Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:FIGU Special Bulletin 20"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Há 17 revisões intermédias de 7 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
Linha 93: Linha 93:
== TROLL ERA said ... ==
== TROLL ERA said ... ==
*Cleaned up the pollution. Not worth reading.
<div class='commentBlock'>
"people deserve what they are willing to put up with. If your friend couldn't stick up for himself, that's his problem. Believe me, there are just as many bitchy husbands as there are bitchy wives. "
SHEILA, YOU MAGGOT PSYCHOPATH BITCH, greetings neighbourhood psychopath.
So what you are saying applies for trivial shit, like "bitchy husbands" and "bitchy wives", essentially your genital-genital fetishes. So you know how to comment when it comes to getting your genitals scratched - a trivial petty issue.
So maggot psychopath 2 faced self contradicting weasel bitch, when it comes to genital contact issues, people better stand up for themselves. When I ask you to justify reproducing in pollution, overpopulation, and besides all sorts or predators/parasites, issues 100000000000x worse, not to mention Creation's garbage absolute dependency laws, than standing up for yourself results in a "you sound very much like a child who can't get their way".
So Shiela you self contradicting animal, you'd better stand up for yourself when it comes to genital issues, but you aren't allowed to stand up for yourself being hatched/reproduced/bonded in imperfect conditions, ***DANGEROUS CONDITIONS***; NO!! THAN YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT!!!!
And you wonder why the elites are in plans to hunt you down like harmful game? You are ALL (99.9999% of you) sick in the mind yet your completely oblivious to it. Whats even more pathetic and disturbing, is that you that are supposedly close to a prophet that should have way more godly reasoning power act like 2 faced weasel psychopaths. At least if it was the averge idiot it would be 1 thing, but you that think yourselves enlightened and righteous blatantly ignore simple logic. Your in luck psychopath animals: in the apocalypse, waking up from your zombie unrighteous charging bondage coma is the name of the game. You will wake up willingly or forcefuly, but wake up you will.
Alive, trolling newb: "so the husbands and boyfriends could develop their Egos peacefully"
There's a problem with this statement psychotic animal. You work out your kinks and issues, on your own time. You do the best you can on your own time when its only your skin on the line. When other people are involved your best isn't good enough. If you are not capable of handling simple logic than you shouldn't reproduce. You see, non retards are not interested in being summoned here and eduring your psychotic fetishes as you slowly learn to stop being a psychopath, you do that by yourself trolling newb. Thnx.
Psychopath bondage robots, you will learn, ohh will you learn a lesson on morals in the coming time.
PS. Sheila if you want we can practice "standing up for yourself" together.
The example I had in mind was that we would schedule a meeting together in person, and I would instantly upon seeing you skip the formalities, wip out my massive dick you'd like to deepthroat and try to poke your face. You can practice standing up to my brazeness as I repeatedly try to poke you with my dick in your mouth and then simply in any place. After you've stood up to yourself a few times and I keep asking "can i insert now yet", "can i insert now yet"... "can i insert now yet", you will allow me to insert you, and we can bond since you stood up foryourself and your vaginal issues.
THE EXAMPLE I DEFINATELY DIDN'T HAVE IN MIND IS that I would make you aware that your body is poisoned with all sorts of toxins and than more righteous people than you are suffering now because you had the gall to expose them to parasites/predtars, to overpopulation and to the constant knowledge that at any time they are walking down the street, they can be shot in the back by Jamal and Tyrone because well McDonald's meals aren't free. This example I definately did not have in mind, would definately not be something worth standing up for, because its just petty shit.
PPS. (_))================D18:52, 26 April 2012 (BST)~~
--[[User:Newb Slayer|Newb Slayer]] 18:52, 26 April 2012 (BST)
== Alive said ... ==
== Alive said ... ==
Linha 165: Linha 118:
--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 15:58, 27 April 2012 (BST)
--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 15:58, 27 April 2012 (BST)
== TROLL ERA said ... ==
== Alive said ... ==
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Alive,  wtf is “culture”. Wtf is “Romanian”. Alive, psychopath animal, I don’t deal in these kinds of primitive/meaningless concepts but rather abstract psychedelic thoughts and impulses.  
I will not respond to your comment anymore unless you send me the photographs of your bitchy Romanian cousins.
