Diferenças entre edições de "Discussão:21st August 2010 - The worst floods in the entire history of Pakistan"

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
(Comment provided by Cat Johnson - via ArticleComments extension)
(Comment provided by jesus goldfarb - via ArticleComments extension)
Linha 39: Linha 39:
--Cat Johnson 02:33, 23 August 2010 (BST)
--Cat Johnson 02:33, 23 August 2010 (BST)
== jesus goldfarb said ... ==
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Naturally, I must disagree with your logic on this matter.
The nazis of WW2 were a corrupt political movement that few in germany could have foreseen or stopped. 
Overpopulation is a problem that has little to do with votes or elections. It's a personal choice that people make, or in my case a choice that I don't make.
A person cannot have children and then tell other people not to breed without looking like a total loser. There is no sound logic in being an apologist for such hypocrisy. Merely mistakes and learning.
--jesus goldfarb 07:38, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Revisão das 06h38min de 23 de agosto de 2010

Comments on World Events <comments />

Mark said ...

The prophets were spot on about us seeing catastrophies of such a massive scale. The next 2 years are suppose to be the worst. I sure hope people find kindness in themselves to help others any way they can through volunteer or donation because many will need help. All territories of the world are facing some natural occurence. Let's be prepared to mobilize quickly.

--Mark 06:25, 22 August 2010 (BST)

Bigfoot said ...

People think that time travel is impossible...yet they mostly think that the coming events cannot affect them because when they die they don't come back to the Earth. How cruel can one be to procreate and then tell their children...it is your problem son/daughter...when I die I won't be coming back. I was shopping in Wallmart the other day and over heard conversation between an employee and a elderly couple. The employee was bragging to them about her 14 grandchildren. I thought she acted so proud/unknowing.

--Bigfoot 18:44, 22 August 2010 (BST)

jesus goldfarb said ...

"Of course, all Earth humans are equally to blame for our current population" ---- Are they? I have no children, therefore I am not contributing to the problem. Billy Meier has children as well as many members of FIGU. I wish these FIGU people would practice what they preach instead of talking like hypocrites.

--jesus goldfarb 21:11, 22 August 2010 (BST)

Jamesm said ...

Jesus, I think you may have a good point on the one hand. It's initially a bit unfair of me to place the blame equally on all humans. However upon further contemplation my logic is sound. Does simply existing and adding to the population cause us to take the blame? Not really, we are not in control of whether we are born or not. Should it be a case of only those who have children are to blame? No, we can reduce the population even with 3 children per couple (by requiring that several prerequisites are satisfied before procreation is permitted, for example). Perhaps the blame should be laid at the feet of governments whose job it is to protect us? No, because the people grant power to the government and can take it away. Or the media companies who encourage sexual irresponsibility? No, because they only affect a subset of the population. Or the religions that are against contraception? No, same reason. Answer this: Who were responsible for the Nazi atrocities during World War 2? The Nazis or the people of Germany who voted them into power or, through inaction, failed to ensure that they stayed out of power? I would say the adults of Germany in 1932 were to blame. Since overpopulation is a current and escalating problem we should all take the blame and responsibility until we have averted from our dangerous course. We all need to take action against overpopulation and it is irresponsible not to do so. Only children can be deemed innocent in my opinion.

--Jamesm 00:50, 23 August 2010 (BST)

Cat Johnson said ...

A tragedy on immense proportions. I'm saddened to my core on what we're doing to our beautiful earth.

I sit here in my lovely home, unable to comprehend what those people are going through. What can I do? I'm passing this information from Billy on to as many people as will listen.

--Cat Johnson 02:33, 23 August 2010 (BST)

jesus goldfarb said ...


Naturally, I must disagree with your logic on this matter.

The nazis of WW2 were a corrupt political movement that few in germany could have foreseen or stopped.

Overpopulation is a problem that has little to do with votes or elections. It's a personal choice that people make, or in my case a choice that I don't make.

A person cannot have children and then tell other people not to breed without looking like a total loser. There is no sound logic in being an apologist for such hypocrisy. Merely mistakes and learning.


--jesus goldfarb 07:38, 23 August 2010 (BST)