Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Created page with '''Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts")'' 06/09/2009 The following is my own words and thoughts and are not the words of Billy Meier or any FIGU member:- The time is long overdue...')
(Lust of Power Equates To Destruction)
Linha 10: Linha 10:
The time for the Human of Earth to take resposability is long overdue.  We are responsable for the wrongs that happen on Earth.  Religious wars and hatred, hatred for a skin colour,  hatred of a country, hatred of a fellow human and the irresponsible exploitation of Planet Earth.  We are responsable for voting and supporting criminal men in positions of power.  We are responsible therefore the removal of the criminal men that we voted for and support.  Put down your religions, machines of death, missions of making enormous wealth and join together as a one, united human race and take responsability for yourselves and your own well being and never be subservient to criminal, self interested, greedy rulers who will ultimatly bring the world to a desert waste land where only few of Creations creations survive.
The time for the Human of Earth to take resposability is long overdue.  We are responsable for the wrongs that happen on Earth.  Religious wars and hatred, hatred for a skin colour,  hatred of a country, hatred of a fellow human and the irresponsible exploitation of Planet Earth.  We are responsable for voting and supporting criminal men in positions of power.  We are responsible therefore the removal of the criminal men that we voted for and support.  Put down your religions, machines of death, missions of making enormous wealth and join together as a one, united human race and take responsability for yourselves and your own well being and never be subservient to criminal, self interested, greedy rulers who will ultimatly bring the world to a desert waste land where only few of Creations creations survive.
[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 07:08, 7 September 2009 (UTC) I totally agree with your comments! These power lustful, selfish greedy individuals currently in power will stop at nothing to further "gain" more power at the expense of others. They are even trying to manipulate the other realms beyond the 5 basic senses to further their evil agendas. Could it be that these individuals are the re-incarnated evil spirits that once destroyed the planet Malona or others that abused Earth and other humans that lived here, manipulating the process for their own gain?
The High Council was once "providing" guidance to the Hyperboeans here on Earth in pass time...maybe they know the answer to this question or resolution? Somehow it now goes into their realm of existence that is beyond the capabilities of more than 99.99 percent of Earth humans at this time.

Revisão das 07h08min de 7 de setembro de 2009

Stephen Moore (User "Ufofacts") 06/09/2009

The following is my own words and thoughts and are not the words of Billy Meier or any FIGU member:-

The time is long overdue for all Humans on Earth progressing on their incarnation cycle to put down their differences, childish nonsence and hate for eachother. The rain of hatred, greed, lust for power and lust for material wealth is rampent on the Earth. Responsible ones, who through the subservient masses of Humans, maintain their power at the cost of innocent life. Earth Humans have given their power away through hundreds of years of electing and supporting criminal men in positions of power, who care not for the people but for themselves and their own interrests.

Armed with their war machines, lies and threats they trample on the Earth and the Earth Human. Taking in ever more money at the cost of the poor man/woman. They live a life of self indulgence and self importance with the delution that they are the right full ones to hold power over the Earth Human. Taxes rise, the Earth is exploited, wars rage, suffering and poverty continue as the responsable ones play their war games in the delusion that they will be successful in obtaining power, wealth and control over their fellow Earth Humans.

Money is wasted on the technology of more powerfull, destructive and insane weapons and research into more destruction leads only to one thing. Self destruction. Ignorance that wars and destruction bring peace is a delusion of a sick mind. True peace comes not from war, hatred, greed but from knowledge, wisdom, understanding and true love. Self responsability, respectively taking responsability for our own actions and thoughts as we continue the learning process of evolution will bring us forward and make us wise and knowledgable. We would realise that the resposable ones who hold power over us on this Earth by our own actions of voting and supporting them is wrong and can no longer be tollerated. A wakening to the knowladge and understanding that the responsable ones are responsable for their own actions and thoughts too and if they fail in their responsability of their position in power then they can not be aloud to hold their position of power.

The time for the Human of Earth to take resposability is long overdue. We are responsable for the wrongs that happen on Earth. Religious wars and hatred, hatred for a skin colour, hatred of a country, hatred of a fellow human and the irresponsible exploitation of Planet Earth. We are responsable for voting and supporting criminal men in positions of power. We are responsible therefore the removal of the criminal men that we voted for and support. Put down your religions, machines of death, missions of making enormous wealth and join together as a one, united human race and take responsability for yourselves and your own well being and never be subservient to criminal, self interested, greedy rulers who will ultimatly bring the world to a desert waste land where only few of Creations creations survive.

Hawaiian 07:08, 7 September 2009 (UTC) I totally agree with your comments! These power lustful, selfish greedy individuals currently in power will stop at nothing to further "gain" more power at the expense of others. They are even trying to manipulate the other realms beyond the 5 basic senses to further their evil agendas. Could it be that these individuals are the re-incarnated evil spirits that once destroyed the planet Malona or others that abused Earth and other humans that lived here, manipulating the process for their own gain?

The High Council was once "providing" guidance to the Hyperboeans here on Earth in pass time...maybe they know the answer to this question or resolution? Somehow it now goes into their realm of existence that is beyond the capabilities of more than 99.99 percent of Earth humans at this time.