Diferenças entre edições de "Brexit"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Há 54 revisões intermédias de 2 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
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[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
[[Category:Meier Encyclopedia]]
''"Brexit will be a Titanic success."''<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/nov/03/brexit-will-be-titanic-success-says-boris-johnson</ref>
It was never an anti-Europe win, it was instead an anti-EU-dictatorship win, and a vote for reform for lack of a better way. It should be a legal requirement that British citizens learn a minimum of four European languages, including German, French and Italian.
''"We are taking the machete of freedom to the brambles of EU regulation."''<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/nov/03/brexit-will-be-titanic-success-says-boris-johnson</ref>
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==Contact Report 655 excerpt==
''"There will be no return to the “borders of the past” as they prepare to cancel membership."''
<small>Source: [[Contact Report 655]]</small>
''"The 'start of a series of engagements'."''
''"We are exiting EU, but not leaving Europe."''
''"Likened to the beginning and preliminary preparations before the revolutions of 1848, known in some countries as the Spring of Nations"''
"''It'll be red, white and blue, she says.<br>
''Like the British flag. Or the French, Dutch or American ones.'"''
Brexit is an abbreviation for "British exit," which refers to the June 23, 2016, referendum whereby British citizens voted to exit the European Union. The referendum roiled global markets, including currencies, causing the British pound to fall to its lowest level in decades, but soon recovered.
[[File:444_(JPG)_01.jpg|thumb|left|500px|<small>''An artists simulacrum pastiche representation of extraneous contextual content''</small>]]<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
==[[Contact Report 655]] Translation Extract==
| style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | English || style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:Black" | German  
| style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:White" | ''' English''' || style="width:50%; background:LightSkyBlue; color:White" | ''' German'''
| '''Excerpt from the 655th contact conversation from Thursday, the 30th of June, 2016, 1:57pm'''
| '''Excerpt from the 655th contact conversation from Thursday, the 30th of June, 2016, 1:57pm'''
| '''Auszüge aus dem 655. Kontaktgespräch vom Donnerstag, den 30. Juni 2016, 13.57 h'''
| '''Auszüge aus dem 655. Kontaktgespräch vom Donnerstag, den 30. Juni 2016, 13.57 h'''
| '''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
| '''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
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| Quite. Now England has indeed said goodbye to the EU-dictatorship, but as I see it, on the one hand the Scots<ref>Scots, Scottish of the country Scotland in the United Kingdom. The vote result was more in favour of remaining a part of the European Union than any other part of the United Kingdom.</ref> and around 48 percent of the English are indeed crazy and pathologically dumb, that they continue to flirt with the EU-dictatorship and are willing to let themselves be subjugated by it and enslaved. Now on the other hand, the henchmen of the EU-dictatorship - namely with the might-greedy and reality-estranged-naive German Chancelloress Merkel leading the way as well as Juncker<ref>Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission</ref> and Schulz<ref>Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament</ref> - are attempting to terrorize England, so that Britain gets out as soon as possible from the dictatorship. And as for my assessment of the matter, now the whole smear-campaign against England by the criminal EU-dictators Juncker and Schulz, etc. as well as the EU-dictator Merkel, is driven out of sheer hatred and brainless revenge, in order to punish and drive England into hardship and misery. And thereby also playing with the deceitful idea, that by another and repeat vote sooner or later, England piles into the EU-dictatorship, just as that which the sick blockheads of Scotland indeed also strive for, which is why they secede from England and want to be independent. And what more is to be said, based on the fact that when the federal speeches are held in Germany, that neither Angela Merkel nor her like-minded hangers-on concern themselves with that which their opponents rightly state in their speeches and in accordance with the truth. So I was frequently able to observe on television, that for one thing the reality-estranged-naive Chancelloress and her subservient skulkers-in-at-the-back only grin stupidly and maliciously, babble with their peers or read newspapers, etc. Thus the rational ones who are familiar with thinking over the effective facts and also name them – such as Sahra Wagenknecht<ref>Sahra Wagenknecht, Member of the Bundestag, German left-wing politician, graduated economist and publicist.</ref> at the forefront, born in 1969, who works as a German economist, journalist and politician –, has no chance to be able to get through with the power-obsessed ones and politically achieve something of value.
