Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:Contact Report 260"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Comment provided by Markvd - via ArticleComments extension)
(Comment provided by Zameen - via ArticleComments extension)
Linha 122: Linha 122:
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 23:39, 10 September 2010 (BST)
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 23:39, 10 September 2010 (BST)
== Zameen said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
as i understand the originators of the Giza were themselves ancient power seeking barbarous backgrounds and were descendants of many others such as Ashtar Sherans descendants.and I think this is a part of the history of errors that the plejarans past descendants are guilty of.
--[[User:Zameen|Zameen]] 00:07, 11 September 2010 (BST)

Revisão das 23h07min de 10 de setembro de 2010

Comments on Contact Report 260 <comments />

Parviz Nazem said ...

I am writing this about 5:00 am when ordinarily I am asleep. Around 3:00 am I woke up with this strong urge to get and read Billy's Wikipedia. And guess what; finally after 12 years I see my story is translated in English and I can read it. I am the Iranian officer who reported the mass abduction story. With all due respect for Petahh and Billy, they are wrong in his case. I was no place to have been exposed to any chemical at first hours of war in Tehran many hundreds of miles away from the Iran-Ira

--Parviz Nazem 10:58, 18 April 2010 (BST)

Parviz Nazem said ...

Iran-Iraq border. The Iraqees acquire these chemicals about 4 years into the war and by then I was no longer involved in the war. I have found my answers to my mysterious event, or I think I have found the answers to this mysterious story. It has happened regardless of my hulocanation theory presented by Petahh. The army headquarters, or as Americans call it " Chief of Staff" which was located in Tehran and about 40 Km away from the location of this event, released a press release independant from me, or any others who is lucky enough to have been allowed by the Aliens to remember any of this event, describing the crafts as "objects that are ususally seen in the sky of cities through out the world". My point is that they, the Chief of Staff guys, were not supposedly hallucinating due to exposure and yet they officially admited the incidence. They were located on the other side of huge city of Tehran as compared to my location. The war had just started at the border and Tehran is far away from the border. Sadam was still testing the waters and had no intention to use his chemicals. He had none at that time now we know. Any how the answer is that these Aliens are acting on Earth without worrying or caring about Petahh and his freinds and allies. I have noticed in Billy's articles that such entity exists and Petahh's group are not permited to contact them. In my opinion they are the original creators of the Earth. The Earth and everything on it is their handywork. I now must thank them for giving me strange abilities to see/predict life threatening situations while I was in battle fronts and come back home alive. Guys I could see bullets coming towards my neck in the dark/light of sunset in the "Dashteh Abaass" area. Nobody has reported this ability to the best of my knowledge. By the way, I sent my letter to Billy from America not from Iran, as it is mentioned in the translation of my story. I have been living in America since 1984 and have never gone back to Iran. It has been a great life experience for me living in America. I read anything and everything without fear of being arrested or being imprisoned as it was and it is always the case in Iran. I learned a lot about religions, God, gods, and extraterrestrials. This was not possible in Iran had I stayed there to waste my life. Billy's articles and materials have been a good source of information for me and I have learened a lot from him, but guys, I quarantee you, my case of mass abduction by no means was due to hallucination. The army press release still exists. Petahh is also a humanbeing and could be wrong. He also tends to act politically correct, so he could be refraining from telling the truth for some reasons. I have also noticed this behaviour in both billy and his extraterrestrial friends. However guys, I wished I could rememeber what went on between me and these Aliens who abducted me for 3 and half hours. Boy they are clever!!!! and their ships were pretty from the bottom when I dared to look at them for a few second before I jumped into the foxhole. May all of you have a long and healthy life. Thank you Billy for giving all this information to us. However, I wished you had told these things to humanity when you were born and acted as Muhammad.

--Parviz Nazem 11:59, 18 April 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Parviz, thanks for your comments. Your opinion about this does open up new questions about the event in my opinion. We know that Ptaah has been wrong before and he can be wrong again. He is only human after all and is not perfect. I don't like the fact they also withhold top secret information about our own degenerate governments and military establishments on the grounds of interfering with our civilisation. The truth in all matters should be set free, if they know the truth, regardless of the consequences, in my opinion. They can protect Meier from any backlash anyway, just as they have been doing so all this time. They should also protect FIGU members in the same manner. They have the resources it seems, judging by their past actions e.g. conducting a massive search for the last remnant of The Bafath who were on planet Saban.

At least you know now that whatever the occupants of these craft intended, you now have access to great knowledge, courtesy of Meier et al., and that they probably were there to warn mankind that war is one of our big problems we have yet to overcome.

