Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:Clarification of a Defamatory Claim"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Comment provided by asad - via ArticleComments extension)
(Comment provided by Acriasis - via ArticleComments extension)
(Há 27 revisões intermédias de 14 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
Linha 3: Linha 3:
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== asad said ... ==
== alexander awadzi said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
<div class='commentBlock'>
I have read the living words of teaching from mr. Billy Meier. The teaching of Billy are not from this earth. They are spiritual teaching which norrish the mind and spirit. I thank mr. Billy so much for his effort and time to open the truth to mankind on earth. Thank you for more than a billion times.
The teaching of Billy will be known by all human beings.
--asad 11:03, 22 March 2010 (UTC)
Praise be to Creation.
Alexander Awadzi
--alexander awadzi 00:03, 30 July 2010 (BST)
== Mark said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Where do these people come from claiming he's Jesus Christ? They must come from the stone age or further back. :) Just have a good laugh and move on, these aren't the droids we're looking for.
--Mark 00:41, 30 July 2010 (BST)
== William1234 said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
A while ago when I was studying things about this, somehow I thought that BM was the incarnation of Jmmanuel. I got confused and I think I told a couple people this and I truly regret it. I hope everyone gets to read this article because it has all the right information. I am sorry, I was confused and now I know it's better not to talk about it and examine the information more closely. I am really not that stupid, or maybe I am, I was more confused. I am still a huge Meier fan because I know the teachings are truth, but I won't be talking about any of it any time soon. I am sorry for the damage this caused.
--[[User:William1234|William1234]] 19:40, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
== William1234 said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
A while ago when I was studying things about this, somehow I thought that BM was the incarnation of Jmmanuel. I got confused and I think I told a couple people this and I truly regret it. I hope everyone gets to read this article because it has all the right information. I am sorry, I was confused and now I know it's better not to talk about it and examine the information more closely. I am really not that stupid, or maybe I am, I was more confused. I am still a huge Meier fan because I know the teachings are truth, but I won't be talking about any of it any time soon. I am sorry for the damage this caused.
--[[User:William1234|William1234]] 19:41, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
== Jamesm said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
William youre definately not the only one to make mistakes! Its all part of evolution though so its fine/ok.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 00:50, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
== TheTruth said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Wow this is beyond fabrication. I love how to deflect critisim you try to say every other religion is false. That Jesus never exsisted, & some character Billy Meier made up to sell some books is the real prophet. Likewise the idea that mohammad was the reincarnation of this so-called real jesus is totally bogus. Have you ever read any holy books? I've studied religion for yrs and your ideas are off the wall. Would the reincarnated self try to go to war with your past tribes? Seems highly unlikely. Also muslims think of all christians as infiedels. Not my idea of a glowing peaceful prophet. Again this site is just telling a huge amount of lies to move books and silly tapes. Highly shameful for Billy as our great prophet of the times.
--[[User:TheTruth|TheTruth]] 23:47, 25 June 2011 (BST)
== Sarah said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
So wait, people actually believe that Billy claimed to be a reincarnation of Jesus? O_o I honestly can't see how one could make the comparison. Isnt the fictional Jesus just a distortion?
--[[User:Sarah|Sarah]] 16:50, 18 December 2011 (UTC)
== Zameen said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
@truth-You need to read so mich more before saying such things. Dont worry though, all of the information I'm suggesting is all free. The only thing you need to spend is some time reading. Maybe you'll figure it out, maybe your not ready, who knows
--[[User:Zameen|Zameen]] 19:11, 18 December 2011 (UTC)
== Epicn2l said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Ok, if Billy was Jmmanuel in a past life, and Jesus was a made up distorted story based off of Jmmanuel, How is it that Billy was not Jesus? Can't we just say that Jesus was a false distorted character based off of Jmmanuel who Billy was in a past life?
--[[User:Epicn2l|Kit Varela]] 08:28, 2 July 2012 (BST)
== Sanjin said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Jesus is a delusionally invented and idolized cult-figure, who is supposedly also the son of god and god himself. Billy simply does not want to be associated with anything like this.
--[[User:Sanjin|Sanjin]] 12:52, 2 July 2012 (BST)
== Epicn2l said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thanks Sanjin for the reply. That is what I figured. I was just asking because I know people who feel that something similar to the Jesus story occurred so I provided them with the Jmmanuel alternative and wanted to make sure that I had not misunderstood something.