| Quite. Now England has indeed said goodbye to the EU-dictatorship, but as I see it, on the one hand the Scots<ref>Scots, Scottish of the country Scotland in the United Kingdom. The vote result was more in favour of remaining a part of the European Union than any other part of the United Kingdom.</ref> and around 48 percent of the English are indeed crazy and pathologically dumb, that they continue to flirt with the EU-dictatorship and are willing to let themselves be subjugated by it and enslaved. Now on the other hand, the henchmen of the EU-dictatorship - namely with the might-greedy and reality-estranged-naive German Chancelloress Merkel leading the way as well as Juncker<ref>Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission</ref> and Schulz<ref>Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament</ref> - are attempting to terrorize England, so that Britain gets out as soon as possible from the dictatorship. And as for my assessment of the matter, now the whole smear-campaign against England by the criminal EU-dictators Juncker and Schulz, etc. as well as the EU-dictator Merkel, is driven out of sheer hatred and brainless revenge, in order to punish and drive England into hardship and misery. And thereby also playing with the deceitful idea, that by another and repeat vote sooner or later, England piles into the EU-dictatorship, just as that which the sick blockheads of Scotland indeed also strive for, which is why they secede from England and want to be independent. And what more is to be said, based on the fact that when the federal speeches are held in Germany, that neither Angela Merkel nor her like-minded hangers-on concern themselves with that which their opponents rightly state in their speeches and in accordance with the truth. So I was frequently able to observe on television, that for one thing the reality-estranged-naive Chancelloress and her subservient skulkers-in-at-the-back only grin stupidly and maliciously, babble with their peers or read newspapers, etc. Thus the rational ones who are familiar with thinking over the effective facts and also name them – such as Sahra Wagenknecht<ref>Sahra Wagenknecht, Member of the Bundestag, German left-wing politician, graduated economist and publicist.</ref> at the forefront, born in 1969, who works as a German economist, journalist and politician –, has no chance to be able to get through with the power-obsessed ones and politically achieve something of value.
| Eben. Nun hat sich ja England von der EU-Diktatur verabschiedet, doch so wie ich die Sache sehe, sind ja einerseits die Schotten und rund 48 Prozent der Engländer verrückt und krankhaft dumm, dass sie weiterhin mit der EU-Diktatur liebäugeln und sich von dieser knechten und versklaven lassen wollen. Anderseits versuchen nun die EU-Diktaturschergen – und zwar allen voran die machtgierige und wirklichkeitsfremd-naive deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel sowie Juncker und Schulz – England zu terrorisieren, damit Britannien so schnell wie möglich aus der Diktatur aussteigt. Und wie ich die Sache einschätze, wird nun die ganze Hetze gegen England durch die kriminellen EU-Diktatoren Juncker und Schulz usw. sowie die EU-Diktatorin Merkel aus blankem Hass und hirnloser Rache betrieben, um England abzustrafen und in Not und Elend zu treiben. Und dabei spielt auch der hinterlistige Gedanke mit, dass England durch eine weitere und wiederholende Abstimmung früher oder später neuerlich in die EUDiktatur einsteigt, wie das die kranken Dummköpfe Schottlands ja auch anstreben, weshalb sie sich von England abspalten und selbständig werden wollen. Und was weiter zu sagen ist beruht darauf, dass wenn in Deutschland die Bundestagsreden gehalten werden, dass weder Angela Merkel noch ihre mitstreitenden Trabanten sich darum kümmern, was ihre Gegner in ihren Reden richtigerweise und der Wahrheit gemäss ausführen. So konnte ich im Fernsehen des öftern beobachten, dass die wirklichkeitsfremd-naive Bundeskanzlerin und ihre ihr hörigen Hinten-hinein-Schleicher einerseits nur dämlich und hämisch grinsen, mit ihren Gleichgesinnten quasseln oder Zeitungen lesen usw. So haben die Vernünftigen, die nachdenkend mit den effectiven Fakten vertraut sind und diese auch nennen – wie z.B. an vorderster Front die 1969 geborene Sahra Wagenknecht, die als deutsche Volkswirtin, Publizistin und Politikerin arbeitet –, keine Chance, bei den Machtbesessenen durchdringen und politisch etwas von Wert erreichen zu können.
| Eben. Nun hat sich ja England von der EU-Diktatur verabschiedet, doch so wie ich die Sache sehe, sind ja einerseits die Schotten und rund 48 Prozent der Engländer verrückt und krankhaft dumm, dass sie weiterhin mit der EU-Diktatur liebäugeln und sich von dieser knechten und versklaven lassen wollen. Anderseits versuchen nun die EU-Diktaturschergen – und zwar allen voran die machtgierige und wirklichkeitsfremd-naive deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel sowie Juncker und Schulz – England zu terrorisieren, damit Britannien so schnell wie möglich aus der Diktatur aussteigt. Und wie ich die Sache einschätze, wird nun die ganze Hetze gegen England durch die kriminellen EU-Diktatoren Juncker und Schulz usw. sowie die EU-Diktatorin Merkel aus blankem Hass und hirnloser Rache betrieben, um England abzustrafen und in Not und Elend zu treiben. Und dabei spielt auch der hinterlistige Gedanke mit, dass England durch eine weitere und wiederholende Abstimmung früher oder später neuerlich in die EUDiktatur einsteigt, wie das die kranken Dummköpfe Schottlands ja auch anstreben, weshalb sie sich von England abspalten und selbständig werden wollen. Und was weiter zu sagen ist beruht darauf, dass wenn in Deutschland die Bundestagsreden gehalten werden, dass weder Angela Merkel noch ihre mitstreitenden Trabanten sich darum kümmern, was ihre Gegner in ihren Reden richtigerweise und der Wahrheit gemäss ausführen. So konnte ich im Fernsehen des öftern beobachten, dass die wirklichkeitsfremd-naive Bundeskanzlerin und ihre ihr hörigen Hinten-hinein-Schleicher einerseits nur dämlich und hämisch grinsen, mit ihren Gleichgesinnten quasseln oder Zeitungen lesen usw. So haben die Vernünftigen, die nachdenkend mit den effectiven Fakten vertraut sind und diese auch nennen – wie z.B. an vorderster Front die 1969 geborene Sahra Wagenknecht, die als deutsche Volkswirtin, Publizistin und Politikerin arbeitet –, keine Chance, bei den Machtbesessenen durchdringen und politisch etwas von Wert erreichen zu können.
