Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:OM"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Comment provided by Jamesm - via ArticleComments extension)
(Há 14 revisões intermédias de 7 utilizadores que não estão a ser apresentadas)
Linha 68: Linha 68:
wider-recht-lich -> un-right-ly (I put down unrightfully, because I could not initially find unrightly in my dictionary. But the Oxford English Dictionary confirmed that there actually is such a word. I'll probably change it eventually to unrightly)
wider-recht-lich -> un-right-ly (I put down unrightfully, because I could not initially find unrightly in my dictionary. But the Oxford English Dictionary confirmed that there actually is such a word. I'll probably change it eventually to unrightly)
Machtgier is a compound word, for which there is no equal word in the English language. It comes from Macht-Gier (might-greed). The original was not translated properly, because it was missing -greed-. Now that I look at it again, I think it should be "...possessed by greed for might and all evil". Germans have only one word for possessed and obssessed, and it should be selected depending on context.
Machtgier is a compound word, for which there is no equal word in the English language. It comes from Macht-Gier (might-greed). The original was not translated properly, because it was missing -greed-. Now that I look at it again, I think it should be "...possessed by greed for might and all evil". Germans have only one word for possessed and obsessed, and it should be selected depending on context.
Regarding the word "Glauben" it is the same thing. There is only one word "Glauben" for both faith and belief. I was not aware of that when I was correcting it.  
Regarding the word "Glauben" it is the same thing. There is only one word "Glauben" for both faith and belief. I was not aware of that when I was correcting it.  
Linha 90: Linha 90:
--[[User:Sanjin|Sanjin]] 03:43, 26 April 2010 (BST)
--[[User:Sanjin|Sanjin]] 03:43, 26 April 2010 (BST)
== Ike said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Kanon 52
40. Creation however promotes life and love and destiny, that never allows injury, suffering or pain to be inflicted upon a life form.
This verse seems illogical since Creation does not stop injury, suffering or pain. I do not know German very well but it seems like this verse is possibly miss translated. I put the verse through the Google translator and got:
"But urges the creation of life and love and the determination that a life form never harm or pain or suffering must be inflicted."
So I would venture that for the verse be more logical it would have to be more like this:
40. Creation however promotes life and love and destiny, and does not determine that a life form inflict harm, pain or suffering.
40. Creation however promotes life and love and destiny, and never determines a life form to  allow injury, suffering or pain to be inflicted.
--[[User:Ike|Ike]] 23:59, 9 July 2011 (BST)
== Carsch said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Wow!! Religion is not going away. It's still here but in different forms....i'm referring to some of the things i just read on this page (kanon)
--[[User:Carsch|Carsch]] 07:57, 10 July 2011 (BST)
== Hawaiian said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Wow!! Religion is not going away. It's still here but in different forms....i'm referring to some of the things i just read on this page (kanon)
So Carsch, are you endorsing religions and the parasite "gods" after all its negative results on humanity?
--[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 09:37, 10 July 2011 (BST)
== Carsch said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
On the contrary, Hawiian. This site is sounding a bit too much religious for my taste. I thought it would be fun for me to hang around for a while, but then..... you can't go against others' beliefs. I'll move on. :)
--[[User:Carsch|Carsch]] 18:10, 10 July 2011 (BST)
== RemR said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
And some do not understand the difference between religion and spirituality. I ''think'' most people ''believe'' that they are synonymous.
It doesn't have to be religious for it to be spiritual (of spiritual nature - the spirit of the human being and not the spirit of some kind of god out there).
--[[User:RemRobinson|RemR]] 14:29, 10 July 2011 (MST)
== Carsch said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
I agree. However, a quick look at the recommendation page and this very page (OM), one will see similarities with the bible.