I also do not feel that it is right to answer "Was Billy Jesus in a past life?" with a simple no. I say this because people might be asking to try to find the truth behind the Jesus story and would be better to say that he was not Jesus but rather Jmmanuel who was falsely named Jesus and his teachings distored.
--[[User:Epicn2l|Kit Varela]] 23:14, 6 July 2012 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
If one looks in the Old Testament there is one sentence that states Jmmanuel as the being the one and only true prophet at that time. But in the New Testament which I believe was influenced to a large degree by the evil Giza Intelligences to replace the Old Testament, but specially to replace Jmmanuel with the falsified non-existent personality of Jesus Christ for several very important reasons.
First of all by substituting a non-existent personality for Jmmanuel, the Christian religions now have to worship this fallacy imposter, thus negating everything the true prophet Jmmanuel has brought forward and all things connected to Jesus Christ are now voided because thoughts and prayers are energy related and directed to this non-existing idea is like a black hole which gobbles up this energy into nothing. Thus praying to Jesus Christ or even thinking about this ruse is uncreational in nature because it benefits no one but the clergy and church that enslave the spiritual evolution of its members who participate in such nonsense. Such behavior is parasitic and un-creational.
Another important goal of creating this fallacy is to make the so called “resurrection” of Jesus Christ from the dead into a living material being once again who actually transcends this material world directly into a god or creator of the universe, thus making it virtually impossible for any human being to evolve spiritually because this “evolution” idea is not only illogical but violates the basic principles of creational laws by declaring that now there is only one god and only through him (Jesus Christ) can mankind find salvation.
So in essence the creation of this Jesus Christ is to make “him” the god of creation a monopoly reserved exclusively for him only, therefore everyone else are to remain servitude and enslaved by this concept forever, what a ruse. All the Giza Intelligence were removed from Earth and banished on a prison planet millions of light years away by the Plejarens and are all dead awaiting their fate of being incarnated or not by the Arathat Athersata pure spiritual level.
So that leaves the clergy, church, Pope and other religious cronies which they constantly preaching fallacy and fear to the masses in order to remain in power. It is only the ignorant and those too lazy to think for themselves who fall victim to this nonsense.
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 00:48, 7 July 2012 (BST)
== Epicn2l said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
It makes sense Hawaiian.
What do you mean though that the Giza-Intelligence would be awaiting their fate of being incarnated or not by the Arathat Athersata? Is there any mention of such an ability in the material? I ask out of interest.
--[[User:Epicn2l|Kit Varela]] 07:54, 15 July 2012 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
All 2100 or so Gizas who were arrested and shipped off to a prison planet many millions of light years distance physically passed away and await incarnation. There are other Contact Reports and direct questions and answers from FIGU members to Billy in regards to incarnation including questions on whether pure spiritual forms also incarnate, you need to do the research yourself to your satisfaction. The link below implies that the Arahat Athersata level is responsible for incarnation of spirit forms into material human beings. The case of Nokodemjion was speacial because his spirit form was already in the Arahat Athersata and needed further assistance from the Petale level (7th spiritual level) in order to incarnate back into a physical human being.
Nokodemjon incarnation process from pure spiritual Arahat Athersata to material human being
Contact Report 238  http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_238
689. And thus the order and decree was passed, through the engagement of the Arahat Athersata level, that those who passed away in the course of time to a natural death should not be ordained a reincarnation, rather that their spirit forms had to stay as long in the realm of the other side until they, one day, through a new decree of Nokodemion, could again find an existence in human bodies.
697. I know that the terrestrial scientists and researchers are in error in this regard, as much as in many other things.
As he then entered the transitional level of the fluctuating material state at the age of 58,000,000,000 years, he created there, through spiritual potency, a further people, after which he seemingly spent precisely 2,000,000,000 years in the transitional level.
Thereafter he remained for a further 4,000,000,000 years in that level, after which he shifted in a rapid manner and entered the Arahat Athersata level, where he remained during the next 10,000,000,000 years, before he determined, as a result of the degeneration of his begotten and created peoples, and in unanimous accord with the entire Arahat Athersata level, to change himself back into a material human life form, in order in this way to command a halt to his degenerated, criminal, usurping peoples and to bring them to reason.
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 23:40, 15 July 2012 (BST)