| '''Ptaah:'''
| <br>'''Ptaah:'''
| '''Ptaah:'''
| <br>'''Ptaah:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| It is absolutely without question and without a doubt, that everything is indeed just as you say, and you rightfully highlight the politician Sahra Wagenknecht, because this woman in every respect sees the effective facts correctly and is also courageously committed in every wise. For this, however, she will be insulted in the wake of the stupidity of the reality-estranged-naive and power-crazed Merkel and her subservient vassals and through this attempted to bring into ridicule, as the Merkel henchmen twist and misrepresent the effective facts, in order to thereby confuse and to draw many to their side. But even those Scots, of whom you speak, are really dull with regard to the truth-recognition concerning the EU and are neither able to recognize nor to understand how dictatorially dangerous and devious the EU dictatorship really is. Regarding the EU itself, the dictatorial mightful ones are not capable of dealing with the fact that the majority of the English population recognized the European Union as a dictatorship and has voted in favour of a withdrawal from it. In fact, nothing better could be done and thus in some circumstances also the beginnings for it are created, that also populations of other countries which have joined the EU-Dictatorship, free themselves again from it, especially now if prudent rulers of these states take the necessary steps for a break with the EU-Dictatorship. With the whole thing also, fact is that already for some time now, large parts of the population of various EU-dictatorship countries regret the EU-membership and would like to pull out of the dictatorship, which however is prevented, unfortunately, by fools from the population as well as by the power-obsessed rulers.
| It is absolutely without question and without a doubt, that everything is indeed just as you say, and you rightfully highlight the politician Sahra Wagenknecht, because this woman in every respect sees the effective facts correctly and is also courageously committed in every wise. For this, however, she will be insulted in the wake of the stupidity of the reality-estranged-naive and power-crazed Merkel and her subservient vassals and through this attempted to bring into ridicule, as the Merkel henchmen twist and misrepresent the effective facts, in order to thereby confuse and to draw many to their side. But even those Scots, of whom you speak, are really dull with regard to the truth-recognition concerning the EU and are neither able to recognize nor to understand how dictatorially dangerous and devious the EU dictatorship really is. Regarding the EU itself, the dictatorial mightful ones are not capable of dealing with the fact that the majority of the English population recognized the European Union as a dictatorship and has voted in favour of a withdrawal from it. In fact, nothing better could be done and thus in some circumstances also the beginnings for it are created, that also populations of other countries which have joined the EU-Dictatorship, free themselves again from it, especially now if prudent rulers of these states take the necessary steps for a break with the EU-Dictatorship. With the whole thing also, fact is that already for some time now, large parts of the population of various EU-dictatorship countries regret the EU-membership and would like to pull out of the dictatorship, which however is prevented, unfortunately, by fools from the population as well as by the power-obsessed rulers.
| Es ist absolut fraglos und zweifellos, dass alles tatsächlich so ist, wie du sagst, wobei du die Politikerin Sahra Wagenknecht des Rechtens hervorhebst, denn diese Frau sieht in jeder Hinsicht die effectiven Fakten richtig und steht auch in jeder Beziehung mutig dafür ein. Dafür wird sie jedoch infolge der Dummheit der wirklichkeitsfremd-naiven und machtbesessenen Merkel und ihren ihr hörigen Vasallen beschimpft und dadurch lächerlich zu machen versucht, indem die Merkelanhänger die effectiven Fakten verdrehen und falsch darstellen, um dadurch viele zu irritieren und auf ihre Seite zu ziehen. Doch auch jene Schotten, von denen du sprichst, sind bezüglich der Wahrheitserkennung in bezug auf die EU wirklich dumm und vermögen weder zu erkennen noch zu verstehen, wie diktatorisch gefährlich und hinterhältig die EU-Diktatur wirklich ist. Bezüglich der EU selbst vermögen die diktatorisch Mächtigen nicht zu verkraften, dass das Gros der englischen Bevölkerung die Europäische Union als Diktatur erkannt und für einen Austritt aus dieser gestimmt hat. Tatsächlich konnte nichts Besseres getan und damit unter Umständen auch der Anfang dafür geschaffen werden, dass auch Bevölkerungen anderer Staaten, die sich der EUDiktatur angeschlossen haben, sich wieder von dieser befreien, besonders eben dann, wenn besonnene Regierende dieser Staaten die notwendigen Schritte für einen Bruch mit der EU-Diktatur unternehmen. Tatsache ist beim Ganzen auch, dass schon seit geraumer Zeit grosse Bevölkerungsteile diverser EU-Diktaturländer die EU-Mitgliedschaft bereuen und wieder aus der Diktatur austreten möchten, was aber leider von Dummen aus der Bevölkerung sowie von den machtbesessenen Regierenden verhindert wird.  
