Diferenças entre edições de "Plejaren Federation"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Linha 155: Linha 155:
* Adolf Hitler was influenced by extraterrestrials.
* Adolf Hitler was influenced by extraterrestrials.
* AIDs originated in Africa from beastiality with long-tailed monkeys.
* AIDs originated in Africa from beastiality with long-tailed monkeys.
* Many in USA suffer from an diagnosed, irreversible psychosis, psycho-persecution-delusion.
* Many in USA suffer from an undiagnosed, irreversible psychosis, psycho-persecution-delusion.
* 40,353,607 races originally evolved in the universe, all Earth humans come from the same ancient race, more recently lived on different planets however.
* 40,353,607 races originally evolved in the universe, all Earth humans come from the same ancient race, more recently lived on different planets however.
* Coral reefs began on land, evolved when flooded.
* Coral reefs began on land, evolved when flooded.

Revisão das 10h03min de 6 de outubro de 2018

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

Similar page Plejaren.

Introduction and Overview

The Plejaren Federation is an organised arrangement of civilisations from star systems located mostly within the Milky Way galaxy with a minority being extra-galactic members.[1] The dimension or space-time configuration of member star systems also varies.

All sentient races throughout the universe are referred to as human beings even though some would be considered inhuman[2] and perhaps even horrifying in appearance by typically primitive or misguided Earthlings.

Billy Meier is the last surviving Earthling who has had contact with members of this Federation of civilizations. He will continue to sustain the communication in interpersonal form until his death. There were four others who also had contacts with the Federation, all of whom are now dead. The dutiful task of the Federation is to preserve the evolving and already existing human life in the cosmos. Some of their ancestors were our ancestors who lived upon the Earth until 2000 years ago when many migrated back to the Tayget/Plejares/Plejara system.


These names have been derived from the planetary names in the Contact Statistics article and are likely to be incorrect.


  • 127,000,000,000 humans[5]

Highest Council


  • Primary language: Kosan
  • Number of languages: ~127,000

See Plejaren page.

Known Member Star Systems

  • Akon of the DAL Universe
  • Bardan of the Coma Galaxy in the DERN Universe
  • Cygnus of the DERN Universe
  • Lyra of the DERN Universe
  • Nol of the DERN Universe
  • Plejares / Tayget of the DERN Universe
  • Timar of the DAL Universe
  • Wega of the DERN Universe


  • Diameter: 7,000,000,000,000 light-years.[context and citation needed]


Plejaren Federation in the Contact Reports

Contact Report 003

By Semjase of Erra

13. We are not the so-called superhumans or super-beings that people on Earth like to label us from their own lack of knowledge and within their own imagination.

14. We are also not teachers, missionaries or trailblazers.

15. We only have the dutiful task to preserve the evolving and already existing human life in the cosmos.

16. This means that we endeavour to keep order and monitor certain life.

17. We generate contacts here and there with inhabitants of different worlds if our directives allow us, single out some of them, and provide them with explanations, but only if a race is developing towards a higher level and slowly starts thinking.

18. Then we slowly familiarize them with the thought that they are not the only thinking beings in the universe.

19. Now and then we also assist telepathically to instil certain cognitions toward the discovery of technical inventions that are needed at the present time.

30. We are neither guardians nor overseers of terrestrial humankind; we feel obligated to them only because our ancient forefathers were their forefathers prior to their escape from Earth due to self-induced catastrophes by a few power-hungry people, before escaping to the Pleiades—exactly as you have deduced and calculated in the last few decades according to your knowledge.

Diet and nutrition

The vast majority of them over most of the worlds in the Federation are human beings as we would know them.

They feed on similar things as we do, on mineral, vegetable as well as on animal products and in balanced measure, in moderation, as we do. Their main foods are fruits and vegetables and because they're omnivores like we are they reject purely vegetarian diets, because such a form of nutritional arrangement, so they have fathomed, can have negative effects e.g. in the activity of thoughts and in an individuals abilities to react consciously in the normal way, and the vegan diet, so they have fathomed, leads interestingly to a hyperactivity positive-degeneration. The consequence of which is apparently the loss of an individuals healthy critical-analysis abilities, whereby a person eventually is no longer able to distinguish the real from the unreal. This situation apparently happened in ancient times e.g. with the Sirians. Too little vegetable food and too little fruit or an excess of animal products has exactly the opposite effect, according to their discovery, namely a sluggishness of thought and slower reactions as well as a certain irascibility, easily angered and in some cases an uncontrollable wildness, which often degenerate into senseless aggressions; a way, which is also not exactly desired.