== Markvd said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I am watching this show My Ghost Story and wondering what is going on here damnit, I thought everything is under perfect control, we have all kinds of wild spirits running around. I say bring in the army of dwarves to cleanse them out. :)
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 01:46, 16 July 2012 (BST)
== Sheila said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Hi Mark, from the contact notes, I would think most of that is caused by fluidal forces, teenagers seem to have a lot of it.  And don't forget that story from Billy about the person who kept seeing the ghost in her home and it was traced back to the elderly lady who used to live in that house.  Pretty awesome fluidal powers to be able to take naps and project her younger self into that house.
--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 15:26, 16 July 2012 (BST)
== Markvd said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thanks Sheila for the fluidal update. Some of those spirits are in proper order but some are full of chaos. I wonder if they have a set of rules to abide by as well as we do. If not I have a long list after watching a couple episodes. :)
--[[User:Markvd|Markvd]] 19:32, 16 July 2012 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Sheila, you're absolutely correct in your accessment of Fluidual energy being responsible for the majority of these so called "paranormal" activities. People have to remember that thoughts are also energy related to emotions and do manifest themselves as in that documented case that BEAM discribes of that lady who almost always slept at a certain time in the afternoon and constanly dreamt about being the young girl who used to live at home located in another State where she actually "manifested" herself as a young girl running out of the house which others saw as a "ghost".
I have written a article located in the FIGU forum which is used to counter-act such forces, but not sure if I should post it here also? Ghost or "haunted" places can actually attached their energy to the emotional status of those who live or even think about these things.
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 04:38, 17 July 2012 (BST)
== Acriasis said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I feel it is absolutely vital the true teachings of Creation, are spread into the human thought processes, for them to come out of the darkness and into the light. It is ignorance that has helped cause this deceit to go on for so long among those whom do not know the truth. If only the earth human will seek out the truth about Creation and who he really is, then he may recognize his true self as a fragment of Creation, within his inner being. Thank you for this truth, may it be set free upon this planet for human cognition of true reality.
--[[User:Acriasis|Acriasis]] 20:37, 28 July 2012 (BST)
== Acriasis said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I feel it is absolutely vital the true teachings of Creation, are spread into the human thought processes, for them to come out of the darkness and into the light. It is ignorance that has helped cause this deceit to go on for so long among those whom do not know the truth. If only the earth human will seek out the truth about Creation and who he really is, then he may recognize his true self as a fragment of Creation, within his inner being. Thank you for this truth, may it be set free upon this planet for human cognition of true reality.
--[[User:Acriasis|Acriasis]] 20:38, 28 July 2012 (BST)
== Acriasis said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I feel it is absolutely vital the true teachings of Creation, are spread into the human thought processes, for them to come out of the darkness and into the light. It is ignorance that has helped cause this deceit to go on for so long among those whom do not know the truth. If only the earth human will seek out the truth about Creation and who he really is, then he may recognize his true self as a fragment of Creation, within his inner being. Thank you for this truth, may it be set free upon this planet for human cognition of true reality.
--[[User:Acriasis|Acriasis]] 20:38, 28 July 2012 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Lets all become a FIGU passive member and obtain the quarterly spirit lessons. Then we will be able to make a greater impact upon our brothers and sisters and the well being of all other life on our world.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 17:40, 29 July 2012 (BST)
== Epicn2l said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thanks Hawaiian for the info, I will do further research as you recommended.
--[[User:Epicn2l|Kit Varela]] 07:13, 7 August 2012 (BST)
== Moonlight said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I am confused as to why the birth date of Jesus Christ, in comparison with that of Jmmanuel is given as December 24th here, when it is known and celebrated in most parts of the world as December 25th. Pls clarify.
--[[User:Moonlight|Moonlight]] ([[User talk:Moonlight|talk]]), guam,  14:51, 24 September 2012 (BST)
== Acriasis said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
There are other places to find out more about the information you seek right here on this website, as well as FIGU. Perhaps this link will help:
the whole explanation is very informative, and knowledge about December 24th is given starting about #170.
As far as The 25th of December it seems, that is the first day of the new life, if you follow the religious background
--[[User:Acriasis|Acriasis]] ([[User talk:Acriasis|talk]]), U.S.A.,  07:55, 1 December 2012 (GMT)

