Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:Event Timeline"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Comment provided by Hawaiian - via ArticleComments extension)
(Há 6 revisões intermédias de 4 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
Linha 26: Linha 26:
An excellent analogy can be realized when one has the power to directly intervene in order prevent a crime such as murder, but instead chose not to and leaves for another planet, leaving the family to feud for themselves. After a few hundred years that same person (ET), comes back to find the family broken up and in despair, then gives them a set of directives to better their situation. Would it have been better if that ET had done the right thing in the first place rather than wait because it was more convienent to do so? Regardless, that ET or his/her material as well as spiritual Being are still connected from day one of that episode and continues, whether those connections remains positive or negative depends which side of the "equation" contribute or not contribute to balance the Equational Potentials that will determine which equational side evolves or stagnates.
An excellent analogy can be realized when one has the power to directly intervene in order prevent a crime such as murder, but instead chose not to and leaves for another planet, leaving the family to feud for themselves. After a few hundred years that same person (ET), comes back to find the family broken up and in despair, then gives them a set of directives to better their situation. Would it have been better if that ET had done the right thing in the first place rather than wait because it was more convienent to do so? Regardless, that ET or his/her material as well as spiritual Being are still connected from day one of that episode and continues, whether those connections remains positive or negative depends which side of the "equation" contribute or not contribute to balance the Equational Potentials that will determine which equational side evolves or stagnates.
--[[User:Daniel Leech|Daniel Leech]] ([[User talk:Daniel Leech|talk]]) 18:19, 6 March 2019 (UTC) Hello Mark, when someone looses their car keys, when they have found them again, they don’t carry on looking do they. In other words when you have finished something you don’t carry on after that do you. I mean when was the last time you went to the place where you grew up and walked the school route as an older man, why would you, it doesn’t happen does it. No extraterrestrials will ever come back unless they’ve got unfinished business to attend to, we only do things which serve some purpose or another and for a limited window of time, when it is finished we loose interest and move onto something else, whatever that may possibly be. --[[User:Daniel Leech|Daniel Leech]] ([[User talk:Daniel Leech|talk]]) 18:19, 6 March 2019 (UTC)
== Mark said ... ==
== Mark said ... ==
Linha 86: Linha 89:
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 23:28, 29 July 2012 (BST)
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 23:28, 29 July 2012 (BST)
== Fjatonlukos said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
The Hyperlink should not be there because the text refers to another Ptaah not the Plejaren Ptaah. - How do I go about getting that corrected?
--[[User:Fjatonlukos|Fjatonlukos]] 06:01, 30 July 2012 (BST)
== ITABASHI said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
--[[User:ITABASHI|ITABASHI]] ([[User talk:ITABASHI|talk]]),  23:58, 18 October 2012 (BST)
== ITABASHI said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
--[[User:ITABASHI|ITABASHI]] ([[User talk:ITABASHI|talk]]),  16:08, 19 October 2012 (BST)
== ITABASHI said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
After considerable search , I found the contact reference for the date for the destruction of Malona of 73,000 BC. It is Contact Report #151, line 75.
--[[User:ITABASHI|ITABASHI]] ([[User talk:ITABASHI|talk]]),  14:04, 30 October 2012 (GMT)
== Redtk21 said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
There are multiple errors here on in the contact report 070: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_070
According to event timeline refugees from Beta-Centauri came 131,000 years ago. That is correct like contact report 070.
But event timeline says group of scientists (Bafath) that fled occurred 13,000 years ago.
The contact report says that happened 115,000 years ago a difference of 102,000 years!!
Then again event timeline says they returned (Bafath, under leader Arus) 11,000 years ago.
The contact report says they returned 113,000 years ago.
--[[User:Redtk21|Redtk21]] ([[User talk:Redtk21|talk]]),  10:45, 4 August 2013 (CEST)
== Matthew said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Please note: The timeline contains errors. An explanation by Corey at the figu forum (Source here: http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/14/8838.html) explains the actual date of the creation of the 3 races:
"OM explains that there was a Semjasa roughly 389,000 years ago that was a former ringleader, and the new 2011 TJ explains that this former ringleader Semjasa was Quetzal's spirit-from. OM also explains that there was a second Semjasa, who procreated Adam (31:560/31:43) 11,008 before Jmmanuel's time or 13,023 years ago and this was explained in the new 2011 TJ that this 2nd Semjasa was a former personality of Jmmanuel (Billy's Nokodemion spirit-form). 11,008 years before Jmmanuel's time was also the time that Sartael procreated the red race by procreating Tetel and Asasel procreated the dark races by procreating Ledon. The time reckoning of 13,023 years ago is 50 years short of the time reckoning for Adam in the correction to "An Open Word" and almost 500 years short for the time reckoning for the procreation of Adam in the new 2011 TJ (13,500 years ago from 2011). Om explains the first Semjasa's (Quetzal's spirit-form) people tried procreating with Earthhumans roughly 389,000 years ago and this resulted in giants and other evils such as nuclear war. So these were 2 separate occurrences that were many years apart. - I have a question to Billy in the next round why there are 3 different time reckonings for the over 13,000 years ago procreation of Adam in Billy's books"
--[[User:Matthew|Matthew]] ([[User talk:Matthew|talk]]), UK,  18:33, 21 August 2013 (CEST)

