jungen Frauen für die Prostitution, sondern auch mit Männern zum Zweck der Arbeitssklaverei, wie aber auch mit Kindern, die zur Arbeit gezwungen und durch Pädophile sexuell missbraucht werden.
| And everything in these forms gets uncontrollably out of hand more and more, thus the inviolability of your human dignity becomes more and more disregarded and forgotten. Therefore it will be that you, humankind of the Earth, more and more become brutalized, unscrupulous and more and more decaying into the cruelty. Lies and deceptions more and more will rule over the world, and indeed through the beggar among you in the same way as also by you, which live your normal lives and in good prosperity as good citizens, and which will be like this until up to you the rich and the ruling ones.
| Und alles nimmt in diesen Formen immer mehr überhand, so die Unantastbarkeit eurer menschlichen Würde immer mehr missachtet und vergessen wird. Also wird es sein, dass ihr Menschen der Erde immer mehr verroht, gewissenloser werdet und immer mehr der Grausamkeit verfallt. Lug und Trug wird immer mehr die Welt regieren, und zwar durch den Bettler unter euch ebenso wie auch durch euch, die ihr in normalem und in gutem Wohlstand als gute Bürger lebt, und das wird so sein bis hinauf zu euch Reichen und Regierenden.
| And it will be more and more that you human beings will be treated like animals for the slaughter, will be marked with numbers and data which will be implanted in you in the form of electronic data chips, whereby you will be completely controlled by the authorities, by the government offices and by the ruling ones and will be deprived of freedom, in your naivety, however, you imagine that you are free human beings but, truly, you are serfs in servitude/enslavement of the governments.
| So wird wie nie zuvor in der Geschichte der irdischen Menschheit Lug und Trug sowie Betrug, Schein und Verleumdung, regierungsamtliche Knechtschaft als Wahrheit gehalten und immer mehr Unheil darauf aufgebaut. Und es wird immer mehr sein, dass ihr Menschen wie Schlachttiere behandelt werdet, gezeichnet mit Nummern und Daten, die euch in Form von elektronischen Datenchips implantiert werden, wodurch ihr von den Behörden, Ämtern und Regierenden vollkommen kontrolliert und der Freiheit beraubt werdet, in eurer Unbedarftheit jedoch wähnt, dass ihr freie Menschen wärt, wahrheitlich jedoch Leibeigene der Regierungen seid.
| The offices, the authorities and the ruling ones will dominate you as this has never happened before, consequently you will not decide your fate in the community anymore, because this is done by those which exercise a complete power and control over you. So, each one of you will be a bondsperson and a slave of the authorities, of the offices and of the rulers, respectively, those power hungry persons and their vassals, which hold the power concerning that.
| So werden die Ämter, Behörden und Regierenden über euch herrschen, wie das niemals zuvor geschehen ist, folglich ihr euer Schicksal in der Gemeinschaft nicht mehr selbst bestimmen werdet, weil das durch jene getan wird, welche die vollkommene Macht und Kontrolle über euch ausüben. So wird jeder von euch ein Leibeigener und Sklave der Behörden, Ämter und Regierenden sein, resp. jener Machtmenschen und deren Vasallen, die diesbezüglich die Macht innehaben.
| There will be still time for you humankind of the Earth, in the early Third Millenium to prevent this, if you unite yourselves and rise up as humanity fortified against these future threatening machinations through the ruling ones and their enslaved scientists and technicians, in order to prevent the threatening in this mentioned relation. The overpopulation on the earth, this must be said repeatedly again and again, will still continually rise through the unreasonableness and irresponsibility of your humanity of the Earth.
| Noch wäre im frühen Dritten Jahrtausend Zeit für euch Menschen der Erde, dies zu verhindern, wenn ihr euch einig als Menschheit gegen diese zukünftig drohenden Machenschaften durch die Regierenden und die ihnen hörigen Wissenschaftler und Techniker wehrhaft erheben würdet, um das in genannter Beziehung Drohende zu verhindern. Die Überbevölkerung auf der Erde, das muss immer wieder gesagt werden, wird weiterhin durch die Unvernunft und Verantwortungslosigkeit eurer Menschheit der Erde stetig ansteigen.
| That, however, happens also through the progeny-promoters and just as by the irresponsible machinations of the governments, their offices and authorities as well as the sectarian absurdities of the Catholic church already to be named criminally and villainously, respectively, through the Pope, by the clergymen and by the priests, that mislead by teaching the mendacious "Be fruitful, and multiply thyselves" as god´s laws. So you humankind more and more will have always less places to live, and in the end these will become so narrow that you will trample one another to death.
| Das aber geschieht auch durch die nachkommenfördernden und ebenso verantwortungslosen Machenschaften der Regierungen, ihrer Ämter und Behörden sowie der bereits kriminell und verbrecherisch zu nennenden sektiererischen Unsinnigkeiten der katholischen Kirche resp. durch den Papst, die Kleriker und Priester, die das <Vermehret euch> als lügnerisches Gottesgesetz misslehren. So werdet ihr Menschen immer mehr und habt immer weniger Platz zu leben, und dieser wird letztlich so eng, dass ihr einander tottretet.
| And you will start moving more and more, crossing the borders of your native countries and leaving these and thereby dying, and with which however also very many drive aimlessly through the world, which also has as consequence that you mix and unite among each other always more and more, whereby continuously more families are torn apart and creating ever more mixed nations, while the pure nations disappears more and more.
| Und ihr werdet euch immer mehr in Bewegung setzen, die Grenzen eures Heimatlandes überschreiten und dieses verlassen und dabei sterben, wobei jedoch auch sehr viele unter euch ziellos durch die Welt treiben, was auch zur Folge hat, dass ihr euch immer mehr untereinander vermischt und verbindet, wodurch laufend mehr Familien auseinandergerissen werden und immer mehr Mischvölker entstehen, während die reinen Völker immer mehr verschwinden.
| Through that, however, you become more and more foreign to one another, which also results in the consequence that hate and enmities always arise more and more which, on the other hand, consequently leads constantly to new conflicts between the individual and in the end also to murder, manslaughter, crimes and to wars with immense destructions. So many among you succumb to the degeneration through which you lose your own control, going into all directions and falling from a misfortune into another.
| Dadurch werdet ihr einander aber auch immer fremder, was auch zur Folge hat, dass immer mehr Hass und Feindschaften entstehen, was wiederum zu stetig neuen Konflikten zwischen einzelnen und letztlich auch zu Mord, Totschlag, Verbrechen und zu Kriegen mit gewaltigen Zerstörungen führt. So verfallen viele unter euch dem Verkommen, wodurch ihr eure eigene Führung verliert, in alle Richtungen geht und von einem Unglück ins andere fallt.
| And through the falseness and lies, as well as the deceit and the untruthfulness of the declining religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, you human race of the Earth for the time being run even more into the insane and put yourselves still less in order with the creational laws and recommendations, in order to be away distant from living these and in order not to follow these accordingly. And actually it will still take a long time, since it is dealt with in this manner and you want to direct your life only in accordance with your own laws, completely outside the laws and recommendations, as these are given through Creation, which primevally have anchored everything in the nature and in the entire existence of the universe.
| Und durch die der Falschheit und Lüge sowie dem Betrug und der verfallenen Religionen, Sekten, Ideologien und Philosophien lauft ihr Menschen der Erde vorerst noch mehr in die Irre und ordnet euch noch weniger ein in die schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote, um fern gemäss diesen zu leben und sie nicht zu befolgen. Und tatsächlich wird es noch lange sein, da in dieser Weise gehandelt wird und ihr euer Leben nur nach eigenen Gesetzen lenken wollt, völlig ausserhalb der Gesetze und Gebote, wie diese gegeben sind durch die Schöpfung, die alles urzeitlich verankert hat in der Natur und im gesamten Bestehen des Universums.
| As you, however, disregarded and disdained the legislative processes of the creational laws and recommendations, concerning to this so it will also be that you kick with your feet the natural steering of the nature, so that the women only would bear descendants, whose gender was previously determined, in which selective precautions are made by measures taken at the moment of the procreation, that more and more is not performed anymore on the natural way, but is carried out on an artificial manner. They will also be and belong to the proceedings of the order of the day that at natural procreations the fruit is killed unscrupulously in the womb without a vital reason, if, related to the gender, it does not correspond with the wish of the mother or of the father.
| Wie ihr aber die schöpferischen Gesetz-und Gebotsgebungen missachtet und verachtet, so wird es auch sein, dass ihr das natürliche Lenken der Natur in bezug darauf derart mit Füssen tretet, dass die Frauen nur noch Nachkommenschaft gebären, deren Geschlecht derart zum voraus bestimmt wird, indem selektive Vorkehrungen bei der Zeugung getroffen werden, die immer mehr nicht mehr auf dem natürlichen, sondern auf einem künstlichen Weg vorgenommen wird. Dabei wird es auch sein und zur Tagesordnung gehören, dass bei natürlichen Zeugungen die Frucht im Mutterleib ohne lebenswichtigen Grund gewissenlos getötet wird, wenn sie geschlechtsmässig nicht dem Wunsch der Mutter oder des Vaters entspricht.