Edição atual desde as 07h55min de 1 de dezembro de 2012

Comments on Clarification of a Defamatory Claim <comments />

alexander awadzi said ...

I have read the living words of teaching from mr. Billy Meier. The teaching of Billy are not from this earth. They are spiritual teaching which norrish the mind and spirit. I thank mr. Billy so much for his effort and time to open the truth to mankind on earth. Thank you for more than a billion times. The teaching of Billy will be known by all human beings.

Praise be to Creation. Alexander Awadzi

--alexander awadzi 00:03, 30 July 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

Where do these people come from claiming he's Jesus Christ? They must come from the stone age or further back. :) Just have a good laugh and move on, these aren't the droids we're looking for.

--Mark 00:41, 30 July 2010 (BST)

William1234 said ...

A while ago when I was studying things about this, somehow I thought that BM was the incarnation of Jmmanuel. I got confused and I think I told a couple people this and I truly regret it. I hope everyone gets to read this article because it has all the right information. I am sorry, I was confused and now I know it's better not to talk about it and examine the information more closely. I am really not that stupid, or maybe I am, I was more confused. I am still a huge Meier fan because I know the teachings are truth, but I won't be talking about any of it any time soon. I am sorry for the damage this caused.

--William1234 19:40, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

William1234 said ...

A while ago when I was studying things about this, somehow I thought that BM was the incarnation of Jmmanuel. I got confused and I think I told a couple people this and I truly regret it. I hope everyone gets to read this article because it has all the right information. I am sorry, I was confused and now I know it's better not to talk about it and examine the information more closely. I am really not that stupid, or maybe I am, I was more confused. I am still a huge Meier fan because I know the teachings are truth, but I won't be talking about any of it any time soon. I am sorry for the damage this caused.

--William1234 19:41, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

Jamesm said ...

William youre definately not the only one to make mistakes! Its all part of evolution though so its fine/ok.

--Jamesm 00:50, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

TheTruth said ...

Wow this is beyond fabrication. I love how to deflect critisim you try to say every other religion is false. That Jesus never exsisted, & some character Billy Meier made up to sell some books is the real prophet. Likewise the idea that mohammad was the reincarnation of this so-called real jesus is totally bogus. Have you ever read any holy books? I've studied religion for yrs and your ideas are off the wall. Would the reincarnated self try to go to war with your past tribes? Seems highly unlikely. Also muslims think of all christians as infiedels. Not my idea of a glowing peaceful prophet. Again this site is just telling a huge amount of lies to move books and silly tapes. Highly shameful for Billy as our great prophet of the times.

--TheTruth 23:47, 25 June 2011 (BST)

Sarah said ...

So wait, people actually believe that Billy claimed to be a reincarnation of Jesus? O_o I honestly can't see how one could make the comparison. Isnt the fictional Jesus just a distortion?

--Sarah 16:50, 18 December 2011 (UTC)

Zameen said ...

@truth-You need to read so mich more before saying such things. Dont worry though, all of the information I'm suggesting is all free. The only thing you need to spend is some time reading. Maybe you'll figure it out, maybe your not ready, who knows

--Zameen 19:11, 18 December 2011 (UTC)

Epicn2l said ...

Ok, if Billy was Jmmanuel in a past life, and Jesus was a made up distorted story based off of Jmmanuel, How is it that Billy was not Jesus? Can't we just say that Jesus was a false distorted character based off of Jmmanuel who Billy was in a past life?

--Kit Varela 08:28, 2 July 2012 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Jesus is a delusionally invented and idolized cult-figure, who is supposedly also the son of god and god himself. Billy simply does not want to be associated with anything like this.

--Sanjin 12:52, 2 July 2012 (BST)

Epicn2l said ...

Thanks Sanjin for the reply. That is what I figured. I was just asking because I know people who feel that something similar to the Jesus story occurred so I provided them with the Jmmanuel alternative and wanted to make sure that I had not misunderstood something.

