Diferenças entre edições de "Earth"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
Linha 95: Linha 95:
[[File:Guardian of the earth.jpg|thumbnail|right]]
[[File:Guardian of the earth.jpg|thumbnail|right]]
==Further Reading==
==Further Reading==
* [[Planets]]
* [[Planets]] - [[Terra]] - [[Erra]] - [[Malona]] - [[Mars]]  
* [[Event Timeline]] - Earth
* [[Event Timeline]] - of Earth
* [[Contact_Report_238#Pages_406_to_413|Contact Report 238 - pages 406 to 413 - The ages of the celestial bodies]]
* [[Contact_Report_238#Pages_406_to_413|Contact Report 238 - pages 406 to 413 - The ages of the celestial bodies]]
* [[Contact Report 236|Contact Report 236 - pages 261 to 262 - The chronology of the arrival of the different Earth peoples]]
* [[Contact Report 236|Contact Report 236 - pages 261 to 262 - The chronology of the arrival of the different Earth peoples]]

Revisão das 10h43min de 25 de setembro de 2016

The Great Barrier Reef seen from space. Earths largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 individual islands.
Much of the Atlantic coast of the United States seen from space. From Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C almost to Rhode island. Long Island and New York lower right quadrant, Pennsylvania near centre. Two Russian spacecraft in foreground.
The Himalayas seen from space. The mountain range in Asia separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau.
David Attenborough, a history of particularly good narration of instructional documentaries about Earths faunal and floral life. BBC Television.
  • 646 billion years ago Earth's gases came together through a densification process.
  • 46 billion years ago the solid body of Earth began to form.
  • 5 billion years ago Earth first became solid and the first primeval life began.
  • The process of development of the pure-Earth human can be classified into 3 principal phases when it concerns a physically recognisable human.
  1. 8.5-6 million years ago.
  2. 4.8-4.5 million years ago.
    • 4.5 million years ago the human developed reason and understanding
  3. 3.9-1.5 million years ago.
  • 500,000 years ago the first tools were invented.
  • The human races on Earth are a mixture of species that are both indigenous and extraterrestrial in origin.
  • Darwin's theory of evolution was a deception.[1]
    • The ape actually descended from the human primate.
  • Neanderthal
  • The Sol star system contains the planet Earth.
  • Overpopulation

The Situation of Earth

The situation of Earth is threatening, and indeed in many different aspects: concerning the overpopulation, the military affairs and arms industry, the contamination of the entire world through poisons of all kind and radioactivity, the felony, might politics, drug addiction, irrational religions, earth-wide mismanagement in all areas, financial exploitation, etc., misuse of chemicals and poisons, terrorism, racial hatred, human trafficking, prostitution, anarchism, irrational evocation of the dead, spirits and demons, acts of war and revolutions, etc., etc. What can be done against this? First and foremost, an immediate reduction of the earthly human population, through a humane form of a worldwide stop in births, with a subsequent follow-up of permanent birth control.

If no stop in births and no birth control is initiated to keep the number of human beings on Earth in bearable limits (529 million would be the normal number of inhabitants on Earth), the problems will increase infinitely, and one terrible thing will entail the next one because the human population grows continually and likewise the problems and become unsolvable. At the same time, the elimination of various damages, according to their cause and effect, is of irrevocable necessity and a most urgent requirement.