Edição atual desde as 18h19min de 6 de março de 2019

Hawaiian 07:40, 4 January 2009 (UTC)Excellent chronological presentation! Earth is indeed the center piece of the DERN universe (and DAL) in regards to the various positive/negative forces that date back to the split up of Nokodemion peoples via the creator overlords. The Bafath are truly evil, did they reincarnate into any Earth humans currently living? Also, is Andromedan High Council of the Hyperborea people (22 BC) the same as those that currently advise the Plejarens? Very interesting if so, now because of the neural-physical-particle "connections" (FIGU Special bulletin 38) that has "manifested" itself here on Earth, all parties whether negative or positive are in various ways, "connected" to current humans now living or more so "existing" on Earth.

These humans represent a magnitude of various fashions throughout this universe, a sort of "composite" circumstance "reality", the "key" to harmony and balance between all parties involved if the right parameters are introduced to bring this about. All parties have an interest(s) in the outcome of Earth humans, whether benevolent or evil, because their spiritual development depends on this "missing" key.

Semjasa created the Adam lineage

According to http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/3451.html?1062165882 this began 13500 years ago, not 387,000 BC

sc said ...


--sc 08:15, 10 June 2010 (BST)

Mark said ...

Many people have resided on Earth many times according to that timeline. I have always wondered if they would come back and visit. Of all the planets why did they have to try and conquer ours, those damn old Giza's. I guess going after the less developed beings was there plan. We sure do fall for those illusions rather easily. If we used our common sense and didn't get controlled by the fireworks we would probably be a bit better off right now. I hope if we are tested in the future we have matured enough so we don't fall for every trick in the book. The universe is so vast according to the distances and multiple time configurations, I'm sure that many that have left our planet are still out there somewhere. I just hope they grow up and have better intentions next time they plan to come back home.

--Mark 13:19, 10 June 2010 (BST)

Hawaiian 23:55, 10 June 2010 (UTC)Mark, I assume Earth, Malona and Mars were selected by these advanced ET's because of its far off location away from the ongoing Lyrian, Orion wars and that they knew others won't consider colonizing a SOL system with a dying central sun. However the insane god and religion concept was already established millions of years ago when the benevolent turned malevolent counter-parts of the Creator Overlords fled with the DNA manipulated humans to these planets and were later expelled. Thus, the concept of using religion to conquer, enslave and exploit others was well known when the evil Giza ancestors established themselves after conspiring the destruction of Atlantis and Mu, who were the biggest hinderance for their evil conquest.

However, because there are various types of reincarnations spanning this whole episode of events to include many ET's who perished, the links to them on Earth as well as other parts of the universe are still interconnected. Because of the Cause and Effect criteria, they are still obligated to resolve any issues that may fall under their responisbility that are still here on Earth.