Truth, or Creation doesn't need any books, any recommendations, any rules or laws to be followed. It does not push, force and demmnd anything from anyone. We human beings do – because of our adopted ways and belief systems.
--[[User:Carsch|Carsch]] 22:34, 10 July 2011 (BST)
== Sheila said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Hi Carsch, you're right, in a perfect world the truth of creation would never give any laws because the laws would be so ingrained in us, that we would never have to wonder if we are making the right choices.  However our world is not perfect, far from it and currently people need laws to live by as guidance.  You seem to be of the mindset that you are incapable of doing something wrong because nothing is ever wrong.  That's a very delusional way of thinking.
--[[User:Sheila|Sheila]] 04:24, 11 July 2011 (BST)
== Carsch said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Sheila, as long as you keep looking at what “others need” instead of what “you need”, you aren’t living your truth or deciding for yourself. “What others need” is perception. Others don’t need anything other than this we project on to them. Thus any laws is a thing of your own creation; for that is what you perceive that needs be. Yet everyone will perceive differently. But would you know that despite what the reasoning mind sees to be the right choice, the right action or direction, it is almost never what appears to be?
<i>“You seem to be of the mindset that you are incapable of doing something wrong because nothing is ever wrong. That's a very delusional way of thinking. “</i>
Now, yes, there is good and bad, right and wrong – in the sense that we understand them as we do. And that is perfectly valid. However, outside of such human notions, within ourselves, in the nature of who we truly are in spirit, there are no such things.
The idea, thus, would be to understand why we create such notions about right and wrong, good and bad, and how these go about affecting us in our every day experienced realities. Of course, from our human standing point, we will find all kinds of valid reasons. However, we want to move on, change our present experiences so to experience different than what we’ve been experiencing till now, do we not? If this is the case, we need to start looking at ourselves a bit closer – not exactly what others are doing, but what we (the individual) are doing, and how our actions are affecting us. Judging yourself and others and finding faults aren’t going to help fix anything here. Nor is our (the individual) attempt to fix or change others going to work. If you believe it will work, or that there is a system that will make it work, you are being illusive.
They say the outside is a reflection of the inside. If we accept this as a truth, then in order to change that outer reflection, we must work on what’s inside. What is inside? The individual himself. It is you, and not the others or what you see at fault. Each and everyone of us are creating our own realities, and this is regardless of what we want to think or reason here with our human minds. If we want to see anything, we must go inside – there is where all the answers are found.
Thus good and bad, right and wrong cannot be but what is being reflected outwardly from within the inner being. Let go the idea that there needs to be good and bad, right and wrong ( it’s nevertheless a process in itself and requires some work), and you’ll reflect that on your outer world and reality. However, if you keep choosing to believe that there is or has to be always right and wrong, it is then what you’ll create in your reality.
--[[User:Carsch|Carsch]] 06:18, 13 July 2011 (BST)
== Faktor said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Kanon 9
70. Gelobet sei die Wahrheit des Wortes der Wahheit.
There is an "r" missing in the second "Wahrheit".
--[[User:Faktor|Faktor]] 15:30, 2 August 2012 (BST)
== Faktor said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Kanon 49
1. Im Namen der Schöpfung, der Weisen, de Gerechten.
An "r" is missing in "der Gerechten"
--[[User:Faktor|Faktor]] 15:46, 2 August 2012 (BST)
== Faktor said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Kanon 49
46. Der Mensch darf den Menschen nicht bloss auf seiner bilogischen
There is an "o" missing in "biologischen"
--[[User:Faktor|Faktor]] 16:08, 2 August 2012 (BST)
== Jamesm said ... ==
<div class='commentBlock'>
Thanks Faktor. Those were obviously correct corrections. I have implemented your corrections.
--[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 21:35, 2 August 2012 (BST)