It's not a good idea to draw comparisons to fantasy fiction film narratives but in this case in the film Warcraft 2016, this dietary balance between races plays an important role in the progression of the narrative and is demonstrated well. There are big heavy sluggish meat eating human orcs who rely on their strength in combat and much smaller regular humans who therefore and resultingly have to rely on being clever in combat. A vegetarian race in such a situation by comparison would have no place. This is why the Plejaren recommend that races do not soften themselves too quickly by changing over to a vegan diet immediately over one generation.

Influences in Earth History

  • Assisted the education of several Prophets of truth, truth bringers, through more recent Earth history, see Event Timeline for perspective on the term recent.
  • Some level of protection for and on behalf of Earth, from interstellar aggression and intrigues.[6]
  • Deported from Earth and subsequently imprisoned the Giza Intelligences (The Bafath) in 1978.[7]
  • Decreased the orbital period of The Destroyer comet, from 575.5 to 1180 years, at some time during the 20th century. Then later on redirected it entirely, so that it will never again threaten the Earth with another great flood,[8] see The Great Deluge.
  • Prevented testing of a weapon of mass destruction that would have destroyed the Earth within a few seconds, in the 20th century.
  • Established and now continuously conducting the Peace Meditation, since 1983, which has helped end some political confusion, ending certain dictatorships and averting WW3.[9] World War 4 if the Seven Years' War is included in the listing.
  • Assisted telepathically, with impulses, see Spirit Teaching, to instil certain cognitions leading to the discovery of technical and medical inventions that were needed at that present time.[10] We would have got past oil in the 20th century were the economics not great.[citation needed]

see Ficheiro:Regarding Plejaren Unconscious Thought Impulses.pdf

Communication with Earth humans

see Why Billy Meier.


Citations required, please check on the Index.