| It will be in future times that very many of you human beings of the Earth will regard themselves (in your religious, sectarian sense as God). The mighty ones of all sorts amongst you will more and more seize lands and goods and other possessions to them, to which also belongs the woman that they keep as prostitutes, or as objects of prestige. This, while the might ones amongst you more and more will treat the poor and the weak as subhuman creatures and vermins being dealt with accordingly, thus you, that belong to them, live in increasing fright and the hate takes the most poisonous forms in you.
| Es wird in zukünftiger Zeit sein, dass sich sehr viele von euch Menschen der Erde für die Schöpfung selbst halten (in eurem religiösen, sektiererischen Sinn als Gott). Die Mächtigen aller Art unter euch reissen immer mehr Land und Güter und anderen Besitz an sich, wozu auch Frauen gehören, die sie als Prostituierte halten oder als Prestigeobjekt. Das, während von den Mächtigen unter euch die Armen und Schwachen immer mehr als Untermenschen und Ungeziefer betrachtet und demgemäss behandelt werden, so ihr, die ihr dazugehört, zunehmend in Angst lebt und der Hass in euch giftigste Formen annimmt.
| All the mentioned things are, however, only the beginning, because in secret goes a powerful ruling organisation and powerful ones as well as many to them enslaved lackeys out of your humankind, which creates a Secret Organization/Order of the Darkness, with its own evil laws and orders, which are oriented on hate against the paupers and the weak as well against those ones economical prisoners and against all the average citizens.
| All das Genannte aber ist nur der Anfang, denn im geheimen geht eine mächtige Organisation Regierender und Mächtiger sowie viele ihnen hörige Lakaien aus eurer Menschheit hervor, die eine geheime Ordnung der Dunkelheit schafft, mit eigenen bösen Gesetzen und Ordnungen, die auf Hass gegen die Armen und Schwachen sowie gegen die wirtschaftlich Gefangenen und gegen alle Normalbürger ausgerichtet sind.
| And they desire more and more power, more money and the absolute domination over the whole Earth and to seize your humankind to themselves, consequently they expand their evil power over the world, supported by the enslaved to them and bloody thirsty as well as profit-greedy vassals of every kind. Even the mighty ones of the economy feel the power and obey to the evil laws of the Dark Order, that spreads its dangerous and deadly poison of hate everywhere and into everything and against all those, whose senses are not the same with the Dark Power.
| Und ihr Begehr ist, immer mehr Macht, mehr Geld und die vollkommene Herrschaft über die ganze Erde und eure Menschheit an sich zu reissen, folglich sie ihre böse Herrschaft über die Welt verbreitet, unterstützt von den ihnen hörigen und blut-sowie profitgierigen Vasallen aller Art. Selbst die Mächtigen der Wirtschaft spüren die Macht und gehorchen den bösen Gesetzen der dunklen Ordnung, die ihr gefährliches und tödliches Gift des Hasses überall und in alles hinein und gegen alle jene verbreitet, die nicht gleichen Sinnes mit der Dunklen Macht sind.
| Thus you humanity of the Earth are not greatly active anymore but walk around up and down in the idleness and with an empty expression in the eyes and do not know what do to and where you should go, because there is nothing more that you can do, that could bring you joy and good reward. And you human beings of the Earth, are those young and old which cannot take roots anymore in life, wandering around humiliated and hopelessly without work and without a home , which has as consequence that no more roots can hit her/it/them in the life humiliated and wanders around hopelessly, without work and without home, what has to the consequence, that you fight in all things on your own and you hate your existence to even finally end it by your own, such as it is more and more the case already since the twentieth century and will be even more extensive in the future.
| So seid ihr Menschen der Erde nicht mehr gross aktiv, sondern geht im Müssiggang und mit leerem Augenausdruck einher und wisst nicht, was ihr tun und wohin ihr gehen sollt, weil ihr nichts mehr zu tun habt, das euch Freude und gute Entlohnung bringt. Und ihr Menschen der Erde seid es, jung und alt, die ihr im Leben keine Wurzeln mehr schlagen könnt, gedemütigt und hoffnungslos umherirrt, ohne Arbeit und ohne Heim, was zur Folge hat, dass ihr in allen Dingen euch selbst bekämpft und ihr euer Dasein hasst, um es schliesslich selbst zu beenden, so, wie das schon seit dem Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert immer mehr der Fall ist und zukünftig noch umfassender sein wird.
| Already therefore this time with the Third Millenium dawned, at which these things found already the beginning in a fast manner and the longer the more increasingly faster these develop. So, also the illnesses and epidemic s rise in its number, as also the illnesses, that the drinking water and the waters heavily impair through poisons of various types, as however also the illnesses that heavily affect the drinking water and the waters through poisons of various types, as also, however, the air and the ground as well as the foods which grows on the trees and shrubs as well as on the fields, in forests, in gardens and in greenhouses.
| Schon ist also diese Zeit mit dem Dritten Jahrtausend angebrochen, in der diese Dinge in schneller Weise bereits den Anfang gefunden haben und sich je länger je mehr immer schneller weiterentwickeln. So steigen auch die Krankheiten und Seuchen in ihrer Zahl, wie auch die Krankheiten, die durch Gifte vielerlei Art das Trinkwasser und die Gewässer schwer beeinträchtigen, wie aber auch die Luft und den Erdboden sowie die Nahrungsmittel, die auf Bäumen und Sträuchern sowie auf Feldern, in Wäldern, in Gärten und in Treibhäusern wachsen.
| And yet your efforts to counteract all the evils and to put a stop to them are in vain, because from day to day, really quite from hour to hour and from minute to minute it becomes ever bigger and more catastrophical, namely in relation to the rapidly increasing overpopulation. So you human race of the Earth want to make rise again everything which you, through your guilt , and your irrationality and irresponsibility destroyed, as you also want to preserve what still remained intact, with which, however, all your related efforts are in vain, for nothing, because you do not come to the correct conclusion in reason.
| Und noch sind eure Bemühungen vergeblich, all den Übeln entgegenzuwirken und ihnen Einhalt zu gebieten, denn diese warden von Tag zu Tag, ja gar von Stunde zu Stunde und Minute zu Minute immer grösser und katastrophaler, und zwar in Relation zur rasant steigenden Überbevölkerung. So wollt ihr Menschen der Erde all das bisher durch eure Schuld und Unvernunft sowie Verantwortungslosigkeit Zerstörte wiedererstehen lassen, wie ihr auch das, was noch heil geblieben ist, bewahren wollt, wobei jedoch all eure diesbezüglichen Bemühungen umsonst sind, weil ihr nicht zum richtigen Schluss in Vernunft kommt.
| And the right decision only and solely is, that the overpopulation be radically stopped through a worldwide birth regulation, and in this consequence reduce the mass of your earthly humanity on a planet and naturally just measure, with which this measurement is assigned in accordance with the nature and the planet concerning the whole Earth with 529 million human beings.
| Und der richtige Entschluss ist einzig und allein der, dass durch eine weltweite Geburtenregelung radikal die Überbevölkerung gestoppt und in dieser Folge eure irdische Menschheit auf ein planeten-und naturgerechtes Mass reduziert wird, wobei dieses Mass gemäss der Natur und des Planeten in bezug auf die ganze Erde bei 529 Millionen Menschen festgesetzt ist.
| Through your irrationality, you human beings of the Earth, the rain forests die increasingly more faster, through which also deserts originates ever faster and more extensively, while the glaciers and the Poles are melting, through which the waters of the seas rise as a result and valuable lands are engulfed, by which millions of you are expelled from your habitations and from your lands, that you could cultivate.
| Durch eure Unvernunft, ihr Menschen der Erde, sterben die Regenwälder immer schneller, wodurch auch immer schneller und umfangreicher Wüsten entstehen, während die Gletscher und Pole schmelzen und dadurch die Wasser der Meere steigen und wertvolles Land verschlingen, wodurch Millionen von euch von euren Wohnstätten und von eurem Land vertrieben werden, das ihr bewirtschaften konntet.
| Along with it, ever more violent lightning storms will rage, will set much on fire and will kill many of you as well as also your livestock while ever bigger flash floods of water fall from the clouds, as true deluges, that destroy everything, and demand many deads.
| Nebst dem werden immer gewaltigere Blitzunwetter toben, vieles in Brand stecken und viele von euch sowie auch euer Vieh töten, während immer grössere Sturzfluten von Wasser aus den Wolken fallen, wie wahre Sintfluten, die alles zerstören, überschwemmen und viele Tote fordern.
| This, while elsewhere droughts dry up the country and immense fires destroy the forests, the villages, the cities and your dwellings. Through all this and through the exhaust fumes of the chimneys, factory chimneys and motors of all types, which eject fine dust and CO2 impregnating more and more the air with smoke and poisonous emissions, as however also by radioactivity, Biopoisons and chemicals the air is poisoned, through which many of you human beings become sick and die because of it.
| Das, während andernorts Dürren das Land austrocknen und ungeheure Feuer die Wälder, Dörfer, Städte und eure Wohnstätten zerstören. Durch all das und durch die Abgase von Kaminen, Fabrikschloten und Motoren aller Art, die Feinstaub und CO2 hinausschleudern, wird die Luft immer mehr mit Rauch und giftigen Emissionen geschwängert, wie aber auch durch Radioaktivität, Biogifte und Chemie die Luft vergiftet wird, wodurch viele von euch Menschen krank werden und daran sterben.