| Es ist absolut fraglos und zweifellos, dass alles tatsächlich so ist, wie du sagst, wobei du die Politikerin Sahra Wagenknecht des Rechtens hervorhebst, denn diese Frau sieht in jeder Hinsicht die effectiven Fakten richtig und steht auch in jeder Beziehung mutig dafür ein. Dafür wird sie jedoch infolge der Dummheit der wirklichkeitsfremd-naiven und machtbesessenen Merkel und ihren ihr hörigen Vasallen beschimpft und dadurch lächerlich zu machen versucht, indem die Merkelanhänger die effectiven Fakten verdrehen und falsch darstellen, um dadurch viele zu irritieren und auf ihre Seite zu ziehen. Doch auch jene Schotten, von denen du sprichst, sind bezüglich der Wahrheitserkennung in bezug auf die EU wirklich dumm und vermögen weder zu erkennen noch zu verstehen, wie diktatorisch gefährlich und hinterhältig die EU-Diktatur wirklich ist. Bezüglich der EU selbst vermögen die diktatorisch Mächtigen nicht zu verkraften, dass das Gros der englischen Bevölkerung die Europäische Union als Diktatur erkannt und für einen Austritt aus dieser gestimmt hat. Tatsächlich konnte nichts Besseres getan und damit unter Umständen auch der Anfang dafür geschaffen werden, dass auch Bevölkerungen anderer Staaten, die sich der EUDiktatur angeschlossen haben, sich wieder von dieser befreien, besonders eben dann, wenn besonnene Regierende dieser Staaten die notwendigen Schritte für einen Bruch mit der EU-Diktatur unternehmen. Tatsache ist beim Ganzen auch, dass schon seit geraumer Zeit grosse Bevölkerungsteile diverser EU-Diktaturländer die EU-Mitgliedschaft bereuen und wieder aus der Diktatur austreten möchten, was aber leider von Dummen aus der Bevölkerung sowie von den machtbesessenen Regierenden verhindert wird.  
| '''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
| '''Billy:'''
| <br>'''Billy:'''
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| Perhaps there comes a time, in which owing to bad advice the whole EU-Dictatorship goes down the drain and all its lowly-intelligent and simple-minded henchmen and advocates kick themselves with rage in their own bottom. But let's leave that, because I would like to address something another time, about which we have again also recently communicated...
| Perhaps there comes a time, in which owing to bad advice the whole EU-Dictatorship goes down the drain and all its lowly-intelligent and simple-minded henchmen and advocates kick themselves with rage in their own bottom. But let's leave that, because I would like to address something another time, about which we have again also recently communicated...
| Vielleicht kommt eine Zeit, in der durch schlechten Rat die ganze EU-Diktatur flöten geht und alle ihre dumm-dämlichen Anhänger und Befürworter sich vor Wut in den eigenen Hintern beissen. Aber lassen wir das, denn ich möchte ein andermal etwas ansprechen, worüber wir ja auch kürzlich wieder kommuniziert haben...
| Vielleicht kommt eine Zeit, in der durch schlechten Rat die ganze EU-Diktatur flöten geht und alle ihre dumm-dämlichen Anhänger und Befürworter sich vor Wut in den eigenen Hintern beissen. Aber lassen wir das, denn ich möchte ein andermal etwas ansprechen, worüber wir ja auch kürzlich wieder kommuniziert haben...<ref>excerpt from [[Contact Report 655]]</ref>
==Effectiveness of catch-phrases, watch-words, slogans, intentions, etc.==
The ineffective '''Brexit''' buzzword phrase, continues to be an item of jargon, that was fashionable at a particular time in a particular context.
Further Reading: Effectiveness of catch-phrases, watch-words, slogans, intentions, etc.<ref>What the human being calls peace
What the human beings of Earth call peace,
is only endless discord, hate as well as revenge,
lovelessness, unfreedom, unsatisfaction,
disharmony, war and destruction.