That treatise won’t be necessary psychopath animal, as your (99.9999% of you) enlightenment is already clearly visible in the present state of the planet, the known war, famine and disease filled earth history and the planet Malona (asteroid belt) you blew up. Poor effort, but thanks for showing up.
Attempt to bait and switch failed psycho newb. Are you bitter that I don’t want your dick/vagina on my face? It sure sounds like it. Faggot prostitute; don’t hate people because they don’t want your genitals – that’s not reasonable, ROFL, LULZ. Need a dick to suck? Suck your own dick. Can’t reach? Buy a dildo. Can’t afford one? Use a stick.
Sheila: “Don't worry about me, delusional Troll Era, genital issues are the least of my worries”. Maggot bitch, don’t lie. Genital issues is everything for you. This is clearly visible BY THE PRESENT VERSION OF REALITY YOU ENGAGE IN. STFU animal retard, and don’t blatantly lie, NO ONE LIKES A FUCKING (hint hint, ROFL, ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha  ha  ha aha ha a HA, ROFL) LIAR.
Extraordinary Postscript
Sheila you maggot 2 faced weasel bitch. You are failing miserably at exposing your kids to ethics because when you hatched them in the first place, you exposed them to overpopulation, pollution, parasites (you included) and war. Sheila - maggot psychopath - you have a very twisted concept of ethics as already explained. But since danger, pollution, overpopulation, Jamal’s handgun, and all in all unreasonableness is ethics to you, well Sheila, who are us elite to deny you the pain. And you wonder why you will be hunted down like the harmful game that you are?
Do not forget to attach their biodata (name, birth place, birth date, height, weight, hobbies, native language, and religion).
Sheila, I want out of reincarnation. I WANT FREEDOM FROM REINCARNATION. I DON’T WANT TO BE HERE. I DON’T WANT TO MAKE GENITAL CONTACT WITH YOU. You on the other hand, can only get a kick out of this version of reality. Attempt to bait and switch failed psychotic animal. It’s the person that engages and repeats an act that has an “obsession” with it, not the other way around. No, let’s be even more generous, it’s the person that wants to force an act on another that doesn’t want it, that has an obsession with it, not the other way around. Attempt to bait and switch failed psychotic animal. Poor effort , but thanks for showing up.
--[[User:Alive|-- M --]] 06:31, 28 April 2012 (BST)
PS. A child agreed to something. This proves everything! Merely saying anything makes it so does it? Teach me your mad logic skilz. ROFL.  Silly newb. HERP DERP. HERP DERP. NARF NARF . WAAHHG.
== RemR said ... ==
You could learn a lot from that link cockroach weasel newb Alive, based on your idiotic meaningless statements. Don’t hate people that reject your genitals. That’s not reasonable. ROFL, you pathetic fucking maggot.
So I’m a piece of crap for asking you to justify reproducing in overpopulation, pollution, war, eating, shitting, breathing, decaying, dying, but you are ethical for doing it. With statements like these Shiela, you can be certain that a mass culling of psycho newbs like yourself is coming, and mercilessly.
<div class='commentBlock'>
Dear person who hides behind the anonymous Internet name of 'Newb Slayer',
You have no concept of morals whatsoever.  In that sick sick mind of yours, Alive, Sheila, all of you, you actually think you have bondage rights. You actually think you can reproduce no matter what situation/environment you find yourself in. You actually think you can expose your defenceless child to danger. You actually think it’s your right, knowing you are in pollution to force poisonous oxygen depleted air into other people’s lungs. LULZ, YOU ARE ALL SICK IN THE MIND – but don’t take my word for it, merely witness the present and past state of the planet, and Malona (asteroid belt) you blew up, and the suffering you would have caused as wise ones you forcefully bonded to you via reproduction would have seen it slowing coming and been tormented by their knowledge. STFU psycho newb clowns.
What is it that you actually gain by sitting there and typing such viciously disrespectful comments on here? You are spending quite a bit of your time and focusing your energy on being a very mean person to people you don't even know. Why do you do it?
PPS. mini me fetishes, MORE ADVANCED PETS, pocket forced friends. flagrant prostitution. RECTAL RESIDUE. CUM SHOTZ. DIRTY SANCHEZ. GOLD SHOWERS. machine guns, BEING AT THE MERCY OF 14X OVERPOPULATING NOXIOUS BREEDING VERMIN – YOUR COUNT’S AT 3 MASTER MEIER YOU 2 FACED WEASEL, atomic bombs, poisonous oxygen depleted air, nutrient depleted food, politics, paper pushing, projectile semen, deep throating, biological weapons causing gruesome slow deaths, mana depleted earth, RICHARD GERE PRESENTS GIRBLING.
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 20:31, 28 April 2012 (BST)
== Cat said ... ==