| And furthermore, violent/enormous earthquakes and seaquakes will shake the Earth, and indeed in continually heavier manner, with which will destroy whole cities, and will level everything to the ground, as also many other different things that were and are still built by unreasonableness will be destroyed very much, although, on the other hand, the prophetic and predictive warning is said.
| Und weiterhin werden gewaltige Erd-und Seebeben die Erde erschüttern, und zwar in stetig schwererer Weise, wobei ganze Städte zerstört und erdbodengleich gemacht werden, wie auch sehr viel anderes zerstört wird, das durch Unvernunft erbaut wurde und weiterhin erbaut wird, obwohl die prophetische und voraussagende Warnung dagegen ausgesprochen ist.
| So hillside collapses and mudslides etc. also will bury residential towns and villages under it, while elsewhere through tectonic motions as well as by the underground mine buildings, cavities and watercourses the Earth will open and residential places and other buildings will sink into the ground. You, humankind of the Earth, you however do not want to learn from it, because you are stubborn and do not want to hear the prophetic and predictive warnings.And in this stubbornness many non-affluent and poor as well as the shady rabbles among you degenerate more and more, thus the plundering is always taking ever worse forms, especially where others of you human beings in desperate straits, must flee from their homes and leaving behind their belongings and goods .
| So werden aber auch Bergabgänge und Schlammlawinen usw. unter sich Wohnstätten und Dörfer begraben, während sich andernorts durch tektonische Bewegungen sowie durch unterirdische Minenbauten, Hohlräume und Wasserläufe die Erde öffnet und Wohnstätten und andere Bauten im Boden versinken. Ihr Menschen der Erde, ihr wollt jedoch daraus nicht lernen, denn ihr seid starrköpfig und wollt die prophetischen und voraussagenden Warnungen nicht hören. Und in dieser Starrköpfigkeit verkommen viele nichtbegüterte und arme sowie lichtscheues Gesindel unter euch immer mehr, so die Plünderei immer schlimmere Formen annimmt, und zwar insbesondere dort, wo andere von euch Menschen in Not geraten, ihre Wohnstätten fliehen und ihr Hab und Gut zurücklassen müssen.
| So as the sun already at the beginning of the Third Millennium shines dangerously, because the ozone layer surrounding the Earth is heavy damaged and holey, so in the future it will burn the Earth still more and will bring much harm to the whole world and to all forms of life, so also upon you humanity, that you more and more will be affected by skin cancer and by heavy eye ailments etc. Nevertheless not only the sun brings upon your earthly humankind and the planet great disaster, because also submarine volcanoes will bring great destructions and will bring the waters of the seas to the boil, through which the living aquatic creatures, which are many, and still not exterminated by you human beings, will find the death.
| So wie die Sonne schon zu Beginn des Dritten Jahrtausends gefährlich strahlt, weil der die Erde umgebende Ozongürtel schwer geschädigt und löchrig ist, so wird sie künftig noch mehr die Erde verbrennen und viel Unheil über die ganze Welt und alle Lebensformen bringen, so auch über euch Menschen, die ihr immer mehr von Hautkrebs und schweren Augenleiden usw. befallen werdet. Doch nicht nur die Sonne bringt grosses Unheil über eure Erdenmenschheit und den Planeten, denn auch unterseeische Vulkane werden grosse Zerstörungen bringen und die Wasser der Meere aufkochen lassen, wodurch noch sehr viele und noch nicht durch euch Menschen ausgerottete Wasserlebewesen den Tod finden.
| That, while forces are arising through these submarine and also subterranean movements by which certain continents, or parts of them, disappears in the waters. To all this, however, also contributes that you are among yourselves in a deceptive belief in religions and sects as humble dogs trembling erroneously in the belief delusion, God punishes the world for its atrocities, whereas you do not recognise, however, that all the evils and all the catastrophes were and are evoked solely by your own fault, with which the ever more rampant overpopulation is the main reason of all evil degeneration.
| Das, während durch diese unterseeischen und auch unterirdischen Bewegungen Kräfte entstehen, durch die gewisse Kontinente oder Teile von ihnen in den Wassern verschwinden. Das alles trägt aber auch dazu bei, dass ihr unter euch in trügerischem Glauben an Religionen und Sekten wie demütige Hunde seid und irrig im Wahnglauben schlottert, Gott strafe die Welt für ihre Untaten, wobei ihr jedoch nicht erkennt, dass alles Übel und alle Katastrophen einzig und allein durch eure eigene Schuld hervorgerufen wurden und werden, wobei die immer mehr grassierende Überbevölkerung der hauptsächliche Grund aller bösen Ausartungen ist.
| The sects arising from all religions, ideologies and philosophies get still greedier, more cunning, more unscrupulous and more aggressive in the future in which they also use modern science and the Internet for their criminal and irresponsible purposes. In this manner they use everything criminally and villainously, in which suicidal and homicidal as well as terrorist machinations also are part of the lie messages of well-being/salvation through which new disciples and believers are misled and made enslaved.
| Die aus allen Religionen, Ideologien und Philosophien entstandenen Sekten werden künftig immer raffgieriger, raffinierter, skrupelloser und aggressiver, wobei sie zu ihren kriminellen und verantwortungslosen Zwecken auch die moderne Wissenschaft und das Internet missbrauchen. In dieser Weise nutzen sie alles kriminell und verbrecherisch, wobei auch Suizid und Mord sowie terroristische Machenschaften zu den Lügenbotschaften des Heils dazugehören, durch die neue Jünger und Gläubige irregeführt und hörig gemacht werden.
| The religions, sects, ideologies and false philosophies develop as poisonous, dangerous viruses which adapt themselves to the changed environment -and they tie their nets increasingly more perfidiously concerning the supermodern, electronic Soulcatchers and with increasingly more modern resources which they also constantly affect the state of mind of more academics and other educated ones amongst you into their spell.
| Die Religionen, Sekten, Ideologien und falschen Philosophien entfalten sich wie giftige, gefährliche Viren, die sich der veränderten Umwelt anpassen - und sie knüpfen ihre Netze bezüglich der supermodernen, elektronischen Seelenfängerei immer perfider und mit immer moderneren Mitteln, wobei sie auch stetig mehr Akademiker und sonstig Gebildete unter euch in ihren Bann schlagen.
| And another further evil, that more and more academics and other highly-educated are recruited to sectarians, is the fact that you seek to pacify your delusion through that consists in cloning animals and human beings in accordance with your ideas and wishes because you want to have again what you had lost through the death.
| Und ein weiteres Übel, dass immer mehr Akademiker und sonstig Hochgebildete zu Sektierern rekrutiert werden, ist die Tatsache, dass ihr durch sie euren Wahn zu befrieden sucht, der darin besteht, Tiere und Menschen nach euren Vorstellungen und Wünschen zu klonen, weil ihr das wieder haben wollt, was ihr durch den Tod verloren habt und verliert.
| And you always do that, while you, out of spurious grounds, are irresponsibly exterminating, in the free nature, in the free nature, in the air, in the soil, on the surface of the earth, and in the water species after species and types after types of living creatures. Thus you raise up to yourselves the Evil of all Evils, while you imagine yourselves good and as imagined by Creation, which you completely misjudge it in your religious and sectarian delusion and imagining it as (being) a deity.
| Und das tut ihr, während ihr in der freien Natur, in der Luft, im Erdreich, auf dem Boden und in den Wassern Gattung um Gattung und Art um Art der Lebewesen verantwortungslos ausrottet, aus welchen fadenscheinigen Gründen auch immer. So erhebt ihr euch selbst zum Bösen alles Bösen, während ihr euch gut und als Schöpfung wähnt, die ihr in eurem religiösen und sektiererischen Wahn völlig verkennt und als Gottheit wähnt.
| More and more fear, venom and hopelessness will come upon you humanity of the earth, and already your children will be struck by it when they become hounded by the parents or sexually abused, tormented, beaten and sold through slave traders.
| Immer mehr Angst, Gift und Hoffnungslosigkeit werden über euch Menschen der Erde kommen, und schon eure Kinder werden davon befallen sein, wenn sie durch die Eltern oder durch Sklavenhändler gehetzt, sexuell missbraucht, gequält, geprügelt und verkauft werden.
| Therefore, venom and hopelessness will, however, threaten also the consciousness development of many among you, so it will be broken by your apathetic reason. And that is not surprising, because you human beings will more and more be pushed far away from the truth by the false, misleading and irresponsible religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, consequently less and less of you recognise the effective truth of the creational Laws and Recommendations and therefore these are also continuously less followed. So the change to the better, the good and the best lasts a long time, because first, when the great majority of your earthly humankind is striving for that , follows the great transformation for the learning of the true Truth and in this way to the correct behaviour/action.
| Also werden aber Angst, Gift und Hoffnungslosigkeit auch die Bewusstseinsentwicklung viele unter euch bedrohen, so ihr stumpfsinnig und der Vernunft brach werdet. Und das ist nicht verwunderlich, weil ihr Menschen durch die falschen, irreführenden und verantwortungslosen Religionen, Sekten, Ideologien und Philosophien immer mehr von der Wahrheit weggedrängt werdet, folglich immer weniger von euch die effective Wahrheit der schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote erkennen und diese also auch stetig weniger befolgt werden. So dauert der Wandel zum Besseren, Guten und Besten lange Zeit, denn erst, wenn vom Gros eurer irdischen Menschheit danach getrachtet wird, folgt die grosse Wandlung zum richtigen Lernen der wahrlichen Wahrheit und zum Handeln in dieser Weise.
