Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:Contact Report 482"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Comment provided by Barbarian216 - via ArticleComments extension)
(Comment provided by Kainin - via ArticleComments extension)
(Há 9 revisões intermédias de 8 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
Linha 55: Linha 55:
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 00:58, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 00:58, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
You are absolutely correct, that "synthetic" created meat are best for physical being to consume in replacement of animal proteins in order to provide that necessary "ground" for energy replishment.
As one becomes more Conscious Aware, he/she will realize at a certain level of "Enlightenment",  find consumption of animal products a contradiction of their present state of being. Therefore the necessary introduction of laboratory manufactured proteins that have no connections to a naturally evolved animal life cycle Consciousness.
The same principle applies to vegetables/fruits and plants, therefore it really sucks when one has "experienced" this level of awareness only to succumb to one's limited physical requirements of energy input in order to maintain life, because the corrupt powers to be has decided to restrict this and other technologies for decent human beings in order to keep the status quo for themselves!
--Hawaiian 01:25, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
== Mark said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I agree Lucanus, when I hope to travel afar I shall equip my flying bike to aid me in my quest. :) I cannot however eat less because a black hole resides within my stomach but I will try the veggie thing once in a while for sure.
--Mark 04:15, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
== Lucanus said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
It may be all right for some of you to eat meat, so long as it is not you who has to do the killing and the gory part of the butchering. I have always liked animals, but I grew up ignorant, unaware or insensitive of the ways of mass production of meat. Very different from hunting. Especially hunting as a means of population control. That would be the healthy way.
There are breatharians living among us, who eat nothing. One of them is Hira Ratan Manek, a sungazer, living on sunlight, air and water. And Jasmuheen is another who lives on "Divine Mother Love", as she calls it. And I take it to mean Mother Earth, our Mother planet, a living being.
We draw life from the living, and just consider where plants draw life from. Breatharians take it directly like plants, from the elements.
Just consider how the cow builds up its huge body out of grass, most of which just passes through its bowels. To me it is a mystery, just like how deers and wild ducks survive through the winter. These animals must be capable of drawing some energy from the elements or Mother Earth's aura.
I doubt if vitamin B12 comes from meat. It seems more likely to me that it comes from bacteria living in our bowels. Maybe some types of bacteria, which feed on meat in our bowels, produce it more. Otherwise it seems strange for me that our vegetarian muscles being meat in essence would be deficient in vitamin B12. And how it gets into cows?
Personally, I would prefer to evolve into a being who draws energy from the elements. My chosen name, Lucanus, happens to mean light, and I learned this long after I picked the name.
--Lucanus 11:22, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
== zameen said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
i was going to have a comment for lucanus but after the conclusion of his last entry i am speechless......
--zameen 21:54, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
== Bigfoot said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I should add that I caught Saskquatch trying to steal piglets that were about a year old.The piglets are very hard to catch by hand because they are very fast and good at not being caught.However,sasquatch is part Human and part animal,but he/she likes pork.
--[[User:Bigfoot|Bigfoot]] 06:08, 25 March 2010 (UTC)
== Reginald said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Is it not a bit odd. At the moment many people all over the world ARE/HAVE become more interested in predictions, `Ptaah` decides NOT to give them anymore? Let PTAAH give predictions in real time and see what comes out of it. And please no more that frase that it might interfere in human live etc etc etc. He and his companions already have by blowing up of all places the alleged found tomb of Jezus. We are beyond those feable excuses. Ptaah did not show up yesterday over the town of Middelburg in the southwest of Holland. It would have made headlines. HM Queen Beatrix was visiting celebrating her birthday among the people. Her majesty would have made a very credible witness. As would have the crownprince, being an aviator himself.
--Reginald 21:00, 1 May 2010 (BST)