An excellent analogy can be realized when one has the power to directly intervene in order prevent a crime such as murder, but instead chose not to and leaves for another planet, leaving the family to feud for themselves. After a few hundred years that same person (ET), comes back to find the family broken up and in despair, then gives them a set of directives to better their situation. Would it have been better if that ET had done the right thing in the first place rather than wait because it was more convienent to do so? Regardless, that ET or his/her material as well as spiritual Being are still connected from day one of that episode and continues, whether those connections remains positive or negative depends which side of the "equation" contribute or not contribute to balance the Equational Potentials that will determine which equational side evolves or stagnates.

--Daniel Leech (talk) 18:19, 6 March 2019 (UTC) Hello Mark, when someone looses their car keys, when they have found them again, they don’t carry on looking do they. In other words when you have finished something you don’t carry on after that do you. I mean when was the last time you went to the place where you grew up and walked the school route as an older man, why would you, it doesn’t happen does it. No extraterrestrials will ever come back unless they’ve got unfinished business to attend to, we only do things which serve some purpose or another and for a limited window of time, when it is finished we loose interest and move onto something else, whatever that may possibly be. --Daniel Leech (talk) 18:19, 6 March 2019 (UTC)

Mark said ...


The majority of people that have resided on Earth have one thing in common, they all wanted full control of everything. I don't know why many left but if everyone was that way I would want to change course especially if they are as cruel as they have been portrayed. Could ET's have prevented the World Wars with there tech they could. This is our world now and we can't rely on a past resident to pay the rent. I'm sure they do little things from time to time. Those ET's you speak of have faced the same challenges as we and prevailed, an example the Plejarens and there 50,000+ years of peace. It is now up to us to create and shape our outcome. Let's say that you had a father that caused tremendous pain and heartache as a leader, would you feel responsible and shoulder all the blame or choose to disagree and move on and choose your own path.

--Mark 05:12, 11 June 2010 (BST)

Adranchoi said ...

190,000 BC Pelegon arrives from Plejares, with 70,000 of his people, on Earth.[6]


http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Pelegon Pelegon An Jschwjsch who, 50,000 years ago, led the exodus of 70,000 human beings from a war-torn Plejares star system to the Sol star system.

Which is the correct date 190,000BC or 50,000 years ago?

--Adranchoi 08:26, 19 December 2010 (UTC)

Lepuniv said ...

Why is Prophet Billy's birth not mentionned?


--Lepuniv 09:22, 4 January 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian 01:09, 11 January 2011 (UTC) There appears to be actually two migrations from Earth to the Plejares system, but the only one indicated here is on 1 BC by Pejos.

Pelegon (Whose name is honored in name of Plejaren), arrived on Earth with 70,000 followers in 190,000 BC. However there is no departure date, which I assume must be before 48,000 BC, which is the period of final peace on the Plejares star system. In other contact notes, there is a brief discreption of Pelegon fleeing Earth to Plejares because of war.

The reason for this request, is because it MAY may be linked to the 144,128 former "sons and daughters" that caused much disruptions on Earth?

Fjatonlukos said ...

@Event_Timeline: I'd Like to bring your attention to date: 3,343 BCE - there is a hyperlink that leads to "Ptaah"-Plejaren, which must be removed.

--Fjatonlukos 14:00, 29 July 2012 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

No one should ever forget their past and historical aspects that are the foundations on which they currently stand on, further more even though one’s current personality is unique and separate from its past personalities, they are all linked to its spirit form and accessed through their Subconscious via the memory bank which stores the past personality’s experience and knowledge. In addition, each and every one of these past personalities have in some form or another during its material life cycle, had some corresponding links to other personalities when both were living material human beings with their respective spirit form now incarnated in a different personality, but still linked or connected even though the respective personality no longer exists in material form, its experiences and knowledge are still stored in their respective memory banks.