I also do not feel that it is right to answer "Was Billy Jesus in a past life?" with a simple no. I say this because people might be asking to try to find the truth behind the Jesus story and would be better to say that he was not Jesus but rather Jmmanuel who was falsely named Jesus and his teachings distored.

--Kit Varela 23:14, 6 July 2012 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

If one looks in the Old Testament there is one sentence that states Jmmanuel as the being the one and only true prophet at that time. But in the New Testament which I believe was influenced to a large degree by the evil Giza Intelligences to replace the Old Testament, but specially to replace Jmmanuel with the falsified non-existent personality of Jesus Christ for several very important reasons.

First of all by substituting a non-existent personality for Jmmanuel, the Christian religions now have to worship this fallacy imposter, thus negating everything the true prophet Jmmanuel has brought forward and all things connected to Jesus Christ are now voided because thoughts and prayers are energy related and directed to this non-existing idea is like a black hole which gobbles up this energy into nothing. Thus praying to Jesus Christ or even thinking about this ruse is uncreational in nature because it benefits no one but the clergy and church that enslave the spiritual evolution of its members who participate in such nonsense. Such behavior is parasitic and un-creational.

Another important goal of creating this fallacy is to make the so called “resurrection” of Jesus Christ from the dead into a living material being once again who actually transcends this material world directly into a god or creator of the universe, thus making it virtually impossible for any human being to evolve spiritually because this “evolution” idea is not only illogical but violates the basic principles of creational laws by declaring that now there is only one god and only through him (Jesus Christ) can mankind find salvation.

So in essence the creation of this Jesus Christ is to make “him” the god of creation a monopoly reserved exclusively for him only, therefore everyone else are to remain servitude and enslaved by this concept forever, what a ruse. All the Giza Intelligence were removed from Earth and banished on a prison planet millions of light years away by the Plejarens and are all dead awaiting their fate of being incarnated or not by the Arathat Athersata pure spiritual level.

So that leaves the clergy, church, Pope and other religious cronies which they constantly preaching fallacy and fear to the masses in order to remain in power. It is only the ignorant and those too lazy to think for themselves who fall victim to this nonsense.

--Hawaiian 00:48, 7 July 2012 (BST)

Epicn2l said ...

It makes sense Hawaiian. What do you mean though that the Giza-Intelligence would be awaiting their fate of being incarnated or not by the Arathat Athersata? Is there any mention of such an ability in the material? I ask out of interest.

--Kit Varela 07:54, 15 July 2012 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...


All 2100 or so Gizas who were arrested and shipped off to a prison planet many millions of light years distance physically passed away and await incarnation. There are other Contact Reports and direct questions and answers from FIGU members to Billy in regards to incarnation including questions on whether pure spiritual forms also incarnate, you need to do the research yourself to your satisfaction. The link below implies that the Arahat Athersata level is responsible for incarnation of spirit forms into material human beings. The case of Nokodemjion was speacial because his spirit form was already in the Arahat Athersata and needed further assistance from the Petale level (7th spiritual level) in order to incarnate back into a physical human being.

Nokodemjon incarnation process from pure spiritual Arahat Athersata to material human being

Contact Report 238 http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_238


689. And thus the order and decree was passed, through the engagement of the Arahat Athersata level, that those who passed away in the course of time to a natural death should not be ordained a reincarnation, rather that their spirit forms had to stay as long in the realm of the other side until they, one day, through a new decree of Nokodemion, could again find an existence in human bodies.

Ptaah 697. I know that the terrestrial scientists and researchers are in error in this regard, as much as in many other things.


As he then entered the transitional level of the fluctuating material state at the age of 58,000,000,000 years, he created there, through spiritual potency, a further people, after which he seemingly spent precisely 2,000,000,000 years in the transitional level. Thereafter he remained for a further 4,000,000,000 years in that level, after which he shifted in a rapid manner and entered the Arahat Athersata level, where he remained during the next 10,000,000,000 years, before he determined, as a result of the degeneration of his begotten and created peoples, and in unanimous accord with the entire Arahat Athersata level, to change himself back into a material human life form, in order in this way to command a halt to his degenerated, criminal, usurping peoples and to bring them to reason.