== Reginald said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Is it not a bit odd. At the moment many people all over the world ARE/HAVE become more interested in predictions, `Ptaah` decides NOT to give them anymore? Let PTAAH give predictions in real time and see what comes out of it. And please no more that frase that it might interfere in human live etc etc etc. He and his companions already have by blowing up of all places the alleged found tomb of Jezus. We are beyond those feable excuses. Ptaah did not show up yesterday over the town of Middelburg in the southwest of Holland. It would have made headlines. HM Queen Beatrix was visiting celebrating her birthday among the people. Her majesty would have made a very credible witness. As would have the crownprince, being an aviator himself.
--Reginald 21:02, 1 May 2010 (BST)
== newinitiation said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
This article must surely be intended for the present as well as the future for such a context whereby whether skeptic or truth recognisers, the words work to prick our conscience to action and to provoke us to meaningful action on account of these true words.
Yet, although my knowledge about everything is severely limited compared to BEAM and the highly developed Plejarens, I still cannot lay blame squarely on we the idiotic, dumb, stupid and arrogant masses.
The case was presented on BEAM and the Plejarens part with the semi-plausible deniability factor integrated into how it was presented with what appears to be seemingly stupid elements added into the case on purpose sometimes at BEAMs detriment so that those who were psychologically ready to handle the truth would go through its filters whilst others that weren't ready would not.
It's all lovingly and very wisely done yet because we earth humans are primitive, stupid, irrational, dumb and idiotic these measures were purposefully put in place for all the right reasons yet because we are primitive, dumb, stupid, irrational and idiotic, shouldn't the plejarens have catered to our limited intelligence at the lowest common denominator at our earthly level of thinking and added to the case more compelling evidence than what we have to deal with today.
Sure the controversy still lives on because the plejarens have succeeded in making it that way given that they did state that if the mystery of UFOs were simply destroyed by appearing to the masses such as a white house landing that was undeniable and quite against the Creational law then we would no longer be interested any more.
But something is still left wanting
It's because of these reasons and more, people have not taken the prophecies and predictions seriously.
Many are of the view that many others such as Nostradamus have come forward with predictions and prophecies that BEAM could have plagiarized which we in the know know that this is absolutely not the case.
Basically the human nature is such that unless they are directly affected by some form of personal tragedy, pain, suffering and hardship, they'll never lift a finger to do anything about anything.
As the BEAMs prophecies are coming true each and everyday, more people will be effected by the devastation and catastrophes, then once they have tasted the personal tragedies themselves such as being a victim of an earthquake or have their family members die of it, then and only then will they be some form of an advocate of a cause and do something positive about it just as we see many survivors of cancer being involved with fund raising and speaking out about this disease.
Of course all this comes down to wanting more and being selfish about it without considering the wider remifications of the reasons why the plejarens and BEAMs decided to take the course that they did but I still hold the view that at least one or two very compelling evidence without the semi-plausible deniability factor integrated should have at least found its round in the close circuits of this ufological case even though it was designed for we earth humans to not circumvent the prerequisite learning experiences that we must go through every step of the way by the circumstances the case has produced.
Hypothetically speaking if there are 7 million thoughts inherent in the case then obviously all 7 million thoughts have to be individually thought of one by one and carefully considered.
I am certain that in all wisdom of the plejarens and BEAM, every conceivable factors were considered to make it that way so that we learn properly.
--newinitiation 04:33, 13 July 2010 (BST)
== John said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Luncanus may have a point of interacting amongst fine energy for self sustainment, but I believe its possible for either the half physical Beings that can probably exist at this level or others with technology to accomplish this. However, it is very unlikely to occur for material beings, although some conversions will happen exclusively by thoughts alone, but not enough in sustaining life for extended periods of time.
--John 22:41, 13 July 2010 (BST)
== Kainin said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Has is occured to anyone that Human beings are turning away from religion and more to a secular belief system?  Country's that were years ago predominatley religious now show very reduced numbers of religious diciples.  Could this show us that we as humans are moving away from religion and more toward a view more aligned with your techings?
--[[User:Kainin|Kainin]] 18:43, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Edição atual desde as 18h43min de 21 de março de 2011