‹Billy› Eduard A. Meier            1:48 am
Semjase-Silver-Star-Center                24. August 2008 - http://beam2eng.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/effectiveness-of-catch-phrases-watch.html?view=mosaic</ref>
==Britain joined the EU (EEC) in 1972. After 40 years inside what we think we now know:==
'''50 things 50% now think they know in Britain.'''<br><br>
The following list is neither probability calculation nor prophecy nor prediction but just general opinion and feelings. The author recognises that the forecast of the future using this method is never accurate. So we basically in honesty have a bunch of entertainments, conjecture and fantasy. Opinion is sometimes of value. Please note there is also insufficient referencing. We'll leave the precise science and accurate measurement and data collection to [[Ptaah]] [[Quetzal]] and [[Zafenatpaneach]] etc.<br><br>
1. The European Union’s six constitutional treaties build a three tier politburo dictatorship.<br><br>
2. The EU has the laws of a police state - which are being increasingly enforced.<br><br>
3. The EU's 120,000 regulations will bring us a soviet style command economy and abject poverty.<br><br>
4. Unelected EU dictators will control the nuclear weapons of former nations of Britain and France.<br><br>
5. The EU's illegal six treaties will compel us to hand over all our armed forces to the EU.<br><br>
6. Our armed forces and police have been told they will swear a new oath to the EU, or be fired.<br><br>
7. The EU’s 120,000 regulations will rigidly control our personal lives - more than any nation in history.<br><br>
8. EU regulations now cost us £100 billion a year. (Better Regulation Commission annual report 2005)<br><br>
9. When enforced, those illegal regulations will destroy most of our 4.5 million small businesses.<br><br>
10. Up to 13.5 million will be unemployed after EU regulations close small businesses.<br><br>
11. The 120,000 regulations will make us subject to continual arrest (SOCPA 2005).<br><br>
12. There are now 3,095 "Crimes against the EU state" on the British statute book.<br><br>
13. The EU’s Constitutional treaties replaced the British Constitution on 1st January 2009.<br><br>
14. The independent nation of Britain was finally abolished by the Lisbon Treaty on 1st Jan 2009.<br><br>
15. 16 EU Bilderbergers<ref>The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings or Bilderberg Club is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954.</ref> control our parties: Ken Clarke, Maude, Cameron, Millibands, Mandelson, Clegg<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
16. The EU's Road Pricing and then ID chips will keep the state informed of our exact position.<br><br>
17. Huge taxes/fines by the EU's Road Pricing, Congestion Charging and global warming policies.<br><br>
18. The EU Regionalisation Plan will abolish England and our 48 counties in favour of 9 EU regions.<br><br>
19. The 9 EU regions will report direct to Brussels, not to Westminster [London], which will then become defunct.<br><br>
20. The EU Regionalisation Plan will abolish our 19,579 councillors.
23. British common law mainly replaced by EU corpus Juris<ref>The legal term Corpus Juris means "body of law". It was originally used by the Romans for several of their collections of all the laws in a certain field; see Corpus Juris Civilis. Later the term was used for comprehensive collections of laws in the US, as in Corpus Juris Secundum.</ref> by 1992. Government is now above the law.<br><br>
21. Police have shot 50 innocent people dead since 1992 and have not been successfully prosecuted.<br><br>
22. 1,500 deaths in police custody since 1992 according to the police and no successful prosecutions.<br><br>
24. Police Shoot to Kill policy now in force; illegal under British common law, OK under EU corpus juris.<br><br>
25. EU conceived in Germany from 22nd June 1940 as the EEC - speech by Hermann Goering.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armistice_of_22_June_1940 Armistice of 22 June 1940]<br><br>
26. First EEC conference Berlin University 1942, 13 nation summit Berlin 1943 run by von Ribbentrop.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
27. After fall of Germany, the Germans switched the EEC/EU from a Nazi to a communist basis in 1946.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
28. Hitler's Deutsche Verteiderungs Dienst Intelligence Department (DVD) still controls EU development.<br><br>
29. Edward Heath, Geoffrey Rippon, Roy Jenkins recruited by the DVD in 1958 as saboteurs.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
30. DVD<sup>[citation needed]</sup> has arranged finance to put pro-EU ownerships into British newspaper groups.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
31. EU has been sabotaging Britain with German Frankfurt School techniques since the 1950's.<br><br>
33. The EU's main subversive organisations in Britain are senior Freemasonry and Common Purpose.<br><br>
34. The EU's Common Purpose (CP) has trained 45,000 local leaders for "the post democratic era"<br><br>
35. CP<ref>Common Purpose Law</ref> controls the NHS, and is wrecking it with Frankfurt subversion techniques (eg continual change).<sup>[Citation needed]</sup><br><br>
36. Common Purpose has 400 staff inside the BBC censoring out anti-EU news and current affairs.<sup>[Citation needed]</sup><br><br>
37. Common Purpose has staff in hundreds of local newspapers censoring out anti-EU news.<br><br>
38. Common Purpose is transferring power from councillors to the unelected council executives.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
39. Common Purpose has built the EU gravy trains inside local and national government.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
40 CP<ref>Common Purpose</ref> and Freemasonry snatch 4,500 children a year from good parents for forced adoption.<sup>[Citation needed]</sup><br><br>
41. CP has built most of Britain's 8,500 quangos costing us £210 billion pa (Cabinet Office figs)<sup>[Citation needed]</sup><br><br>
42. Quangos<ref>a semi-public administrative body outside the civil service but receiving financial support from the government, which makes senior appointments to it.</ref> bribe pro EU local officials and businessmen with salaries up to £700,000pa.<br><br>
43. Our judges are now Freemasons, which is why British justice and our courts are utterly corrupt.<br><br>
44. The EU is corrupt and cannot account for 95% of its expenditure (yes, ninety five % lost)<br><br>
45. The EU has over 200,000 offshore bank accounts from which it pays bribes.<br><br>
46. We now lose £50 billion a year trading with the EU. Outside, we had an even balance of payments.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
47. EU Constitution is similar to the Soviet. And EU Commissioners similar to Soviet Politburo members.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
