Diferenças entre edições de "Religion"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Há 115 revisões intermédias de 2 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
'''Religion''' is a cultural system of behaviours and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organisation that relates to a humanity.
'''Relegeon'''<ref>[[FIGU#WHAT_IS_RELIGION.3F_WHAT_IS_RELEGEON.3F]]</ref> is a cultural system of behaviours and practices, world views, historically popular (influential) but useful texts, historically famous well used places, ethics, and naturally occurring societal organisation that relates to a humanity. ~ ''can be used to study other worlds. The naturally occuring version of''
'''Religions''' may contain symbolic stories, explaining the origin of life, the Universe, and other things. Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, has been considered a source of religious beliefs.
* Theres an estimated 10,000 distinct religions worldwide.
* About 84% of the world's population is affiliated with one of the five largest religions, namely Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or forms of folk religion.
* Automatic enrolment make the statistics unreliable.
“Truly, it is not right to forbid opinion holders and religious believers, or believers in god, places in which they, individually or in groups can retreat or get together for the purpose of exchanging opinions, or for the religious reflection, because that does not correspond to freedom of opinion and freedom of belief. A different way of reflecting, striving and acting, which is directed against such places and their emblems, represents sheer sectarian and fanatical racism against religion and belief, as well as hatred of those who believe differently, and that is absolutely unacceptable in every form…”
'''Scientific revolution'''<br>
With the onset of the modernity and ongoing scientific revolution brought about by the irreligious's discoveries, some aspects of religion have cumulatively been criticized. The religiously unaffiliated include atheists (who reject belief in the existence of deities) and agnostics (who believe that the truth of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable with currently available scientific equipment).
While the religiously unaffiliated has steadily grown globally, many of the unaffiliated still understandably have various underlying religious beliefs which haven't as yet been knocked on the head and remain for now a part of the baggage reclaim we bring with us to the present day from the middle ages.
''‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier<br>
23rd January – 7th June 2009
* About 16% of the world's population is religiously unaffiliated, irreligious.
<small><small>Source: [http://au.figu.org/god_delusion.html au.figu.org/god_delusion.html], see [[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]] - ''“not right to forbid” -not right to participate''</small></small>
==What are five important aspects regarding Earth religions?==
==What are five important aspects regarding Earth religions?==
<small>Source: [[Contact Report 031]]</small>
# Religion is only a primitive machination by Man to command, suppress and exploit others, to which only life forms that are weak in their consciousness succumb.
# Religion is only a primitive machination by Man to command, suppress and exploit others, to which only life forms that are weak in their consciousness succumb.
# When Man indulges in his religions, i.e. malevolent, erroneous doctrines, his consciousness wastes away more and more and ultimately leads to a bottomless abyss.<ref>[[Contact Report 1]], lines 57 and 45 respectively.</ref>
# When Man indulges in his religions, i.e. malevolent, erroneous doctrines, his consciousness wastes away more and more and ultimately leads to a bottomless abyss.<ref>[[Contact Report 1]], lines 57 and 45 respectively.</ref>
# Earth is the only planet within the [[Milky Way]] galaxy that has religions of our form. Our religions control people’s lives and the welfare of the whole planet retarding our world by thousands of years in spiritual development. <ref>[[Contact Report 31]]</ref>
# Earth is the only planet within the [[Milky Way]] galaxy that has religions of our form. Our religions control people’s lives and the welfare of the whole planet retarding our world by thousands of years in spiritual development.<ref>[[Contact Report 31]]</ref>
# Every aspect of spiritual evolution is blocked by these religions, making any genuine progress impossible.<ref>[[Contact Report 31]]</ref>  
# Every aspect of spiritual evolution is blocked by these religions, making any genuine progress impossible.<ref>[[Contact Report 31]]</ref>  
# Our religions still contain some real worth, but this becomes so overshadowed that only a few people are able to see any effective truth in them.<ref>[[Contact Report 31]]</ref>
# Our religions still contain some real worth, but this becomes so overshadowed that only a few people are able to see any effective truth in them.<ref>[[Contact Report 31]]</ref>
==FIGU Forum Questions Answered by Billy==