Edição atual desde as 20h35min de 2 de agosto de 2012

--Sanjin 18:36, 22 September 2009 (UTC)Just a note that Beobachter basically means supervisor.

Stephen Moore Ufofacts 13 October 2009

Hello Sanjin,

Im sure you have good intensions and alot to offer regarding translations, However some of your translation "corrections" you have done to the OM page here are incorrect. I dont know if your "corrections" are based on your on interpretations of the german text and what you think is ment by what is written. Please consider the following of which I do not have time to go through all of the changes you have made. I have found more "correction" errors:

German - 10. Sie erhoben sich auf der Erde widerrechtlich über die Menschen, sich Gott nennend, den Schöpfer.

Original translation - 10. They elevated themselves on the Earth unlawfully above the humans, named themselves God, the Creator.

Your translation - 10. They elevated themselves on the Earth unrightfully above the humans, named themselves God, the Creator.

The german word widerrechtlich when tranlated by Google means illegally. unlawfully and illegally are pretty much the same thing.

German - 15. Und viele der Götter waren ausgeartet und bösartig, besessen von Machtgier und allem Uebel.

Original translation - 15. And many of the Gods were degenerated and malicious, obsessed by power and all evil.

Your translation - 15. And many of the Gods were degenerated and malicious, obsessed by greed for power and all evil.

obsessed by power and all evil when translated is besessen von Macht und allen Übels which is the same as the German

obsessed by greed for power and all evil translates to something which has a added words besessen von der Gier nach Machtund allen Übels

There fore you have added the English translation new words which are not in the german original

German - 18. Also folgten die Völker dem jeweiligen Gott ihrer Religion, und sie verfielen in die Finsternis des Glaubens

Original translation - 18. Therefore the people followed the particular God of their religion, and they became slaves in the darkness of faith

Your translation - 18. Therefore the people followed the particular God of their religion, and they became slaves in the darkness of believing

The german word Glaubens when tranlated by Google means faith

I do not mean to pick on you personally. I do feel that any translation changes must be past to FIGU first and/or the original translators. Then they can say yes or no to the changes before the changes are made here. I know some of the people who do the translations which are regulary posted on this site. The translation are sometimes double and triple checked and corrected before they are posted here.

I myself do not have a problem with corrections to translations but I ask you to please contact FIGU or the original translators and send them your changes before changing them here

Bigfoot said ...

Note:I know the truth now.I let go of stupid religion because of the truth.Next, I will follow the laws of Creation and Spiritual laws.The victory reward is worth billions of years for my evolution to higher spirit form and this gets me closer to creation.More lives to live,more wisdom to gain,real love to grow,perhaps I will travel and look back at my own Milky Way Galaxy.

--Bigfoot 07:14, 21 April 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Hi Stephen.

Sorry, I had not noticed your post right away, but I can explain why I made those changes.

The german word widerrechtlich is a compound word of wider (contrary or against) and rechtlich (rightly). It is not illegal, because there is also a German word legal, which has the same meaning as in English. The reason why I don't like illegal is because it is usually used in the context of governmental law authority. Not saying that it is wrong to translate it as such, but it should be something that expresses moral unlawfulness. Unlawful also has a German word which is "ungesetzlich", whereby Gesetz is law. Therefore:

English -> German

law -> Gesetz

legal -> legal

right -> Recht

wider-recht-lich -> un-right-ly (I put down unrightfully, because I could not initially find unrightly in my dictionary. But the Oxford English Dictionary confirmed that there actually is such a word. I'll probably change it eventually to unrightly)

Machtgier is a compound word, for which there is no equal word in the English language. It comes from Macht-Gier (might-greed). The original was not translated properly, because it was missing -greed-. Now that I look at it again, I think it should be "...possessed by greed for might and all evil". Germans have only one word for possessed and obsessed, and it should be selected depending on context.

Regarding the word "Glauben" it is the same thing. There is only one word "Glauben" for both faith and belief. I was not aware of that when I was correcting it.

Salome, Sanjin

--Sanjin 03:33, 26 April 2010 (BST)

Sanjin said ...

Also, you will find that in a lot of these initial translations, Macht was translated as power. That is because people in the English world usually use power in the context where Germans say Macht. But it can be easily seen that might and Macht have the same roots:

"Old English miht; compare Old High German maht, Dutch macht"

--Sanjin 03:43, 26 April 2010 (BST)

Ike said ...

Kanon 52 40. Creation however promotes life and love and destiny, that never allows injury, suffering or pain to be inflicted upon a life form.

This verse seems illogical since Creation does not stop injury, suffering or pain. I do not know German very well but it seems like this verse is possibly miss translated. I put the verse through the Google translator and got:

"But urges the creation of life and love and the determination that a life form never harm or pain or suffering must be inflicted."

So I would venture that for the verse be more logical it would have to be more like this:

40. Creation however promotes life and love and destiny, and does not determine that a life form inflict harm, pain or suffering.


40. Creation however promotes life and love and destiny, and never determines a life form to allow injury, suffering or pain to be inflicted.

--Ike 23:59, 9 July 2011 (BST)

Carsch said ...

Wow!! Religion is not going away. It's still here but in different forms....i'm referring to some of the things i just read on this page (kanon)

--Carsch 07:57, 10 July 2011 (BST)

Hawaiian said ...


Wow!! Religion is not going away. It's still here but in different forms....i'm referring to some of the things i just read on this page (kanon)

So Carsch, are you endorsing religions and the parasite "gods" after all its negative results on humanity?