| However, for the time being, you humanity of the Earth, imagine yourselves as a God and do not know at all, that this is only a fabricated delusion character humanly made. And yet,l for quite a long time, you do not recognise that you are nothing more and nothing less than, from your birth: tiny, a human being, ignorant and helpless without the effective functions of the creational Laws and Recommendations of Creation.
| Vorerst aber wähnt ihr Menschen der Erde euch als Gott und wisst nicht, dass dieser nur eine menschlich erdichtete Wahngestalt ist, die nichts mit der effektiven allumfassenden Schöpfung resp. mit dem Universalbewusstsein zu tun hat. Und noch geraume Zeit erkennt ihr nicht, dass ihr nicht mehr und nicht weniger seid als bei eurer Geburt: klein, ein Mensch, unwissend und hilflos ohne das Wirken der schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote.
| And since you do not recognise there this fact yet, you imagine yourselves as a deity, as a power above life and death, and thus you create and cherish care and attention to evil, to lead to wars, to thirsty for revenge, to retaliation, and to blood, letting yourselves be conducted by jealousy and rage and on every occasion to reach for power, for profit and for material wealth. Thereby you do not notice that you destroy everything around you in a blind rage and even so you accept the whole destruction of the planet and of all its living beings, together with the own lives of yourselves, and with which you further promote everything on the Earth, unstoppably and enormously, through the limitless procreation of the overpopulation. So it can be said of you human beings of the Earth that you are tiny tots in your consciousness, in your reason, and in your intelligence. Contradictorily at the same time, you, however, in all your stupidity, in all your unreason, in all your hate, in your strife and unpeacefullness and disharmony as well as in your urge for revenge, for retaliation, war addiction, and anger, as well as your urge for destruction, you possess the forces of a giant.
| Und da ihr diese Tatsache noch nicht erkennt, wähnt ihr euch als eine Gottheit, als Macht über Leben und Tod, und so schafft und hegt und pflegt ihr das Böse, führt Kriege, dürstet nach Rache, Vergeltung und Blut, lasst euch von Eifersucht und Wut leiten und greift bei jeder Gelegenheit nach Macht, Profit und materiellem Reichtum. Dabei merkt ihr nicht, dass ihr in blinder Wut rund um euch herum alles zerstört und die ganze Zerstörung des Planeten und aller Lebewesen in Kauf nehmt, samt eurer selbst, und wobei ihr auf der Erde unaufhaltsam und ungeheuer durch die grenzenlose Heranzüchtung der Überbevölkerung alles weiter fördert. So kann von euch Menschen der Erde gesagt werden, dass ihr in eurem Bewusstsein, in eurer Vernunft und in eurem Verstand Winzlinge seid. Gegensätzlich dazu besitzt ihr jedoch in all eurem Unverstand, in eurer Unvernunft, in eurem Hass, in eurer Unfriedlichkeit und Disharmonie sowie in eurem Drang der Rache, Vergeltung, Kriegssucht und Wut sowie in eurem Zerstörungsdrang die Kräfte eines Giganten.
| And in this manner you proceed with gigantic steps into your existence and into the future of the Third Millennium, with which you go completely astray and do not know which path you really shall walk along now and indeed although you are yourselves jampacked with many kinds of school knowledge which however brings you but no cognition with respect to life and to Creation as well as its laws and recommendations. Thus, you do not know at all why you actually live and die, because the world of the creational-dependent coming into existence and passing away is strange to you as is the creational truth itself, so you in ignorance only curse about your life, then again, whimper and gesticulate the arms as like the madpersons.
| Und in dieser Weise schreitet ihr mit riesigen Schritten in euer Dasein und in die Zukunft des Dritten Jahrtausends hinein, wobei ihr völlig irregeht und nicht wisst, welchen Weg ihr nun wirklich beschreiten sollt, und zwar obwohl ihr euch mit vielerlei Schulwissen vollgestopft habt, das euch aber keine Erkenntnis in bezug auf das Leben und die Schöpfung sowie ihre Gesetze und Gebote bringt. So wisst ihr nicht, warum ihr überhaupt lebt und sterbt, denn die Welt des schöpfungsbedingten Werdens und Vergehens ist euch so fremd wie die effective schöpferische Wahrheit selbst, so ihr in Unkenntnis nur über euer Leben flucht, dann wieder wimmert und wie Irre mit den Armen fuchtelt.
| You fanatical among the believers of the religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindu and Buddhists as well as their sectarians, more and more you will become enemies going against each other, perpetrating terrorist acts and cutting each other´s throats, commiting bomb attempts and even lead war in the own families and ranks. At the same time you all imagine in your religious and sectarian mania that your belief is the only single one right and that you must defend it with human blood, while, however, you are completely foreign to the real truth and do not know the creational laws and recommendations. So the death makes progress through you everywhere while you are confronting with the effective creational truth with doubts which you regard as an evil power.
| Ihr Fanatischen unter den Gläubigen der Religionen, Sekten, Ideologien und Philosophien - Christen, Juden, Moslems, Hindus und Buddhisten sowie deren Sektierer -, ihr werdet euch selbst immer mehr Feind, geht aufeinander los, verübt terroristische Akte und schneidet einander die Kehlen durch, verübt Bombenattentate und führt selbst Krieg in den eigenen Familien und Reihen. Dabei wähnt ihr alle in eurem religiösen und sektiererischen Wahn, dass euer Glaube der einzige richtige sei und dass ihr diesen mit Menschenblut verteidigen müsstet, während ihr jedoch der wirklichen Wahrheit völlig fremd seid und die schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote nicht kennt. So schreitet durch euch überall der Tod voran, während ihr der effektiven schöpferischen Wahrheit mit Zweifeln gegenübersteht, die ihr als böse Macht betrachtet.
| Through this, however, you will be excluded from the human life, and be without rights, which you do not possess any other for the sale for your delusion as your own life which you give up in suicidal acts. And you are expelled and outcasted by all those, which are not with you and who want the peace, the safety and the quiet, with which your dangerous growling brings you no benefits. Indeed you hear about the prophecies and previsions, however in your religious and sectarian blindness you are not able to recognize the effective truth, consequently you only indulge yourselves in Barbarism and furthermore spread death and destruction.
| Dadurch aber werdet ihr vom menschlichen Leben ausgeschlossen und Rechtlose sein, die ihr nichts anderes zum Verkauf habt für euren Wahn als euer eigenes Leben, das ihr in selbstmörderischen Akten hinwerft. Und ihr seid von all jenen verstossen und ausgestossen, welche nicht mit euch sind und die den Frieden, die Sicherheit und die Ruhe wollen, wobei euch euer bedrohliches Knurren keinerlei Nutzen bringt. Zwar hört ihr von den Prophezeiungen und Voraussagen, doch in eurer religiösen und sektiererischen Verblendung vermögt ihr die effective Wahrheit nicht zu erkennen, folglich ihr nur eurem Barbarentum frönt und weiterhin Tod und Zerstörung verbreitet
| And many among you human beings of the Earth, you close your eyes in front of it, because you sway in a false security while the fear and the suspicion nevertheless gnaws into you and follows you step by step, so you do not have neither rest nor quiet. Truly, it still will take a long time around 800 years before you humanity of the Earth finally awake and in the major part slowly make an effort, to grant acknowledgement to the creational truth and to the Laws of Creation and its Recommendations its right. First after this time it will be, that the "Kelch der Wahrheit" (Goblet of Truth), respectively, the "Teachings of the True Prophets" as well as the "Spirit-Teachings" as "Teachings of the Truth", as "Lessons of the Spirit", as "Lessons of Life", slowly begins to bear fruits.
| Und viele unter euch Menschen der Erde, ihr schliesst davor eure Augen, weil ihr euch in falscher Sicherheit wiegt, während jedoch trotzdem die Angst und der Argwohn in euch nagt und euch Schritt für Schritt verfolgt, so ihr weder Rast noch Ruhe habt. Wahrlich, es wird noch runde 800 Jahre dauern, ehe ihr Menschen der Erde endlich erwacht und im Gros euch langsam bemüht, der schöpferischen Wahrheit und den Schöpfungsgesetzen und deren Geboten ihr Recht einzuräumen. Erst nach dieser Zeit wird es sein, dass der <Kelch der Wahrheit> resp. die <Lehre der wahren Propheten> sowie die <Geisteslehre> als <Lehre der Wahrheit>, <Lehre des Geistes>, <Lehre des Lebens> langsam Früchte zu tragen beginnt.
| Only then you humankind will learn, to understand each other to establish good human and truly personal relationships to each other to understand each other and after which finally to live love, liberty and harmony. Only then, it will come that you become a planetary humanity unit, with which it will also be, that the best language is chosen from all the languages of all nations in order to make of this the only and single one uniform world language, while however, all the other languages of all the nations are maintained. And through this world language, each human being is able himself/herself to communicate with one another, and no matter what nation the person belongs.