--Hawaiian 23:40, 15 July 2012 (BST)

Markvd said ...

I am watching this show My Ghost Story and wondering what is going on here damnit, I thought everything is under perfect control, we have all kinds of wild spirits running around. I say bring in the army of dwarves to cleanse them out. :)

--Markvd 01:46, 16 July 2012 (BST)

Sheila said ...

Hi Mark, from the contact notes, I would think most of that is caused by fluidal forces, teenagers seem to have a lot of it. And don't forget that story from Billy about the person who kept seeing the ghost in her home and it was traced back to the elderly lady who used to live in that house. Pretty awesome fluidal powers to be able to take naps and project her younger self into that house.

--Sheila 15:26, 16 July 2012 (BST)

Markvd said ...

Thanks Sheila for the fluidal update. Some of those spirits are in proper order but some are full of chaos. I wonder if they have a set of rules to abide by as well as we do. If not I have a long list after watching a couple episodes. :)

--Markvd 19:32, 16 July 2012 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

Sheila, you're absolutely correct in your accessment of Fluidual energy being responsible for the majority of these so called "paranormal" activities. People have to remember that thoughts are also energy related to emotions and do manifest themselves as in that documented case that BEAM discribes of that lady who almost always slept at a certain time in the afternoon and constanly dreamt about being the young girl who used to live at home located in another State where she actually "manifested" herself as a young girl running out of the house which others saw as a "ghost".

I have written a article located in the FIGU forum which is used to counter-act such forces, but not sure if I should post it here also? Ghost or "haunted" places can actually attached their energy to the emotional status of those who live or even think about these things.

--Hawaiian 04:38, 17 July 2012 (BST)

Acriasis said ...

I feel it is absolutely vital the true teachings of Creation, are spread into the human thought processes, for them to come out of the darkness and into the light. It is ignorance that has helped cause this deceit to go on for so long among those whom do not know the truth. If only the earth human will seek out the truth about Creation and who he really is, then he may recognize his true self as a fragment of Creation, within his inner being. Thank you for this truth, may it be set free upon this planet for human cognition of true reality.

--Acriasis 20:37, 28 July 2012 (BST)

Acriasis said ...

I feel it is absolutely vital the true teachings of Creation, are spread into the human thought processes, for them to come out of the darkness and into the light. It is ignorance that has helped cause this deceit to go on for so long among those whom do not know the truth. If only the earth human will seek out the truth about Creation and who he really is, then he may recognize his true self as a fragment of Creation, within his inner being. Thank you for this truth, may it be set free upon this planet for human cognition of true reality.

--Acriasis 20:38, 28 July 2012 (BST)

Acriasis said ...

I feel it is absolutely vital the true teachings of Creation, are spread into the human thought processes, for them to come out of the darkness and into the light. It is ignorance that has helped cause this deceit to go on for so long among those whom do not know the truth. If only the earth human will seek out the truth about Creation and who he really is, then he may recognize his true self as a fragment of Creation, within his inner being. Thank you for this truth, may it be set free upon this planet for human cognition of true reality.

--Acriasis 20:38, 28 July 2012 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Lets all become a FIGU passive member and obtain the quarterly spirit lessons. Then we will be able to make a greater impact upon our brothers and sisters and the well being of all other life on our world.

--Jamesm 17:40, 29 July 2012 (BST)

Epicn2l said ...

Thanks Hawaiian for the info, I will do further research as you recommended.


--Kit Varela 07:13, 7 August 2012 (BST)

Moonlight said ...

I am confused as to why the birth date of Jesus Christ, in comparison with that of Jmmanuel is given as December 24th here, when it is known and celebrated in most parts of the world as December 25th. Pls clarify.

--Moonlight (talk), guam, 14:51, 24 September 2012 (BST)

Acriasis said ...

Moonlight, There are other places to find out more about the information you seek right here on this website, as well as FIGU. Perhaps this link will help:


the whole explanation is very informative, and knowledge about December 24th is given starting about #170. As far as The 25th of December it seems, that is the first day of the new life, if you follow the religious background Saalome

--Acriasis (talk), U.S.A., 07:55, 1 December 2012 (GMT)