48. The EU parliament is a sham with no power - just like the old Soviet parliament.
49. The leadership of the Conservative Party has been controlled by EU Bilderbergers since the 1960's.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
50. The Labour and Lib Dem leaderships EU controlled for 20 years - that's why your vote doesn't count.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
51. The Amsterdam Treaty 1997 gave the EU control of our immigration, the EU's ethnic cleansing:<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
52. The ONS (Office National Statistics) says the English will be a minority in their own country by 2025.<sup>[citation needed]</sup><br><br>
53. Our infrastructure can't cope with the 20 million immigrants the EU has let in since 1997.<br><br>
54. 380,000<sup>[citation needed]</sup> highly qualified British emigrate annually to escape from the EU and its overcrowding.<br><br>
55. The EU and their Bilderbergers<sup>[citation needed]</sup> who is the  have moved 50,000 pro-EU people, freemasons and CP up into all positions of power over 40 years. You don’t progress in British government unless you are pro-EU.
Likely the Brexit referendum vote to leave the European Union won by a slim majority due to anger at the United Kingdom government rather than anger at the European union. We can be reasonably confident about this because the ballpark majority of British voters know or knew somewhere between nothing and little about the European Union.
It's a secretive organisation without any history, where as the UK Government is one of the older partial democracies and is embedded seated better in the national consciousness.
Referendums, asking the voters of their opinion on the matter, occurs sporadically is usually caused by some variously messy mash cocktail of ideas, feelings, values moult together in some improperly founded illogical formulation, with many different leading voices pulling the decision in several opposing directions.
The reason then summatively why vote casting occurs in the way it does, not representing the actual sentiments of the real public voice is probably due to it not occurring enough.
There would be less confusion if voting occurred for any cause, at least every 6 months but some kind of vote every 3 months would be ideal. Allowing newspaper writers to transfer the various details to the public is of some value but it does cause various kinds of problems.
==Further Reading==
==Further Reading==
[[File:Brexit2.jpg|thumb|right|<small><small>“People shouldn’t stay together if conditions aren’t the same as when things started,” said Juncker, January 2015<ref>https://euobserver.com/news/127253</ref></small></small>]]
* [[Contact Report 444]]
* [[Contact Report 444]]
* [[Contact Report 655]]
* [[Contact Report 655]]
* [[Contact Report 611]] - EU-dictatorship
* [[Contact Report 616]] - EU-dictatorship and a European Union Army.
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brexit Brexit (Wikipedia)]
* UK Taxpayers face a bill of £109 million for “non-event” European elections.
* We’ve long been aware the EU wants too much control over our lives – now they want to control time itself. European parliament votes to scrap daylight saving time 2021.
* EU plans vehicle speed limiters from 2022, to make it look like they’ve been doing something valueful all this time with the money we’ve been giving them.
* Polish MEP Ryszard Legutko roared: “if it had been the other way round, if the Remainers had won by the same small majority, their verdict would be considered here in this chamber as absolutely irrevocable and binding for eternity”...“Not to mention the fact that organising referenda until one gets the result one wants is a peculiar contribution of the EU to the theory and practice of democracy.”
* As top Eurocrats battled with Britain to secure a withdrawal deal after the Brexit vote, Italy sunk into recession for third time in a decade, sparking fear across the union. Italy, one of the core founding members of the bloc, has the biggest government debt in the EU at more than £2tn and the fourth-largest government debt in the world.
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic (Wikipedia)] - ''printing money without economic resources to back it''
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Edição atual desde as 09h51min de 8 de maio de 2019

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It was never an anti-Europe win, it was instead an anti-EU-dictatorship win, and a vote for reform for lack of a better way. It should be a legal requirement that British citizens learn a minimum of four European languages, including German, French and Italian.