The Plejaren themselves suggested that the following important measures be taken to end the destruction of Earth:

  • As mentioned, for several years there must be an absolute stop in birth followed by a permanent birth control.
  • Immediate end of ALL exploitation of the earth, including the exploitation of the forests and the devastation of entire landscapes, etc., until a bearable, acceptable level for the earth has been reached.
  • Stop of all nuclear tests.
  • Stop of production for the abuse of certain narcotic drugs, other drugs and nature- and life-damaging chemicals and poisons and every misuse.
  • Destruction of all existing nuclear power stations.
  • Stop of mismanagement of any kind.
  • Furthermore abolition of wrong politics and irrational religions in the current inadequate forms, which are against nature and the Creation.
  • Formation of a global unity government in a unity-democratic form.
  • Dissolution of all war-directed military blocks, and of all political and military secret services.
  • Dissolution and prevention of all war activities and revolutions, etc.
  • Abolition of the torture and the capital punishment and of all other life- and Earth-burdening and -affecting badnesses and shortcomings of all kind.
  • Formation of a worldwide and peoples-connecting and peoples-protecting troops of order and of security, consisting of members from all existing peoples and races on Earth.
  • Global spreading of the laws and recommendations of the Creation and the learning and following of the resulting mode of life which is in accordance with the Creation and therefore also human and human-worthy.
  • Worldwide furtherance and realisation of the compensation of all the created damages caused to the land, forests, meadows, water, atmosphere, plants, human beings, animals and other creatures, and microorganisms.[2]


Not all earthquakes should be blamed on humankind and its applied technology; many are of purely natural origin and are connected with the natural developmental cycles of Earth, even though the human being must be blamed for triggering some devastating earthquakes, for instance through the construction of artificial lakes, overexploitation of oil and gas, as well as through the construction of gigantic cities.[3]

Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Extreme Weather

Tornadoes and hurricanes are closely connected to Climate Changes often associated with the human being's mismanagement against nature, e.g., the cutting down of entire forests, the construction of river barrages and artificial lakes, the destruction of cultivated land through harmful chemicals and poisons, the overfertilisation and clearing and devastation of land, etc., Atom-bomb tests, the activities and their consequences of nuclear power plants, the burning of fossil energy sources, and the utilisation of modern chemicals and poisons.[4]

Ozone, Ozone Layer and Ozone Holes

The destruction of the ozone layer is caused by the same human carelessness, sloppy work and bungling, mainly through the usage of fluorinated hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, nuclear radiations, and through released exhaust gases etc., from the explosive [combustion] engines (Further reading: Ozone). The growing destruction of the ozone layer, and the resulting dangers, can only be resolved through a rapid global agreement to prohibit the production, use and freeing of all substances, destroying the ozone layer.[5]

Nuclear threat

The nuclear threat is a war-technical insanity of the human beings of Earth and in every sense against the Creation and nature. Moreover, it is the monstrosity of schizophrenic, insane, war-game addicted fools and psychopaths without a trace of responsibility. The military, as well as the peaceful use of nuclear energy, have endless dangers inherent in themselves which the human beings of Earth will not be able to control for a long time to come. Furthermore, radioactive radiations are released through the radioactive decay which are still completely unknown to the earthly scientists of nuclear physics and which they cannot even dream of.[6]

AIDS - exclusively earthbound disease

The origin of the rampantly spreading disease AIDS lies in Uganda, Africa, from where the disease had spread to Haiti before finding its way to the whole world through sodomistically[7] [bestiality][8] perverted homosexuals. AIDS came about through sodomistical actions with long-tailed monkeys, which naturally carry the AIDS virus in themselves without being detrimental to them. The inception and transmission occurred through acts of sodomy and later also through sodomistic-homosexual activities. The Plejaren have explained that a cure for the disease may only be found by medical researchers on Earth when it is almost too late, as the disease will have spread worldwide by then. They themselves have no medication for this exclusively earthbound disease.[9]