(FOM Note: In United Kingdom (and other countries) it's a criminal offence were someone to attack you physically or verbally because of your religion or belief, or for that matter because of your lack of religion e.g. Atheism. Someone is also committing a criminal offence if they 'stir up' hatred of a particular religious group. This doesn't mean you can't still talk about it honestly and openly, just keep the talk amongst the right company, know when to close your mouth, don't let the conversation spill over into the street, sort of thing. See references to '''Silent revolution of truth''' and '''Quiet revolution of truth''')
==FIGU Forum, Questions Answered by Billy==
<small>Source: [http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/1871.html?1406318762 forum.figu.org: Your Questions to Billy Meier - Answered (External)]</small>
===Why have we not yet destroyed ourselves like other star systems have done so because of religion?===
===Why have we not yet destroyed ourselves like other star systems have done so because of religion?===
From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left: 20px;"
| <small>''Cambridge Dictionary; British English: '''Religiosity'''</small><br>
:<small><small>the '''quality''' of '''being very''' or '''too religious'''.</small></small>
:<small><small>'''reminding''' of '''religious behaviour, often''' in a way that is '''annoying'''.</small></small>
::<small><small>''religiose rhymes with morose''.</small></small>
<blockquote>[[Semjase]] said that the damage from the Christian religion had spread to other systems and galaxies and even caused their destruction. How is this possible when, as crazy as things are here, we haven't yet destroyed our own world over this, at least not to the extent she describes?<br />
<blockquote>[[Semjase]] said that the damage from the Christian religion had spread to other systems and galaxies and even caused their destruction. How is this possible when, as crazy as things are here, we haven't yet destroyed our own world over this, at least not to the extent she describes?<br />
Linha 38: Linha 45:
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The other ones had more sophisticated weapons and technology to destroy themselves. We are still bound to our planet (luckily, in this respect). We are still in our baby shoes compared to them (in technical aspects).<ref>http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=12&page=2685</ref></blockquote>
The other ones had more sophisticated weapons and technology to destroy themselves. We are still bound to our planet (luckily, in this respect). We are still in our baby shoes compared to them (in technical aspects).<ref>http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=12&page=2685</ref></blockquote>
==Index of terminology==
A list of associated words and keywords where finding it all has been made simple.<br><small>Anchors within the index redirect the page to the exact location.</small>
==Religion in the Contact Reports==
<small>Source: [[Contact Reports]]</small>
===Contact Report 253 ''(Excerpt)''===
<small>Source: [[Contact Report 253]]</small>
{| style="text-align:justify;"
| {{FOMTS2}}
| <br>'''Florena:'''
| <br>'''Florena:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| 41. Our investigations of the last two weeks however has clearly resulted in the fact that the alleged representative of God, believes neither in the existence of a God above himself, nor in the religious insanity that he preaches.
| 41. Unsere Abklärungen der letzten zwei Wochen haben aber ganz eindeutig ergeben, dass der angebliche Gottesstellvertreter weder an die Existenz eines Gottes über ihm selbst glaubt noch an all den religiösen Unsinn, den er predigt.
| 42. This man believes only in himself, as did also many of the previous Popes, as we likewise endeavoured to clear up for ourselves through travels into the past to the places of the respective events.
| 42. Dieser Mann glaubt nur an sich selbst, wie das auch viele der früheren Päpste taten, wie wir uns bemühten ebenfalls abzuklären durch Reisen in die Vergangenheit an die Orte des jeweiligen Geschehens.
| 43. It proved to be about them, that a certain small number of only precisely 36 Popes believed in a God above them, whereas all others only considered it for its post and position of power for themselves.
| 43. Es erwies sich dabei, dass eine gewisse kleinere Anzahl von nur gerade 36 Päpsten an einen Gott über ihnen glaubten, während alle andern nur auf sich selbst, auf ihr Amt und auf ihre Machtposition bedacht waren.
| 44. Quite a few among them in fact completely rejected the Christian faith, which they outwardly, of course, knew to conceal.
| 44. Etliche unter ihnen lehnten den christlichen Glauben sogar vollkommen ab, was sie nach aussen hin natürlich zu verheimlichen wussten.
| <br>'''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Aha, then therefore I was correct with my suspicion.
| Aha, dann hatte ich mit meiner Vermutung also recht.
(FOM Note: Also see [[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]], whereby the genuine delusion symptoms are much less prevalent than some have traditionally thought, at least among the Popes themselves, with just 13.64% of all the Popes over 1,965 years suffering from actual delusion)
===Contact Report 39 ''(Excerpt)''===
<small>Source: [[Contact Report 039]]</small>
{| style="text-align:justify;"
| {{FOMTS2}}