Contact Report 655 excerpt

Source: Contact Report 655

English German
Excerpt from the 655th contact conversation from Thursday, the 30th of June, 2016, 1:57pm Auszüge aus dem 655. Kontaktgespräch vom Donnerstag, den 30. Juni 2016, 13.57 h


Quite. Now England has indeed said goodbye to the EU-dictatorship, but as I see it, on the one hand the Scots[1] and around 48 percent of the English are indeed crazy and pathologically dumb, that they continue to flirt with the EU-dictatorship and are willing to let themselves be subjugated by it and enslaved. Now on the other hand, the henchmen of the EU-dictatorship - namely with the might-greedy and reality-estranged-naive German Chancelloress Merkel leading the way as well as Juncker[2] and Schulz[3] - are attempting to terrorize England, so that Britain gets out as soon as possible from the dictatorship. And as for my assessment of the matter, now the whole smear-campaign against England by the criminal EU-dictators Juncker and Schulz, etc. as well as the EU-dictator Merkel, is driven out of sheer hatred and brainless revenge, in order to punish and drive England into hardship and misery. And thereby also playing with the deceitful idea, that by another and repeat vote sooner or later, England piles into the EU-dictatorship, just as that which the sick blockheads of Scotland indeed also strive for, which is why they secede from England and want to be independent. And what more is to be said, based on the fact that when the federal speeches are held in Germany, that neither Angela Merkel nor her like-minded hangers-on concern themselves with that which their opponents rightly state in their speeches and in accordance with the truth. So I was frequently able to observe on television, that for one thing the reality-estranged-naive Chancelloress and her subservient skulkers-in-at-the-back only grin stupidly and maliciously, babble with their peers or read newspapers, etc. Thus the rational ones who are familiar with thinking over the effective facts and also name them – such as Sahra Wagenknecht[4] at the forefront, born in 1969, who works as a German economist, journalist and politician –, has no chance to be able to get through with the power-obsessed ones and politically achieve something of value. Eben. Nun hat sich ja England von der EU-Diktatur verabschiedet, doch so wie ich die Sache sehe, sind ja einerseits die Schotten und rund 48 Prozent der Engländer verrückt und krankhaft dumm, dass sie weiterhin mit der EU-Diktatur liebäugeln und sich von dieser knechten und versklaven lassen wollen. Anderseits versuchen nun die EU-Diktaturschergen – und zwar allen voran die machtgierige und wirklichkeitsfremd-naive deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel sowie Juncker und Schulz – England zu terrorisieren, damit Britannien so schnell wie möglich aus der Diktatur aussteigt. Und wie ich die Sache einschätze, wird nun die ganze Hetze gegen England durch die kriminellen EU-Diktatoren Juncker und Schulz usw. sowie die EU-Diktatorin Merkel aus blankem Hass und hirnloser Rache betrieben, um England abzustrafen und in Not und Elend zu treiben. Und dabei spielt auch der hinterlistige Gedanke mit, dass England durch eine weitere und wiederholende Abstimmung früher oder später neuerlich in die EUDiktatur einsteigt, wie das die kranken Dummköpfe Schottlands ja auch anstreben, weshalb sie sich von England abspalten und selbständig werden wollen. Und was weiter zu sagen ist beruht darauf, dass wenn in Deutschland die Bundestagsreden gehalten werden, dass weder Angela Merkel noch ihre mitstreitenden Trabanten sich darum kümmern, was ihre Gegner in ihren Reden richtigerweise und der Wahrheit gemäss ausführen. So konnte ich im Fernsehen des öftern beobachten, dass die wirklichkeitsfremd-naive Bundeskanzlerin und ihre ihr hörigen Hinten-hinein-Schleicher einerseits nur dämlich und hämisch grinsen, mit ihren Gleichgesinnten quasseln oder Zeitungen lesen usw. So haben die Vernünftigen, die nachdenkend mit den effectiven Fakten vertraut sind und diese auch nennen – wie z.B. an vorderster Front die 1969 geborene Sahra Wagenknecht, die als deutsche Volkswirtin, Publizistin und Politikerin arbeitet –, keine Chance, bei den Machtbesessenen durchdringen und politisch etwas von Wert erreichen zu können.