Comments on Contact Report 482 <comments />

Lucanus said ...

I think that we, Earthlings, should not only refrain from begetting offspring to remedy the current situation, but we should also refrain from many other things, such as:

1. Eating meat, eggs or dairy products. That is to say, to become vegetarians or vegans.

2. Eat less altogether. If we really listen to our body's real needs, we find that we need pretty little amounts of simple, natural foods.

3. Refrain from using the car, and walk or ride the bicycle.

4. Refrain from using dispensable things like cups, plates and eating utensils. Use your own and after use wash it.

5. Refrain from shopping packaged things. Instead go and buy natural food from the market place where you take your own containers, baskets, bags, bottles, which you can reuse every time you go shopping for food.

--Lucanus 22:45, 14 March 2010 (UTC)

zameen said ...

Lucanus please look at more of the contact reports and what they say on veganism and vegetarianism. We need meat as well as vegetables. It is vital for proper mental and physical development.

--zameen 04:30, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

jamesm said ...

Zameen, yes until we can create new vegetables that contain animal proteins that is...or perhaps cultivate meat in a laboratory dish or until other methods.

We can also vote decent political parties into power...

--jamesm 19:49, 15 March 2010 (UTC)

Barbarian216 said ...


FIGU Bulletin 009 VEGETARIANISM Terrestrial scientists are increasingly confirming information and explanations provided by the Pleiadians/ Plejarans regarding the fact that an exclusively vegetarian diet is detrimental to the health of humans. A related newspaper clipping follows: Babies of vegetarians have vitamin deficiencies An infant's health suffers when the child's mother lives only on a vegetarian diet. This one-sided form of nutrition leads to serious developmental disorders in babies, a study by the Tübingen University Clinic for Children revealed. Results of tests performed on five infants, whose mothers were strict vegetarians, revealed that the babies suffered from vitamin B12 and other deficiencies. The babies also had severe growth disorders and anaemia. NDM

There is another Bulletin, which I unfortunately forgot that Semjase mentioned that meat consumption in addition to fruits/vegetables is essential for a more complete "grounding" of one's thinking process.

--Hawaiian 00:58, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...


You are absolutely correct, that "synthetic" created meat are best for physical being to consume in replacement of animal proteins in order to provide that necessary "ground" for energy replishment.

As one becomes more Conscious Aware, he/she will realize at a certain level of "Enlightenment", find consumption of animal products a contradiction of their present state of being. Therefore the necessary introduction of laboratory manufactured proteins that have no connections to a naturally evolved animal life cycle Consciousness.

The same principle applies to vegetables/fruits and plants, therefore it really sucks when one has "experienced" this level of awareness only to succumb to one's limited physical requirements of energy input in order to maintain life, because the corrupt powers to be has decided to restrict this and other technologies for decent human beings in order to keep the status quo for themselves!

--Hawaiian 01:25, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Mark said ...

I agree Lucanus, when I hope to travel afar I shall equip my flying bike to aid me in my quest. :) I cannot however eat less because a black hole resides within my stomach but I will try the veggie thing once in a while for sure.

--Mark 04:15, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Lucanus said ...

It may be all right for some of you to eat meat, so long as it is not you who has to do the killing and the gory part of the butchering. I have always liked animals, but I grew up ignorant, unaware or insensitive of the ways of mass production of meat. Very different from hunting. Especially hunting as a means of population control. That would be the healthy way.

There are breatharians living among us, who eat nothing. One of them is Hira Ratan Manek, a sungazer, living on sunlight, air and water. And Jasmuheen is another who lives on "Divine Mother Love", as she calls it. And I take it to mean Mother Earth, our Mother planet, a living being. We draw life from the living, and just consider where plants draw life from. Breatharians take it directly like plants, from the elements. Just consider how the cow builds up its huge body out of grass, most of which just passes through its bowels. To me it is a mystery, just like how deers and wild ducks survive through the winter. These animals must be capable of drawing some energy from the elements or Mother Earth's aura.

I doubt if vitamin B12 comes from meat. It seems more likely to me that it comes from bacteria living in our bowels. Maybe some types of bacteria, which feed on meat in our bowels, produce it more. Otherwise it seems strange for me that our vegetarian muscles being meat in essence would be deficient in vitamin B12. And how it gets into cows?

Personally, I would prefer to evolve into a being who draws energy from the elements. My chosen name, Lucanus, happens to mean light, and I learned this long after I picked the name.

--Lucanus 11:22, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

zameen said ...

i was going to have a comment for lucanus but after the conclusion of his last entry i am speechless......

--zameen 21:54, 16 March 2010 (UTC)

Bigfoot said ...

I should add that I caught Saskquatch trying to steal piglets that were about a year old.The piglets are very hard to catch by hand because they are very fast and good at not being caught.However,sasquatch is part Human and part animal,but he/she likes pork.

--Bigfoot 06:08, 25 March 2010 (UTC)

Reginald said ...

Is it not a bit odd. At the moment many people all over the world ARE/HAVE become more interested in predictions, `Ptaah` decides NOT to give them anymore? Let PTAAH give predictions in real time and see what comes out of it. And please no more that frase that it might interfere in human live etc etc etc. He and his companions already have by blowing up of all places the alleged found tomb of Jezus. We are beyond those feable excuses. Ptaah did not show up yesterday over the town of Middelburg in the southwest of Holland. It would have made headlines. HM Queen Beatrix was visiting celebrating her birthday among the people. Her majesty would have made a very credible witness. As would have the crownprince, being an aviator himself.