| <br>'''Semjase:'''
| <br>'''Semjase:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| 273. Sure, except that the event - with the building of the ark, which Noah himself did not build, and with his family and with the animals and everything else - became so falsified that no current information agrees with the truth any more.
| 273. Sicher, nur wurde die Begebenheit mit dem Bau der Arche, die Noah nicht selbst erbaut hat, mit seiner Familie und mit den Tieren und allem anderen derart verfälscht, dass keinerlei heutige Angaben mehr mit der Wahrheit übereinstimmen.
| 274. The events with the ark did truly take place, but at another time, 90,000 years later.
| 274. Wahrheitlich fand das Geschehen mit der Arche aber zu einer anderen Zeit statt, 90000 Jahre später.
| <br>'''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| I know that very well, and in these falsified assertions, the boundless stupidity and lack of education of the scribes inevitably comes to full expression, for how else could they have written in their fantasy story that Ararat is the highest mountain in the world, and on the other hand, how, for example, could elephants as well as mammoths, which were still there at that time, rhinoceroses and all other 4-legged animals, etc. have climbed down from Ararat? I happen to know the mountain very well and know that even a good mountain climber has lots of distress and trouble when wanting to conquer the mountain.
| Das ist mir bestens bekannt, und in diesen verfälschten Behauptungen kommt ja auch die grenzenlose Dummheit und Ungebildetheit der Schreiberlinge voll zum Ausdruck, denn wie hätten sie in ihrer Phantasiegeschichte sonst schreiben können, dass der Ararat der höchste Berg der Erde sei, und wie hätten andererseits z.B. Elefanten sowie Mammuts, die es damals ja noch gab, Nashörner und alle andern vierbeinigen Tiere usw. vom Ararat heruntersteigen können. Ich kenne zufälligerweise den Berg ziemlich genau und weiss, dass selbst ein guter Bergsteiger seine liebe Not und Mühe hat, wenn erden Berg bezwingen will.
| <br>'''Semjase:'''
| <br>'''Semjase:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| 275. Not all Earth human beings think logically and with a sharp mind.
| 275. Nicht alle Erdenmenschen denken logisch und mit scharfem Verstand.
| 276. Many also live in some belief of an unreal religion, which forbids them to reflect upon and investigate such matters.
| 276. Viele leben auch in irgendeinem Glauben einer irrealen Religion, die ihnen jegliches Nachdenken und Nachforschen nach solchen Belangen verbietet.
===Contact Report 237 ''(Excerpt)''===
<small>Source: [[Contact Report 237]]<br>Regarding 'UFO Religion' see [[Other Contactees]]</small>
{| style="text-align:justify;"
| {{FOMTS2}}
| <br>'''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| I just wanted to make sure. You know, a G. G. in America claims that he or someone else knows that he or someone else would have contact with a certain Commander Hatoon of the Pleiades or somewhere else, but also with Jesus Christ, who under the name Santana or under some other such crazy name is supposed to be crazy enough to maintain contact with an upper-mad earthling, to let him loose with half-slavish idiocies on the otherwise already mostly sectarian enslaved earth humanity.
| Ich wollte nur sichergehen. Weisst du, ein G. G. in Amerika behauptet, dass er oder weiss der Deibel sonst wer mit einem gewissen Commander Hatoon von den Plejaden oder sonst irgendwo Kontakt hätte, so aber auch mit Jesus Christus, der unter dem Namen Santana oder unter sonst so einem irren Namen verrückt genug sein soll, um mit einem oberirren Erdling Kontakt zu pflegen, um diesen mit halbschlauen Idiotien auf die sonst schon grösstenteils sektiererisch versklavte Erdenmenschheit loszu-lassen.
==Indexed terms==
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{|style="width: 40%; text-align:center; background-color: white; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px"
Linha 66: Linha 154:
==Religion and Relegeon==
==Spiritual teaching antithesis of religion==
[[FIGU#WHAT_IS_RELIGION.3F_WHAT_IS_RELEGEON.3F|What is Religion and What is Relegeon?]]
==God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity==
[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]
==Why is religion a part of the Billy Meier reading experience even for atheists?==
''One paragraph short succinct.'' - one line about it being about all of Earth humanity, one line about equality, one line about being able to avoid that information entirely if you want.
==Further reading general definition, origin and various extraneous wide format information.==
<small>''mass noun''</small>: The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.<ref>http://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/religion</ref><br>
:<small>''count noun''</small>: A particular system of faith and worship.<ref>http://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/religion</ref><br>
'''[[Spirit teaching contrary to religions, sects and Satanism]]'''
::<small>''count noun''</small>: A pursuit or interest followed with great devotion.<ref>http://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/religion</ref> ~ ''this is closer to Relegeon see above''<br><br>