PPPS. Feces, urine, semen, saliva, sweat, stores with price numbers, deals, 50% off, 60% off, 70% off, 2 4 1, 3 4 1, 9/11, 911, ritual sacrifice, sidewalk ads, tv ads, radio ads, internet ads, toilet room ads, mailed ads, explosive diarrhoea, boogers, farts, arm pits, pubic hair, animal bloodsports, maggots, cockroaches, vermin, surprise bear maulings, Brazen Bull, ass crack licking, stretching and quartering, abacination, denailing, Glasgow smile, Iron Maiden, scaphism, pitchcapping, boiling, sawing, dunking, castration, bountiful semen guzzling, SHEILA AND ALIVE PRESENT THEIR GENITALS – SCRATCH THAT, NOT PRESENT, WON’T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER AFTER THEIR PRESENTATION: FREEDOM FROM REINCARNATION MUST BE GRANTED TO THOSE THAT DESIRE IT; IT’S ONLY FAIR.
<div class='commentBlock'>
Do we have to put up with this disgusting behaviour on this forum?  Can't someone block these posts before they go through?  I know they are instant but perhaps a new system is needed?  TROLL ERA is a raving lunatic on here and out in public he would be avoided no doubt and locked up going on like that so maybe he is psychopathic?  His continual references of a sexual nature are indicative of a very disturbed individual indeed and previous incarnations must have been horrific. I don't bother even reading his posts - they aren't worth it. Take him and throw away the key.
PPPPS. Awww, how cute, obvious things you clearly engage in, THAT ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE,  are being pointed out, and you grasp at pathetic bait and switch negation. LULZ. Poor effort, but thanks for showing up. ROFL.
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 22:11, 28 April 2012 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
PPPPPS. BAM, WILD SNORLAX APPEARS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt7dK62QdLM&feature=related
<div class='commentBlock'>
And that my friends, is one reason why the extraterrestrials don't bother landing on the White House lawn....I'm sure you can figure out the others.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 22:05, 30 April 2012 (BST)
== Cat said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
James, thanks for that but I do believe he'll make a comeback. Same channel, different name etc
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 19:46, 1 May 2012 (BST)
== RemR said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
If he does, there's a saying, "Don't feed the trolls."
--[[User:Newb Slayer|Newb Slayer]] 21:06, 27 April 2012 (BST)
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 20:08, 1 May 2012 (BST)
== Alive said ... ==
== Cat said ... ==
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Is TROLL ERA/Newb Slayer the one starting all these new user names?  Psychopathic behaviour indeed.
I will not respond to your comment anymore unless you send me the photographs of your bitchy Romanian cousins.
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 06:54, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== RemR said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Who knows... But yeah, who has been starting all these new user names is a good question, which I have been wondering about for a while now! I really doubt it is all completely new and random people every time.
Is someone getting paid to do it?
Do they think it is going to override the server because of space?
What a waste of time and energy, if it is one or a few people!
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 08:22, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== Alive said ... ==
Extraordinary Postscript
<div class='commentBlock'>
I guess there are 2 human life forms create new user names without writing any comment. One of them is a female human life form. The other one is Christian AKA Slayer AKA Troll AKA Minimefetishes AKA Bondagerobot AKA Hemaphrodite. Maybe he is in Canada, maybe in Romania. It would be nice to see them marrying each other and create goblins and cyclops.
Do not forget to attach their biodata (name, birth place, birth date, height, weight, hobbies, native language, and religion).
--[[User:Alive|-- M --]] 06:31, 28 April 2012 (BST)
--[[User:Alive|-- M --]] 18:37, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== TROLL ERA said ... ==
== Cat said ... ==
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(image of vagina7.jpg removed)
Alive - no it wouldn't!  And if they do reproduce, make sure it's on another planet of trolls will you?
There you go as per request – YOUR ULTIMATE FETISH – BIODATA VISUALLY INSTEAD OF NUMERICALLY INCLUDED; ROFL. If you’ll leave an address, I can also mail you some of my dick cheese – YOUR EQUAL ULTIMATE FETISH.
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 18:52, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== RemR said ... ==
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Haha, what a strange hypothetical situation...
If you want, we can also schedule a photography meeting, where I can photograph you in make up, a dress, high heels and a padded braw and wig, so you can better prepare for your next round of role playing. I can also film you practicing some dance moves so you can study the video to better prepare you for your dance recital your parents will be forcing on you. LULZ.