| Erst dann werdet ihr Menschen lernen, zueinander gute zwischenmenschliche und wahre persönliche Beziehungen aufzubauen, einander zu verstehen und danach endlich in Wahrheit, Frieden, Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie zu leben. Erst dann wird es kommen, dass ihr irdische Menschheit eine Einheit werdet, wobei es auch sein wird, dass aus allen Sprachen aller Völker die beste Sprache ausgesucht wird, um diese zur einzigen einheitlichen Weltsprache zu machen, während alle anderen Sprachen aller Völker jedoch erhalten bleiben. Und durch diese Weltsprache vermag sich jeder Mensch mit dem andern zu verständigen, und zwar ganz gleich welchem Volk er angehört.
| And that is then the time, at which, you human beings of the Earth fly through the expanses of the space of the universe in good form and create new habitats/biotopes for you. And that will be as well both on foreign worlds in the wideness of the universe, as, however, also in and under the waters of the Earth as well as on the moon and in the orbit of the Earth. And that is also the time when you humankind will generally become taller and will have a very advanced age, will communicate peacefully with each other, and will become helpful and friendly to each other. Also the true and good knowledge rises among you human beings, and more and more you obtain and discover more and bigger secrets of life as well as the laws of Creation, the existence and the universe. Learning from it, understanding it and following it all, through which you more and more venture into the laws and recommendations of Creation, understand them, learn them and follow them.
| Und das ist dann die Zeit, zu der ihr Menschen der Erde in guter Form den weiten Raum des Alls durchfliegt und euch neue Lebensräume schafft. Und das wird sein sowohl auf fremden Welten in den Weiten des Universums, wie aber auch in und unter den Wassern der Erde sowie auf dem Mond und im irdischen Orbit. Und das ist damit auch die Zeit, da ihr Menschen allgemein grösser werdet und ein sehr hohes Alter habt, friedlich miteinander kommuniziert und einander Freund und hilfreich seid. Auch steigt das wahrliche und gute Wissen unter euch Menschen, und ihr gewinnt und entdeckt immer mehr und grössere Geheimnisse des Lebens sowie der schöpferischen Gesetze, des Daseins und Universums. Daraus lernt, versteht und befolgt ihr alles, wodurch ihr immer mehr zu den schöpferischen Gesetzen und Geboten vorstösst, sie versteht, nutzt, lernt und sie befolgt.
| However, this is not the merit of you men, but of you women which seize the conducting baton and the dignity and conduct the destiny of you humankind of the Earth, because your feminine intelligence and your sense in accordance to love as well as to peace, to liberty, to human dignity, to equality and harmony, is passed on and stops the airs and graces of you men in respect to war, to violence and all sorts of degenerations.
| Das aber ist nicht das Verdienst von euch Mannen, sondern das von euch Frauen, die ihr den Stab der Führung und der Würde ergreift und das Geschick von euch Menschen der Erde leitet, weil eure weibliche Klugheit und euer Sinn nach Liebe sowie auf Frieden, Freiheit, Menschenwürde, Gleichheit und Harmonie ausgerichtet ist und die Allüren von euch Mannen in bezug auf Krieg, Gewalt und vielerlei Ausartung stoppt.
| So are exuded, after all the millennia, the evil, the degeneration, the acts of rowdyism/truculence, the disharmonious, the lovelessness, the non-liberalism and unpeacefulness, the women's hope and happiness as well as the lightness of life, in which all the dreams now come true, and which are based and oriented on true love, on peace, on liberty and harmony ­nevertheless, until then, it will take a long time, because the path out of the barbarism into the good future is long and arduous. But you find again the order, together with the Earth, with its climate, the nature, its forests and plants and the waters, at this point, now pure and healthy again, the desert areas are again reawakened to life, because, from now on, everything orientate only in accordance with the laws and recommendations of Creation and their fulfillment.
| So verströmt nach all den Jahrtausenden des Bösen, Ausgearteten, Gewalttätigen, Disharmonischen, Lieblosen, Unfreiheitlichen und Unfriedlichen die Frau Hoffnung und Glück sowie Leichtigkeit des Lebens, in dem nunmehr all die Träume sich erfüllen, die auf wirkliche Liebe, Frieden, Freiheit und Harmonie ausgerichtet sind - doch die Zeit bis dahin dauert, denn der Weg aus der Barbarei und hin in die gute Zukunft ist lang und beschwerlich. Doch ihr findet die Ordnung wieder, zusammen mit der Erde, mit ihrem Klima, der Natur, ihren Wäldern und Pflanzen und den nunmehr wieder reinen und gesunden Wassern, den wieder zum Leben erweckten Wüstengebieten, denn alles richtet sich nunmehr aus nach den schöpferischen Gesetzen und Geboten und deren Erfüllung.
| And you, in the again arisen order, cure the illnesses and prevent epidemics before they appear, and each one of you is knowledgeable to help yourself as well well as to give help to your fellow human being. And through the whole change to the better, to the good and to the best, which you women of the Earth accomplish, also the poverty of many amongst you human beings of the Earth comes to an end, because through the wisdom and the kindness of the women they are worried for, while from now on also it is only given in joy and in true humanity and not only taking any more as well as not demanding back any more. And therefore everyone of you are human only for your fellow human and also for the other fellowmen in good interpersonal relationships for which the loneliness does not exist anymore and you recognise yourselves as human beings among each other and accept it, without conceit with relation to ethnic affiliation, the colour of the skin, the opinion, the language or the level of knowledge and the educational formation and so forth.
| Und so heilt ihr in der wieder entstandenen Ordnung Krankheiten und verhindert Seuchen, ehe sie in Erscheinung treten, und jeder von euch ist kundig, sich selbst zu helfen, wie auch jeder von euch eurem Nächsten Hilfe gibt. Und durch den ganzen Wandel zum Besseren, Guten und Besten, den ihr Frauen der Erde vollbringt, endet auch die Armut vieler unter euch Menschen der Erde, weil durch die Weisheit und Güte der Frauen für sie gesorgt wird, indem nunmehr auch in Freude und wahrer Menschlichkeit gegeben und nicht mehr nur genommen sowie nicht mehr zurückgefordert wird. Und also ist nunmehr jeder von euch Menschen für seinen Nächsten und auch für die anderen Mitmenschen da in guten zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, weshalb die Einsamkeit nicht mehr existiert und ihr euch untereinander als Menschen anerkennt und akzeptiert, ohne Dünkel in bezug auf die Volksangehörigkeit, die Hautfarbe, die Meinung, die Sprache oder den Stand des Wissens und der Bildung usw.
| Truly, all this good is so close to you, if only you would grasp it, understand it and make use of it, which, however, you are not yet able for that, and for that reason the good is so close to you, and however so distant, because, firstly, you must find the correct path that leads you there, as it is provided for you through the laws and recommendations of Creation, and that you can read and follow in the free Nature.
| Wahrlich, all dieses Gute ist euch so nah, wenn ihr es nur zu fassen, zu verstehen und anzuwenden wüsstet, was ihr jedoch noch nicht vermögt, und deshalb ist euch das Gute so nah, und doch so fern, weil ihr erst den rechten Weg dahin finden müsst, wie er euch vorgegeben ist durch die schöpferischen Gesetze und Gebote, die ihr in der freien Natur ablesen und befolgen könnt.
| You humankind of the Earth, you are, however, incorrectly oriented in your thoughts and in your feelings, that you must firstly suffer great damage and be thrown into chaos and catastrophes before you turn yourself to the effective truth and follow it.
| Ihr Menschen der Erde, ihr seid in euren Gedanken und Gefühlen jedoch irrig darauf ausgerichtet, dass ihr erst grossen Schaden erleiden und in Chaos und Katastrophen stürzen müsst, ehe ihr euch der effectiven Wahrheit zuwendet und sie befolgt.
| Therefore you need an iron fist which leads you, and you find this in the "Kelch der Wahrheit" (Goblet of Truth), in the "Teachings of the True Prophets" and with it also in the "Spirit-Teachings" , which are there the "Teachings of the Truth", "Lessons of the Spirit", "Lessons of Life", as they are given over a period of time of billions of years , produced by Nokodemion, brought to the Earth from remote galaxies and taught by the seven prophets personalities from their spirit-form lineage.
| Also braucht ihr eine eiserne Faust, die euch führt,und diese findet ihr im <Kelch der Wahrheit>, in der <Lehre der Propheten> und damit auch in der <Geisteslehre>, die da ist die <Lehre der Wahrheit>, <Lehre des Geistes>, <Lehre des Lebens>, wie sie gegeben ist über Jahrmilliarden hinweg, hervorgebracht durch Nokodemion, aus ferner Galaxie zur Erde getragen und gelehrt durch sieben Prophetenpersönlichkeiten aus seiner Geistformlinie.
| And these "Teachings of the Prophets" teach that you must not fear the death, because you have many lives, and so you will learn from the "Kelch der Wahrheit" (Goblet of Truth), and the "Spirit-Teachings" ,respectively, the "Teachings of the Truth", "Lessons of the Spirit", knowledge in the things which entwine itself around life and death. And so you will be also knowlegdeable about the creational and natural laws and recommendments, which teach you that your spirit never passes but endless further exists and in the end merges itself with Creation, the universal consciousness.
| Und diese <Lehre der Propheten> lehrt, dass ihr den Tod nicht fürchten müsst, weil ihr viele Leben habt, und so werdet ihr aus dem <Kelch der Wahrheit> und der <Geisteslehre> resp. der <Lehre der Wahrheit>, <Lehre des Geistes>,<Lehre des Lebens> lernen und wissend in den Dingen, die sich um das Leben und den Tod ranken. Und so seid ihr auch wissend um die schöpferischen und natürlichen Gesetze und Gebote, die euch lehren, dass euer Geist niemals vergehet, sondern endlos weiterexistiert und letztlich mit der Schöpfung, dem Universalbewusstsein, selbst verschmilzt.
| SSSC, 20th August 2008, 17.39h
| SSSC, 20. August 2008, 17.39 h
| ''Billy''
| ''Billy''
| Edward Albert Meier (Billy Meier)
| Edward Albert Meier (Billy Meier)