see [[Spirit Teaching]]. Alternatively; For many readers the ‘reason why Earth humans need help’ in the form of a ‘teaching’ is more interesting than the ‘teaching’ itself, FutureofMankind caters for all audiences, see [[Earth#The Situation of Earth]]
<small>''Origin''</small>: ''Variable'': Middle English (originally in the sense ‘life under monastic vows’): from Old French, or from Latin religio(n-) obligation, bond, reverence, perhaps based on Latin religare to bind.<ref>http://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/religion</ref><br><br>
<small>''Estimated number''</small>: ''Variable'': The precise number of religions in the world is not known, but available estimates show the number to be about 4,300<br><br>
'''Q: Why is this so-called ‘Spirit Teaching’ brought to the foreground every so often during discussion?'''<br>
A: It’s their ‘philosophies for life’, and is important to them for various reasons, FutureofMankind caters for all audiences, see [[Earth#The Situation of Earth]]
<small>''Finance and economy''</small>: ''Variable'': School tuition tax credits, capital grants, accredited private schools, public funding, after-school clubs in public facilities, military missionaries on government salaries, national emergency funds qualification, property taxes, International aid etc.<br><br>
'''Q: [[Christian Frehner]] said in a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9P3z1n0FbI documentary (Youtube)] that there should be no partitions within the community?'''<br>
A: Opinions have always varied through out all history, FutureofMankind caters for all audiences, readers don’t have to read the so-called ‘[[Spirit Teaching]]’ if that’s not what interests them, see [[Earth#The Situation of Earth]], [[Other Contactees]], [[Extraterrestrial Life]], maybe [[Extraterrestrial Traditions]] or make your own way.
<small>''Grooming and indoctrination''</small>: ''Variable'': Public school textbooks and discussions, supreme court rulings, head of state inclinations and competitive economic disadvantages, primary and secondary school teachers vernacular, teachers tone, expressions, religious music during school assemblies, religious naivety plays, religious dress and grooming practices include wearing religious clothing etc.<br><br>''<small>Continued but more serious methods</small>'': State funding, bullying tactics, manipulation, government level endorsements and concessions, historical capital punishment, assassination, murder, public hanging with priests present for monetary endorsement concessions and positive reinforcement, torture, preaching, self-aggrandising, heavy duty value forcefully positioned onto religion from governmental level spending, capital grants, head of state speeches, liberty and justice rolled into the religious patty and served as equal in value, partial democracy and historical dictatorship style openly concealed regimes.<br><br>''<small>Continued but cradle to grave methods</small>'': Religious ceremony to introduce a baby to life, several religious ceremonies per year, then a special ceremony to represent the act of union between two individuals then another special ceremony upon death, a special service at school to introduce the available knowledge then a special recap session whenever you do something wrong in life, all at that grave price and cost to your evolution which in itself is a religious sacrifice. When you vote as an adult and in a democracy you're typically given the option of two maybe three religiously indoctrinated individuals to choose from.
==Common misconceptions==
<small>[[List of common misconceptions|List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject]]<br>
[[List of common misconceptions#Explanation|Explanation about the broad subject of why]]</small>
* You make your own luck.<ref>[[FIGU Bulletin 056]]</ref>
* Everyone is the architect of his or her own fortune.<ref>[[FIGU Bulletin 056]]</ref>
==Religion and Relegeon==
* Everywhere, everything is well ordered. Law and regulation and principles prevail.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
'''[[FIGU#WHAT_IS_RELIGION.3F_WHAT_IS_RELEGEON.3F|What is Religion and What is Relegeon?]]'''
* The human being entirely bears full responsibility for him or herself and anything and everything.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* Belief, imaginations and delusions have a monstrous might over the human being. If the human being really believes that he is to be ruined by any certainly given situation, then that will actually then probably happen due to the various misunderstood and abused capacities of the [[Human Brain]].<ref>[[The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings]]</ref>
* Religious and sectarian belief, as delusion, epitomises a quite especially mighty (very dangerous to [[Health]]) nocebo preparation.<ref>[[The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings]]</ref>