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 20:22, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
I’m feeling in a generous mood, so here’s also my manuscript you requested. Are you ready for it? It’s only 1 sentence long: Part of your stuff keeps growing in power and decreasing in restrictions, in the same way that Creation which is also simply just made of stuff, used stuff as a means to absorb concepts, pressing always further into all angles of anything and everything, though that being said, this limiting version of reality is completely optional.
<div class='commentBlock'>
I think the troll will certainly be back, he appears to take a special interest in Sheila responses that often throws him into warp orbit in some mind chaotic ramblings on human sexuality that even animals won't dare get into..
Now I’m waiting for your manuscript. Just kidding; no I’m not, as I already know what it is: HERP DERP. HERP DERP. NARF NARF . WAAHHG, show me your genitals, <insert http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum argument here>
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 21:33, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== Sanjin said ... ==
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Maybe he just hates women for some reason.
Poor effort, but thanks for playing.
--[[User:Sanjin|Sanjin]] 23:27, 2 May 2012 (BST)
== Zameen said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
His stream of consciousness rambling is indicative of a disturbed mind. While I am repelled by his disgusting posts, I feel bad for him because he's probably truly alone.
--[[User:Zameen|Zameen]] 02:34, 3 May 2012 (BST)
== RemR said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thanks for getting rid of that delusional and out of place nonsense, Sanjin. I just read a bunch of it and it made my brain almost hurt, as well as the deeper issue of the fact that it just jolted my humaneness and refinement. I might actually need to meditate on that... It'll be good to meet you in a few weeks btw. :)
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 06:06, 3 May 2012 (BST)
== Cat said ... ==
THERE’S A REASON YOU WERE BORN WITH CARPET CHEST HAIR: YOU HAVE AN APE MENTALITY. Get the banana Igor, to your right. ... good monkey.
<div class='commentBlock'>
well it's nice to see the new users have stopped.  We welcome new users of course but not the kind the now defunct TROLL ERA  was pretending to be.  What a waste of good space.  Except I'm suspicious about the few new users we did gain in the last couple of days...
--[[User:Newb Slayer|Newb Slayer]] 19:32, 28 April 2012 (BST)
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 10:02, 3 May 2012 (BST)
== RemR said ... ==
== Sanjin said ... ==
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Dear person who hides behind the anonymous Internet name of 'Newb Slayer',
You're welcome Rem. I'll get a hold of you one of these days. Just stuck with final exams right now and stuff.
It must have been some kind of bot that was making all those new users. James Moore, the webmaster here, put a stop to it.
What is it that you actually gain by sitting there and typing such viciously disrespectful comments on here? You are spending quite a bit of your time and focusing your energy on being a very mean person to people you don't even know. Why do you do it?
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 20:31, 28 April 2012 (BST)
--[[User:Sanjin|Sanjin]] 19:27, 3 May 2012 (BST)
== Cat said ... ==
== Jamesm said ... ==
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Do we have to put up with this disgusting behaviour on this forum?  Can't someone block these posts before they go through?  I know they are instant but perhaps a new system is needed?  TROLL ERA is a raving lunatic on here and out in public he would be avoided no doubt and locked up going on like that so maybe he is psychopathic?  His continual references of a sexual nature are indicative of a very disturbed individual indeed and previous incarnations must have been horrific. I don't bother even reading his posts - they aren't worth it. Take him and throw away the key.
Yeah the new users were probably a bot (program). Some unscrupulous people like to use programs to post links to their websites in order to generate traffic to those websites and hence clicks on the adverts on those websites resulting in money from Google. Those programs also have to be clever enough to create accounts on websites like this one. They apparently were but were still not clever enough to figure out how to post a link on a Discussion page. I've now configured the wiki to ask a trick question when someone or some program attempts to create a new account. Such as what is the colour red?
--[[User:Cat|Cat]] 22:11, 28 April 2012 (BST)
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 19:45, 3 May 2012 (BST)