To say one needs to move on and not dwell on the past, even though mistakes or gross violations to others occurred in the past, is a form of ignorance and irresponsibility, as history has on numerous cases, tend to repeat its mistakes without learning. One case in particular should be noted as Juda Ihariot during his time in Egypt, persecuted the prophet Jmmanuel more than 2000 years ago is the same spirit form incarnated recently in a female named Krauser who also strived to work against Billy the current and last prophet. This personality has never learned from its past injustices to others. She certainly did not care about finding some resolution to her spirit form’s past (Ihariot). I’m quite confident that this is not an isolated event and that more incarnated personalities with negative agendas from the past still do exists in this time period and strive to control and manipulate others in their mad quest of power lust and greed.

In addition, to say “move on from the past” is quite contra dictionary in nature because the current Peace Meditation process is connected to the time the Plejaren colony was on Earth around 189,000 years ago with Pelegon as their leader who also spoke the exact same language as the Peace Meditation words, thus when these words are spoken, it invokes not just the current meaning by both the Plejarens and their federation members who participate, but also invokes certain harmonic energies here with Earthly participants as well, in concert with more than 70,000 of Pelegon’s followers who once lived here and are now spirit forms on the Plejaren planets incarnated in new personalities, but the same spirit form who once lived here. Your spirit form may also have links to these Plejarens if during the past, one of your personalities did make contact while Pelegon and his followers were on Earth. In conclusion, to say to forget one’s past is to abandon one’s connections which have the necessary attributes for total resolution.

--Hawaiian 23:28, 29 July 2012 (BST)

Fjatonlukos said ...

The Hyperlink should not be there because the text refers to another Ptaah not the Plejaren Ptaah. - How do I go about getting that corrected?

--Fjatonlukos 06:01, 30 July 2012 (BST)

ITABASHI said ...


--ITABASHI (talk), 23:58, 18 October 2012 (BST)

ITABASHI said ...


--ITABASHI (talk), 16:08, 19 October 2012 (BST)

ITABASHI said ...

After considerable search , I found the contact reference for the date for the destruction of Malona of 73,000 BC. It is Contact Report #151, line 75.

--ITABASHI (talk), 14:04, 30 October 2012 (GMT)

Redtk21 said ...

There are multiple errors here on in the contact report 070: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_070

According to event timeline refugees from Beta-Centauri came 131,000 years ago. That is correct like contact report 070.

But event timeline says group of scientists (Bafath) that fled occurred 13,000 years ago.

The contact report says that happened 115,000 years ago a difference of 102,000 years!!

Then again event timeline says they returned (Bafath, under leader Arus) 11,000 years ago.

The contact report says they returned 113,000 years ago.

--Redtk21 (talk), 10:45, 4 August 2013 (CEST)

Matthew said ...

Please note: The timeline contains errors. An explanation by Corey at the figu forum (Source here: http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/14/8838.html) explains the actual date of the creation of the 3 races:

"OM explains that there was a Semjasa roughly 389,000 years ago that was a former ringleader, and the new 2011 TJ explains that this former ringleader Semjasa was Quetzal's spirit-from. OM also explains that there was a second Semjasa, who procreated Adam (31:560/31:43) 11,008 before Jmmanuel's time or 13,023 years ago and this was explained in the new 2011 TJ that this 2nd Semjasa was a former personality of Jmmanuel (Billy's Nokodemion spirit-form). 11,008 years before Jmmanuel's time was also the time that Sartael procreated the red race by procreating Tetel and Asasel procreated the dark races by procreating Ledon. The time reckoning of 13,023 years ago is 50 years short of the time reckoning for Adam in the correction to "An Open Word" and almost 500 years short for the time reckoning for the procreation of Adam in the new 2011 TJ (13,500 years ago from 2011). Om explains the first Semjasa's (Quetzal's spirit-form) people tried procreating with Earthhumans roughly 389,000 years ago and this resulted in giants and other evils such as nuclear war. So these were 2 separate occurrences that were many years apart. - I have a question to Billy in the next round why there are 3 different time reckonings for the over 13,000 years ago procreation of Adam in Billy's books"

--Matthew (talk), UK, 18:33, 21 August 2013 (CEST)