*The human determines his or her own destiny through his or her thoughts, feelings and deeds.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* The human being, and everything else in the [[Creation|Creation, Universal Consciousness or Universe]], is bound by its natural laws and recommendations, in the naturally occurring physics vibrations of its [[Cause-Effect Evolution]].<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* All religious documentation have consciously had falsifications carried-out upon them or there has been historical plagiarisms which have arisen through a lack of understanding.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* Sodom and Gomorrah were two small towns<sup>(21st century comparative size)</sup> ordered to be destroyed by two small atomic weapons by a megalomaniac extraterrestrial running a horribly delusional secretive regime from below [[The Great Pyramid]], having murdered anyone able to intellectually challenge them.<ref>[[Contact Report 215]]</ref>
* Every human is free to nourish any thoughts and feelings he or she wishes. In each case he or she harvests the effect from this cause. No human has the right to do evil and un-right to another human being, not to mention to murder him; the death penalty also being a form of murder.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* Sacrifice, submissiveness and subjugation prevent the human being’s [[Consciousness Evolution|evolution of consciousness]]. They hold his [[Consciousness]] in the coarse-vibrational realm ([[Aura]]= pink/violet).<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref> [see Decalogue/Dodecalogue, 3rd recommendation ([[Books]])]
* Hell is not a real physical place, rather its described as a human condition which is therefore in the human being him or herself, in his or her [[The Block of Mentality|mental-block]], which he or she forms inside him or herself by means of incorrect thoughts and feelings.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref> [see [[The Deadly Might Of Thoughts And Feelings]]]
* Paradise or heaven is again and in the same vein not a real physical place, in the sky etc., rather it is again a condition in the human being [see previous point] ...which he himself or she herself forms by means of good and beautiful thoughts and feelings.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* [[Jmmanuel]] did not commit suicide on the cross, rather he only appeared to be dead [see [[the Talmud of Jmmanuel]]). But it is totally illogical to think that someone could allow him or herself to be killed and thereby release someone else from his or her sins, respectively, undo his or her sins. The laws and recommendations of Creation do not allow hocus pocus.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* The [[Goblet of Truth]], the book of the entire teaching of the prophets, contains the correct teaching, namely, the teaching of truth, the teaching of life, the teaching of spirit.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* Apostle Paul/Saul was not influenced by the [[Bafath]].<ref>http://www.theyfly.com/gaia/answers.html</ref>
* Fundamentally, [[God]] is an invention of the human being, respectively a manifestation of the [[Human Brain]], whereby, in the human being, over millions of years, the imaginary divinity has been inherited in the form of a special schizophrenic, epileptic delusion and has established itself in the temporal lobes as well as in the parietal lobes. Therefore Religious experiences which arise constitute forms of schizophrenic delusion and are the result of a genetically inherited religious belief.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* What use is a scientific discovery if they cannot include it into a bigger whole, into the bigger picture, in order to then draw to the right conclusions, because at present we have collectively together apparently developed a completely false picture of the [[Creation|Creation, Universal Consciousness or Universe]].<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* The [[Creation|Creation, Universal Consciousness or Universe]] is not simply an accumulation of chance and chaos. It is in its laws and recommendations, in the external [[Storage Banks]] and in our conscious memory, just as it is in the subconscious memory and in the countless forms of [[Consciousness]], [[Unconsciousness]] and [[FIGU_-_related_terms#Material_Subconsciousness|Sub-consciousness]], etc.<ref>[[God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity]]</ref>
* Earth scientists assign the Santorini catastrophe during the time of Moses as being circa 1,500 B.C, while the Plejaren give the time 3,453 B.C.<ref>[[Contact_Report_182_Part2]]</ref>
==Further Reading==
==Further Reading==
<div style="column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2">
<div id="mf-mainsections" title="secondNavigation List"><small>
* [[Interview_with_Billy_(1988)#6th_Question|Interview with Billy (1988)]] - 6th Question
* [[Interview_with_Billy_(1988)#6th_Question|Interview with Billy (1988)]] - 6th Question
* [[God]]
* [[God]]
* [[Prophets]]
* [[Prophets]]
* http://theyfly.com/Meier_on_the_Truth_about_Mohammed.html
* http://au.figu.org/like_glove.html
* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-47999795 BBC: Theresa May prepared to receive the dose (External)]
{{LINKNAVS2|[[File:Jim_Nichols_032_1280.jpg|frameless|Art by Jim Nichols|110px]]<br><br>[[File:Jim_Nichols_018_1280.jpg|frameless|Art by Jim Nichols|110px]]}}
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Edição atual desde as 14h39min de 16 de novembro de 2020