Edição atual desde as 18h48min de 3 de maio de 2012

Comments on FIGU Special Bulletin 20 <comments />

Alive said ...

Considering how close MIB persons to mister Billy, I guess MIB organization has somekind of quarter in Switzerland to run surveillance on mister Billy, in cooperation with Swiss intelligence office, funded by old-NAZI, neo-NAZI, postmodernist-NAZI, and contemporary-NAZI, which have accounts in Swiss money laundry banks. I read somewhere a letter from an American intelligence officer for Wendelle Stevens which said that mister Billy is observed by several intelligence offices, including Swiss's. I still do not get it why NAZI freaks and Swiss financial gangsters hate mister Billy, since mister Billy never stole their coins and exposed their financial frauds.

---- M -- 20:24, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

Alive said ...

I want to say something about Kalliope. This is what happened to the jealous wives and sometimes also happened to the jealous girlfriends. After they became ex-wives and ex-girlfriends they will deny many facts which are parts of their own experiences. In extreme cases they even denied that they have ever met the men they used to love. I wish in the far future there will be no more troubled wive and troubled girlfriend in DERN universe, so the husbands and boyfriends could develop their Egos peacefully. But I always know that most of my wishes were not based on reality and did not take historical facts into consideration.

---- M -- 20:49, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...

I would agree so, reminds me one early morning about 4 AM waiting for the sun to be up so we could start trolling for the big yellow tin tuna after a night of successful ocean bottoming fishing. We caught several hundred pounds of red snappers and were just enjoying the peaceful calm ocean about 8-10 miles from land when the CB radio cracked alive with traffic. Hawaiian 23:19, 5 March 2011 (UTC) (correction "yellow fin tuna" not "tin"?) we caught one that day about 115 pounds, medium size

On the other end was some bitchy wife telling her husband to run some errands when he got back on land, she could easily told him to call her when he arrived, but no everyone on that channel could hear that poor guy getting hen pecked! Maybe that’s the reason why he chose to go fishing to get some peace of mind.

Makes one wonder why that black flag with the symbolic ball and chain icon and warning “Wife’s Onboard” is so similar to a pirate’s black flag with the skull and bones?

--Hawaiian 23:12, 5 March 2011 (UTC)

Jamesm said ...

I wonder what the genuine dinosaur photos look like in the 2001 edition of Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports Block No. 1? They must be quite fascinating photos but are they clear?