It is absolutely without question and without a doubt, that everything is indeed just as you say, and you rightfully highlight the politician Sahra Wagenknecht, because this woman in every respect sees the effective facts correctly and is also courageously committed in every wise. For this, however, she will be insulted in the wake of the stupidity of the reality-estranged-naive and power-crazed Merkel and her subservient vassals and through this attempted to bring into ridicule, as the Merkel henchmen twist and misrepresent the effective facts, in order to thereby confuse and to draw many to their side. But even those Scots, of whom you speak, are really dull with regard to the truth-recognition concerning the EU and are neither able to recognize nor to understand how dictatorially dangerous and devious the EU dictatorship really is. Regarding the EU itself, the dictatorial mightful ones are not capable of dealing with the fact that the majority of the English population recognized the European Union as a dictatorship and has voted in favour of a withdrawal from it. In fact, nothing better could be done and thus in some circumstances also the beginnings for it are created, that also populations of other countries which have joined the EU-Dictatorship, free themselves again from it, especially now if prudent rulers of these states take the necessary steps for a break with the EU-Dictatorship. With the whole thing also, fact is that already for some time now, large parts of the population of various EU-dictatorship countries regret the EU-membership and would like to pull out of the dictatorship, which however is prevented, unfortunately, by fools from the population as well as by the power-obsessed rulers. Es ist absolut fraglos und zweifellos, dass alles tatsächlich so ist, wie du sagst, wobei du die Politikerin Sahra Wagenknecht des Rechtens hervorhebst, denn diese Frau sieht in jeder Hinsicht die effectiven Fakten richtig und steht auch in jeder Beziehung mutig dafür ein. Dafür wird sie jedoch infolge der Dummheit der wirklichkeitsfremd-naiven und machtbesessenen Merkel und ihren ihr hörigen Vasallen beschimpft und dadurch lächerlich zu machen versucht, indem die Merkelanhänger die effectiven Fakten verdrehen und falsch darstellen, um dadurch viele zu irritieren und auf ihre Seite zu ziehen. Doch auch jene Schotten, von denen du sprichst, sind bezüglich der Wahrheitserkennung in bezug auf die EU wirklich dumm und vermögen weder zu erkennen noch zu verstehen, wie diktatorisch gefährlich und hinterhältig die EU-Diktatur wirklich ist. Bezüglich der EU selbst vermögen die diktatorisch Mächtigen nicht zu verkraften, dass das Gros der englischen Bevölkerung die Europäische Union als Diktatur erkannt und für einen Austritt aus dieser gestimmt hat. Tatsächlich konnte nichts Besseres getan und damit unter Umständen auch der Anfang dafür geschaffen werden, dass auch Bevölkerungen anderer Staaten, die sich der EUDiktatur angeschlossen haben, sich wieder von dieser befreien, besonders eben dann, wenn besonnene Regierende dieser Staaten die notwendigen Schritte für einen Bruch mit der EU-Diktatur unternehmen. Tatsache ist beim Ganzen auch, dass schon seit geraumer Zeit grosse Bevölkerungsteile diverser EU-Diktaturländer die EU-Mitgliedschaft bereuen und wieder aus der Diktatur austreten möchten, was aber leider von Dummen aus der Bevölkerung sowie von den machtbesessenen Regierenden verhindert wird.


Perhaps there comes a time, in which owing to bad advice the whole EU-Dictatorship goes down the drain and all its lowly-intelligent and simple-minded henchmen and advocates kick themselves with rage in their own bottom. But let's leave that, because I would like to address something another time, about which we have again also recently communicated... Vielleicht kommt eine Zeit, in der durch schlechten Rat die ganze EU-Diktatur flöten geht und alle ihre dumm-dämlichen Anhänger und Befürworter sich vor Wut in den eigenen Hintern beissen. Aber lassen wir das, denn ich möchte ein andermal etwas ansprechen, worüber wir ja auch kürzlich wieder kommuniziert haben...[5]

Further Reading

“People shouldn’t stay together if conditions aren’t the same as when things started,” said Juncker, January 2015[6]
  • Contact Report 444
  • Contact Report 655
  • Contact Report 611 - EU-dictatorship
  • Contact Report 616 - EU-dictatorship and a European Union Army.
  • Brexit (Wikipedia)
  • UK Taxpayers face a bill of £109 million for “non-event” European elections.
  • We’ve long been aware the EU wants too much control over our lives – now they want to control time itself. European parliament votes to scrap daylight saving time 2021.
  • EU plans vehicle speed limiters from 2022, to make it look like they’ve been doing something valueful all this time with the money we’ve been giving them.
  • Polish MEP Ryszard Legutko roared: “if it had been the other way round, if the Remainers had won by the same small majority, their verdict would be considered here in this chamber as absolutely irrevocable and binding for eternity”...“Not to mention the fact that organising referenda until one gets the result one wants is a peculiar contribution of the EU to the theory and practice of democracy.”
  • As top Eurocrats battled with Britain to secure a withdrawal deal after the Brexit vote, Italy sunk into recession for third time in a decade, sparking fear across the union. Italy, one of the core founding members of the bloc, has the biggest government debt in the EU at more than £2tn and the fourth-largest government debt in the world.
  • Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic (Wikipedia) - printing money without economic resources to back it

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  • Source: https://www.pinterest.com/stormin3/ufo-contactee-billy-meier/
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  1. Scots, Scottish of the country Scotland in the United Kingdom. The vote result was more in favour of remaining a part of the European Union than any other part of the United Kingdom.
  2. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission
  3. Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament
  4. Sahra Wagenknecht, Member of the Bundestag, German left-wing politician, graduated economist and publicist.
  5. excerpt from Contact Report 655
  6. https://euobserver.com/news/127253