This article is not an official FIGU publication.

“Truly, it is not right to forbid opinion holders and religious believers, or believers in god, places in which they, individually or in groups can retreat or get together for the purpose of exchanging opinions, or for the religious reflection, because that does not correspond to freedom of opinion and freedom of belief. A different way of reflecting, striving and acting, which is directed against such places and their emblems, represents sheer sectarian and fanatical racism against religion and belief, as well as hatred of those who believe differently, and that is absolutely unacceptable in every form…”

‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier
23rd January – 7th June 2009

Source: au.figu.org/god_delusion.html, see God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity - “not right to forbid” -not right to participate

What are five important aspects regarding Earth religions?

Source: Contact Report 031

  1. Religion is only a primitive machination by Man to command, suppress and exploit others, to which only life forms that are weak in their consciousness succumb.
  2. When Man indulges in his religions, i.e. malevolent, erroneous doctrines, his consciousness wastes away more and more and ultimately leads to a bottomless abyss.[1]
  3. Earth is the only planet within the Milky Way galaxy that has religions of our form. Our religions control people’s lives and the welfare of the whole planet retarding our world by thousands of years in spiritual development.[2]
  4. Every aspect of spiritual evolution is blocked by these religions, making any genuine progress impossible.[3]
  5. Our religions still contain some real worth, but this becomes so overshadowed that only a few people are able to see any effective truth in them.[4]