--Jamesm 02:05, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

MIB utilized hypnosis to universal remote control the mind of people of Earth. Those folks are dedicated to try and get Billy and fail 21 times. I wonder how they discovered there hideout, they probably utilized some of Asket's 007 gear and thwarted there schemes. I wonder if they could create some type of mental barrier so people are not so easily controlled by malevolent forces. :)

--Markvd 05:15, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Sheila said ...

Hi Hawaiian, people deserve what they are willing to put up with. If your friend couldn't stick up for himself, that's his problem. Believe me, there are just as many bitchy husbands as there are bitchy wives.

--Sheila 22:34, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Hawaiian said ...

Hi Sheila,

Yeah you're right, I was thinking of cutting in on the radio and telling her off, but it was not my boat so had to respect the captain on that account. I did not know that guy was, some other fisherman who should have done what you said...

It's too bad us Earth humans are not like the Plejarens in this respect, they don't have the mother-in-law interference problem that are so apparent here.

--Hawaiian 23:31, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Benjamin Stevens said ...

Hi James,

I added the photos from the book for you to see. My digital camera was in its highest resolution auto focus mode when I snapped the shots. Thus, if some of the pictures look fuzzy, that's how fuzzy they actually appear in the book.

--βενιαμιν 03:29, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

Jamesm said ...

Thanks Ben! Fascinating! Strange how the humans are photographed exactly side-on. Some would say it was taken from a book or something but theyre still plausibly real photos of planet Neber.

--Jamesm 19:39, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

Markvd said ...

Our world is full of strategic baffoons that want to learn more utilizing treacherous means such as setups and falsifications. Pay it no mind as they tend to do this to either destroy all hope in BEAM's work or to learn more by accusation, thus propelling BEAM to prove himself over time and again. You can only teach blind corrupted spirits if you teach them humbly how to accept such creative wonders as planets that have dinosaurs. They will use every tilt and means to defy truth at times only to deny all of humanity freedom. Thus enslaving humanity themselves due to there false accusations. :)

--Markvd 18:21, 25 April 2012 (BST)

Cat said ...

Is the top picture (with the pyramids) supposed to contain dinosaurs or not? If so, it's incredible that man could live among dinosaurs - long enough to build those structures! Then again, more advanced planets may build their pyramids much quicker with sound and levitation than it took our people thousands of years ago.

--Cat 19:38, 25 April 2012 (BST)

TROLL ERA said ...


  • Cleaned up the pollution. Not worth reading.

Alive said ...


Your comment is not only very christian, but also successfully represent the best things of Romanian cultural heritage that you are always proud of. You should develop your comment into a comprehensive treatise and publish it in the form of booklet. The whole world is waiting for your enlightenment.

Preliminary Postscript

I need some materials to help me understanding the Romanian culture better. Please send me a tiny part of your gigantic collection of Romanian bitches photographs. Thank you for your time and noble attention.

---- M -- 07:41, 27 April 2012 (BST)

Sheila said ...

Don't worry about me, delusional Troll Era, genital issues are the least of my worries. But you obviously have genital issues that you should get looked after. You seem rather obsessed. What I expose my kids to is truth, ethics and standing up for oneself. I hope you’re happy because I exposed your rant to one of my kids and the response was what a fucked up piece of crap you are. What can I say, kids are always right 

--Sheila 15:58, 27 April 2012 (BST)

Alive said ...


I will not respond to your comment anymore unless you send me the photographs of your bitchy Romanian cousins.

Extraordinary Postscript

Do not forget to attach their biodata (name, birth place, birth date, height, weight, hobbies, native language, and religion).

---- M -- 06:31, 28 April 2012 (BST)

RemR said ...

Dear person who hides behind the anonymous Internet name of 'Newb Slayer',

What is it that you actually gain by sitting there and typing such viciously disrespectful comments on here? You are spending quite a bit of your time and focusing your energy on being a very mean person to people you don't even know. Why do you do it?

--RemR 20:31, 28 April 2012 (BST)

Cat said ...