Why are the Plejaren interested in the destiny of Earth

The Plejaren are interested in the destiny of Earth because they feel responsible for the past misdeeds, irrational teachings and irrational religions, misguidance and other badnesses which their Lyranian/lyranischen and Vegan/weganischen ancestors presented and inflicted to the earth-born inhabitants in the early days of the development of the human being of Earth. Already in those early days, the human beings of Earth joyfully accepted the irrational teachings of the extraterrestrials and perfected them licentiously and self-willingly, in their absolute own responsibility up to the point of ausartung,[10] as this ausartung is in danger to grow out of control in all kinds of fields. Therefore, the blame cannot be pushed solely onto the extraterrestrials, but must mostly and explicitly be searched for in the complete willingness of the human beings of Earth, because they invented and over-fulfilled the measure of all terrible things, whereas the extraterrestrials only brought the bad things of the delusional leading. Nonetheless, the Plejaren feel responsible for the wrongdoing of their very early ancestors, as well as for the incurring ausartungen[11] of the human being of Earth who has opened the floodgates to all this insanity through his/her conscienceless willingness and imperiousness, and until now has been wallowing in terrestrial delightfulness and pleasures ever since.[12]


Religion as the human being of Earth knows and practises it, in form of his/her worship of god, worship of saints, and belief in gods, is an abomination to the Plejaren. They consider this form of religion something that is at all times unprovable and contradicts all true and logical foundations of the creational laws and recommendations and the rationality and the intellect and is built up on a blind belief based on cult activities that are strange to the Creation, as well as irrational teachings, lies and falsifications. Religion in the sense and understanding of the human being of Earth is completely against, strange to and breaking the true and primal Creation-teaching and manifests a deprivation of the consciousness-based freedom of the human being. So religion also represents a brutal, felonious and exploitative enslavement of the human consciousness, up to the complete dependence, bondage and lack of will, all the way to the uncontrollable fanaticism and insanity, pathological demonic obsession and complete irrational mental dumbing down.[13]

What is this legend that 3 million years ago 144,000 Plejaren souls incarnated on Earth to further the development of this planet

This legend has no truth in it whatsoever. The first extraterrestrials who came to Earth were not Plejaren but human beings from worlds which exist in another dimension in the area of the Lyra and Vega systems. The first Lyranians/Lyraner, together with the Vegans/Weganer, came to Earth for the first time 22 million years ago. Their stay here was very brief and they took off to other star forms and planets, and their further history remains mostly in the dark, although shock troops came to visit Earth every now and then.

Approximately 389,000 years ago, several million Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer again took off from their home worlds, got into the space-time configuration of our dimension, and came to Earth where they mixed with the earthly human life forms, created descendants in a normal kind and wise as well as through genetic manipulations by genetic engineers. Through the normal procreation, lyranian-earthly mixed descendants came into being, whereas through the genetic manipulation human-animals and animal-humans as well as giants, titans and all sorts of other creatures were created. Over the hundreds and thousands of years these creatures were displaced again or died out because they were not procreative or because the conditions of life were deadly for them.

These many millions of Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer, who had left their home worlds, were headed by 144,207 leader personalities and sub-leaders, etc., who ruled over their followers in a rather hierarchic form, and this might they also transferred onto the human beings of Earth, with whom they had come together to create descendants of various kinds. These 144,207 leader and sub-leader personalities were actually ringleaders who were then decisively responsible that lots of misdeeds, irrational teachings and irrational religions could come up and take root on Earth and amongst human beings. But the leaders not only brought terrible and erroneous things and misdeeds to Earth against their better knowledge, but also many good things of the handicraft, the philosophy and the thinking, the medicine and technology and many other things. Therefore these 144,207 spirit-forms of these ancient Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer were not reincarnated on Earth from another planet in order to further the development of this planet and they were also not Plejaren, but simply Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegan/Weganer. It was much later that the descendants of the splinter space-traveller groups of Lyra and Vega called themselves Plejaren – these splinter groups stayed away from Earth, while the other travellers from Lyra and Vega settled on Earth –, after suitable habitable worlds had been discovered and colonised in the area of the Plejaren. These worlds, however, just like the Lyranian/lyranischen and Vegan/weganischen planets, are located outside of our space-time configuration, so therefore in another dimension, a mere fraction of a second off our space-time configuration. On the Pleiades star cluster in our present time and space there exists no life whatsoever because the Pleiades are still at a very early stage in their development.