  • Earth needs an absolute birth suspension followed by permanent birth control measures to reduce Overpopulation.
  • FIGU is not directed toward destroying religions, sects, faith, they live by the rule of tolerance and refrain from proselytizing.
  • The truth is humans must always bear their own responsibility, applies to all thoughts, feelings, contemplations and endeavors.
  • Folks should not believe things or statements presented to them, must always check.
  • Climate Change 50%+ our fault, Overpopulation.
  • We share ancestry with extraterrestrials. Evas is what they called the mixed race half extraterrestrials back then and Semjasa called his son Adam.
  • We are living wrongly on Earth.
  • Anunnaki is mythology.
  • World War II demanded 53,874,328 victims.
  • Earth Politics and Religions in current form are adverse to nature.
  • We have to make a global government at some time or another.
  • We must dissolve military that leans toward war and political and military secret services.
  • We need to form worldwide team of security and safety agents to replace military and from every nation.
  • Creative-natural laws, maths and science should be taught worldwide instead of religion, prevent under 18's exposure to religion.
  • Easter Island had extraterrestrials living alongside locals for a while.
  • Loch ness monster is a real Plesiosaurus.
  • Elephants have an extraordinarily advanced instinct-consciousness and instinct-psyche.
  • Must clean up forests, meadows, water, atmosphere, and damage to plants, humans, animals, and microorganisms.
  • No Jesus Christ
  • No God
  • Bible extensively falsified.
  • Reincarnation is real
  • We have a Spirit
  • Not possible to contact the dead.
  • Some biblical stories happened, but distorted.
  • Meditation helps calm down, breathing exercises helps health.
  • Evolution is real and fact, however Charles Darwin modified some of the bones.
  • Several root languages are of extraterrestrial origin.
  • Some Earthquakes and resulting tsunamis are man-made.
  • White, Black, Asian races of extraterrestrial origin.
  • Carbon dating is not accurate, may be off by a thousand years.
  • Extraterrestrials made Neanderthals, later killed and mated with them, creating anatomically modern humans.
  • Atlantis was one of many globalisations, prehistory.
  • Asteroid belt planet, Malona, humans destroyed.
  • We're genetically modified, Ageing 10 times faster than normal for human beings.
  • We have a particularly short history because of Ageing pace, abnormal to visiting extraterrestrials, Plejaren have to explain that to visitors on our behalf.
  • Mars was once inhabited.
  • In ancient times, todays west was in the north and todays east was in the south, why we find buried jungles etc.
  • Aid to the third-world causes dependency and later immigration.
  • International sanctions is stupid.
  • Must end torture and capital punishment worldwide.
  • Nuclear weapon testing created a strange wobble in Earth's orbit, caused climate changes and animals to loose sense of direction, stranding.
  • Common cold caused by thinking.
  • Cancer can be prevented, caused by lifestyle, many cancers caused by nuclear testing.
  • Many Earth leaders are the difficult to diagnose type of psychopath.
  • Prison time is too short.
  • Apollo 11 and 13 was staged.
  • Various aircraft hijackings and disappearances.
  • TWA flight 800 was gunned down by military, thought it was a UFO.
  • Adolf Hitler was influenced by extraterrestrials.
  • AIDs originated in Africa from beastiality with long-tailed monkeys.
  • Many in USA suffer from an undiagnosed, irreversible psychosis, psycho-persecution-delusion.
  • 40,353,607 races originally evolved in the universe, all Earth humans come from the same ancient race, more recently lived on different planets however.
  • Coral reefs began on land, evolved when flooded.
  • Horse imported from north america not other way around.
  • Avocado ancient genetic modification.
  • Additional 'bodies' in solar system, including a binary star.
  • We had Beamships in ancient times.
  • Civilization destroyed/restarted many times on Earth, dangerous system.
  • Giza Pyramids & many others made by extraterrestrials using lazers and pillow of waves, reconstructed recently using primitive methods.
  • The Big Bang Theory is real, more than one and has a cycle of expansion and contraction.
  • Area 51 (or other facility) has various flying saucers.
  • Roswell 'aliens' were android humans, no spirit-form, eyes more slitty however, crash caused by radar testing experiments.
  • Some, very few, of the crop circles were real.
  • This is China's century and may be the next superpower.
  • Cattle mutilations were by military and secret service people, to create xenophobia toward extraterrestrials.
  • One of the Plejaren Federation races have been instructed to show their spaceships to individuals reading Billy Meier.
  • WTC terrorism, Hiroshima, Princess Diana etc, tsunami & disasters etc many prophecied years before happening, as did computer, mobile phones, RFID chips and drones and future things.
  • Plejaren Federation can walk among us invisible in dimension, but not allowed to interfere.
  • Civilization is built on sand.
  • Plejaren live in another dimension permanently, Plejaren Federation however is spread over several dimensions.
  • Akashic records i.e. stored impulses are real.
  • We're living on the edge of a future disaster which will be the worst the planet has ever seen, in any epoch, Overpopulation.
  • Tunguska event was a spaceship
  • Extraterrestrials are forbidden by law to openly freely reveal themselves to us.
  • Extraterrestrials have lived on Earth at various times, bases and in small communities.
  • FIGU has the biggest UFO photograph collection because they allowed Billy to take the photos.
  • Some extraterrestrial races are dangerous and we will encounter them soon in history.
  • Additional fundamental forces to be discovered, 7 in total.
  • Billy is not allowed to tell us some things, sworn to secrecy.
  • If we change one single genetic strand, we can live for 500-1000 years, and that is a normal length of life for a human being, we are abnormal.
  • Green atmospheres are the best, not blue.
  • Overpopulation causes overall intelligence to go down not up.
  • Earth has 20% oxygen, we need 30%.
  • Earth is considered a water world. All oceans put together x2 is in ground, even under many deserts.
  • In ancient times some agreement was made with extraterrestrials called the codex.
  • Yeti/Bigfoot exists, 4 types.
  • Extraterrestrials helped Albert Einstein with unconscious impulses.
  • Plejaren helped us discover many things with unconscious impulses since 1844.
  • Thousands of large animals on Earth not yet discovered.
  • Ambassadors from hundreds of races have visited Earth, majority are in the federation however.
  • Billy was educated by Plejaren Federation from early age, that's why he knows many things.

Further Reading



  1. Contact Report 257
  2. not human in nature or character
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 Contact Statistics
  4. FIGU Bulletin 59
  5. Message from the Pleiades, Volume 1, Page 226
  6. Contact Report 424 - "for a long time, we were not able to watch altogether everything pertaining to flights of beings foreign to earth."
    "The fact is, that since 1800 until now 2006 the flying objects observed from outer space solely belonged to us Plejarens and the five others mentioned who joined our federation and those we could not contact and have remained foreign to us."
  7. Giza Intelligences
  8. The Destroyer
  9. Contact Report 136
  10. Contact Report 003