Do we have to put up with this disgusting behaviour on this forum? Can't someone block these posts before they go through? I know they are instant but perhaps a new system is needed? TROLL ERA is a raving lunatic on here and out in public he would be avoided no doubt and locked up going on like that so maybe he is psychopathic? His continual references of a sexual nature are indicative of a very disturbed individual indeed and previous incarnations must have been horrific. I don't bother even reading his posts - they aren't worth it. Take him and throw away the key.

--Cat 22:11, 28 April 2012 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

And that my friends, is one reason why the extraterrestrials don't bother landing on the White House lawn....I'm sure you can figure out the others.

--Jamesm 22:05, 30 April 2012 (BST)

Cat said ...

James, thanks for that but I do believe he'll make a comeback. Same channel, different name etc

--Cat 19:46, 1 May 2012 (BST)

RemR said ...

If he does, there's a saying, "Don't feed the trolls."

--RemR 20:08, 1 May 2012 (BST)

Cat said ...

Is TROLL ERA/Newb Slayer the one starting all these new user names? Psychopathic behaviour indeed.

--Cat 06:54, 2 May 2012 (BST)

RemR said ...

Who knows... But yeah, who has been starting all these new user names is a good question, which I have been wondering about for a while now! I really doubt it is all completely new and random people every time. Is someone getting paid to do it? Do they think it is going to override the server because of space? What a waste of time and energy, if it is one or a few people!

--RemR 08:22, 2 May 2012 (BST)

Alive said ...

I guess there are 2 human life forms create new user names without writing any comment. One of them is a female human life form. The other one is Christian AKA Slayer AKA Troll AKA Minimefetishes AKA Bondagerobot AKA Hemaphrodite. Maybe he is in Canada, maybe in Romania. It would be nice to see them marrying each other and create goblins and cyclops.

---- M -- 18:37, 2 May 2012 (BST)

Cat said ...

Alive - no it wouldn't! And if they do reproduce, make sure it's on another planet of trolls will you?

--Cat 18:52, 2 May 2012 (BST)

RemR said ...

Haha, what a strange hypothetical situation...

--RemR 20:22, 2 May 2012 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...

I think the troll will certainly be back, he appears to take a special interest in Sheila responses that often throws him into warp orbit in some mind chaotic ramblings on human sexuality that even animals won't dare get into..

--Hawaiian 21:33, 2 May 2012 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Maybe he just hates women for some reason.

--Sanjin 23:27, 2 May 2012 (BST)

Zameen said ...

His stream of consciousness rambling is indicative of a disturbed mind. While I am repelled by his disgusting posts, I feel bad for him because he's probably truly alone.

--Zameen 02:34, 3 May 2012 (BST)

RemR said ...

Thanks for getting rid of that delusional and out of place nonsense, Sanjin. I just read a bunch of it and it made my brain almost hurt, as well as the deeper issue of the fact that it just jolted my humaneness and refinement. I might actually need to meditate on that... It'll be good to meet you in a few weeks btw. :)

--RemR 06:06, 3 May 2012 (BST)

Cat said ...

well it's nice to see the new users have stopped. We welcome new users of course but not the kind the now defunct TROLL ERA was pretending to be. What a waste of good space. Except I'm suspicious about the few new users we did gain in the last couple of days...

--Cat 10:02, 3 May 2012 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

You're welcome Rem. I'll get a hold of you one of these days. Just stuck with final exams right now and stuff.

It must have been some kind of bot that was making all those new users. James Moore, the webmaster here, put a stop to it.

--Sanjin 19:27, 3 May 2012 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Yeah the new users were probably a bot (program). Some unscrupulous people like to use programs to post links to their websites in order to generate traffic to those websites and hence clicks on the adverts on those websites resulting in money from Google. Those programs also have to be clever enough to create accounts on websites like this one. They apparently were but were still not clever enough to figure out how to post a link on a Discussion page. I've now configured the wiki to ask a trick question when someone or some program attempts to create a new account. Such as what is the colour red?

--Jamesm 19:45, 3 May 2012 (BST)