--Jamesm 12:44, 18 April 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Dear Parviz Nazem,

Your inquiry was submitted to Christian of FIGU Core Group and his answer is as follows:

From: Nicholas
To: Adam; James; Stephen; Mark
Subject: RE: Inquiry
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:13:24 +0200

Hi Everyone,

Here is the answer from Christian:

"Hoi Nicolas,

Nun, die Plejaren haben Parvis Nazem selbst ja nicht überprüft, sondern lediglich dessen Geschichte bzw. die damit zusammenhängenden Kriegsgeschehen. Somit bleibt sein Fall ungeklärt. Die von Ptaah aufgeführte Erklärung ist sehr wahrscheinlich, aber nicht absolut zutreffend. Was aber sicher gesagt werden kann ist, dass in diesem Krieg Dinge geschehen sind, von welchen einfache Soldaten oder deren Offiziere nichts mitbekommen haben, oder erst später.

Mit anderen Worten: Der Fall bleibt ungeklärt. Was aber sicher ist: Dass diese Ausserirdischen die Erde erschaffen haben sollen, ist absolut unmöglich.

Danke und Salome Christian"

So the Plejaren did not check this person, but only these happenings and his story. It is still unclear also to them. What can be surely said, is that during that war things happened, of which the normal/regular soldiers and officers had no clue or about which they knew only later.

The explanation from Ptaah is very probable but not 100% accurate.

Christian also added, that it is sure that the assumption/suggestion/idea, that these extraterrestrials created earth is impossible.



--Jamesm 18:05, 21 April 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...


It appears that Ptaah mentioned the incident at the airbase was some Earth foreign intelligences not of their federation, nor do they have contact with them. Similar to the intelligences responsible for the Roswell incident, whose bio-genetic androids are currently with the Americans, thus it would only be logical to assume the military have some contact with the creators of these androids.

Now, to your case, who knows, maybe these intelligences are the former benevolent turned malevolent (turned curious?) counter-parts of the Creator Overlords who fled to Earth, Mars and Malona with the DNA manipulated human warriors? Or they could be someone else from the former ET colony that was situated in past times in Iran?

The Plejarens also mentioned that out of the three foreign visitors to Earth, only one remained unreachable, due to its hull absorbing all types of communications attempts including moonlight, which is converted to energy. There is more than a few intelligences showing interests in events currently unfolding on Earth, maybe they have some vested interests here or some agenda even the Plejarens are not aware of or refuse to discuss it openly?

Just remember what Jmmanuel told Billy when the two met that BEAM is responsible for ALL dimensions in the DERN universe and that the Plejarens, as far as I can recall, has stated they are only responsible for 3 dimensions. Thus there are allot of unanswered questions or possibilities regarding the Special cases of Earth's historical pass, current and future avenues...the key to these dilemmas are coded in each individual and associated with the Codex of the OM.

As events pan out on Earth, so do the inner connections of the appropriate attributes amongst the relevant entities of the prospective dimensions, thus it is inter-dimensional in scope, a fluid Cause and Effect relationship of sorts.

--Hawaiian 03:49, 22 April 2010 (BST)

Neckel said ...

Hi James,

First true reason and knowledge has to develop inside mankind, before some information can be set free, or else we would even make a bigger chaos than it already is. We would try to correct one mistake with an other, as it is regularly done. The Plejaren are surely not perfect but much smarter and wiser than we.

Adult = Plejaren, 9 Month old = earth humans :))

Salome Nicolas

--Neckel 10:39, 22 April 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

i read all o f this before but i just got lost in it. amazing:D

--Zameen 23:04, 10 September 2010 (BST)

Markvd said ...

Let me get this straight there are multiple groups interested in the outcome of our future. This could only mean one thing that they don't want us around, want us around but completely controlled, shape the world in there own vision, or let the people of Earth create there own identity in the universe. I'm beginning to think these malevolent ET's are outcasts in there far reaching territories or are completrly lost in there purpose. I think they need to read some contact reports for positive motivating factors. My final possible conclusion is the Creator Overlords have grown wise as time passed and wish to correct the error of there ways, at least I hope so.:)

--Markvd 23:39, 10 September 2010 (BST)

Zameen said ...

as i understand the originators of the Giza were themselves ancient power seeking barbarous backgrounds and were descendants of many others such as Ashtar Sherans descendants.and I think this is a part of the history of errors that the plejarans past descendants are guilty of.

--Zameen 00:07, 11 September 2010 (BST)