Revisão das 20h46min de 4 de agosto de 2009

This is an OFFICIAL translation made by FIGU.

What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive way for the third millennium…

If you human beings of Earth do not turn to the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations in what is now the third millennium, if you do not turn to better and good things and do not follow the true rules of life as they exist in the creational laws and recommendations, then all evil events of all kinds will broaden in ever worsening succession. The creational-natural laws and recommendations are written in the ‹Goblet of Truth› and in the ‹spiritual teaching›, which is the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life›, which it is of vital importance to follow. However, if you human beings continue to fail to follow the creational laws and recommendations, evil and catastrophes of all kinds which have existed all over Earth for a long time will increase in future into much more evil excrescences.

And if you do not change for the better, for good and the best, all evil over the world will take a much worse form than it has done for decades and also does at present; and the coming events will be such as the world has never experienced up to the current time, nor lived, nor seen. A change for the better, for good and the best can only occur, however, if you human beings of Earth think and act rightly and rationally from now on and into the future, and this principally applies to your rulers and other mightful people who have to lead you as a people to the best and for goodness. This thinking and acting which is full of rationality is also demanded from every individual in your entire humanity as well as from you as such in your entirety. And success can only come about if your thoughts are rightly cared for and deeds are determined and performed rightly, indeed in accordance with the urgency of the necessity for change. However, if this change is not tackled and carried through, then it is unavoidable and inevitable that the prophecies will come true, as is the case with the predictions that are firm with regard to their fulfilment and which will certainly turn into an evil reality.

Overall in all things of your present existence as human beings of Earth, a change for the better, for good and the best is unavoidable if everything is still to develop ultimately into something of good worth after all. However, if this change is not started and carried through, then do not be surprised if nothing turns to the better, for good and the best, but the negative, bad and evil things are fulfilled, as has been prophetically stated although without being specifically called prophecies so that it is not possible for you to differentiate between prophecy and prediction for the important reason that not only individual factors are seized for change, but entirely everything of all circumstances. And this must be the case, because given a true effort, it is only possible to bring about the better, good and the best through an all-encompassing change, providing everything is taken into account extensively. Therefore, the following prophetic and predictive words are to be stated finally by me, ‹Billy›-‹BEAM›, as the last proclaimer in the line of seven of Nokodemion.

With the third millennium, you human beings of Earth have passed from the darkness of the last two millennia into the gloom of what is for you an impenetrable labyrinth of false modes of behaviour, and already in the twentieth century you have brought about all kinds of evil and are continuing to create and cultivate the same, which has brought disaster over you, nature and the planet to an incalculable extent and will continue to do so. Your greed for profit, you human beings of Earth, is continuing to abound more and more, and the people in power in your world are casting your populations of all states into ever deeper misery, making self-aggrandizing and megalomaniacal decisions over your heads and taking all the power of determination away from you as a people. Everything is a matter of might and money, and from now on everything will become worse in this regard, as will catastrophes of all kinds in nature, in the climate and amongst you human beings, caused by the breakneck speed of population growth which has become uncontrollable overpopulation. Everything is constantly and increasingly directed towards hierarchy, money, income, profit and gain as well as productivity due to the efforts of those who are greedy for profit and might, an attitude which is however spreading more and more amongst individual human beings and your entire peoples.

Therefore, you are becoming ever more indifferent to one another, more mistrustful of one another and increasingly emotionless, disinterested, indolent and obtuse in interpersonal relationships, which is causing simple human connections to be destroyed and entire families to be ruined. Under such unbearable circumstances, many amongst you will feel blazing anger rise up within you and will therefore torment other fellow human beings or even extract bloody revenge on them. However, trust amongst you human beings will vanish to an increasing extent, leading to ever worsening forms of jealousy and hatred arising in many of you, whether because of a difference of opinion or a different belief, because of money, goods and chattels or simply because the face, body, clothing or behaviour of the other person provokes you. Therefore, there will be increasing Gewalt amongst you, and not only because some people simply find it good and satisfying when they torment, beat, spit on, tread down or humiliate others, even accepting the death of those being tormented. And in the future, Gewalt, murder and deliberate as well as malicious and war-like destruction will prevail amongst you, something which will in its entirety also be carried into space near Earth, and in fact not only in particular when worlds close to Earth are settled by human beings of Earth.

You human beings of Earth increasingly want to seize the might of Creation for yourselves, and the longer this continues, the more you know no limits and imagine yourselves to be the highest and mightiest form of life on Earth and in the universe. However, vengeance will be extracted when all your doings turn sooner or later to your own harm, and as a result of which you fall into a deep abyss. The tall buildings that tower into the clouds as skyscrapers will collapse, the fields will lie in waste and therefore it will no longer be possible to bring in any harvests. And the longer this continues, the more you as individual human beings will make your own laws, in accordance with which you terrorise the environment and your fellow human beings, as is already the case in many places due to extremists, terrorists, young people, people full of hatred and consumed with a desire for revenge and people who are confused as well as autocrats who take it upon themselves to inflict punishments. Many of you will fall back into barbarity, and hunger will increasingly ravage the world because many natural foodstuffs are misused for purposes other than for food due to the greed for profit and might, take for example the biofuels used for powering machinery and engines. Lubricants will also be manufactured for these using foodstuffs, and these are only two of many examples with regard to the misuse of foodstuffs.

Climate change – caused by the overpopulation of your earthly humanity – will entail huge natural catastrophes which will become ever worse and also impinge on your own lives. As a result, in future ever more severe droughts and periods of cold weather as well as vast storms of all kinds, rain storms and fire storms brought forth by forest fires will scourge the entire Earth and bring about destructions full of Gewalt, as will also be the case due to an increase in earthquakes and undersea quakes, landslides, storm surges, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, floods and high tides. Therefore, in the course of the coming time, hundreds of thousands and even millions of you human beings will lose your lives, whilst others will not be able to withstand all the misery and will seek death at their own hands, others still will increasingly turn to drugs which have been partially legalised through the irrationality of those in power because they are too stupid to recognise the danger of drug addiction and its consequences, or because they themselves are profiting from the drug trade. Only very few people are troubled by the fact that this destroys the body, the psyche and even the life of the addicts, or by the fact that this means more and more murders and suicides take place as do rapes, criminal and unlawful deeds, and many of you people act like wild beasts, and this situation has existed for decades.

Therefore, criminality, crime and capital offences are increasing, as Gewalt is burgeoning unstoppably, indeed this is in relation to the increase in overpopulation. Gewalt-acts committed by young people are on the rise just as is their carrying and use of weapons of all kinds which they employ unscrupulously, resulting in the injury and even death of innocent people, as is also the case with extremist groups that carry out Gewalt-acts. Very many of you place less and less value on the physical and psychic integrity of people of your kind, as a result of which you harm your fellow human beings, injure them physically and psychically and you do not even shrink from killing and murdering them. By these means, the life of many of you will become truly catastrophic and hellish, and this will only come to an end when you are carried off by death.

However, this will not be sufficient in the future, because the addiction to pleasure and amusement as well as to holiday travel is increasing just as unstoppably and always entails an ever greater disaster, just as you men and women soon get divorced from one another and live apart, or if you come together frivolously and get married or live together in apparent friendship and companionship. And it will increasingly be the case that you as men and women embark on sexual relations with one another without getting to know one another more closely and, in wild passion, bring unwanted children into the world, who grow up without fathers and indeed never get to know their father. And, furthermore, in this way you will spread plagues such as AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis and other scourges, so that in this regard evil will spread from bed to bed and from person to person. Therefore in future, the sexuality that you human beings of Earth incorrectly believe to be true love will end up as an evil scourge. Good morality is increasingly becoming lost amongst you, as is righteousness, respect for life, love, decency and fairness.

True friendship, companionship, bonds and love are already hard to find, and are becoming more so, whilst freedom has long since become a charade and will remain so for a long time, as will peace. This is because actions are only predicated on what is currently popular – without any responsibility and entirely unscrupulously. Therefore, more and more parents are sexually abusing their own children, and abuse is taking place between siblings, as well as an increase in rapes between woman and man, woman and woman, man and man, whilst many ‹ecclesiastics› and educators, etc. are also sexually abusing those under their protection and more and more paedophiles are committing sexual crimes against children, as has already occurred in many cases. Just as immorality and sexual degeneracy have been propagated for years now in cinema and on television, this will continue in a much broader form in the future as well.

Whoever speaks and teaches the truth with regard to Creation and its laws and recommendations doesn't want to be listened to by you human beings of Earth for a long time, because your belief in all the false religions, sects, ideologies and various false philosophies as well as in politics keeps you imprisoned as if by steel claws. As a result, you will continue to allow these and the falsehoods of the false prophets to be spread by religious and sectarian ‹ecclesiastics›, around whom you cluster in blind belief, in obedience and listening to their lies saying that you should carry weapons in order to fight against those who are teaching the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations. And the false prophets and those of you who believe in them will speak about fairness, something which you however truly do not know, therefore you will commit murder in your delusion and fanaticism, as has already occurred in the case of religious and fanatical terrorists. Finally, there will no longer be any order amongst you human beings of Earth because vice and addictions, greed for might, jealousy, hatred, revenge and retribution are spreading everywhere, many amongst you are yielding to the urge to kill your fellow human beings, meaning that unbounded murder and destruction will take place more and more all over the world. Therefore, it will be as it has never before been, that you human beings will judge according to your blood and belief, that you as parents will cast out your own children and you as adults and young people will cast out the aged. And you will increasingly close your eyes to crimes that occur in your sight, to rapes of helpless and defenceless women, to sexual abuse of children as well as to evil and often fatal Gewalt-acts against your fellow human beings who are old, handicapped, weak and vulnerable. Increasingly, all kinds of human achievements will be deliberately and maliciously destroyed, plundered and robbed, deceitfulness will be practised and more and more lies and calumnies will prevail as well to your own advantage.