Of course the immigrated Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer, as well as the 144,207 leader personalities remained on Earth. Consequently they died over the course of time on Earth, in order to incarnate again and again over all the time since then into human bodies on Earth, however, without any memory of their former lives, as this is given for all human life forms through creational laws and recommendations, so that there will be no chaos and confusion in the human thinking and feeling. Nonetheless, all these fallible ones who had come to Earth, were unified by an Jschwjsch, and were taught all the necessary creational laws and recommendations as well as guidelines, etc. through which the fallible ones, in particular the 144,207 ringleaders, agreed to make good again in later incarnations the damages wrought. At the same time, they created a codex for themselves and all followers, through which they should suffer from severest measures if they break from their oath of compensation and the thereof resulting mission. This codex has been created for all the future times until the day the compensation will be completed. (In the meantime the codex has been fulfilled and is, therefore, out of function [remark 1998].)

Therefore, the 144,207 human beings, besides countless followers, are integrated into this codex up to the current time and far beyond into the future, in order to fulfil the mission of the compensation. In the new time, the bearers of the codex are gathering anew, lead and guided through the impulses of the codex becoming efficacious in them, through the teaching of the creational laws and recommendations, and through the help of the Plejaren, who feel themselves jointly responsible for the fulfilment of this mission. I, Eduard Albert Meier, called Billy, act as middleman between the Plejaren and the bearers of the codex as well as the majority of the human beings of Earth. In ancient times, I, as human being with a higher developed spirit-form, offered myself voluntarily for this mission and task and received an appropriate education. It is necessary to mention, that out of the fact of the former 144,207 ringleaders and their history the wrong christian-religious and sectarian legend of the supposed 144,000 chosen ones resulted, i.e. was invented. This was accomplished by irresponsible sectarians in order to bind there-through believers and other misguided followers to wrong religions and other cults and sects, in order to be able to exploit them, in every possible form, to the last drop of blood.[14]

Summary of the Plejaren message to the Earth human being

Leading back the earthly humankind from the guidance into the unreal and wrong mode of life, wrong philosophies and the turning-away from the creational laws and recommendations and the ausartungen[15] in all fields of badness, shortcomings, irrational religions and deviancies of all kind etc. – brought about through the old Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer, and which were created willingly, joyfully, irresponsibly and consciencelessly through the human being of Earth – towards the right mode of life which is in accordance with the creational laws, recommendations and guidelines.[16]

Earth in the Contact Reports

Most of the Contact Reports are about Earth, but here are some specifically about the actual planet Earth.

During Contact Report 248, Ptaah explains several things to Billy in relation to Earth.

  • The first flowers bloomed on Earth about 450 million years ago. The oldest fossils of flowers discovered by the Plejaren Federation on Earth are 308 million years old.
  • The first health illnesses and diseases appeared on Earth approximately 4.5 million years ago. To which the early forms of humans or pre-humans were afflicted.
  • The early forms of humans were upright walking hominid tree dwellers and ground inhabitants, these beings arose on the Earth at different times, so no single measure of time can be specified. But these beings were not yet filled with reason and understanding in the way that the actual first human was, who even disposed of cognitive reason and a recognizable consciousness.[17]
Guardian of the earth.jpg

Further Reading

Other Earth Related further reading


  1. Contact Report 469
  2. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  3. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  4. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  5. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  6. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  7. Listed as a reference in the original text: Sodomy = sexual actions between human beings and animals. The usual meaning of this is: anal intercourse. The wording probably means bestiality.
  8. Bestiality is a word describing sex between a human and an animal. There are few things stranger or more repulsive than bestiality. When you say bestiality, you can hear the word beast, which is a good clue to the meaning.
  9. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  10. http://dict.figu.org/node/6170
  11. http://dict.figu.org/node/6170
  12. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  13. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  14. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  15. http://dict.figu.org/node/6170
  16. The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
  17. http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_248