--Reginald 21:00, 1 May 2010 (BST)

Reginald said ...

Is it not a bit odd. At the moment many people all over the world ARE/HAVE become more interested in predictions, `Ptaah` decides NOT to give them anymore? Let PTAAH give predictions in real time and see what comes out of it. And please no more that frase that it might interfere in human live etc etc etc. He and his companions already have by blowing up of all places the alleged found tomb of Jezus. We are beyond those feable excuses. Ptaah did not show up yesterday over the town of Middelburg in the southwest of Holland. It would have made headlines. HM Queen Beatrix was visiting celebrating her birthday among the people. Her majesty would have made a very credible witness. As would have the crownprince, being an aviator himself.

--Reginald 21:02, 1 May 2010 (BST)

newinitiation said ...

This article must surely be intended for the present as well as the future for such a context whereby whether skeptic or truth recognisers, the words work to prick our conscience to action and to provoke us to meaningful action on account of these true words. Yet, although my knowledge about everything is severely limited compared to BEAM and the highly developed Plejarens, I still cannot lay blame squarely on we the idiotic, dumb, stupid and arrogant masses. The case was presented on BEAM and the Plejarens part with the semi-plausible deniability factor integrated into how it was presented with what appears to be seemingly stupid elements added into the case on purpose sometimes at BEAMs detriment so that those who were psychologically ready to handle the truth would go through its filters whilst others that weren't ready would not. It's all lovingly and very wisely done yet because we earth humans are primitive, stupid, irrational, dumb and idiotic these measures were purposefully put in place for all the right reasons yet because we are primitive, dumb, stupid, irrational and idiotic, shouldn't the plejarens have catered to our limited intelligence at the lowest common denominator at our earthly level of thinking and added to the case more compelling evidence than what we have to deal with today. Sure the controversy still lives on because the plejarens have succeeded in making it that way given that they did state that if the mystery of UFOs were simply destroyed by appearing to the masses such as a white house landing that was undeniable and quite against the Creational law then we would no longer be interested any more. But something is still left wanting It's because of these reasons and more, people have not taken the prophecies and predictions seriously. Many are of the view that many others such as Nostradamus have come forward with predictions and prophecies that BEAM could have plagiarized which we in the know know that this is absolutely not the case. Basically the human nature is such that unless they are directly affected by some form of personal tragedy, pain, suffering and hardship, they'll never lift a finger to do anything about anything. As the BEAMs prophecies are coming true each and everyday, more people will be effected by the devastation and catastrophes, then once they have tasted the personal tragedies themselves such as being a victim of an earthquake or have their family members die of it, then and only then will they be some form of an advocate of a cause and do something positive about it just as we see many survivors of cancer being involved with fund raising and speaking out about this disease.

Of course all this comes down to wanting more and being selfish about it without considering the wider remifications of the reasons why the plejarens and BEAMs decided to take the course that they did but I still hold the view that at least one or two very compelling evidence without the semi-plausible deniability factor integrated should have at least found its round in the close circuits of this ufological case even though it was designed for we earth humans to not circumvent the prerequisite learning experiences that we must go through every step of the way by the circumstances the case has produced. Hypothetically speaking if there are 7 million thoughts inherent in the case then obviously all 7 million thoughts have to be individually thought of one by one and carefully considered. I am certain that in all wisdom of the plejarens and BEAM, every conceivable factors were considered to make it that way so that we learn properly.

--newinitiation 04:33, 13 July 2010 (BST)

John said ...

Luncanus may have a point of interacting amongst fine energy for self sustainment, but I believe its possible for either the half physical Beings that can probably exist at this level or others with technology to accomplish this. However, it is very unlikely to occur for material beings, although some conversions will happen exclusively by thoughts alone, but not enough in sustaining life for extended periods of time.

--John 22:41, 13 July 2010 (BST)

Kainin said ...

Has is occured to anyone that Human beings are turning away from religion and more to a secular belief system? Country's that were years ago predominatley religious now show very reduced numbers of religious diciples. Could this show us that we as humans are moving away from religion and more toward a view more aligned with your techings?

--Kainin 18:43, 21 March 2011 (UTC)