The greed for profit amongst those of you who control the use of foodstuffs, their planting and processing will lead to more and more hungry people joining the population of Earth, and it will be terrible to see the bones of the starving projecting through their skin, and how their wounds will fester, suppurate and be attacked by vermin. And it will become ever more terrible how many of you human beings will be driven, harried and killed like harmful game, whilst many others will flee and lose their lives in many ways during their flight. And yet, as is already the case today, the majority of you human beings of Earth will not pay any heed, because you turn your face away from the suffering of the refugees and do not do anything to enable them to live in their homeland, work and lead a life of dignity. Increasingly, you will only look after yourselves, and you will only be able to assuage your guilty conscience by giving small donations to the poor and suffering although your real motivation will be for everyone to think that you are a good person and you receive the small donations back many times over. Truly, the price of a human life is becoming ever cheaper, and more and more trafficking of human beings as slaves is going on, whether as slave workers, for prostitution, in the mercenaries or for organ trading, for the purpose of which healthy human beings amongst you are abducted, kidnapped, sold and slaughtered like livestock, to be robbed of your viscera, organs and body parts. And all of the people amongst you who are greedy for profit, you who conduct this sort of trafficking or are yourselves murderers, slaughterers and butchers of carcases, you will fight even over the blood of your murdered victims, just as you would over their skin and bones – and this has already become so commonplace at this time when the third millennium is opening, and therefore things will get very much worse in this way in the time to come. And human trafficking will not only be performed increasingly with adults, specifically with young women for the purposes of prostitution, but also with men for the purposes of slave work as well as with children who are put to work and sexually abused by paedophiles. And everything is becoming more and more commonplace in this form, just as the inviolability of your human dignity is being increasingly disregarded and forgotten. Therefore, it will be that you human beings of Earth will become increasingly brutalized, unscrupulous and will lapse further and further into savagery. Lying and deception will rule the world to an increasing extent, namely through the beggars amongst you just as much as through those of you who live as good citizens in normal and good prosperity, and this will be the case right up to you rich and ruling people.

Therefore, as never before in the history of earthly humanity, lying and deception as well as deceit, falseness and calumny as well as servitude through government will be held as the truth, and an ever greater calamity will be built upon it. And it will be increasingly the case that you people will be treated like animals for the slaughter, implanted with electronic data chips by means of which you will be controlled and robbed of freedom by authorities, public offices and governments, although in your ignorance you will think that you live as free people although you are in fact servants of the governments. In this way, public authorities, official bodies and those in government will rule over you in a way that has never happened before, meaning that you will no longer chart the course of your own fate in the collective, because this will be done by those who exercise total power and control over you. In this way, every one of you will be a servant and slave of authorities, public bodies and governments, or of those people in power and their vassals who possess power in this respect. Still, in the early part of the third millennium, there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity and rise up against these threatening future machinations of governments and the scientists and technicians who obey them, in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring. Overpopulation on Earth, it must be said again and again, will continue to rise due to the senselessness and the irresponsibility of your humanity of Earth.

However, this also happens due to the machinations of governments, their authorities and public bodies which promote offspring and act with equal levels of irresponsibility, as well as the sectarian stupidities of the Catholic church, which can indeed be called criminal and unlawful, or else those of the pope, clerics and priests who are misteaching the «Go forth and multiply» as a deceitful law of God. As a result, there will be ever more human beings who will have less and less space in which to live, and this space will become so small that you will end up by trampling one another to death. And you will move about more and more, spilling over the boundaries of your home country and leaving it, thereby dying, although very many of you will also travel the world aimlessly with the consequence that you will intermix and form liaisons more and more, leading to increasing numbers of families being torn apart and more and more mixed-race peoples arising, whilst pure peoples disappear to an increasing extent. As a result, however, you will become more and more foreign to one another, with the consequence that more and more hatred and enmities will arise, which will in turn lead to ever more conflicts between individuals and ultimately to death, manslaughter, criminality and wars with destructions full of Gewalt. Therefore, many of you will lapse into depravity, meaning that you will lose your own guidance, spread in all directions and go from one misfortune to the next. And as a result of the religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies that have lapsed into falseness and lying as well as deception and untruthfulness, you human beings of Earth are initially going even further astray and following the creational laws and recommendations even less, in order to live far from them and not to adhere to them. And indeed it will take a long time because this is the way that people act and you only want to guide your life according to your own laws, completely beyond the laws and recommendations as they have been given through the Creation that anchored everything in ancient times in the nature and the entire existence of the universe. In the way that you disregard and scorn the creational laws and recommendations, it will also be that you tread the natural guidance of nature into the ground to such an extent that women only continue to give birth to offspring whose sex has been determined in advance through selective precautions taken during conception, which will increasingly no longer be performed in a natural way, but artificially. It will also be the case and become the norm that in the case of natural conceptions, the embryo in the womb will be unscrupulously killed for no vital reason if its sex does not correspond to the wish of the mother or the father. In future time, it will be the case that very many of you human beings of Earth will think yourselves as Creation itself (in your religious, sectarian sense as God). The powerful ones of all kinds amongst you will seize ever more land and property and other belongings for themselves, including women, whom they will keep as prostitutes or as objects of prestige. Whereas the powerful ones amongst you will increasingly view the poor and weak as subhuman and as vermin, and will treat them accordingly, so that you who belong to this class will increasingly live in fear and the hatred in you will assume its most poisonous forms. However, all the items named here only represent the start, because in secret there is a mighty organisation of the governing class and powerful people as well as many of their obedient lackeys emerging from amongst your humanity, who are creating a secret order of darkness with their own evil laws and ordinances, who are bent on hatred for the poor and weak and against the economically imprisoned and all normal citizens.

And it is their desire to seize ever more power, more money and entire mastery over the whole Earth and your humanity for themselves, therefore it is spreading their evil supremacy over the world, supported by its obedient vassals of all kinds who are greedy for blood as well as profit. Even the powerful ones of the economy are feeling the might and obeying the evil laws of the dark order which is spreading its dangerous and fatal poison of hatred everywhere, into everything and against everyone who does not share the same opinion as the dark power. Therefore, you human beings of Earth are no longer active to any great extent, but take the path of idleness with an empty expression in your eyes, knowing not what you should do and where you should go, because you have nothing else to do that brings you joy and a good reward. And you human beings of Earth, both young and old, are the ones who can no longer set down any roots in your life, you wander, demoralized and hopeless, bereft of work and home, with the result that you fight yourselves in all things and you hate your present existence, to the extent of finally bringing it to an end yourself as has already been the case to an increasing extent since the twentieth century and will become ever more widespread in future. Therefore, with the third millennium, this time has already dawned in which these things have quickly found their beginning and will develop ever more rapidly the longer they persist.

As a result, the number of diseases and plagues is increasing, as is the number of illnesses that severely impair drinking water and bodies of water because of poisons of various kinds, as well as the air, soil and foodstuffs which grow on trees and bushes as well as in fields, woods, gardens and greenhouses. And still your efforts to counteract all the disasters are in vain, as are your attempts to put a brake on this development, because it is becoming greater and greater and more catastrophic with every day, indeed with every hour and every minute, standing in relation to the rapid increase in overpopulation. Therefore, you human beings of Earth want to resurrect all that has been destroyed so far because of your guilt and lack of rationality as well as irresponsibility, just as you want to keep what has remained whole, all your efforts in this direction are in vain because you do not come to the right conclusion in rationality. And the correct decision is plainly and simply that a global birth control must radically stop overpopulation and, in this way, your earthly humanity be reduced to an extent that is appropriate for the planet and for nature, in which case this extent has been defined in accordance with nature and the planet for the whole Earth at 529 million people.

Through your senselessness, you human beings of Earth, the rainforests are dying ever faster, resulting in extensive deserts being created at an ever increasing speed, whilst the glaciers and poles are melting resulting in increasing sea levels swallowing up valuable land, meaning that millions of you will be driven from your homes and your land which you used to be able to cultivate. Besides this, ever more powerful thunderstorms will rage, starting many fires and killing many of you as well your livestock, whilst ever more severe flash floods of water will fall from the clouds like veritable deluges destroying and flooding everything, and exacting many deaths. This will occur at the same as droughts parch the land in other places, destroying woods, villages, towns and your homes with vast fires. Through all this and due to the exhaust emissions from chimneys, factories and engines of all kinds which emit particulates and CO2, the air will be increasingly charged with smoke and poisonous emissions as well as with radioactivity, biotoxins and chemicals, resulting in many of you human beings becoming ill and dying. And furthermore, mighty earthquakes and undersea earthquakes will shake Earth, in ever-increasing magnitude, destroying entire cities and razing them to the ground, just like many other things will be destroyed that have been built through senselessness and will continue to be built although the prophetic and predictive warning has been spoken against them.

In this way, landslides and mudslides, etc. will bury homes and villages whilst in other places tectonic movements, underground mining, cavities and watercourses will rend Earth's surface asunder, causing homes and other buildings to sink into the ground. You human beings of Earth, however, choose not to learn from this because you are obstinate and do not want to hear the prophetic and predictive warnings. And in this stubbornness many impoverished and poor people as well as shady characters amongst you will increasingly degenerate, therefore the plunder will assume ever worsening forms, in particular wherever others of you human beings are in need, fleeing their homes and having to leave their property behind. Just like the sun is shining dangerously already at the beginning of the third millennium because the ozone layer around Earth has been seriously damaged and permeated, the sun will in future burn Earth even more and bring great harm to the entire world and all forms of life, including to you human beings who will increasingly suffer from skin cancer and severe eye complaints, etc. However, it is not only the sun that will bring great harm to your earthly humanity and the planet, but undersea volcanoes will cause great destruction and boil the waters of the seas leading to the death of very many more of the water-dwelling life forms that have not already been exterminated by you human beings.