(FOM Note: In United Kingdom (and other countries) it's a criminal offence were someone to attack you physically or verbally because of your religion or belief, or for that matter because of your lack of religion e.g. Atheism. Someone is also committing a criminal offence if they 'stir up' hatred of a particular religious group. This doesn't mean you can't still talk about it honestly and openly, just keep the talk amongst the right company, know when to close your mouth, don't let the conversation spill over into the street, sort of thing. See references to Silent revolution of truth and Quiet revolution of truth)

FIGU Forum, Questions Answered by Billy

Source: forum.figu.org: Your Questions to Billy Meier - Answered (External)

Why have we not yet destroyed ourselves like other star systems have done so because of religion?

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):

Cambridge Dictionary; British English: Religiosity
the quality of being very or too religious.
reminding of religious behaviour, often in a way that is annoying.
religiose rhymes with morose.

Semjase said that the damage from the Christian religion had spread to other systems and galaxies and even caused their destruction. How is this possible when, as crazy as things are here, we haven't yet destroyed our own world over this, at least not to the extent she describes?

ANSWER: Hi Michael,

The other ones had more sophisticated weapons and technology to destroy themselves. We are still bound to our planet (luckily, in this respect). We are still in our baby shoes compared to them (in technical aspects).[5]

Religion in the Contact Reports

Source: Contact Reports

Contact Report 253 (Excerpt)

Source: Contact Report 253

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch FIGU.png


41. Our investigations of the last two weeks however has clearly resulted in the fact that the alleged representative of God, believes neither in the existence of a God above himself, nor in the religious insanity that he preaches. 41. Unsere Abklärungen der letzten zwei Wochen haben aber ganz eindeutig ergeben, dass der angebliche Gottesstellvertreter weder an die Existenz eines Gottes über ihm selbst glaubt noch an all den religiösen Unsinn, den er predigt.
42. This man believes only in himself, as did also many of the previous Popes, as we likewise endeavoured to clear up for ourselves through travels into the past to the places of the respective events. 42. Dieser Mann glaubt nur an sich selbst, wie das auch viele der früheren Päpste taten, wie wir uns bemühten ebenfalls abzuklären durch Reisen in die Vergangenheit an die Orte des jeweiligen Geschehens.
43. It proved to be about them, that a certain small number of only precisely 36 Popes believed in a God above them, whereas all others only considered it for its post and position of power for themselves. 43. Es erwies sich dabei, dass eine gewisse kleinere Anzahl von nur gerade 36 Päpsten an einen Gott über ihnen glaubten, während alle andern nur auf sich selbst, auf ihr Amt und auf ihre Machtposition bedacht waren.
44. Quite a few among them in fact completely rejected the Christian faith, which they outwardly, of course, knew to conceal. 44. Etliche unter ihnen lehnten den christlichen Glauben sogar vollkommen ab, was sie nach aussen hin natürlich zu verheimlichen wussten.


Aha, then therefore I was correct with my suspicion. Aha, dann hatte ich mit meiner Vermutung also recht.

(FOM Note: Also see God-delusion and God-delusion Insanity, whereby the genuine delusion symptoms are much less prevalent than some have traditionally thought, at least among the Popes themselves, with just 13.64% of all the Popes over 1,965 years suffering from actual delusion)

Contact Report 39 (Excerpt)

Source: Contact Report 039

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch FIGU.png


273. Sure, except that the event - with the building of the ark, which Noah himself did not build, and with his family and with the animals and everything else - became so falsified that no current information agrees with the truth any more. 273. Sicher, nur wurde die Begebenheit mit dem Bau der Arche, die Noah nicht selbst erbaut hat, mit seiner Familie und mit den Tieren und allem anderen derart verfälscht, dass keinerlei heutige Angaben mehr mit der Wahrheit übereinstimmen.
274. The events with the ark did truly take place, but at another time, 90,000 years later. 274. Wahrheitlich fand das Geschehen mit der Arche aber zu einer anderen Zeit statt, 90000 Jahre später.