--Hawaiian 09:37, 10 July 2011 (BST)

Carsch said ...

On the contrary, Hawiian. This site is sounding a bit too much religious for my taste. I thought it would be fun for me to hang around for a while, but then..... you can't go against others' beliefs. I'll move on. :)

--Carsch 18:10, 10 July 2011 (BST)

RemR said ...

And some do not understand the difference between religion and spirituality. I think most people believe that they are synonymous.

It doesn't have to be religious for it to be spiritual (of spiritual nature - the spirit of the human being and not the spirit of some kind of god out there).

--RemR 14:29, 10 July 2011 (MST)

Carsch said ...

I agree. However, a quick look at the recommendation page and this very page (OM), one will see similarities with the bible.

Truth, or Creation doesn't need any books, any recommendations, any rules or laws to be followed. It does not push, force and demmnd anything from anyone. We human beings do – because of our adopted ways and belief systems.

--Carsch 22:34, 10 July 2011 (BST)

Sheila said ...

Hi Carsch, you're right, in a perfect world the truth of creation would never give any laws because the laws would be so ingrained in us, that we would never have to wonder if we are making the right choices. However our world is not perfect, far from it and currently people need laws to live by as guidance. You seem to be of the mindset that you are incapable of doing something wrong because nothing is ever wrong. That's a very delusional way of thinking.

--Sheila 04:24, 11 July 2011 (BST)

Carsch said ...

Sheila, as long as you keep looking at what “others need” instead of what “you need”, you aren’t living your truth or deciding for yourself. “What others need” is perception. Others don’t need anything other than this we project on to them. Thus any laws is a thing of your own creation; for that is what you perceive that needs be. Yet everyone will perceive differently. But would you know that despite what the reasoning mind sees to be the right choice, the right action or direction, it is almost never what appears to be?

“You seem to be of the mindset that you are incapable of doing something wrong because nothing is ever wrong. That's a very delusional way of thinking. “

Now, yes, there is good and bad, right and wrong – in the sense that we understand them as we do. And that is perfectly valid. However, outside of such human notions, within ourselves, in the nature of who we truly are in spirit, there are no such things.

The idea, thus, would be to understand why we create such notions about right and wrong, good and bad, and how these go about affecting us in our every day experienced realities. Of course, from our human standing point, we will find all kinds of valid reasons. However, we want to move on, change our present experiences so to experience different than what we’ve been experiencing till now, do we not? If this is the case, we need to start looking at ourselves a bit closer – not exactly what others are doing, but what we (the individual) are doing, and how our actions are affecting us. Judging yourself and others and finding faults aren’t going to help fix anything here. Nor is our (the individual) attempt to fix or change others going to work. If you believe it will work, or that there is a system that will make it work, you are being illusive.

They say the outside is a reflection of the inside. If we accept this as a truth, then in order to change that outer reflection, we must work on what’s inside. What is inside? The individual himself. It is you, and not the others or what you see at fault. Each and everyone of us are creating our own realities, and this is regardless of what we want to think or reason here with our human minds. If we want to see anything, we must go inside – there is where all the answers are found.

Thus good and bad, right and wrong cannot be but what is being reflected outwardly from within the inner being. Let go the idea that there needs to be good and bad, right and wrong ( it’s nevertheless a process in itself and requires some work), and you’ll reflect that on your outer world and reality. However, if you keep choosing to believe that there is or has to be always right and wrong, it is then what you’ll create in your reality.

--Carsch 06:18, 13 July 2011 (BST)

Faktor said ...

Kanon 9 70. Gelobet sei die Wahrheit des Wortes der Wahheit.

There is an "r" missing in the second "Wahrheit".

--Faktor 15:30, 2 August 2012 (BST)

Faktor said ...

Kanon 49 1. Im Namen der Schöpfung, der Weisen, de Gerechten. An "r" is missing in "der Gerechten"

--Faktor 15:46, 2 August 2012 (BST)

Faktor said ...

Kanon 49 46. Der Mensch darf den Menschen nicht bloss auf seiner bilogischen

There is an "o" missing in "biologischen"

--Faktor 16:08, 2 August 2012 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Thanks Faktor. Those were obviously correct corrections. I have implemented your corrections.

--Jamesm 21:35, 2 August 2012 (BST)