During these submarine and also underground movements, forces will be unleashed that will cause certain continents or part of them to disappear under water. However, all of this contributes to the situation that you are like humiliated dogs in your deceptive belief in religions and sects, shivering in the error of your deluded beliefs that God is punishing the world for your misdeeds, although you do not recognize that everything bad and all the catastrophes have been and will be caused exclusively and solely through your own guilt, in which case the ever more rampant overpopulation represents the principal reason for all evil degeneracies. The sects that have arisen from all religions, ideologies and philosophies will in future become ever more greedy, sneaky, scrupulous and aggressive, at the same time misusing modern science and the Internet for their criminal and irresponsible purposes.

In this way, they are using everything that is criminal and unlawful, and even suicidal and murderous as well as terrorist machinations belong to the deceitful message of salvation by means of which new disciples and believers are led astray and made obedient. The religions, sects, ideologies and false philosophies disseminate like poisonous and dangerous viruses which adapt to their changing environment – and they tie their nets in an ever more perfidious way with regard to super-modern electronic soul-catching, using ever more modern means, continuously attracting more and more academics and other educated people amongst you and placing them under their spell. And a further disaster, that more and more academics and other highly educated people are being recruited as sect members is due to the fact that you attempt to satisfy your delusion through them, which consists in the cloning of animals and people in accordance with your notions and wishes because you want to have once again what you have lost and are losing through death.

And you are doing this whilst at the same time in free nature, in the air, the soil, on the ground and in the waters, you are exterminating species after species and breed after breed of life in an irresponsible way, irrespective of the flimsy reasons for doing this. In this way, you are raising yourselves up to the most evil of all evils while deluding yourself that you are good and Creation itself, which you completely fail to recognise due to your religious and sectarian delusions, and wrongly believe it to be a divinity. Ever more fear, poison and hopelessness will envelop you human beings of Earth, and even your children will be afflicted by this when they are set upon by their parents or slave traders, sexually abused, tortured, thrashed and sold. Therefore, however, fear, poison and hopelessness will also threaten the consciousness development of many of you, meaning that you will become apathetic and devoid of rationality. Indeed, there is nothing astonishing about this, because you human beings are being forced ever further away from the truth by false, misleading and irresponsible religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, as a result of which fewer and fewer of you will recognise the effective truth of creational laws and recommendations, and therefore ever fewer of you will follow them.

Therefore, the change to the better, for good and the best will take a long time because only when the bulk of your earthly humanity aspires for it will the great change come to the real learning of the real truth and for acting in this way. For the moment, however, you human beings of Earth believe yourselves to be God and do not know that this is only a figure of delusion invented by human beings which has nothing to do with the effective, all-embracing Creation or with the universal consciousness. And still for a long time you will not recognise that you are no more and no less than you were at your birth: small, a human being, unknowing and helpless without the effects of creational laws and recommendations.

And since you do not yet recognise this fact, you believe yourself to be a divinity, to have might over life and death, and therefore you create, cultivate and cherish evil, wage wars, thirst for revenge, retribution and blood, you allow yourselves to be guided by jealousy and rage and, whenever the opportunity presents itself, you reach out for might, profit and material wealth. At the same time, you do not realise that you are destroying everything around you in your blind rage and thereby accepting the total destruction of the planet and all forms of life, together with yourselves, and you are unstoppably and vastly promoting this on the Earth through limitless cultivation of overpopulation. Therefore, it can be said of you human beings of Earth that you are stunted in your consciousness, in your rationality and in your intellect. On the other hand, however, you possess the forces of a giant in all your lack of intellect, in your irrationality, in your hatred, in your bellicosity and disharmony and also in your urge for revenge, retribution, addiction to war and rage as well as in your destructive compulsiveness. And in this way you are taking huge steps in your present existence and into the future of the third millennium, steps which are leading you completely astray so you do not know which path you now should follow, although you have filled your heads with all kinds of book learning which does not bring you any cognition with regard to life and Creation as well as its laws and recommendations.

Therefore you do not know why you are living and dying at all, because the world of Creation-conditioned growing and decay is as strange to you as the effective creational truth itself, so that you merely curse about your life in ignorance, then return to wailing and waving your arms like lunatics. You fanatics amongst the believers in religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies – many Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists as well as believers in their sects – you are continuously increasing in enmity with one another, you set about one another, practice terrorist acts and cut one another's throats, assassinate people with bombs and even wage war in your own families and ranks. In doing so, you are all caught up in your own religious and sectarian delusion, namely that your belief is the only right one and that you must defend it with human blood, whereas in fact you are far away from the real truth and do not know the creational laws and recommendations.

Therefore, thanks to your efforts, death makes progress everywhere, whilst you stand opposed to the effective creational truth with your doubts, and regard it as an evil might. In so doing, however, you will be excluded from human life and be without rights, those of you who have nothing else to sell for your delusion than your own life, which you throw away in suicidal acts. And you are cast out and expelled by all those who are not with you and who want peace, security and calm, in which case your threats and snarling will not bring you any benefit. Although you hear about the prophecies and predictions, in your religious and sectarian blindness you are, however, unable to recognize the effective truth, therefore you only vegetate in your own barbarity, and continue to spread death and destruction. And many amongst you human beings of Earth, you close your own eyes to this because you incorrectly believe that you are safe whilst, however, fear and suspicion gnaws away inside you and pursues you step by step, so that you have neither rest nor repose. Truly, it will take about another 800 years before you human beings of Earth finally wake up and until the majority of you slowly make an effort to give the creational truth and the laws of Creation and its recommendations their right. Only after this time will the ‹Goblet of Truth› or the ‹teaching of the true prophets› as well as the ‹spiritual teaching› and the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life› slowly begin to bear fruit. Only then will you human beings learn to establish good interpersonal and true personal relationships with one another, to understand one another and then finally live in truth, peace, love, freedom and harmony. Only then will it come about that your earthly humanity will become united, a oneness in which case the best language will be chosen from all the languages of all peoples in order to make this into a single and uniform global language, although all other languages of all peoples will be retained. And through this world language, every person will be able to understand the other, irrespective of which people he or she belongs to. And this will then be the time when you human beings of Earth will fly through the broad expanse of space in an effective way, creating new living spaces for yourselves. And this will be both on alien worlds in the depths of the universe, as well as in and under the waters of Earth, on the moon and in Earth orbit. And this will therefore also be the time that you human beings will become taller in general and achieve a very ripe age, communicating peacefully with one another, being friendly and helpful to one another. Also true and good knowledge will grow amongst you human beings, and you will gain and discover more and more and larger and larger secrets of life as well as the creational laws, secrets of the present existence and the universe.

From this, you will learn, understand and follow everything, growing ever more in line with the creational laws and recommendations, understanding, using, learning and following them. However, this is not the merit of you men, but of you women who take up the staff of leadership and of dignity and steer the situation of you human beings of Earth, because your womanly intelligence and your sense of love, peace, freedom, human dignity, equality and harmony are directed in this way and stop the affectations of you men with regard to war, Gewalt and many kinds of degeneracy. Therefore, after all the millennia of evil, degeneracy, Gewalt-acts, disharmony, lovelessness, lack of freedom and lack of peace, womanhood will radiate hope and happiness as well as the lightness of life in which now all dreams come true that are oriented towards true love, peace, freedom and harmony – and yet it will take a long time until then because the path out of barbarity and into the good future is a long and tortuous one. And yet you will find the regulation again, together with Earth, with your climate, nature, your woods and plants and the waters which will once again be pure and healthy, the desert areas that will once again be awakened into life, because everything will once again be directed in accordance with creational laws and recommendations and their fulfilment. And in this way, in the restored regulation, you will heal diseases and prevent plagues before they occur, and each of you will know how to help yourself as well as how to help your neighbours. The entire change to the better, for good and the best which you women of Earth will achieve, will also end the poverty of many of you human beings of Earth, because the wisdom and kindheartedness of women will mean that they will be cared for from now on in oy and true humanity, and there will no longer merely be a taking and demanding something back.

And therefore now each of you human beings will be there for your neighbours and also for other fellow human beings in good interpersonal relationships, therefore loneliness will no longer exist and you will recognise and accept one another as human beings without conceit with regard to belonging to a particular people, the colour of one's skin, one's opinion, language or the status of knowledge and education. Truly, all this goodness is so near to you if only you knew how to grasp it, understand and use it, which is something that you cannot yet do however, and therefore goodness is so near and yet so far from you because you first need to find the right path to it as has been laid down for you in the creational laws and recommendations that you can read and follow in free nature. You human beings of Earth, you are however mistakenly directed in your thoughts and feelings so that you will first have to suffer great damage and fall into chaos and catastrophes before you turn to the effective truth and follow it.

Therefore, you need an iron fist to guide you, and you can find this in the ‹Goblet of Truth›, in the ‹teaching of the prophets› and therefore also in the ‹spiritual teaching› which is the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life› as has been given over billions of years, brought forth by Nokodemion, carried to Earth from a far-off galaxy and taught by seven prophet personalities from his line of spirit-form. And this ‹teaching of the prophets›, teaches that you do not need to fear death because you have many lives, and therefore you will learn from the ‹Goblet of Truth› and the ‹spiritual teaching› or the ‹teaching of truth›, the ‹teaching of spirit›, the ‹teaching of life› and become knowing in the things that go round life and death. And so you will also be knowing of the creational and natural laws and recommendations which teach you that your spirit will never cease to exist, but will continue to exist endlessly and ultimately will unite with Creation, the universal consciousness.

Semjase Silver Star Center, 20 August 2008, 5:39 p.m. Billy