I know that very well, and in these falsified assertions, the boundless stupidity and lack of education of the scribes inevitably comes to full expression, for how else could they have written in their fantasy story that Ararat is the highest mountain in the world, and on the other hand, how, for example, could elephants as well as mammoths, which were still there at that time, rhinoceroses and all other 4-legged animals, etc. have climbed down from Ararat? I happen to know the mountain very well and know that even a good mountain climber has lots of distress and trouble when wanting to conquer the mountain. Das ist mir bestens bekannt, und in diesen verfälschten Behauptungen kommt ja auch die grenzenlose Dummheit und Ungebildetheit der Schreiberlinge voll zum Ausdruck, denn wie hätten sie in ihrer Phantasiegeschichte sonst schreiben können, dass der Ararat der höchste Berg der Erde sei, und wie hätten andererseits z.B. Elefanten sowie Mammuts, die es damals ja noch gab, Nashörner und alle andern vierbeinigen Tiere usw. vom Ararat heruntersteigen können. Ich kenne zufälligerweise den Berg ziemlich genau und weiss, dass selbst ein guter Bergsteiger seine liebe Not und Mühe hat, wenn erden Berg bezwingen will.


275. Not all Earth human beings think logically and with a sharp mind. 275. Nicht alle Erdenmenschen denken logisch und mit scharfem Verstand.
276. Many also live in some belief of an unreal religion, which forbids them to reflect upon and investigate such matters. 276. Viele leben auch in irgendeinem Glauben einer irrealen Religion, die ihnen jegliches Nachdenken und Nachforschen nach solchen Belangen verbietet.

Contact Report 237 (Excerpt)

Source: Contact Report 237
Regarding 'UFO Religion' see Other Contactees

British English Schweizer Standarddeutsch FIGU.png


I just wanted to make sure. You know, a G. G. in America claims that he or someone else knows that he or someone else would have contact with a certain Commander Hatoon of the Pleiades or somewhere else, but also with Jesus Christ, who under the name Santana or under some other such crazy name is supposed to be crazy enough to maintain contact with an upper-mad earthling, to let him loose with half-slavish idiocies on the otherwise already mostly sectarian enslaved earth humanity. Ich wollte nur sichergehen. Weisst du, ein G. G. in Amerika behauptet, dass er oder weiss der Deibel sonst wer mit einem gewissen Commander Hatoon von den Plejaden oder sonst irgendwo Kontakt hätte, so aber auch mit Jesus Christus, der unter dem Namen Santana oder unter sonst so einem irren Namen verrückt genug sein soll, um mit einem oberirren Erdling Kontakt zu pflegen, um diesen mit halbschlauen Idiotien auf die sonst schon grösstenteils sektiererisch versklavte Erdenmenschheit loszu-lassen.

Indexed terms

Keyword Index:


Keyword Index:


Keyword Index:


Keyword Index:


Spiritual teaching antithesis of religion

Spirit teaching contrary to religions, sects and Satanism

see Spirit Teaching. Alternatively; For many readers the ‘reason why Earth humans need help’ in the form of a ‘teaching’ is more interesting than the ‘teaching’ itself, FutureofMankind caters for all audiences, see Earth#The Situation of Earth

Q: Why is this so-called ‘Spirit Teaching’ brought to the foreground every so often during discussion?
A: It’s their ‘philosophies for life’, and is important to them for various reasons, FutureofMankind caters for all audiences, see Earth#The Situation of Earth

Q: Christian Frehner said in a documentary (Youtube) that there should be no partitions within the community?
A: Opinions have always varied through out all history, FutureofMankind caters for all audiences, readers don’t have to read the so-called ‘Spirit Teaching’ if that’s not what interests them, see Earth#The Situation of Earth, Other Contactees, Extraterrestrial Life, maybe Extraterrestrial Traditions or make your own way.

Religion and Relegeon

What is Religion and What is Relegeon?

Further Reading

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